As the convicts concerned themselves only with running, they did not look back at Dan Liang's figure. If they had done so, they would have seen an unbelievable scene.
The moment Dan Liang passed by all the convicts, a saber suddenly appeared in Dan Liang's right hand. Boiling hot blood constantly dripped off the blade, while Dan Liang's left hand was surprisingly holding a human head with blood spewing out.
At the same time, a headless corpse—wearing a white convict uniform—collapsed to the ground.
Dan Liang had beheaded a convict, but his eyes continued looking firm and resolute. As he held his bloodied saber and the human head, he charged fearlessly at the Silver Scaled Tigerhead Snake who had its mouth wide open.
The tiger head emitted a roar, as a pungent smell came spewing out. It blended into the strong winds, making it repugnant. Dan Liang's expression changed as he produced a green barrier that wrapped his entire body.
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