Bagikan pikiran Anda dengan orang lain
Tulis ulasancerita yang bagus .. tolong lanjutkan cerita dewasa yang seru,, kalau bisa update nya yang banyak
Hi there i have been reading this book and i think it is a fantastic book that has the potential to grow a lot more so if you are interested in publishing this fanfic to my platform please contact me and we can further negotiations details. this is my Instagram [yurichi_adrenaline]
The story is sufficient for this type of reading, the only thing I would add is a mere preference plus description or dirty words in the scenes Continue with the great work, anyone who doesn't like it simply doesn't read.
Merda degenerada da mais baixa ordem. Isso é apenas estupro glorificado, e o vook em si é simplesmente terrível, sem nenhuma qualidade redentora. A única coisa notável sobre isso é o quão ruim ele é. Desejo a morte quântica a você por escrever essa merda
Alright so I'm not a fan of Brainwashing or Hypnosis but I'm not gonna sentence you to "quantum death" like the other review. Basically really badly written. I'll explain it badly in return. Plot starts with "yo boruto, I'm kaguya otsutsuki" "aren't you the one my dad killed" "I'm gonna give you the strongest ninjutsu" "omg really" "yes here's [true infinite tsukoyomi]". Need I go on?
Don't believe the review. Read and then only write. Ok, something might be right but something may be wrong. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Membuka SPOILERcerita yang bagus .. tolong lanjutkan cerita dewasa yang seru,, kalau bisa update nya yang banyak
Hi there i have been reading this book and i think it is a fantastic book that has the potential to grow a lot more so if you are interested in publishing this fanfic to my platform please contact me and we can further negotiations details. this is my Instagram [yurichi_adrenaline]
The story is sufficient for this type of reading, the only thing I would add is a mere preference plus description or dirty words in the scenes Continue with the great work, anyone who doesn't like it simply doesn't read.
Merda degenerada da mais baixa ordem. Isso é apenas estupro glorificado, e o vook em si é simplesmente terrível, sem nenhuma qualidade redentora. A única coisa notável sobre isso é o quão ruim ele é. Desejo a morte quântica a você por escrever essa merda
Alright so I'm not a fan of Brainwashing or Hypnosis but I'm not gonna sentence you to "quantum death" like the other review. Basically really badly written. I'll explain it badly in return. Plot starts with "yo boruto, I'm kaguya otsutsuki" "aren't you the one my dad killed" "I'm gonna give you the strongest ninjutsu" "omg really" "yes here's [true infinite tsukoyomi]". Need I go on?
Don't believe the review. Read and then only write. Ok, something might be right but something may be wrong. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa