Unduh Aplikasi
14.14% HP: Dance of the Veela / Chapter 14: The Eve of War

Bab 14: The Eve of War

February 23, 1998

Stockholm, Sweden

It was the first time that Harry had stepped into the ICW since Christmas. A few weeks ago, the Unspeakables had found that Tom and his Woodsmen had obtained some highly illegal, and extremely expensive, ward hole stones. Alain had told them that new procedures and changes to the wards were now in place to ensure that didn't happen again.

Gabrielle had his hand. Sirius and two of Alain's guards were with them as they walked into the large atrium from the fireplaces. There were people, goblins and dwarves moving about the cavernous area.

"The lifts are this way," one of their guards told them. For the next five days they would be coming here and spending hours in the International Magical Education Department getting their IAWL's. He was feeling a little nervous about this but felt ready at the same time.

"You shall do fine," Gabrielle told him.

He lifted her hand to his lips when they got into the lifts. "As will you, my little ballerina."

She gave him a smile.

Once they got off, they were led to a large office area. Four others were waiting in chairs, most of them about their age, with one witch looking to be a decade or two older. Behind a long wooden counter was a young man with spiked blue hair and in nice business attire. Only about half the people at the ICW wore robes, making him feel more comfortable in his jeans, jumper and coat. Gabrielle was in a long, thick dress and long sleeve blouse that was rather flattering on her. She wore in a long cloak though, instead of a jacket.

Harry and Gabrielle handed their reservation papers over to the clerk. "This is all in order. Testing begins at nine. There should be three more joining you," the clerk told them, handing back their paperwork. "Take a seat."

"Thank you," Gabrielle replied before she sat, and Harry sat next to her. Sirius took up on the other side of Gabrielle.

"I bet you're nervous," Sirius said.

Gabrielle let out a long, calming breath. "If you keep saying that I may be and I will blame you, Seigneur Black," she retorted.

Harry chuckled. "Careful, you old mutt. I won't save you if you get into trouble."

Sirius gave a soft laugh.

"And you would not protect me?" Gabrielle asked.

Harry grinned at her. "I remember you saying you could take care of yourself."

"That is beside the point," she told him.

"Pup, didn't I tell you that woman often mean the opposite of what they tell you?"

"I think you left that one out," Harry snarked.

"Ah, knew I forgot something," Sirius replied.

"I do not tell you the opposite of what I want. There are things a gentleman should do though," she interjected.

Sirius laughed a little louder and watched as a few others came in. "You sound like Renee."

Gabrielle huffed and put her nose up. Harry figured he would pay for this later, but it was fun to tease her at times. They waited until five past nine before everyone was called to start the written test of the Transfiguration IAWL.

Three hours later, Harry was rubbing his eyes. Gabrielle was standing by his desk. "That wasn't bad."

"I couldn't stop writing about the unknown in the transfiguration formula," he told her as he got up.

"I did not have a question on that. I was a little held up on Gawp's Law. I still think I did well," she said, taking his hand as they walked out.

He smiled and kissed the side of her head. "I'm sure you did. Should we go meet your father for lunch? The Charms exam starts at one-thirty and then we have the Potions exam at four o'clock."

Gabrielle made a face. "Remind me again why we signed up for three written exams today?"

"It was the only way to get all our IAWL's in this week. Tomorrow we don't have to be here until eleven," he reminded her.

"Ah, yes. Wednesday should be interesting to do the Defense and Dueling tests and practicals," she told him.

"Oh, that reminds me. Can I borrow your charms bracelet for Thursday? I have my Ancient Runes and would like to submit that and the mirror for my practical," he asked.

She let go of his hand to touch and play with the bracelet with the charms he had made. "I am rather fond of this and would not like to lose it."

Harry nodded. "I'll see if I can make up some tonight then. As long as someone lets me do my work," he said with a smile.

Gabrielle gave a slightly sultry smile. "Are you saying I am distracting, mon ami?"

"Very," he told her. She giggled and pecked him as they exited the room.

"How did you two do?" Sirius asked.

"Well, I think," Harry answered.

"Yes, well," Gabrielle agreed.

"Come on then. Alain is probably expecting us," Sirius told them.

She led them through the hall to a lift. Papa's office was a floor down. When they got out, there was a smaller atrium with a desk, several Aurors and a younger man behind the desk. "Good afternoon, Martin," she greeted the man.

The Aurors approached them, and they waited to be scanned. She may be the daughter of a major department head, but that didn't mean she could just walk through security. "Good afternoon, Ms. Delacour. I am not sure you should go in there right now," Martin told her in slightly accented French. His Dutch roots were coming through.

"Papa was expecting us," she told him.

Martin looked about to say something when her father came through the doors to the International Cooperation Department. "Garret, get me that information. We have eight people there, not to mention ten Aurors. Martin, cancel all my appointments. I am off to the Head Mugwump and the Council. Gabrielle! Harry!"

Her papa stopped. There was a small gaggle of people behind him.

"Papa, what is going on?"

Her father pursed his lips. "Gabrielle, I must insist you stay with Harry and Seigneur Black. Seigneur Black, please see them back home as soon as you can. Two Aurors from my office will join you."


"Director Delacour, what happened?" Harry said from next to him.

"I do not have time to explain. I will see you both at home tonight," her papa told them. "Garrett, NOW!" her papa snapped. "Tell you're maman I may be late."

She watched as her papa and the five people behind him all moved past them and into the lift. The man named Garret hurried into a different door off the lobby. Harry came up next to her and she was happy to slide her fingers between his. "Right, pups. Let's go to the cafeteria and then get you back to your testing," Sirius offered.

"I don't understand. I have never seen papa like that," she said. "Do you think it was him?"

"There are some saying there was a major incident in Albania this morning," Martin said from behind them. When they turned to look at him, Martin went on. "That is all I know."

Sirius ran his hand through his hair. "Right. Martin, tell the Aurors we will be in the cafeteria. We will only be going between there and the education department."

"Oui, Seigneur Black," Martin said.

Harry's fingers twitched towards his wand, and he was a ball of nerves until they finally took the portkey back to Paris. Harry and Sirius didn't even take more than a step outside the French Ministry wards before they were apparating back to their townhouse.

"Why have you two been so uptight?" she questioned Harry and his godfather.

"You remember your papa telling us about the detachment he sent to Albania a few weeks ago? Or the New Republics articles on unrest in the area?" Harry asked her.

"Yes. That was why papa sent observers and had a detachment of Aurors go. You don't think the European Southern Council was attacked, like New Years?" she asked, feeling a little afraid. Harry wasn't having nightmares anymore and she was sleeping normally again as well.

"You two work this out. I need to go find Apolline and check on Renee." Sirius left them.

They went up to their room. Harry rubbed her back as he went to grab some books. "Let's setup in the kitchens. We can have something for dinner and get ready for tomorrow."

She nodded. "I hope papa is fine."

"I'm sure he is," Harry soothed her.


February 26, 1998

Hogwarts, Scotland

The hall was abuzz with the news. Two Ministry workers and their families were found dead in their homes. All dead by the killing curse. The two things that jumped out to Hermione were that the men leaving the house had on black cloaks and masks that looked awfully like Death Eater masks. The picture on the front cover was obviously from a Muggle camera. What was striking was the one figure that was leaning on a black cane. It sent a shiver down her spine.

The second was who they were. The Creswells were a family of Muggleborn parents and two kids. Mr. Creswell had been the Head of the Goblin Liaison office. The second family was one she knew personally, well, their son. Dean was holding a black envelope in his hands. His mother was a Muggle, but she worked with the Prime Minister's office as a liaison between the two worlds in Brittan.

Ginny took Dean's hand. "Come on, Dean, let's go see McGonagall," she said gently. Seamus was up and right next to his friend.

Hermione's lips were pursed as she looked at Ron and Lisa. Luna was sitting beside her. The hall was getting louder. "We have to tell Harry," she said. "I need to go up to the head table first to see if they need me."

Ron nodded.

Luna let her hand go.

At the head table, the Headmaster and Headmistress were missing. She went to Professor Flitwick. "Sir, do you me to help with anything?"

"Not right now, Head girl Granger. We will be calling a meeting of all the Prefects at lunch time, and I am sure the headmaster will call on you before then," the man told her.

After assuring she wasn't needed, Ron, Lisa and Luna joined her as she left the hall. As she did, Malfoy and his band were leaving too. For the first time in a long time, he was smirking at them. "Looks like the mudbloods will finally get what's coming to them."

Ron looked ready to punch the boy. Lisa held him back. Hermione straightened her back. "I will be reporting you to the headmaster, Prefect Malfoy."

Malfoy just smirked. "It won't matter soon. Just wait until my father finds out where all the mudbloods live."

Hermione was steaming mad as the boy smirked and walked away, followed by his loyal posse. When he was out of earshot, Ron spat, "I'll kill the ferret."

Luna moved in close. "I don't think that an idle threat."

"I don't either. Let's find a classroom to call Harry and then we are going to the headmaster. I want to recheck the wards around my parents," she told them.


Same day

Paris, France

Harry was laying on the bed. The last few days had been hectic. Gabrielle and him had two more IAWL's. This afternoon was their Ancient Runes test. After nearly six weeks of intensive study, three days of grueling tests and studying well into the evening and then most mornings, he had to admit he was feeling tired.

Thus, he was laying on the bed, just staring up at the ceiling. Gabrielle was taking the morning to sleep in. She was on her side, her back and bottom pressing against his side. Feeling her warm skin pressing against his was the best feeling in the world. In the two months that they had taken up sharing a bed, he found it was something he never wanted to give up. Though, most morning they would be dressed, they had both fallen onto the bed after a slow session of making love last night. They were both too spent to make it anything too randy.

Thus, when his mirror went off, Harry lazily made sure Gabrielle was covered and he put on some shorts. He yawned as Hermione's face came into view. "Morning, Hermione." Seeing her face immediately had the cobwebs leave his thoughts. "What's wrong?"

"Malfoy senior is back in the country. It looks like they killed Dean's mother and the Creswells. Draco threatened us this morning. Harry, I need someone to check on my parents. Please," she said, worry laced in her words.

Harry was up and already moving towards the door. "I will get hold of Remus and Moody. Sirius will be coming to Hogwarts as soon as he can. Gabrielle and I have more testing this afternoon, but I will come if you need."

Hermione shook her head. "I am going to see Dumbledore."

"Be careful. Let me get hold of Moody and Remus first," Harry told her.

"I have the second mirror. I'll call them," Hermione replied.

"Be careful. Hermione, let us know what Dean needs," he told her before they said their goodbyes.

Harry put the mirror down and leaned back in his chair. His muscles tightened as he worried about his two friends. There had not been any sightings of Malfoy or the others in Britain in three years. Now a few people were dead.

He began to brood on the issue when a set of arms warped around him. He felt Gabrielle's chest press into his back, and she kissed his cheek. "What happened? You are tight as a string."

Harry let out a long breath. "The Death Eaters are back in England. One of my friend's mothers was killed last night."

Gabrielle's hold on him tightened. "I am so sorry. Will you be okay?"

Harry frowned. "Need to go find Sirius. One of us may need to go back today."

"You have our Runes test this afternoon and our Arithmancy tomorrow morning," she reminded him, not moving to let him go.

He turned his head to kiss her cheek. "I know, but she is my sister."

"Let's talk to papa to see if she should come over here early. I am sure the British Ministry will have this handled," she told him.

Harry snorted. Fudge was probably panicking while Dumbledore was probably preaching forgiveness. Remus and Moody would protect Hermione and her parents. Ron's parents should be fine. Mr. Lovegood was in and out of the country and Luna would stick close to Hermione. He wasn't sure about Lisa. He would have Sirius check on it.

"I doubt that. I need to go find Sirius," he told her.

She kissed his forehead. "Let me get dressed too."

Harry nodded, brooding in the chair for a moment after Gabrielle pulled away. There was definitely something going on in Albania related to Tom. Was there possibly another one come back to life in Britain?

That was a terrifying thought.


March 4, 1998

Hogwarts, Scotland

Luna was happy today. She had woken in Hermione's arms again. Being seventeen meant they didn't really need to sneak around now. The head girl was allowed to let people into her room, and there was nothing in the rules about having to leave at any set time... It was one of the few things that Hermione skirted the rules around.

Her happiness grew as she convinced Hermione to take a shower with her. They were smelly from last night, and having Hermione wash her body, especially with the attention her fingers had given her cunt, Luna was very pleased.

It was with reluctance that she kissed Hermione goodbye. She wouldn't see her curly brunette until dinner now. Luna had a mostly full schedule and Hermione was going into Hogsmeade to meet with Moody and Sirius. She was keeping up her training and had been very grateful that they had been able to ward her parents' house and business. There had been another attack, but again it was on a very minor person in the Ministry. Luna wasn't sure the connection yet, but it seemed significant.

Sitting through her transfiguration class, she was only half paying attention today as she thought about the attacks. Her father had covered some of the attempts to take over the Brazilian Ministry last year, and some of that had started with similar attacks and abductions, but this was a different pattern. As though they were looking for something, but why go after some no name half-bloods or Muggleborn Ministry personnel?

As she thought about it, Luna didn't notice that three of her classmates had followed her as she headed towards the library. Along the way, Luna took an unexpected left and went up a flight of stairs. There was just something about this particular stairway today that just seemed right. She would make it to her destination when she did.

She walked up the stairs towards the mostly deserted fourth floor. As she walked out into the hall, a small bird flew past her head. "Hold up, little titmouse," she said, knowing the bird shouldn't be in the castle. She followed it behind a suit of armor. It tweeted at her as she moved behind the suit. "It's alright. I can show you out."

The bird tweeted again, then pulled back from her. She went to hold out a hand and then stopped.

"Where is the Loony?" a girl said.

"She came up here," another replied.

"The little bitch's father called out my father," a third girl snapped.

"He was involved," the first commented.

"It doesn't matter. Once they are all back here, things will change. Draco already says that most of them are back," the third girl said.

Luna saw three girls stalk past, not noticing her behind the armour. Luna recognized the girls. They were all Slytherin. The blonde was Mathilda Greenford. Her father was one of those caught by the Brazilian Aurors in the attempt to kill their Minister. The short brunette was Agnes Monkleigh. The girl's father was on the Wizengamot, and daddy thought the man to be a supporter of the old purebloods. Selena Moore, a brunette with a moon shaped birthmark next to her right eye, was one she didn't know much about.

Daddy had covered the botched attempt a few times in the Quibbler, though he thought it was part of the Rothsfang Conspiracy. Luna knew differently and had learned over the years that her father was a brilliant reporter but didn't always connect the dots in a logical way.

Mathilda had her wand drawn and looked around, glancing past Luna's blue eyes that were just barely visible through a section in the neck of the amour.

"Mathilda, we really shouldn't be telling everyone about this," Agnes chastised her friend.

"You don't understand, Agnes. My mother has not been able to get into our vaults since father had to flee. Father needs to have good publicity to come back," Mathilda retorted.

"Many of us have had issues like that, Matty," Selena said.

Mathilda huffed. "I know. It's all that brat Potters fault and those that spouted those lies about the Dark Mark. My father told me he was forced."

Selena put a hand on Mathilda's arm. "Matty, my mother works for the Unspeakables. She had assured me the mark could not be taken without being willing. I know he did all he could to atone for what he did."

Mathilda had tears in her eyes. "Mother is saying that she will have to sell grandmother's emeralds if father can't come back and have the goblins open the vaults. Now that rag has made it almost impossible!"

Luna wanted to say her father being in a MACUSA jail was why her father couldn't come back. She held her tongue though, sensing now would be dangerous to say so.

It was a few more minutes before they left. When they did, the bird came out of its hiding spot. It hopped onto her finger. "I think you should leave, and I should find my luv."


March 18, 1998

Stockholm, Sweden

The reports were not looking good. The Southern European Council looked to be going towards total meltdown. The Council administered an area that was made of a hodgepodge of muggle nations, ethnic groups and hedge wizards. Albania, Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzogovina all made up the council. The council was small. Maybe six or seven thousand wizards lived in the area, only supporting about twenty-five Aurors, all trained at the ICW, and another ten Obliviators and Magical Reversal members. Alain had been able to send twenty of his Security Force, fifteen Aurors and five diplomats as observers, but it had severely reduced his forces, leaving only another twenty Aurors to act as guards for his other diplomats and observers.

He was still waiting on the council to approve more Aurors, including another ten for his department.

Gabrielle and Harry were scheduled to start their training at the start of April. They had achieved straight outstandings on all their IAWL's, level threes, making it easy for him to justify their early entry, never mind that they were family. Sebastian was looking forward to the day they would relieve him. Alain had a feeling it would be Gabrielle managing the Assemblée and the ICW. Harry was too much a man of action and probably would not settle well in a political roll in those chambers. His disposition would work well for what Alain had plans for. He needed a good man that could eventually captain his forces while learning to be a politician. He would be good to eventually nominate to succeed him in the International Cooperation Department.

Alain figured he had time. He was still a very active man that very much enjoyed what he did. Maybe twenty or thirty years from now he would step down from the ICW.

Sebastian wasn't that patient though. Alain figured his brother would hold the Assemblée position for another five years at most. If Gabrielle wasn't ready for that, then he would have to talk with Sirius. Renee would make him eligible to act as regent, but Sirius was needed more in Britain to administer the Black and Potter seats, as much as Renee and him wanted to stay close to Harry.

Harry... he was the type of son-in-law he had hoped for either of his girls. He was a magical powerhouse, he had some innate charisma that had people flock to him and listen, and he was motivated to do the right thing. William was an excellent person, one that suited Fleur well, and one Alain would be talking to once Fleur and him finally moved back here full time. A ward breaker and weaver with his skills could be invaluable to his offices. The man had a wanderlust that could serve them well. Alain could provide his son-in-law with many opportunities to travel and to pedal his skills. Originally, they were to move back about a month ago, but Gringotts in London had requested to extend his contract for two months. Now they would move in about Easter.

With Gabrielle and Harry in the house most of the time, Apolline was a very happy woman. She missed her little birds and now they would both be living in the Paris townhouse. Not to mention their first grandchild was on the way.

Over Easter Apolline would be going to the villa along the Mediterranean. They hadn't been there in over a year with all the activities around them, and she wanted to get it ready for the wedding in July. Gabrielle and Harry had agreed to wait until then, though they really wanted to get married over Easter. Apolline wanted them to wait to give her time to prepare and invite everyone she wanted. Harry wasn't one for big events, but this was a very important event that really did require them to invite their allies from the Assemblée and the ICW, not to mention some important people from Britain, family and friends. Gabrielle and Apolline had had their first real argument in a while when an almost three-hundred-person list was presented.

Alain had been about to side with his daughter until Apolline had told him that she had received interest from the Romanovs and her family, the Wagners. None of her family had spoken to her since her father had died ten years ago. When two monarchs, each holding sizable armies, wish to give their blessings, you don't usually deny them the privilege. Harry and Gabrielle were starting to understand that, so had relented. Alain was certain that the guest list would now be over three hundred, never mind the guards and Aurors.

That large of a target with that many senior members of a dozen different governments was what was fretting him. The attack at Christmas was still fresh on everyone's' mind, and the unrest around Albania, and a few other places in the Southern European Council, had Alain worried. The Unspeakables had been able to find that Woodmen had been able to use a set of very expensive ward holes to break into the ICW that night. It made a hole that was just large enough for someone to get through. Where they had been made was still under investigation, but now that the charms, enchantments and runes used on them were known, the wards could be updated.

This was why he wanted William.

He could assess all the Delacour wards, then work on other high-profile officials, safehouses and embassies, just to start. Alain wanted a team of five ward weavers and curse breakers and would set up William to be the lead.

A knock on his door took him out of his pondering.

"Yes, Gavin?"

The door opened just enough to let Gavin poke his head in. "Director, the Head Mugwump is here to see you."

"Let him in," Alain told him.

"Do you need refreshments?" Gavin enquired.

"Non. Not today."

A moment later, the tall, white bearded man stepped in. The man's blue eyes looked around his office before looking to Alain. "Good day, Alain. I'm pleased you had time for me."

Alain stood up to take Dumbledore's hand. "It's always a pleasure, Head Mugwump."

Dumbledore motioned to the report on his desk as he sat. "I see you are up to date with the latest actions in the Southern European Council?"

"Yes. I have been reading the reports from my observers. A full report will be given to the council and the Law Enforcement Department by Friday," Alain said, sitting down.

"Ah, I thought those the reports from the DMLE," Dumbledore stated.

Alain pointed to a few folders in a message box. "I reviewed those earlier."

Dumbledore nodded. "Is there anything important that I should know about from your observers?"

Alain held the man's eyes for a moment. He knew Dumbledore was a master legilimens, but he would never dare to do that to Alain. Alain also knew he was a fair occlumens. After pondering the question for a moment, Alain took up a folder. "The one that you and Harry call Tom was spotted again. He is not going by that silly moniker, Voldemort."

"Have you found what he is calling himself?" Dumbledore asked, picking up the folder.

"Leder," Alain answered. Dumbledore rose an eyebrow. "That is all anyone has heard him referred too. They use Norwegian names or titles for each other. Tom is the only one called Leder, which is Leader."

Dumbledore frowned as he looked at the report. "This is not like him. The report indicated that he has set up teams and trusts the team leads to run the mission."

"They are highly organized. That operative and his three Aurors are all Muggleborn. Representative Fisher also served in the Muggle military for four years after getting his IAWL's. The man recognizes the tactics as more of an elite army team than normal wizards. One team of five killed six and injured eight other Aurors of the Southern European Council. They had about fifty total in their DMLE for field forces. They think they killed one of the Woodsmen in that raid on the Prime Minister of the Council. This was the second attempt in the last month," Alain told Dumbledore.

"I see," the man said before sighing. "I never want the old wars to rekindle."

"Perhaps, Head Mugwump, but war is coming. I have heard that your old problem has returned to Britain and is already causing issues. I need you to back the increase in funds. The DMLE has the largest Auror force in Europe, but that is still just over two hundred, then add in the thirty-five that report to me. It is not enough if Riddle is able to recruit, and train the recruits as we have seen. That won't be enough," Alain told him. "Not without other governments helping."

"This is why you agreed to take this position and what you have been working towards the last few months, is it not?" Dumbledore asked.

"I grew up during the reign of Grindelwald. I was six when he was defeated. I still remember what it was like. It is hard to forget when you see a group of wizards with the armband of that mad man attack a group of Muggles, woman and children. It was only my papa that saved us and some others. You don't forget that. I will not allow us to go back to that," Alain said, knowing that Dumbledore was more apt to be a pacifist.

Dumbledore's normally calm exterior showed some sadness. "No. I do not wish to go back to that again. I'm sorry you had to see that."

"It is not a sight I wish on anyone, especially my children, to see. Unfortunately, I see that as inevitable now. Harry will race to any place that madman rears his head, and my daughter will follow. She is too much like me and her grandpere. She will never let Harry go into that danger alone unless she needs to protect their child, and even then Apolline and I are prepared to watch over our grandchildren when Gabrielle goes chasing after him again. Her veela is more the warrior, not the nurturer like Apolline or Fleur. Give me the increased funds and allow me to bring in the other countries to rid ourselves of this madman," Alain said rather passionately.

Dumbledore looked concerned. "Is Gabrielle pregnant?"

"That is not the point, whether she is or not. Give me and the ICW the means we need to put this madman down," Alain pushed.

Dumbledore sighed. "Alain, I will always support Harry. If this is what is needed, I will ensure that the council approves the increase, and put it to the members next week."

"The high council will back this. I have seven votes yes already, and I assume the Wagners and Holmzers will back this as well," Alain announced.

Dumbledore nodded. "Yes. I can see it passing. As for these reports, do you know where Tom is holed up and how many forces he has?"

"No, not yet. It appears to be somewhere around Albania, but they seem to have gotten with a band of rebel goblins. They could be anywhere in the mountains. As for how many, we have been able to identify thirty-two by the armbands they use, but I think it at least double that, if not more, is plausible," Alain explained. "Are you still sure that Riddle has no control over the Death Eaters?"

Dumbledore looked troubled. "No. I am not sure, but it seems highly unlikely. Tom was not someone to split his forces like that, nor was he one to trust such important raids or operations like the assassination attempts or what is going on in Britain to his underlings. The Riddle that is leading the Woodmen is different. They act like terrorists, but they do not cause damage just to cause damage. The Death Eaters are cruel and attack to cause terror so they can move between the panic. Riddle, or Leder, is doing something different this time."

"That is what I am afraid of. How much of this is do to the horcrux we suspect was used, and how much is from the soul he absorbed?"

Dumbledore looked to think for a few. "I had not considered that. The horcrux that Harry destroyed his second year acted differently too. He was more immature and willing to show his contempt and spitefulness. The sixteen-year-old Tom I knew was a consummate Slytherin and from what I found, he just eliminated his foes without taunting or bragging. I am not sure many even knew it was him. Perhaps he was tainted by the pure, young soul of the girl he tried to steal the soul from."

Alain contemplated. "Souls are such immutable and tricky things. I am getting the impression that Riddle didn't really understand this."

Dumbledore sighed. "Tom was a brilliant student, but he only searched for power, no matter the cost. I speculate that is what drove him to be such a madman by the time he made his fourth Horcrux. I speculate that happened sometime in his early thirties. That was about the time he earnestly started to recruit the Death Eaters and start his campaign for world domination on the back of the pain and terrorism he liked so much."

Shaking his head, Alain snorted. "Power at no matter what cost is not power. It is a dictator waiting to be deposed someday."

"Alas, I cannot counter that." There was a moment of uneasy silence between them. "If Gabrielle and Harry are expecting, I wish them congratulations."

Alain chuckled. "They may be practicing at making a child, but I don't think either want that any point soon. I expect Apolline will invite you because of your status. Harry and Gabrielle have agreed to get married in July. We don't know the date yet."

Dumbledore gave a smile. "I am glad he has been able to find so much happiness. I did him a great wrong when he was younger, thinking I was protecting him."

"I know what happened and your role in it, Head Mugwump. If you ever interfere with my family like that, I will make sure that a cell in the worst prison I can find will be the best you can expect," Alain said, his voice rather steely.

Dumbledore held up his hands. "I am done with anything like that. Sirius has made it quite clear what it will cost me and my family should I do anything to them again. It was never my intention to cause harm. I truly thought Sirius was guilty and that Harry's relatives would love him."

Alain didn't say anything.

After a moment, Dumbledore stood. "I have taken enough of your time. I look forward to your report and think it will help pass a general resolution next week."

Alain nodded. "Yes. I mean it, Albus. Leave Harry, Gabrielle and my family alone. The Delacours have a great amount of influence, and once Harry can take his seat on the Wizengamot, I think his godfather and him will outshine your alliance."

Dumbledore let out a long breath. "I would rather work with you and your family than be enemies."

"I will work with you, but we are not allies. Not even friends right now," Alain replied.

Dumbledore nodded before leaving his office.

Alain leaned back into his chair. He did not want to make an enemy of the man, but he would not have his family used.


Hogwarts, Scotland

March 22, 1998

Hermione was reading the Daily Prophet, which was running two large stories today. The first was confirmation that Lucius Malfoy and Albert Parkinson had been spotted in London by Muggle bobbies. The police tried to apprehend them, but the men got away. That was the first time in a few years that had happened. Second was the news of an assassination attempt against the Prime Minister of the European Southern Council in Albania. Hermione didn't know much about that area. She would need to go to the library. Her only complaint was that that would eat into her study time. Her NEWTS were in three months, and Mister Delacour had said it would be a three year training before she would be considered to be a fully trained employee to go out on her own.

Luna put a hand on her knee. "Do not fret. Concentrate on our goals."

Hermione nodded.

Ron joined them half-way through breakfast, with Lisa sitting a few minutes later. Hermione was finding that she was becoming friends with Lisa. The Ravenclaw was bright, and a near savant at Arithmancy. Hermione could admit the girl was brighter than her there. Not that is mattered as much. Soon she would get into the ICW and working in the Interracial Cooperation Office, under Mr. Delacour. What was going to happen to Luna was uncertain except that she was going to be taking four of her NEWTS early this year, and her other three next year at some point.

Before leaving, Hermione looked around the table. Dean had not come back. Seamus said he would take his NEWT's, but may not be back until after Easter. They were all trying to give him the support they could. Seamus said his best mate wasn't taking it too well. Hermione really felt for Dean.

Even though she was worried about their friend, she was looking towards the Easter Break. Luna, her parents and her were going to France for the holiday. She was hoping to convince her parents to move to France, but doubted they would.

It was on their way out of the hall and halfway to the greenhouses when they had their first confrontation with Malfoy in a long time. "Two skanks, a blood traitor and a mongrel. Can any of you get any lower?"

Hermione stuck her nose up and Luna took her hand. Ron rose to the bait though. "Leave off, Malfoy."

Malfoy snorted. He was leaning against the wall, looking as though he hadn't a fear in the world. Of course, the three seventh years that walked out of the classroom behind him, and then the three sixth years and two fifth years behind them could lead to his overconfidence. Ron and Hermione immediately took up the stances that Remus, Sirius and Moody had taught them over the years. Lisa moved behind Ron, her eyes wide in fear. Luna just plucked her wand from behind her ear. "I think the odds are rather poor," Luna commented, as though this was nothing special.

Malfoy gave an evil grin, pushing himself off the wall. With a nod of his head, he indicated the paper that dropped from under Hermione's arm. "I see you saw the good news. My father has word the Dark Lord will rise again. I think it time to finally take care of some bad seeds, don't you think?"

"You're only brave enough to do this now because Harry isn't here," Ron spat.

Malfoy let out an amused breath. "St. Potter wouldn't keep me from this. I am sure my father has plans for him. Dirtying himself with a creature like that."

"Can we just get this over with? People will be by soon," Nott said from besides Malfoy.

"Right you are," Malfoy said. His wand moved. Hermione was already pulling on her training. She couldn't control magic like Harry, but she was fast. Her wand spun around her head, a very hard to see blue dome sprung around them. A half dozen spells splashed off it, making a blinding array of sparks and what looked like liquid magic. Ron moved, poking his wand out. He slashed it a few times then made a spiral. Several spells of different colours raced towards the Slytherin behind her. Lisa screamed. Luna muttered something and then the loud clang of armour echoed in the hall.

Hermione spun her wand again, putting a second of the weird shields under the first, then she shot off a few spells at Malfoy. They wouldn't permanently harm him, but it was hard to cast if you had no bones in your arms or your feet were suddenly stuck to the floor by the flagstones morphing around them. In the last three years, they had been taught to incapacitate. Do enough harm that your enemy won't get up without a trip to St. Mungo's, if you didn't want to kill them.

Hermione caught sight of the suit of armour that Luna animated, except it wasn't a knight. It was a long, sinewy dragon, like a water drake from the far east. Crabbe blasted it with a hex, and the suit just swallowed it before slamming into the big boy's chest. Malfoy cast a few white spells with a black streak in them. She recognized them as a nasty cutting hex that Sirius said did a lot of damage to people in the last war. She stepped out of the bubble as the armour dragon jumped from Crabbe to Goyle. The young man panicked, and a green killing curse left his wand as he screamed, "Avada Kedavra!"

The armour exploded as she shared spells with a Malfoy that was starting to look worried. He had just started to yell, "Avada..." when he was struck in the back of the head by a large chunk of the armour dragon. Hermione's bone banishing curse hit his leg and he collapsed in a heap. Goyle staggered back and Nott put up a shield.

"Guard!" Ron cried out.

She turned to see Ron being pinned down by two of the sixth years and Luna was trying to shield Lisa. Hermione cast a few cutting hexes and then felt the bludgeoner hit her side. She was thrown over and landed heavily on the floor. Only years of being beat by Harry and Ron had her roll over and come up into a crouch, pain ripping through her side. She pointed towards another suit of armour. "Animica Centuria! Protego Duo Centuria!"

The suit of armour jumped off its pedestal, its sword coming to bear as it lifted the shield it had. "Protect Luna and Lisa!"

She cast a silent protego as a nasty looking purple spell raced towards her. It splashed off her shield in a rain of purple and golden sparks. Nott snarled at her. "I've wanted to kill you for years, Granger."

"Then come get me," she said back in a determined voice. His wand started to move, and she moved to the side, her own wand dancing a complicated circle of silent spells. The noise of the fight was sure to draw in teachers. Hermione didn't have time to really decipher the noise as the same purple spell came for her. She shot out a few bone banishers, then a curse that Sirius had taught them to shatter wands, followed by two cutters. Nott got off two other spells that made sparks off her shield. Hermione had already moved, and he had to quickly call out "Protego Duo!" to block the spells she had sent at him.

By then, she had him where she wanted. "Scutum Compimens!" she yelled. Most times she was casting silently, but some powerful spells still needed to be said. A bolt of blue energy lanced out of her wand. She was casting stunners and then a bludgeon charm of her own. A loud gong reverberated through the corridor as her shield breaker spell impacted Nott's shield. Nott's surprised look was all she caught as the first stunner caught him square in the chest. As he dropped, the second got him in the head, knocking him back, allowing her other spells to just miss him.

She did a quick scan. Malfoy was down, not moving. Crabbe was in a crumpled heap, some bleeding scratches on his face and rips in his robes. His chest was rising and falling though. Goyle was shaking as he held a mangled hand and blood trickled down his head. Nott was out cold. She twirled her wand and ropes wrapped around Nott. Turning to the others, the fight looked about done.

Three Slytherin were on the floor. Ron was holding his left arm. She could see the blood trickling down his fingertips. Luna was holding her wand up as the armour stood guard over her. Lisa had her wand out but looked shocked. The suit of armour was melted on the right side, its sword a round mass of still red metal. She just caught the sight of two robes vanishing around a corner. There was some shouting and spell fire before it became quiet.

"Ron, how bad are you hurt?" she asked, scanning the hall again.

"It's pretty deep. Are you clear?"

"Yes. You?"

"Yes," Ron replied, holding his arm. There was blood seeping out between his fingers as Lisa took out her wand and conjoured a handkerchief.

"RON!" Lisa cried out. Hermione whipped back around. Lisa had rushed to him. She was looking at his arm.

"Luna, you alright?" Hermione asked her blue-eyed girl.

Luna met her eyes. "I didn't see the nargles in time," she responded.


"She was not hit," Luna answered as Lisa tied the handkerchief around Ron's arm.

Hermione slumped her shoulders as running feet came towards them. McGonagall and Sprout rounded the corner. "What is going on!"

"We were attacked by Malfoy and his lot," Ron replied as they rushed up to them. McGonagall was looking around at the fallen Slytherin, a look of shock on her face. As Hermione realized what she had done, and the pain in her side was starting to really announce itself, her hand started to shake. A hand went to her mouth. They had trained to protect themselves. She had never been in a fight like this. The smell and the sight of the blood and the crumpled bodies were a shock to her system.

Luna moved over to her.

McGonagall took in everything as Sprout leaned down to check on the ones Ron and Luna were fighting. "Minerva, these students need to get to the hospital," Professor Sprout said.

This shook McGonagall out of her stupor. "Right. Portkey or stretchers?"

"Stretchers," Sprout replied.

Professor Slughorn came puffing up. The look of disbelief on his face was unmistakable. "By Merlin's beard! What happened?"

By now, a gaggle of students were starting to gather. Someone screamed and there was a general murmur. "Not now, Horace. Get the prefects to get all the students back to their common rooms. I need Poppy and Filius once the others are to the infirmary."

Hermione was taking it in but looking at the blood on the back of Malfoy's head had her transfixed. Luna put her hand on Hermione's wand. "It's over. Let's go to the hospital wing."

Hermione turned to Ron. Lisa was supporting Ron as the professors took care of things. Hermione leaned into Luna. "My side hurts," she told her.

"Madam Pomfrey can help you," Luna said.

It was an hour or two later that found Luna kissing her forehead when an Auror came into her screen. Madam Pomfrey had wrapped her torso and given her a pain relief potion. Her injuries were far less severe than many that attacked them. The woman that walked in gave her a smile. "Wotcher, Hermione," the woman greeted her.

"Tonks," Hermione greeted. She knew Tonks from Harry and his cousin Andromeda.

"Who's the cute girl with you?" Tonks asked, wagging her brow.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Tonks, this is Luna Lovegood. Luna, Harry's cousin."

Luna knocked her head to the side. "It is nice to meet you."

"Same," Tonks said. "I heard you had a girlfriend. She's rather cute."

Hermione blushed a little this time. "Will you stop. We didn't kill anyone, did we?"

Tonks became serious. "No, but a few had to be taken to St. Mungo's. Pomfrey is still working on a few. How are you?"

"Three broken ribs and small a tare in her muscles," Luna said, sounding a little upset.

"I'll be fine, luv," Hermione comforted Luna, taking her hand. Luna grabbed it far tighter than she ever had.

Tonks nodded. "Sounds like you got off easy. You up to answering some questions?"

"Is Ron alright?" Hermione asked.

"He should be. His girl is taking good care of him." Tonks took out a pad from her robes and a muggle looking pen. "Love these fountain pens. Can you give me a statement of what happened? I'll start with you Hermione."

Hermione told her what she remembered. Her body wasn't shaking anymore. She was more afraid of how easy it was to hurt someone than the fact that she had. They had meant real harm to her and two people that she loved. Lisa was an innocent that Ron really liked. Hermione had reacted the way she had been trained. Tonks nodded, being very professional when she was done.

"And how about you, Luna?"

"Oh, it was fast," Luna started with. "Hermione threw up a shield I have never seen before. There were these marvelous sparks and colours when the spells hit it. Lisa needed protecting, so I transfigured a protector for my girlfriend and tried to help Ron and kept Lisa safe."

Tonks wagged her eyebrow at Hermione as she wrote. "What type of protector did you transfigure?"

"It was a Chinese water dragon. They are usually docile and don't mind witches, even wizards, but can be very protective. I could have gone with a large badger, or a lion, but I like dragons more and Hermione is not a badger. She is more powerful than that," Luna commented.

Tonks looked like she was trying not to laugh. "Luna, luv, what happened after that?" Hermione guided her.

"Oh, I was able to stun one of the boys and got another with a swarm of doxies that were behind a tapestry in the corridor before I was forced to shield. Poor Lisa was so afraid. I don't know when Ron got hurt, but when the knight came to save us, one of the boys used a very hot fire spell. It wasn't fiendfyre. I didn't recognize it. The third boy to go down was hit in the head with the knight's shield. By then, the one I first stunned was revived. Ron shot off something that hit one of the boys' arms and it went limp. Was it a bone dissolver?" Luna asked Hermione.

"We have been trained to use bone vanishers that target the arms and legs. Nothing that should be lethal but would take out an opponent until they could get Skele-gro," Hermione explained.

Tonks whistled. "Not exactly dark, but close. When did the professors arrive?"

"When that happened, I got in another stunner and the last two ran. The professors caught them just around the corner," Luna told her.

"Those both seem to match the other statements. I do need to get a record of your last few days' worth of spells," Tonks told them.

Luna and her both offered up their wands. A few minutes later Tonks was looking at the parchment. "Hermione, what was this shield you used?"

"Something Harry taught me. There isn't an incantation and mine is about half the strength of Harry's," Hermione replied.

"What is it?" Tonks questioned.

"Intent based magic. It's really hard. I can only do a few things. Remus and Harry are really the experts, but they even say they are still pretty raw at it. I hear that is how Dumbledore duels," Hermione offered.

Tonks eyes widened a bit. "Do you know how much magic and practice that takes to do something like that?"

"Hermione, Harry, the people they surround themselves with, are all powerful. It would be nice to learn how to do that someday," Luna answered for Hermione.

Tonks shook her head. "I knew my cousin was mental, but I thought his friends kept him sane."

"Hey!" Hermione protested.

A voice came from outside the curtain. It was deep and soothing. "Tonks, did you get the statements?"

"Yeah, Kingsley. Just give me another moment. Do either of you need to add anything?" Tonks asked them.

Luna shook her head. Hermione replied, "I don't think so."

"Listen, you two. You keep an eye on each other, and be safe," Tonks said rather seriously.

"Tonks, are Lucius Malfoy and the others really back?" Hermione asked.

The woman frowned. "I am not supposed to say anything, but yes. There is reason to believe about a dozen or so are back, including Malfoy and Parkinson. They doubled the guard at Azkaban and patrols in Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade. Just, be careful."

"We will," Luna agreed.

When Tonks left, Luna sat on the bed. Hermione was starting to feel tired, and the pain was really starting to get to her. Luna pulled her head down to rest on her chest. "Just close your eyes, luv. Madam Pomfrey should be back in just a moment."

Hermione rested her head on the soft pillow that was Luna's left breast. Luna put a hand to her face while running a hand through Hermione's hair. "Luna, I didn't go too far today? Tonks said it was almost dark magic."

Luna kissed the top of her head. "No, luv. You did what you needed too. If you hadn't, those boys planned to do bad things to us."

Hermione shivered and she felt Luna do the same. "I love you," Hermione said, needing to have Luna understand that.

Luna kissed the top of her head again. "And I love you, cutie."

Hermione giggled, Luna about the only person that could make her, then immediately regretting it as her side hurt. The curtain opened and she went to pull up. Luna held her in place. Madam Pomfrey looked tired and haggard. "I'm sorry, Ms. Granger. I should have been back earlier, but the boys that attacked you were far worse off than you and Mr. Weasley. You can stay there while I check you again."

"You didn't do wrong," Luna assured her.

Hermione wasn't sure, but she wouldn't allow Ron or Luna to get hurt if she could help it.

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