The two immodest actors, who happened to share the same opinion, passed the buck to Qin Guan. The director went pale, but Qin Guan smiled.
He was familiar with Lv Opera.
Lv Opera, which was also called Yang-Chin with makeup and Chin Opera, was one of the eight most famous Chinese operas and a very popular opera in the Shandong Province.
The actors spoke with a local accent, so the elderly loved it. Compared to Peking Opera, Lv Opera was much closer to life. Everyone in the Shandong Province could understand the lines easily.
Qin Guan's knowledge of Lv Opera had not come from Teacher Rong. Although she was a history professor, she couldn't understand the Shandong dialect. He had actually learned everything from his grandpa, an old man who knew a lot about folk art.
His grandpa had always liked immediate pleasures, so his own grandfather, who had been a strict man, hadn't liked him very much.
[1] Young men in Chinese operas.