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12.74% Young Celestial Wizard [Celestial Grimoire, Harry Potter] / Chapter 13: Restricted Distraction

Bab 13: Restricted Distraction

Harry woke to gentle fingers stroking his feathers. Still half-asleep, he lifted his head and blinked blearily at Chiara, who was back to her normal self and looking at him with tired eyes. The early morning sunlight shone through the cracks in the boarded windows, creating small sunbeams across the room.

For a moment, they just stared at each other. Then Chiara's eyes widened and she let out a startled shriek and scrambled backwards, nearly falling over a broken chair.

"Harry?! What are you- how did you- you can't be here!" Her voice cracked with panic as she pressed herself against the wall. "Do you know what I am? What could have happened?"

Harry hopped down from where he'd been perched and transformed back into his human form, rubbing sleep from his eyes. "Course I know. You're a werewolf. But it's okay - I figured out how to help! See, when I'm an eagle, you don't try to eat me or anything. You just act like a big friendly dog."

Chiara's face had gone very pale. "You... you stayed here all night? With me? As an eagle?" Her voice was barely more than a whisper.

"Yeah! I made shapes with my mist to entertain you and everything. You really liked chasing them around." Harry grinned, then yawned widely. "Though I fell asleep on your head eventually. Your fur's really soft."

"But... but..." Chiara seemed to be having trouble finding words. "I could have killed you! What if I'd... if I'd..."

"Nah," Harry said confidently. "Werewolf-you was super dangerous to human-me, but not to eagle-me at all. That's why the journal told me to come help - it knew I'd be safe as long as I wasn't human."

"The journal?" Chiara mouthed, but Harry was already talking again.

"It's this really neat book I got that only I can read. It tells me about adventures and stuff. Like how to find you! Though it was kind of tricky figuring out what it meant about the 'curious eagle' part at first," Harry explained, brushing dust off his robes. "But then when you came down those stairs all growly and scary, I remembered!"

"Harry," Chiara interrupted, grabbing his shoulders gently. Her face was still pale, and her hands trembled slightly. "Please, just... just stay still for a moment. I need to check if you're hurt anywhere. Are you absolutely sure I didn't bite or scratch you?"

"I'm fine! Promise!" Harry said, but let her check his arms and neck anyway. "You weren't mean at all once I transformed. You just wanted someone to play with, right?"

Chiara's inspection slowed, and her shoulders started to relax as she found no injuries. "I... I don't remember much from last night. Just fragments. But I do remember seeing something golden, and feeling... less angry than usual." She finally stepped back, running a hand through her messy silver hair. "You really stayed the whole night?"

"Well yeah! That's what friends do, right?" Harry said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Nobody should have to be all alone in a creepy old house. Even if they're all big and furry once a month."

Tears started forming in Chiara's eyes. Harry shifted uncomfortably - he wasn't very good with crying. But before he could say anything, she pulled him into a tight hug.

"Thank you," she whispered. "Just... thank you."

"Er, you're welcome," Harry said, awkwardly patting her back. He wasn't used to hugs - most people at Hogwarts weren't very huggy, except maybe Hagrid, but those felt more like being squeezed by a friendly bear.

When Chiara finally let go, she wiped her eyes with her sleeve. "We should get back to the castle before anyone notices we're gone. Madam Pomfrey will be here soon to check on me."

Harry nodded, then remembered something. "Oh! I can show you the trick I used to get past the tree! It's pretty neat."

They made their way back through the tunnel, Harry lighting the way with a small flame in his palm. Chiara kept glancing at him, like she couldn't quite believe he was real.

"Does it hurt?" Harry asked suddenly. "When you change, I mean."

Chiara was quiet for a moment. "Yes. But I'm used to it now. It's been happening since I was seven."

"That's not fair," Harry said, frowning. "You're nice. Nice people shouldn't have to hurt."

"Life isn't always fair," Chiara said softly. "But having friends who understand... it helps more than you know."

They reached the end of the tunnel. Harry demonstrated how he'd used his chi-pooled fire to hit the knot in the Whomping Willow's roots, making the tree freeze again.

"That's amazing," Chiara said as they climbed out. "I didn't know you could do that with fire."

"I figured it out while practicing. If you pool the… energy just right at your hands or feet, it makes the fire feel solid instead of just hot," Harry explained. "Uncle Filius' been helping me practice control, even though he can't do it himself."

The morning air was cool and crisp. Birds were starting to wake up, their songs echoing across the grounds. Harry could see lights coming on in some of Hogwarts' windows - the castle was beginning to stir.

"Harry?" Chiara said, stopping at the edge of the greenhouses. "Would you... would you maybe want to keep me company again next month?"

"Course I will!" Harry grinned. "It was fun! Well, except for the part where you tried to eat me, but that was before I turned into an eagle. And I can practice making better shapes with my mist - maybe next time I can make them look like actual things instead of just simple shapes."

Chiara laughed softly, shaking her head. "You're a very strange person, Harry Potter. Most people would run away screaming if they found out what I am."

"Most people aren't like me," Harry said matter-of-factly. "Besides, you're way less dangerous than most of the professors. If I can get used to their strength, I can get used to you."

Chiara couldn't help but giggle at that comparison.

"Well, I should probably get back to my room before Aunt Min notices I'm gone," Harry said, scuffing his shoe against the stone steps of the castle entrance. "She gets all worried and her lips go all thin when she can't find me at breakfast."

Chiara smiled, though her eyes still looked tired from the long night. "And I need to wait for Madam Pomfrey. She'll want to check me over like always." She hesitated for a moment, then pulled Harry into another quick hug. "Thank you again. For not being scared of me."

"And Harry?" She waited until he looked back at her. "Maybe don't tell anyone else about... this? About helping me?"

Harry nodded seriously. "Course not. It's our secret."

They split up then, Chiara heading toward the hospital wing while Harry transformed and took flight towards his room. He already had some ideas for next month - maybe he could practice making his mist look like little animals for werewolf-Chiara to chase. That would be way more fun than just floating shapes, though he'd have to be very careful she doesn't manage to touch them… On second thought, let's not do that and get eaten.


Two weeks passed quickly for Harry. Between his lessons, regular painting sessions, firebending and mist control practice, and planning better ways to keep Chiara company next full moon, he barely noticed the time flying by.

He was at his usual spot on the Astronomy Tower, working on a new painting of the Great Lake at sunset. The light was perfect today, all orange and purple, making the water look like it was on fire. He had just finished adding another layer to capture that effect when footsteps behind him made him turn around.

Charlotte stood there, shifting from foot to foot and clutching a worn notebook. Her Gryffindor tie was crooked, and she looked like she hadn't slept much lately.

"Hi Harry," she said, trying to sound casual but failing pretty badly. "Your painting looks really nice."

"Thanks!" Harry beamed, always happy when people noticed his art. "I'm trying something new with the colors. Want to see?"

"Actually..." Charlotte glanced around like she was checking if anyone else was nearby. "I wanted to talk to you about something important. Remember how you helped with the ice vault?"

Harry nodded, putting down his brush. "Yeah, that was fun! Well, except for the ice knights trying to squish us."

Charlotte gave a weak laugh. "Right. Well, I think I figured out what's causing all those Boggarts to show up everywhere. You know how they keep scaring everyone?"

"Yeah, everyone's been really scared lately," Harry said, frowning as he remembered the screams echoing through the halls. His hands clenched slightly, thinking about the Boggart he'd destroyed. That had been scary, even for him. "Lots of people running and crying."

Charlotte twisted her hands together, not quite meeting his eyes. "That's... that's actually why I wanted to talk to you. See, I think all these Boggarts are coming from another vault. Like how the ice was spreading before."

Harry put his paintbrush down carefully, making sure it wouldn't roll off the tower. "Another vault? Is that why there's been so many scary things lately?"

"Yes, exactly!" Charlotte brightened, then seemed to catch herself. Her cheeks went pink as she glanced down at him. "I know you're... well, you're younger than most people I'd ask for help, but you were really brave with the ice vault. And your fire worked really well..."

"How come you're not asking Bill or Penny?" Harry asked, head tilted. "They helped last time too."

Charlotte's face fell slightly. "Oh, well... they're busy with exams and..." She trailed off, then sighed. "Actually, they're not really talking to me right now. After the ice vault, everyone started whispering about how it's all happening again, just like with Jacob, and..."

She stopped, biting her lip. Harry noticed her eyes looked a bit watery.

"Your brother got in trouble for the vaults before, right?" Harry asked. "And now people think you're making more trouble?"

Charlotte nodded miserably. "Everyone keeps saying I'm going to get expelled just like him. Even Bill and Penny have been avoiding me lately. But I have to figure this out - these vaults are dangerous! I can't just ignore them because people are being mean."

Harry considered this. He didn't like seeing his friends scared by Boggarts, and Charlotte looked really sad standing there all alone. Plus, his journal had mentioned something about a fear vault...

"Okay," he said. "I'll help. But we gotta be really careful - I don't want anyone else getting hurt like last time."

"Thanks Harry," Charlotte smiled at him. "Come on, let's do this quickly - I already know where to look."

They started walking to the library, with Harry feeling a bit unsure about the whole thing. "Won't we get in trouble if we're caught?"

Charlotte shook her head. "The general library's still open for another hour, so we just need to be careful. I've got a plan to deal with Madam Pince."

When they entered the library, Charlotte pulled out a small paper airplane from her robes. Harry peered at it curiously. "What's that for?"

A mischievous smile spread across Charlotte's face. "It's a fake note from Professor McGonagall. Says there's an emergency meeting about some first-years stealing books from the restricted section." She tapped the paper airplane with her wand, and it zoomed off towards Madam Pince's desk.

They watched from behind a bookshelf as Madam Pince read the note. She let out an exasperated sigh, waved her wand to tidy up some books, and headed for the exit. Harry held his breath as she walked past their hiding spot, only relaxing when she was gone.

Charlotte led them past studying students towards the Restricted Section. She had just reached for her wand when a familiar voice made Charlotte groan audibly.

"Following me again, Whitewood?"

Merula Snyde stood there with her arms crossed, wearing her usual sneer. Next to her was Ismelda, who always reminded Harry of those creepy dolls some of the older students collected with her black hair and black eyeliner.

Charlotte turned around slowly. "What do you want, Merula?" Her voice had the same tone Aunt Min used when dealing with particularly annoying students.

"I want what's inside the Cursed Vault," Merula said. "Same as you. Just for a much less pitiful reason."

Ismelda's lips curled into an unsettling smile. "I just want to watch you bleed."

Before Harry could process that disturbing statement, spells started flying. Charlotte disarmed Merula with a quick Expelliarmus, but then had to block Ismelda's Flipendo with a shield charm.

Harry watched the duel from the side, biting his lips. He didn't like fighting other students – the last time it led to lectures about responsibility and morals. But he couldn't just stand there while his friend faced two at once...

Making up his mind, Harry focused on converting some of his magic into mist. He kept it low to the ground, sending it creeping towards Ismelda while everyone was distracted by Merula's Incendio spell, which Charlotte countered with a charm that spewed water out of her wand and doused the fire.

The mist reached Ismelda just as she raised her wand again. Her eyes widened as the first tendril of fear hit her, and she stumbled backward. The mist thickened around her legs, forming a cube that moved with her no matter how she tried to escape.

Charlotte took advantage of Ismelda's panic, knocking her into a bookshelf with a well-aimed Flipendo. Merula barely got out "Stup-" before the mist reached her legs too, making her hesitate just long enough for Charlotte to stun her.

A second Stupefy took care of Ismelda, and suddenly their part of the library was quiet again except for their breathing.

"That was brilliant," Charlotte said, lowering her wand. "But we should hurry - someone probably heard all that."

Harry nodded, already wondering if Grandpa would consider this self-defense or not. Hopefully he never finds out...

He had just walked past the gates Charlotte unlocked with the Alohomora charm when his green eyes darkened.

[Enchanted Gear - The Elder Scrolls: Dovah] – Costs 50CP, 200CP available to spend.

Only fools go around without the very best equipment they can acquire, and you are no fool. Upon any item you own, you may add a single, powerful enchantment with each purchase of this option. This cannot be used to acquire unique enchantments, such as the effect of Mehrunes' Razor. This option may be taken multiple times, at a discount after the first purchase.

May Be Purchased 4X

"Hey, can we stop for a minute?" Harry asked, tugging on Charlotte's sleeve. "I need to check something real quick. Private stuff."

Charlotte glanced around the dark shelves of the Restricted Section nervously. "Alright, but make it fast. Madam Pince won't stay away forever."

Harry nodded and turned away, letting his mind focus on the offer floating in his thoughts. Another special (one-time use) power - and this one let him make things magical! Like how the professors enchanted stuff to float or move or do cool things.

He could pick anything he owned to make special. His paintbrushes maybe? Or one of his robes? But then he remembered that he sometimes lost small things like paintbrushes, and he couldn't always wear the same set of robes, right?

What did he have that was always by his side?

The Hero's Journal! It was part of his soul now - even if someone stole the actual book, he could just pull it back inside himself. And it was already magical, writing down his adventures and giving him hints. Making it even more special couldn't hurt, right?

Besides, the journal was his friend in a way. It helped him figure out stuff about Chiara and the vaults. It deserved something nice.

Harry grinned, deciding that yes, he definitely wanted this power. And yes, the journal would be perfect for his first enchantment.

Item Chosen: [ The Hero's Journal ]

Choose Enchantment(s) to be applied to [ The Hero's Journal ]

1. Reduce Magic Cost In [Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Illusion, Restoration] Spells By 50%

2. Fortify Skill In [Alchemy, Archery, Barter, Block, Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Lockpicking, One-Handed, Pickpocket, Smithing, Sneak, Two-Handed, Unarmed] By 50%

3. Fortify [Health, Magic, Stamina] by 20%

4. Fortify [Health Regen, Magic Regen, Stamina Regen] by 100%

5. Resist [Disease, Poison] by 100%

6. Resist [Fire, Frost, Shock] by 50%

7. Resist Magic by 20%

8. Muffle Footsteps

9. Underwater Breathing

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