Unduh Aplikasi
16.16% HP: Dance of the Veela / Chapter 16: A War on Two Fronts

Bab 16: A War on Two Fronts

April 6, 1998

Stockholm, Sweden

Gabrielle was bubbling with excitement. Harry and her were being ushered towards her father's offices, though she doubted they would see him today. Instead, the rather stiff young man was a junior adjutant of the Department of International Cooperation. He had obviously been here a few years by the way people knew him. He also looked annoyed at her and Harry. She had to admit that she felt a little guilty because they were getting special treatment to enter a program that most had to work hard to get into. Even though Harry had pointed out that they had done exceptionally well on their AIWL's, she still felt a little guilty over it. She wanted to get somewhere because she earned it.

The man took a right in the lobby, instead of going straight where her papa was. The secretary in the lobby gave them a large smile and greeted them, making the man leading them frown. "You will be getting an identification badge today. You cannot enter these offices without one. If you misplace it, you will need to go to the Security offices to get another. It is not a pleasant thing to replace your badge."

"Why not?" Harry asked.

"They have to verify you are who you are," the man said with a smirk.

"And where are the security offices?" Harry queried.

"I'm not your babysitter. Figure it out," the man said, opening the door. The hall had about two dozen doors off it. "This is the main wing for our diplomatic core. Most times the regional heads and staff are out or do not want to be disturbed. You are being assigned to the support offices for now."

"What are the support offices?" she asked.

"Support offices are just what it sounds like. They provide support to the main offices," the man said.

"And that support would be?" Harry questioned.

"Security. Research. Training. Report writing. Basically, all the menial and inane stuff a diplomat and their staff shouldn't be bothered with," the man said.

They walked the length of the hall. She looked at the plaques on the doors. Southern Europe, Northern Europe, Russia, Russian Empire, Caribbean Colonies, Southern Asia... She counted nineteen rooms that indicated what region of the world the office serviced. The windows next to the doors showed areas of various sizes. Looking in the window next to each door, she noticed the Caribbean Colonies had only two offices and four desks in the main area, while North America had dozens of desks and she saw eight offices, but suspected there were more as she caught sight of a corridor.

The man stopped at the last door on the right. "Support Services," he announced, opening the door. They stepped into a rather busy suite that appeared larger than the North American offices. A woman with white hair that was up in a neat bun, winged glasses, several earrings in each ear and wearing a nice blue blazer with a matching skirt greeted them from behind a desk.

"Good morning. What can the Department of Logistical and Diplomatic Support do for you today?" she said in a pleasant tone.

"Your new recruits. I'll have a request from Director Delacour in a little while that will be an urgent need," the man said in poor French. Apparently peasants can talk better, she mused to herself.

"Of course. I take it that you are Mr Potter and Ms Delacour?" the woman asked, a glint of amusement coming over her face when the rude man blanched.

Gabrielle gave the woman a small smile. "Oui, madam. Gabrielle Delacour."

The woman stood to shake her hand.

"You... you... you're a Delacour? Gabrielle Delacour?" the man asked, his condescending tone missing now.

"Oui, monsieur. I assure you that my betrothed and I are here to work and prove we belong. I will not use my papa's name to get any special privileges," she informed the man.

The man's eyes widened, then he took a long look at Harry. She could see the man pale more when his eyes caught Harry's forehead. "Mr Potter? As in Harry Potter? The Harry Potter?"

"Yes," was all Harry said.

With a shake, the man gave them a little bow. "I apologize for not introducing myself. Gerome Portree, Junior Adjutant in the Director's Office."

She sniffed to let him know that she wasn't happy with the way they had been treated. She knew that she didn't want her father's name to give her special treatment, so she inclined her head. She couldn't miss a dig at the man though. Her nature didn't like to be demeaned like he had. "Nice to meet you, Monsieur Portree. I will have to mention to my papa how polite and helpful you are to new recruits."

If the man could have lost more colour, she didn't know how he would as he looked white as a sheet now. With a strangled, "Oui. That would be appreciated," the man excused himself.

The woman behind the desk chuckled. "That cochon thinks he is so important. I take it that you won't tell your papa?" she said with a hint of a laugh on her voice.

Harry snorted. "Depends on whether he annoys us anymore today. Harry Potter and Gabrielle Delacour. Madam VonGelder, it is a pleasure to meet you. Ms Delacour and I were told to report to Monsieur Franco," Harry said in a formal tone, giving the woman his hand to shake.

"It is nice to meet you. You can call me Ava. Would you like me to call you by your first names?" she asked.

"When it is appropriate," Gabrielle answered.

"Bonne. We were told that you would be starting today and to treat you like any other junior staff. Gustaf is running a little late this morning. He had to see off a team to Serbia. You'll be starting with him in the security offices and with the junior diplomats. Supervisor Greenwell is in, so I'll show you to her offices," Ava told them.

They followed the woman. As they went, she pointed out the research team, which consisted of six desks, piled with paper, parchment, books and scrolls. Behind them were six rows of moveable shelves. They looked to go back hundreds of feet, with a new section about every twenty. She caught two people looking through the shelves and a third reading a very old tome.

Next was the report team. Nearly two dozen desks, mostly full, were busy with the workers doing various tasks. "Most of the main offices cut down on staff by using ours," Ava explained to some unasked question.

Records was down a hall to their right. The next was a small group marked for Cultural Relations. Just after the writing team was another hall. "That is where the security department is. They also have an entrance in the lobby, but they ask normal workers to enter in the main door here. Over here is the Junior Diplomats. This is where all new recruits scheduled to enter into a normal department are trained."

The area had three offices and nearly thirty desks. More than half were cleared right now, but those that were used were in various states of neatness or chaotic disarray with the work on them. Only four others were working at the desks. Ava knocked on an open door. "Supervisor Greenwell, I have Ms Delacour and Mr Potter. They were supposed to start with Supervisor Franco, but he is out in the field for the day."

Supervisor Greenwell was a woman with short black hair, dark eyes and dark skin. Various cloaks, robes and even a muggle business quit hung on racks on her wall. She looked up from some paperwork, blinking a few times before standing. "Oh, of course, Ava. I wasn't expecting them for a few days, but I am sure we can find them something to do. Come in. We don't stand on ceremony in the office, but I demand it when you are in the field. Thank you, Ava. If you could, have a house elf send us up some tea and coffee. "

Harry ushered her in and they took the seats indicated.

The woman leaned back into her chair. "It is nice to finally meet you, Ms Delacour. Your father doesn't say it much, but it is obvious how proud he is of you. And you, Mr Potter, everyone knows of your reputation, which has only grown since the attack at the New Years ball this year. You both graduated early. Passed your IAWL's with outstanding grades. You both come off as high achievers and highly motivated. Even with a name like Delacour, or the fame of the Boy-Who-Lived, I doubt you achieved what you have by using your names alone. What else can you tell me about yourself?"

Gabrielle felt a little taken aback. She had never been called out like that. She wasn't sure what to say, but Harry didn't have any issues speaking up.

"Supervisor Greenwell, I don't know what you have heard about us, and really don't care. Gabrielle and I are here to learn so that we can get out there and stop the terrorists," Harry told her. "We don't want any special treatment. We will earn anything required."

Gabrielle sat a little taller, knowing she shared his sentiments.

The woman snorted. " I can see that you are going to be one of those that speak their minds. I can see why Director Delacour likes you. Are you as forward, Ms Delacour?"

"I try to be more diplomatic, Supervisor Greenwell," she honestly replied.

"Right. I'll have to pair you both with Martel. For now, Mr Ishikawa is working at the third desk from the right. I know it's boring, but you will need to read through the employee manual and our general procedures. It usually takes most new recruits a few weeks to work though the material before passing the first tests. I'll have you meet with him and Martel when he comes back in. I am supposed to have you every afternoon, and Franco is supposed to have you every morning. Get going on that reading material and we'll see what group we assign you to once Martel has a chance to evaluate you," Supervisor Greenwell told them.

A half hour later they had been setup at desks next to each other. She shared a look with Harry. This was not what she expected for her first day, though she shouldn't have been surprised.


April 8, 1998

Belgrade, Serbia

Sirius didn't like leaving Renee right now, but this was important to her, their unborn child, Harry and his little veela-blood. All people that were the most important to Sirius, even more important than Remus and Hermione, though they followed tight behind them on that list.

The portkey deposited them into an underground room that looked like a grand station on an old train line. Five Aurors, a rotund Italian and three adjutants landed next to him. Sirius stepped out of the portkey very easily. As did the Aurors and one of the adjutants. The Italian diplomat and the other two stumbled.

Sirius stifled a guffaw at them. Representative Gerome Galliot was already grating on him. If this missioned failed, he didn't think it would be because of him or the Southern Council. He had voiced his objections to Alain, but this one came from over his head, with this man having the favour of three of the Senior Council, Alain couldn't muster up another more competent.

A half dozen languages was repeated by a witch in a more traditional regional dress and sleeveless robes. On the fourth time, she spoke English. "Please move out to the aisle. Keep the arrival zones clear."

The rotund man started to complain in Italian. Sirius rolled his eyes and stepped into the aisle and started to go towards the exit door. Two of the aurors followed him. "Monsieur Black! Monsieur Black! Where are you going?" one of the adjutants called out in French.

"I have my own orders," Sirius told them. Alain had asked him to check out the Aurors they had stationed here and to talk with Captain Franco. From the reports, they had made contact with the Woodmen a few times now. One Auror had already been returned in a pine box, and two others severely injured, reducing the current forces to twenty-eight, including Captain Franco.

"Monsieur Black, we need to meet with the Minister first," the adjutant informed him.

Sirius blew him off as he caught site of two ICW Aurors in dark blue robes next to what must be the Ministry representatives. He bowed to the representatives, then walked over to the Aurors. Just about everyone in the ICW either knew French or Swedish, with them being the largest influences on the continent in the wizarding world, though in the Muggle world it was most often English. A handsome woman stepped forward to meet him. "Seigneur Black?"

"Oui. Senior Auror Leitner?" he greeted her with a handshake.

"Oui. This is my second, Head Auror Martine Aurore. I am glad to see you. Is this all that was sent?" she asked, sounding a little disappointed.

"Was there a request for more?" Sirius honestly enquired.

"Captain Franco sent a request two days ago. I thought you would be bringing the fifteen he asked for," she frankly said. Apparently, things were worse than he thought.

"How bad is it?" he asked her.

"There was a third attempt on the Minister's life. His daughter was seriously hurt. She may lose the child she is carrying. The Albanian's only have ten Aurors left now, and we have three more that had to be sent back to Sweden today," she informed him, motioning for him to leave the large, vaulted room they had just entered.

He spared a look back at the two Aurors that were going to be stuck with the representative. The man was giving Sirius a glare as he used his adjutants to translate for him. Sirius felt sorry for the Southern Council's representatives.

Senior Auror Leitner led them to a set of double doors. Inside, he found fifteen of the ICW Aurors, Captain Franco and five of the golden and white sleeveless robes of the Southern Council. Captain Franco had been talking to the gathered crowd, stopping to see who came in. "Seigneur Black, it is good to see you. Did you bring the reinforcements I requested? I only see two."

Leitner shook her head. "They didn't get the request."

"When I last talked with Director Delacour last night, we hadn't heard, and none of the word of the attack last night reached my ears before we came," Sirius told him.

The man reached out his hand. Sirius took it to shake. "That is rather disappointing."

"Yes, it is. If you can tell me what is going on, I can see if we can get more to help," Sirius offered. He noticed that many in the room looked tired.

"I have three of my Aurors with the Minister. Two more at the hospital here in Belgrade. Most of us engaged with at least thirty of the Woodmen last night. We're all working on a few hours of sleep," Captain Franco told him. The man pulled Sirius over to a map. "We have word that there is a camp of some dissidents just south-east of Nis in the mountains. The portkey traces from the Ministers residence all point in that direction."

Sirius looked up at the man. "You were able to get traces? They usually hide those pretty well."

"That is what I said, Seigneur Black," Leitner said.

"Yes, my Senior Auror has made it clear she thinks this is a trap. Given the last two raids the Southern Council sent after an attack like this, I am prone to agree," the man said.

"You know that we are only to support our diplomats and the Minister, right?" Sirius asked, not really caring, but needing to at least give the appearance that he was going to follow the rules.

"Can I introduce Senior Auror Dardan Hoti and Head Auror Esad Simic of the Southern Council Auror Core. They are requesting our support. I was going to give the request to Representative Galliot," Captain Franco said.

Sirius shook his head. "Don't give it to him. He's a bureaucrat." Everyone here would understand what he was saying. Give it to the man and it would be weeks to months to get a reply. Sirius took out a scroll and handed it to Franco. "As of this morning, I've been given the authority to give you orders. There is a real concern about what is going on here and some berks are holding things up in the Lower Council to get more troops here. I'll contact Director Delacour shortly to see if we can get more, but I know this isn't the only region having issues right now. How many dissidents do you think there are?"

Franco closed his eyes for a moment. "They have attacked with no less than thirty in the last four attacks in the last few days. They are targeting senior officials and Aurors. Except for the Minister, they've been rather successful. We can only verify through memories of five of them dying, maybe double that hurt."

Sirius frowned. That meant that this new Voldemort had a hundred fifty men or more. Most likely more. From what he had seen, they were mostly fighters of some skill, probably meaning they were either ex-Aurors or mercenaries.

"I don't want to go into this blind. Are there any reports from the area?" Sirius enquired.

"We have everything here," Franco told him, indicating the table.

"Go through everything you have and I'll contact Director Delacour," Sirius told him. He put the bag he was carrying on the table. It was full of communication mirrors. Harry had made almost a dozen sets trying to find a way to link more than five. He was still working on it, but what he had made would help them, especially if they could pull off what Sirius was thinking. Another dozen or two bodies wouldn't hurt with his plans.


April 9, 1998

Hogwarts, Scotland

Luna was looking across to Hermione. She was showing the stress of Harry leaving and doing the duty of both Head students, studying for her NEWTS and trying to learn everything she could for her apprenticeship when they graduate. She had always been impressed with what Hermione could do, but she was starting to realize that Harry had been a large part of her success, even if it was to tell her to just slow down at times or when her girlfriend was being mental. Like she was right now.

Hermione was pacing in her rooms, a letter in her hand. "Harry says Sirius has been sent to Serbia to look for Tom. Why is he so hell bent on going there to look for Tom himself? It's that stupid prophesy! Harry still feels like he has to kill him. I should be there with him, instead I'm stuck here for three more months!"

"You aren't ready to face them either," Luna pointed out, knowing that her girl was an excellent duellist already, but it had been closer than she would have liked just three weeks back. The trial of those that attacked them was going to happen next week.

Hermione turned on her, tears threatening to fall. That was part of why Luna loved her so much. Hermione was so full of passion and emotions for those she cared for, she had a hard time holding them back. Only her need to be in control kept it in most of the time. Her brother wasn't here though, and he was biting at the chop to go after the man that had so affected his life.

"You know that there was an attack on Head Bones yesterday. The Death Eaters are moving again. Things are destabilizing around Albania and Harry and Gabi aren't here. Remus is talking about joining Sirius, as is Moody. Everyone's leaving," Hermione told her.

"We leave for Easter this weekend. We need to be at the courtrooms on the fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth. After that, we have another week. Why don't we go to France after that? Maybe Ron and Lisa will come?" Luna suggested.

Hermione stopped. "I could join them a few days on their training. They said they are learning to be adjutants right now. If I could get my hands on the manuals they are reading, then I could get a head start on July…"

Luna had gotten up and moved to Hermione. She put her hands on Hermione's face and pulled her in for a kiss. Hermione was a ball of nerves and protested the kiss for a few seconds before melting into it. It was a heady feeling to know she could do this to Hermione.

When she pulled back, the lovely chocolate eyes of her luv were looking into hers. "Focus, beauty. You aren't just taking your NEWTS in June. You have elected to take level 4 IAWL's in three subjects to impress Monsieur Delacour. You need to focus on that, finishing your Head Girl duties and me."

Hermione chuckled, leaning her forehead against Luna's. "I just miss him."

"I know, luv," Luna told her. "Now, there is a perfectly lovely bed in your room and I'm not wearing any knickers."

The lust in Hermione's eyes were just what Luna wanted. "I do have something new I would like to try."

Luna looked at her curiously. A few things that Hermione had found in the last few weeks had been rather pleasant. "Would you relax with me before class?"

"I'm going to make you scream like you had me doing the other night," Hermione told her. "Then I am going to the library."

Luna gave a dreamy smile. Last time Hermione just about had her seeing stars.


Later that night…

The mountains south of Nis, Serbia

Sirius was on the top of a mountain, a few miles away from an old castle that had been forgotten to time… or more importantly, hidden to it. To avoid detection, he had come up here with Captain Franco and one of the Albanian Aurors, all three of them capable of the Animagus transformation.

In his hands was a Muggle binocular. The castle only seemed to have Muggle repellent and notice-me-not wards up. They were too far away to detect what other wards may be active. As he looked through the binoculars, the uneasy feeling of this was really getting to him.

"They have hidden for a few years now. Why would their base be so easy to find?" Sirius asked no one in particular.

In a heavy Spanish accent, Franco replied, "It doesn't sit well with me. This is a trap."

"Agreed," Sirius said. He handed the binoculars to the Albanian Auror. "What do you think?"

The woman took the binoculars. She seemed to want to look for knobs and other adjustment that would be found on a pair of omnioculars before putting them to her face. After a moment, she said. "Many wizards. Almost too many. It is like they are intentionally walking the walls more often than needed."

"I thought so too. I think we need to spring the trap, but wait for them to move first," Sirius told them. "I know the Minister wants this done, but maybe a party is in order? The ICW representative keeps asking for a state dinner."

"Are you saying use the Minister as bait?" the woman asked incredulously.

Sirius grinned. "If he agrees."


April 14, 1998

London, England

"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed. She ran to hug him as tightly as she could. Harry wrapped his arms around her too. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be training in Sweden?"

"I thought you and Ron might need me today," he told her. "Alain agreed to let us do a little field work for a day or two."

She let him go to move to hug Gabrielle. "It is so good to see you too. I hope he isn't being too rough on you?"

Gabrielle giggled. "No rougher than I am on him. Though I don't tend to leave bite marks."

Harry rubbed his chest. "I'm going to get scars one of these days."

Hermione huffed. "I didn't mean like that."

Gabrielle gave Hermione a wink. "Luna does seem the gentler type."

Hermione flushed a little. "You are as bad as Harry!"

"I like to think it was Sirius," Harry told her.

"That is most likely," Gabrielle agreed. "I know the trials start in an hour. Would you like to come to Seigneur Black's office first?"

"What is Sirius doing here? This is Malfoy's and Nott's trial today," she enquired.

"Sirius wanted to make sure that justice was served, and to see if this might flush out Lucius Malfoy," Harry told her. "If Draco is sentenced to Azkaban, all the Malfoy assets, except a small stipend to his mother, will be frozen. You are also protected by the Potter's, so Sirius wants to make sure you are."

"I've missed having you around," Hermione said, leaning into his side.

Harry put an arm over her shoulder and kissed the top of her head. "It's what big brother's do for their little sisters."

"I am the older one," she said.

Gabrielle chuckled. "He is taller."

"Not you too!" Hermione exclaimed.

"I love you," Harry told Gabrielle, who just winked at him before replying, "I know."

Hermione laughed at them. She needed this. The fact Gabrielle didn't try to separate them as they moved towards the Wizengamot member offices showed that the girl saw her as family. Which was a good thing. She didn't think she would ever miss Harry like this, but he had been gone for over three months now.

When they walked into Sirius office, it was already crowded. "Alastor, if you have anyone else that wants to come along, just give me their information. Alain has given me a budget of eight thousand galleons a month for the next six. I can pay up to two hundred a month."

"Aye, I have two or three others that have retired. I don't want to take any that Amelia would need right now. Give me a few days," Moody told him.

Remus was sitting on a couch, as was Andi. Ted was going over some papers in a folder. "Hermione, it's so good to see you," Andi said, getting up to greet her.

"It's nice to see you too, Andi," she said, hugging the woman.

"Hello, Hermione. I have to say we missed you at Easter this year," Ted said, extending a hand to her. "You ready to testify?"

"I am, Ted. He is going to Azkaban, right?" Hermione asked.

"I expect him too. I thought Luna and Ronald would be with you?" Ted asked.

"Luna went to breakfast with her father and Ron and Lisa were meeting with Mr Weasley first," she informed him.

Ted looked at his watch. "I am recognizing Luna. Will they be here by eight-thirty?" he enquired.

Hermione worried about that a little. "Luna will be here."

Ted nodded. "Good. I don't know if the Weasleys or Brocklehurst retained any legal services. They never responded to the request I sent them."

"I don't either," she told him.

A knock came at the door. "Come in," Sirius called out.

The door opened and an Auror poked his head in. "Excuse me, Lord Black. A Mr and Ms Lovegood are at the security desk to see you."

"Send them down," Sirius told him.

They took a few more minutes to catch up. Luna bounced to her side when she came in before giving Harry and Gabrielle a hug. After everything calmed down, Sirius got their attention. "Ladies, today may be a little trying. We've gotten word that Draco Malfoy and Theodore Nott are going to be represented by Eric Everard. From what Ted tells me, he's a piece of work, and his law firm is one of the shadiest around, but does well by most of their high paying clientele. Ted is going to be allowed to sit with the Barrister to represent you. If he needs, he will also represent Ron and Lisa."

"Ted won't be part of the prosecution, but he will look out for your best interest. If the arseholes are found guilty, he is going to be putting in requests for the penalty and sentencing," Sirius informed them. "You are both being represented by the House of Black, and remember that. If Everard or another tries to press you on things you don't want to answer, remind him of that. Hermione, you are also a member of House Potter. I'm sure Harry won't mind backing you up."

"I want the ponce dangling from his bits when he's kissed," Harry told them.

Hermione was still split on that. He had tried to kill them, and in the moment if she had killed him she doubted she would have regretted it much, but he was a disarmed idiot now. "I will remember," she told him.

"Do we get to see him dangling from his bits?" Luna asked, getting some chuckling from most of the room.

"You weel be fine," Gabrielle told them. "Mon Harry will protect you if you need it, but I don't think you do. Four students against nine. Seven of them end up in the hospital. I think you weel do well."

Hermione gave her a small smile. "Lisa didn't do much."

"Three and a half against nine," Harry said with a small smile and she felt a little better. "I know no matter what, I'll be there for you."

"As will I," Luna said, putting her other hand over hers.

"You are family to Harry. I will stand with you as family," Gabrielle said.

"We all will. Whatever happens today, know that Draco Malfoy, or any of the others that attacked you, will never touch you again," Sirius told her.

Feeling comforted, she was glad they all escorted her down to the courtroom. She was determined to see the ferret and others pay for what they had done. Malfoy would pay for the years of tormenting and bullying. She hadn't realized how uncentered she was without Harry around. It was something that bothered her. She was an independent woman that could stand on her own. It helped to have her brother with her though. It was a spot Luna was quickly filling.

They were down in courtroom nine. Sirius had pressed for ten, but the minister didn't want the negative press of using the courtroom that most of the Death Eaters were tried in. Hermione wasn't feeling as sympathetic and though Draco being tried in the same courtroom as his father would have been fitting.

These trials were big news so there were dozens of reporters waiting outside the room, with four papers being let in. She was sure Fudge would have preferred all this to be as quiet as possible, but Sirius and Apolline had not. Luna let go of her hand as they walked into the circular courtroom. There were two desks with a few chairs behind them and a large black chair with chains attached to it in the centre of the room. Steps led up from the floor to the stone benches behind the desks were where they were directed to sit. Harry and Gabrielle went up higher to sit while Ted walked down to the table before them, sitting on one of the chairs against the wall. She eyed the only light wood chair just below the lectern.

As had been described, the Wizengamot members came in just a few minutes before the trial. She counted forty-eight, the full Wizengamot. Two members were missing, but she knew they would be the chief Barrister and the chosen Chief Warlock for this session since the last one resigned after the Spring Equinox meet and one hadn't been decided on yet.

"Where are they?" Hermione asked nervously.

"Ron and Lisa will be here. They are just running late," Luna informed her. Hermione was convinced their was some type of seer blood in her girl.

Ron and Lisa came in with only three minutes before the start. A rather prim looking woman was with them. "Hey," Ron said.

"Are you two ready?" she asked.

Lisa looked a ball of nerves. "Peachy," the girl said in a strained voice.

The woman went to sit next to Ted. "Is that your solicitor?"

"Its my aunt. She works in the law department in the DMLE," Lisa told her.

Hermione let out a breath. She had been concerned.

When the Wizengamot came out, Sirius and Andi sat next to each other. Andi was representing the Potters today, something that was still rankling Harry that Fudge and others were keeping him from getting at his seat early.

The chief warlock was a witch she didn't recognize. She was just happy it wasn't Fudge. As much as he had distanced himself from his former colleagues, she couldn't be sure that he wouldn't go easy on the boys since they would be coming in to their inheritances soon, if they hadn't already.

The Chief Warlock let out a small snap from her wand and the courtroom quieted down. "This is trial of the Ministry vs. Draco Malfoy. I am Temporary Chief Warlock Maranda Quentin. Are all the barrister and solicitors present?"

They went through a brief rollcall before Chief Warlock Quentin said, "Show in the accused."

The black chair sunk into the floor, to be replaced a moment later with a defiant looking Malfoy in a cage. "I am the Scion Malfoy! I am not some criminal you can just keep locked up!"

"Barrister, silence your client or I will," Chief Warlock Quentin demanded.

"Mr Malfoy, as we discussed," a slightly rotund man said.

Malfoy sneered at the man before looking around. As he did, Malfoy's arrogance fell some as he realized that he was facing the full Wizengamot and a packed courtroom.

"Draco Malfoy, you are accused of four charges of premeditated attempted murder, four charges of aggravated assault and the use of an imperious curse on at least one of your fellow classmates. How do you plead?" the chief warlock asked.

"Scion Malfoy pleads not guilty," the solicitor at his table said.

Malfoy muttered something, but she couldn't hear it.

"And no plea deals have been reached?" the chief warlock asked the barrister for the Ministry.

"No plea deal was offered, Chief Warlock," the barrister replied.

"Very well. Prosecution, you may begin your case" Chief Warlock Quentin said.

Hermione watched in rapt attention as the barrister made their case about how Malfoy had a history of going after 'mudbloods' and 'blood traitors', especially her and Ron. He brought up the way his father had been tried and found guilty for some of the same charges. He then brought up how they would show how Malfoy and Nott had conceived the plan and pulled in the others, all with the intention of killing her and Ron, and anyone else that interfered.

Her blood started to boil when the Defence made their opening remarks, saying how she and Harry Potter had subjected Draco to years of bullying and abuse and that he just snapped one day. It was a justifies self-defence that 'a girl who doesn't know our traditions exacerbated and over-reacted'.

Luna had to hold her hand tight. "The truth will come out," Luna assured her.

She nodded.

After giving her testimony to the prosecution, the slightly rotund man gave her a look. "Mr Barres, you may cross examine the witness."

"Thank you, Chief Warlock. Ms Granger, your parents are dentists in the Muggle world, correct?"

"Objection, how is this relevant?" Mr Tonks shot up.

"I do believe that we are here for the trial of Mr Malfoy, Mr Barres," the woman behind the podium said.

"This is of importance to my clients defence. Now, Ms Granger, you are a Muggleborn, correct?"

"I am," she answered.

"And your parents are dentists, right?"

"Yes, sir," she replied, her eyes narrowing.

"So I would assume that you have no real knowledge of wizarding customs or of the status of the esteemed House of Malfoy?" he asked.

"Objection!" Ted said again.

"On what ground?" the chief warlock asked.

"If the barrister is going to claim that Ms Granger offended Mr Malfoy because of some archaic rules, Ms Granger is a ward of House Potter. She has been trained in all relevant rules and ways to act," Ted said.

Malfoy sneered but kept quiet at Mr Barres' stare. "I would like to point out that a blood feud exists between the House of Potter and Malfoy and Ms Granger broke protocol, meaning my client had to react to her slights."

"There is no blood feud," Ted shot back.

"Mr Malfoy declared blood feud," Mr Barres said.

"Unless Mr Malfoy has been allowed to take up his head of house before twenty-one, there is no way that Mr Malfoy could declare a blood feud," Ted replied.

"I have a declaration here," the man said. "I present this as evidence number twenty-three."

Mr Barres looked supremely confident as he handed the parchments over to the barrister and Ted. Hermione was keeping her mouth closed, as she had been coached, but she knew that there was not a feud between the houses.

"This is signed by Lord Malfoy. I wasn't aware that he was still capable of this after his incarceration and we have established that Draco Malfoy was not declared Lord Malfoy? Are you telling us that you are in contact with Lucius Malfoy?" the barrister questioned.

Mr Barres looked a little uncomfortable. "If you look at the date, you will see that it was declared in nineteen-ninety-three."

"Chief Warlock," Sirius said from the stands. "I am aware of this declaration. It was against Harry Potter, not House Potter, and rescinded when I took over headship of the Blacks to allow Narcissa Malfoy nee Black to retain her status in the House of Black."

Mr Barres shifted. "Yes, well, the fact is Ms Granger routinely ignored the traditions afforded to Mr Malfoy."

"And what of the times he did that to myself, or Harry, or Ron or many others in school?" she questioned, unable to keep her mouth closed.

"Ms Granger, please only answer questions when asked. Is there or is there not a Blood Feud between House Potter and House Malfoy?" she questioned.

Mr Barres ducked his head. "I was not made aware that the feud had been put to rest."

"It hasn't. Potter stole my rights to the House of Black, demeaned and made fun of me whenever he could and the mudblood hit me third year," Malfoy yelled out.

A white spell left the wand of the Chief Warlock. Draco's mouth snapped shut. "This is the last warning. If your client does not remain silent, then he will be tried in absentia."

Mr Barr gave Malfoy a glare. "Yes, Chief Warlock."

"Any more questions?"

"No, ma'am," Mr Barr said, sitting down.

"Prosecution can call the next witness," the Chief Warlock declared.

When it broke for lunch, both Luna and Ron had gone to the witness box. "I think Draco is going to Azkaban," Ron said with glee.

"I hope so," she said.

Luna was walking a little closely to her. "I don't think we should go to the lifts," she told them.

Ron, Lisa and her all stopped. Luna was staring at the lifts when something rumbled and dust and some mortar fell from the ceiling. The floor shook and people around them screamed in fear. A second dulled explosion rocked the Ministry. Hermione had her wand in her hands before the floor stopped shaking.

A few Aurors started to push their way towards the lifts as people scrambled for them. "Don't go that way," Ron yelled out.

Hermione pushed Luna behind her. Luna could take care of herself, but Hermione wouldn't let her get hurt if she could help. Lisa screamed and pressed against the wall as a third explosion, this time sounding like it was just over their heads, went off.

"Get back!" the Aurors were yelling. "Go to the door at the end of the corridor!"

Hermione could see the grates of the elevator coming down. Inside were a dozen people or more with bone white masks, black robes with hoods, and wands. "Death Eaters," she muttered. "Protego Maxima!" she cried out, trying to protect most of the people behind the Aurors. Before the gate opened, a bevy of spells leapt out of the elevator. People screamed and started to move the other way. Hermione, Ron and Luna all tried to step closer, even though they were half a hallway back. Some stood their grounds, trying to protect who they could. Most panicked. Dozens of people were trying to get by. In the rush of people, a spell fight broke out between the Aurors and Death Eaters. Hermione didn't doubt who they were.

Killing curses started to get mixed in and she tried to conjure a stone just behind a woman that was trying to get past them. Her heart leapt into her throat as she was too slow and the green curse hit the woman in the back. The life in her eyes just snuffed out, like someone flicking a light switch.

Another explosion rocked the Ministry. Hermione stumbled, which probably saved her as a green killing curse zoomed past her. Luna grabbed her hand. "We have to protect the others," she said. Luna brought her wand up in a large arc. The stone around them pulled out of the floor and walls, making a thick wall that was impacted by a few spells.

Hermione understood. She didn't want to see anyone else killed.

Her wand started to move in intricate patterns, making runes form in the air. She pushed them into the new wall that covered half the hallway, trying to reinforce it as spells impacted the wall. Luna turned to a man that was bleeding profusely from his head.

Ron stumbled to her side, blood on his forehead. "What is going on?"

Hermione was too busy concentrating on her rune crafting. There was still a spell fight going on the other side. "Help Luna," Hermione finally got out. She pointed her wand at a bunch of rock chips on the floor. A flick and they turned into metal spikes. Hermione stepped out from around the wall. Four Aurors and a few Death Eaters and a few others were on the ground. Some dead. Others moaning of crying out in pain. Two Aurors were facing off against six Death Eaters. There was a gaping hole, about eight feet across, in the corridor wall that led down.

Without hesitation, she jabbed her wand. The metal spikes raced towards the Death Eaters. Two of them didn't see it coming as they ganged up on one of the remaining Aurors. A few struck them. One fell screaming. The other didn't make a sound as the figure collapsed.

"Time to go!" someone yelled from the hole in the corridor. She shielded and had to block as two of the Death Eaters suddenly focused on her. She caught site of four masked figures coming out of the hole with most the students that were on trial. They were moving fast and looked cut up. Four more black cloaked men followed the students.

"NO!" she screamed, wanting to retaliate, but she was suddenly faced with four on one. She ducked behind the wall, just barely being missed by two killing curses. More turned their wands on her.

"I broke through the wards," someone cried out.

"The Dark Lord!" a chorus of voices echoed in the corridor, then it was only filled with the sounds of pain, anguish and mourning.

Hermione chanced a look around the wall. All the Death Eaters were gone. The elevator atrium was in ruin. Not one of the Aurors were standing. "Hermione, help!" Luna called to her.

Luna was over Ron, who had a huge gash in his arm. Lisa was leaning against the wall, shaking like a leaf. Hermione might be like that later, but for now Ron needed her help. Hermione dropped down. "Tell me what to do," she told Luna.

"Tighten this cloth so I can try to heal him," she told her.

Ron didn't flinch, his face pain and eyes clothes, as Luna did what she could to close the wound. It was blackened around the edges and blood was seeping out. It looked like an artery had been cut. Hermione was using the cloth like a tourniquet. "It's dark magic," Luna said, for once her normally calm, stoic personality sounding close to a panic.

"Healers and Aurors will be here quickly. Do what you can do," Hermione told her love.

Luna did. Ron wasn't bleeding as badly with the tourniquet. She wasn't sure how long it was before a Healer finally made it to them, but Hermione was sure if it had been much longer, she would have lost one of her oldest friends.

She took Luna in her arms when the Healer told them to back away. Hermione looked around. "Where is Harry and Gabrielle?"

"They stayed behind to talk with Sirius," Luna reminded her. Hermione got a sinking feeling.


Not far away…

Harry wondered over to the Wizengamot side as they broke up for lunch. Sirius were waiting for them. He would have preferred to go out with his friends, but he needed to talk with Sirius first.

"Hey, pup," Sirius said. "Michael, do you remember my godson, Harry?"

Harry recognized the man as Lord Abbott. "I do, though it was a few years and inches ago," the man said jovially.

"Hello, Lord Abbott. It has been a year or two," Harry said, reaching to shake his hand after Harry did a quarter bow. Not all the Lords and Ladies liked the formal pomp of their positions. "Can I introduce you to my betrothed, Gabrielle Delacour?"

The man's eyes had already drifted to her and took the slightly glazed look that Harry didn't like. It brought a spark of protectiveness. How was he going to handle this once they had a little girl? Gabrielle did a small curtsey. "A pleasure, Lord Abbott."

The man did a fancy flourish. "The pleasure is mine, mademoiselle. It is rare to have a young woman of such beauty in these halls. Perhaps you need a gentleman to escort and show you around?"

Sirius cleared his throat. Harry was trying hard not to ball his hand and deck the man. "Michael, I'm not sure Becky would agree with you being seen with a girl that is the same age as your daughter."

"Well, these are dangerous times, you know. She shouldn't be left to wander on her own," Lord Abbot told him.

"I think my betrothed can handle herself and she is not alone," Harry said, a small growl on his voice.

Harry was saved defending Gabrielle's honour by a muffled explosion. The courtroom shook. Harry's wand jumped to his hand, as did Gabrielle's and Sirius'. Lord Abbott looked spooked. The few Aurors around the room jumped to action as Harry could feel heavy wards take up around them.

"The room and cells are going into lockdown," Sirius told them.

Most of the rest of the Wizengamot had left. Harry frantically looked around. Hermione, Andi, Ted and all his other friends were gone. He wanted to bolt towards the doors that would take him to the stairs, but they were already slamming closed. When they did, he felt a few other layers of wards power up.

"Hermione, Luna and Ron were heading towards the lifts to get lunch," Harry told them.

"We will get to them," Gabrielle told him.

"You can't. The room is locked down until Madam Bones or the Head Auror releases them from level two," Sirius told them.

There was another muffled explosion. Lord Abbott flinched. Harry looked overhead as dust and small debris fell from the ceiling.

Harry needed to get out of here. Hermione was up there, and the explosions were coming from over their heads. He marched to the doors. Sirius and Gabrielle following him. "Who the hell decided it was a good idea to lock us in?" he asked, putting a hand to the door. He felt the wards. He doubted he could blast through them in less than a few minutes.

Gabrielle put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure she will be fine," she tried to reassure him. Harry already felt guilty about what happened a month ago, and now she was in trouble again.

He heard some screams. "We have to get out there!"

Harry's wand came up. He took a few steps back. Sirius and Gabrielle backed up. "I don't think that will work, pup."

He cast detection spells at the door trying to determine the best way to get out. He didn't think he could just overpower these wards. They were strong. As he was trying to force down his panic and concentrate, he felt a sudden surge of magic. It was coming from above them and to his left.

"GET DOWN!" Harry cried out, spinning his wand as he moved to shield Gabrielle. A large golden shield sprung up. Sirius cast his own shield, which was more of a solid bronze colour, as part of the ceiling and wall exploded in. Chunks of rock, a bright white light and the concussion of an explosion echoed in the chamber.

Gabrielle screamed as he wrapped his arms around her.

The chamber filled with dust. Harry had a ringing in his ears as he dropped the shield. He stumbled as Gabrielle grabbed at her ears. Sirius looked punch drunk. The eerie glow of a red spell in the dust had him realize something was really wrong.

The power that he usually held back came surging up. Everyone that he held closest in his life was here. Gabrielle took her hand away from her ears. There was blood on her right hand. Sirius jumped to push her out of the way as a white cutting spell rushed past him. He reached out, the raw magic he had been taught to wield on his fingertips. The cutting curse was batted to the side, just missing his godfather and the woman he loved.

Turning, there was spell fire everywhere in the dust. He willed the magic, as it migrated from his fingers to his wand. He had more control and could channel more of it through his wand. The tail feather of the silver phoenix seemed to sing at his loss of control.

He swished his wand and a wind ripped through the chamber. The dust fled before him. Most in the room had to cover their faces and stand firm, or they were sent rolling. Before him was a scene that made his blood boil. A dozen or more people in full Death Eater regalia. Two of the Aurors were down. Three more were regaining their feet. The half dozen Wizengamot members that had been trapped in the room were either down or had been duelling with the Death Eaters.

A hole had been drilled from the floor above them, through the courtroom and into the holding cells below the courtroom. Harry had never seen magic like it… he could figure it out later. Half the Death Eaters turned to him. If they said anything he couldn't hear them over the ringing in his ears.

When the spells started, Harry moved. He brought up another golden shield before Gabrielle and Sirius. It was a taxing spell, but they had to be protected. Next, he blocked a few spells before spinning around as he dodged a killing curse. He could feel the power draw on him as it hit the golden shield behind him. He swept his wand up. All the stones and rubble within fifteen feet of him was sent hurdling at the Death Eaters in the centre of the room.

This caught their attention as two of them couldn't stop the crush of stones and fell to the onslaught. The ringing was distracting as he had to shield and deflect more spells as five of them turned to him.

Harry curled his lip up as a killing curse just missed him and he needed to pull some rubble before him to block another. He jabbed his wand at the exploding pieces. They shot away, turning to shards of ice. He jabbed his wand a few times, sending piercing hexes down the range.

He parried. A silent blasting hex towards a Death Eater. Shield as three spells came close. A swish over his head and then fiery ropes tried to capture two of his opponents. Deflect a casting curse. Tendrils of ice shot out from where he slammed his wand onto the floor. They raced towards three of the Death Eaters. He was now facing seven as others around the room had fallen to the black cloaked figures.

Four other Death Eaters were coming out of the hole in the floor. Seven boys with them.

Harry saw Draco Malfoy, then recognized the wand of Lucius Malfoy. To say he saw red wasn't quite right. It was far more than that. He shielded two more spells before his ice tendrils caught the feet of two of the men in masks. They screamed as it suddenly shot up their legs, growing into large crystals in a matter of seconds before they were encased in ice. The spell and its effect caught most off guard and they stared at the freezing men for few heart beats. Harry screamed out, sending a blast of magic out. The frozen men shattered, sending ice shards, bones and frozen bits everywhere.

The ones fleeing took off past the fighting. Harry wanted to follow, but the remaining Death Eaters were engaging him, keeping him from getting to the fleeing Malfoys and the others. The exploding men had caused wounds and cuts on many. One of the men had to pick up a younger boy under his armpit to drag him up.

Harry was forced to shield and block as the spells became more dangerous and numerous from the Death Eaters. He didn't spare a look as a rock blocked a killing curse to his right. Sirius was besides him now.

All the Death Eaters were now moving back up the hole to level nine. Harry was going to follow them before the entrance to the tunnel suddenly collapsed. Harry screamed, sending a drilling hex into the barrier. It punched through, then went through a fleeing Death Eater, causing him to drop with a huge hole in his chest, before more of the tunnel collapsed.

He was about to do it again when Sirius grabbed his arm. Harry threw him off, ready to strike before he realized who it was. Sirius was trying to say something to him. All Harry heard was the ringing. Sirius reached for his face, pulling him in. Sirius looked into his eyes and Harry felt the probe. He opened his mind for Sirius and got the message loud and clear.

Gabrielle was hurt.

He was hurt too as he caught the vision of blood coming out of his ears and he must have been clipped by a spell or two.

Gabrielle was the more important one.

Harry turned, seeing her on the floor. He let the magic go. It fell off his wand like a liquid. The magic burned a hole in the stone before dissipating. He stumbled towards her, starting to realize he was sore. That was one downside to using magic like this. It pulled on your whole body.

Gabrielle was breathing a little hard, a cloth pressed to her side. Blood was still coming out of her ears. When she saw him, the pain on her face lessened as he fell to his knees next to her. He reached out his hand, feeling her side. There was the feel of dark magic, which was probably why Sirius hadn't closed the wound.

He did as she had taught him: picture how her body was. Picture what needed to be healed.

He was a little cautious though, not knowing if there was more damage beneath. What he could do was pull out the dark magic.

Pulling on his magic and that around them again, his wand tip glowed bright red. He pulled back the cloth to see a deep cut in her side. He ran the glowing tip over the wound, willing his magic to pull on the dark magic. When he pulled his wand up, a stream of black bloody ooze came out. He flicked it away. It splattered on the floor. His breaths starting to come in gasps.

Gabrielle slumped. Fresh, clean blood started to ooze out of her cut. She grabbed his hand. Sirius started to run his wand over the wound as Harry sat heavily on his arse.

'I love you,' she mouthed. She winced as Sirius started to do a zigzag pattern over the cut. Harry started to feel dizzy, the ringing in his ears started to become a pulsing pain. When a lime robed Healer was suddenly at their sides, Harry let them look him over as Sirius watched over them.

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