At the instant Ji An left, a large amount of Immortals' blood flew into the sky towards Great Yu Imperial City and scattered on the ice, causing a large portion of the ice to melt.
The more it melted, the stronger became the mighty pressure spreading out from it, and the stronger the pressure was, the more powerful grew the laws in the world of Berserkers. This was a cycle, and one that was built upon the Immortals. It made all the Immortals that descended to the land of Berserkers be continuously oppressed and weakened.
Because of that, the Berserkers' slaughter filled with even greater madness.
Su Ming did not join in the slaughter too much. He lifted his head and looked towards the four Runes which had stopped operating once Great Yu Imperial City rose up. This was not due to the pressure caused by the city, but due to the Immortals in their land becoming hesitant.
So someone mentioned that they'd like to see the comparison for Life Matrix. I updated the chart, but only ONE Realm, ahuehuehuehue.
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Do remember the continents that act as the Rune for the Immortals to get over to the land of Berserkers.