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95.45% Star Wars: The War That Only the UNSC Can End / Chapter 42: Alliance and Discord

Bab 42: Alliance and Discord

The atmosphere of Naboo seemed calm, but beneath the surface, the air was heavy with an invisible tension. In the hills surrounding Theed, Satine Kryze stood silently, staring out at the horizon as the breeze played with her hair and dress. Her thoughts were a whirlwind of emotions: grief for what she was leaving behind, uncertainty for what she would face in the future, and a steely determination to protect her people.

Padmé Amidala approached, holding a datapad containing the latest official communiqué from the Senate. She too seemed burdened with worry. Her normally serene face was marked by slight tension as she read in silence. Finally, she sighed and broke the silence.

"So, it's official," Padmé said, lowering the datapad. "The Senate has severed all ties with the UNSC. This makes things difficult for all of us... especially Lothal."

Satine nodded, but did not take her eyes off the horizon. Her voice, though firm, carried an unmistakable sadness. "I knew this day would come. The Republic no longer stands for the values ​​we once swore to protect. My people need a place where we can start anew, away from these decadent politics, the endless wars, and the oppression that weighs more heavily on us every day."

Padmé took a step closer, studying Satine. "You know this won't be easy, Satine. If you move your people to Lothal, you'll put them in the crosshairs. Not just of the Republic, but of their enemies as well. Lothal is not a safe haven, it's a battlefield. Are you ready for that?"

The duchess finally turned her head to Padmé, her eyes reflecting a mix of pain and determination. "Padmé, what other choice do I have? Naboo has offered us refuge and hospitality beyond what I could have hoped for, but our presence here also puts you in danger. I cannot continue to watch my people live as refugees, knowing that every day the chance of the Senate or the Covenant reaching us even here increases."

Padmé narrowed her eyes in thought. "You're not wrong. The Senate is increasingly hostile towards anyone who doesn't align with their decisions. But Satine, is the UNSC the answer? They're not perfect. Their methods are... extreme. Some would say dangerous."

Satine shook her head slowly, but her tone grew sterner. "I know what you say, Padmé. But I also know what I've seen. When Lothal was on the brink of annihilation, it wasn't the Republic that responded. It was the UNSC. Not with empty promises, but with action. They may not be perfect, but at least they do something."

Padmé was silent for a moment, allowing Satine's words to sink in. Finally, her shoulders relaxed slightly. "I understand. But still, this isn't just about politics or survival. It's about your people. Are you prepared to lead them on a path that could separate them from everything they've ever known?"

Satine took a deep breath, her hands shaking slightly as they crossed in front of her. "I'm not ready, Padmé," she admitted. "But I can't afford to hesitate. My people need hope, and if that means leading them to a planet on the brink of conflict, then I will. Because the alternative is extinction."

Padmé walked over and placed a hand on Satine's arm, her tone filled with sincerity. "I have never doubted your leadership or your strength, but promise me this: if things become too dangerous, if you feel the cost is too high... do not sacrifice everything for pride. Your people need their leader alive, not as a martyr."

Satine smiled weakly, though a tear rolled down her cheek. "Thank you, Padmé. Your friendship has been a beacon in the midst of the darkness. But do not worry. I do not plan to become a martyr. I only plan to fight for what my people deserve."

Padmé held Satine's gaze for a moment longer before speaking again, this time with a softer but firmer tone. "I'm going to tell you something I haven't shared with anyone. I've been struggling with my own faith in the Republic. Every day I see how the Senate is becoming more corrupt, how our decisions are motivated by selfish interests and not the well-being of our citizens. And I see in you the courage I've begun to lose. Maybe what you're doing is the right thing, even if it's dangerous."

Satine took Padmé's hand tightly, grateful for her honesty. "Thank you for understanding. I didn't expect it to be easy, but at least I know I have your support."

"Always," Padmé replied, giving a sad smile. "But promise me that we'll keep in touch. I want to know how you are, how everyone is. And if you ever need help, don't hesitate to ask me, even if it means facing the Senate."

"I promise," Satine said, though they both knew that promise would be difficult to keep.

The two women remained silent for a moment longer, watching the sunset. It was a silence filled with respect, admiration, and the mutual understanding that their paths, though divergent, would always be connected.

Finally, Padmé broke the silence. "When you get to Lothal, don't forget what you're truly looking for: a home. Don't let wars or politics keep you from that."

Satine nodded, a renewed determination in her voice. "I will remember that, Padmé. Because if we don't fight for a home, then what's the point of any of this?"

As Satine turned to leave, Padmé watched her, feeling a mix of pride and fear for her friend. She knew the duchess was taking a difficult path, but she also knew that there was no one else capable of walking it with the dignity and courage that Satine possessed.


The Galactic Senate was in chaos. The vast chamber vibrated with the voices of the senators, each trying to impose itself on the others. Platforms floated, moving closer and further away in a chaotic choreography that reflected the political fracture of the Republic. At the center of the debate was the UNSC, its growing presence and the recent alliance with Lothal. Each word was a spark that fueled discord.

"We cannot allow an outside power like the UNSC to continue to extend its influence in our galaxy!" Senator Tullus Darveth roared, leaning over his podium as he pointed toward the center of the chamber. "Lothal has betrayed the principles of this Republic. They have signed their alliance with them and ignored our authority! They must be punished before other systems follow their example!"

Murmurs of approval filled the nearby platforms, but cries of protest arose as well. From the other side of the chamber, Bail Organa stood up with an expression of suppressed fury.

"Sanction them? Why? Because they sought to protect themselves when this Republic could not. Lothal faced annihilation at the hands of the Covenant and the only help they received came from the UNSC! Where was the Republic then, Senator Darveth? If we had acted in time, we wouldn't be having this discussion."

A few senators nodded, but the shout of an Inner Core senator drowned out any support. "The UNSC is not here to help! They are positioning themselves to replace us! They have already begun exploiting Lothal's resources to build an independent military force. If we continue to allow this, we will soon be surrounded by fleets that will not answer to this chamber."

From her platform, Mon Mothma raised her voice calmly, but laden with authority. "And what is the alternative? Threatening Lothal with sanctions? Increasing tensions with a system that seeks only survival? Perhaps we should reflect on why more systems are seeking alliances outside the Republic rather than relying on us."

"Because they are being manipulated!" Darveth shouted, pointing a finger at Mon Mothma. "The UNSC is an invader disguised as an ally. Every step they take brings them closer to total control. If we do not act now, we will not have a Republic to defend."

Organa threw up her hands in frustration. "Manipulated? Lothal signed that alliance because you, this Senate, abandoned them! Do you think they seek revenge? No, they seek survival. And if you would deign to listen, you could see that there is no manipulation, but desperation."

The debate reached a critical point. The platforms floated closer together, and the senators gesticulated furiously as they shouted their points. From the center of the chamber, Chancellor Palpatine slowly raised a hand. His gesture was almost imperceptible, but the room slowly began to quieten, as if a spell had fallen upon those present. His voice rang with an icy calm.

"Senators," Palpatine began, his tone of authority brooking no argument. "It is clear that the UNSC has crossed a line by interfering in the affairs of this Republic. We cannot ignore their actions. They are building fleets, reinforcing their military presence, and have used Lothal's resources without any oversight from us."

He paused, letting his words sink in. "The Republic cannot tolerate this. I therefore declare that all alliances with the UNSC are officially severed. Any system that continues to cooperate with them will face severe consequences. The Republic must remain united, and that requires order and discipline."

A tense silence fell over the room. For a moment, no one spoke, until Representative Ackbar of Mon Cala took the floor from his platform. His voice was grave and filled with regret.

"It is with great sadness that I must inform you that Mon Cala can no longer honor its commitment to the UNSC. We understand the importance of maintaining stability in this Republic, and we cannot risk our position or our shipyards in this conflict. However, this decision was not made lightly. It pains us deeply to take this step."

A murmur ran through the room. The cancellation of the agreements with Mon Cala was a devastating blow to the UNSC, which had relied on the resources and shipyards of the system to bolster its naval capabilities.

Mon Mothma stood up again, this time with a look of indignation. "This is a disgrace to the Republic. Instead of seeking solutions, we are punishing those who try to survive. We are losing allies, not because the UNSC manipulates them, but because this chamber has become a place of threats and punishment instead of leadership."

"That is unacceptable!" a Midcore senator shouted. "The UNSC is not an ally, it is a threat. If we do not act now, they will be building fleets on our own territory, and we will be powerless to stop them."

"And what do they propose?" Organa replied, his eyes burning with frustration. "War against the UNSC? Against Lothal? Is that what you want? Because I assure you that will not be a victory for the Republic, it will be our grave."

The Chancellor raised his hand again, silencing the shouts. "There will be no war, Senator Organa. But there will also be no tolerance for those who challenge the authority of this Senate. We have wasted too much time arguing. The decision is made. The Republic will move forward, with or without Lothal."

Palpatine let his words hang in the air before concluding. "This is a critical moment for our survival. We must stand united. But that is only possible if all systems understand that the authority of the Republic cannot be questioned."

The chamber returned to chaos, with senators shouting for and against the decision. From the shadows of the room, some neutral observers took note of the fracture that was becoming more and more evident. For the UNSC, the loss of Mon Cala meant the disappearance of their greatest opportunity to bolster their naval presence, but for the Republic, this split was a clear sign that their unity was crumbling.

Palpatine, meanwhile, remained at his podium, his expression unfazed. He knew that this chaos only consolidated his power. The Republic was closer to collapse, and he would be ready to pick up the pieces when the time came.


Twilight blanketed Lothal in a warm glow as the ships carrying Satine's people gently descended into the atmosphere. On the horizon, UNSC facilities glowed with strategically placed lights, projecting a mix of military efficiency and hospitality. Though the reception included no fanfare, the welcoming ceremony hosted by the UNSC forces was simple but charged with respect. Soldiers in lined formation flanked the main hangar, as Mandalorian refugees disembarked with faces filled with hope and a hint of uncertainty.

Satine Kryze descended first, her posture erect and dignified despite the weariness evident in her eyes. She walked slowly towards Admiral Arnet, who was waiting for her at the foot of the ramp, accompanied by a small group of officers. His imposing figure was almost intimidating, but there was a warm look in his eyes that indicated understanding and pragmatism.

"Duchess Kryze," Arnet said, extending a hand in respect. "Welcome to Lothal. Here, you and your people will find safety and the space you need to start anew."

Satine took his hand firmly, nodding slightly. "Thank you, Admiral. Your hospitality means more than I can express. My people have endured too much, and this new beginning is a ray of hope for us."

As the refugees began to disperse, led by UNSC soldiers to their designated areas, Arnet gestured for Satine to follow him into the Infinity's command room. Once inside, cold lights and holographic screens showed a complete overview of operations on and around Lothal. Satine paused for a moment, watching the projections and admiring the precision and order of the place.

"This level of organization is impressive," Satine commented as she turned to Arnet. "But I fear that even this efficiency will not be able to stop the repercussions of the Republic's decision to cut ties with you."

Arnet let out a deep sigh, crossing his arms as he watched the holographic representation of Lothal slowly rotate in the center of the room. "Duchess, I will be frank with you. The Republic and its policies do not interest me. My responsibility is to protect my people and the systems that rely on us, as Lothal now does. We have lost the support of Mon Cala, but it is not up to them or the Senate for us to continue fighting. It is up to us."

Satine was silent for a moment, surprised by the admiral's directness, but also comforted by his direct approach. Finally, he spoke in a firm, clear voice. "I understand, Admiral. But you must know that my people have suffered under the effects of too many leaders who prioritize their own agendas. If this alliance is to work, it must be more than a military transaction. Lothal will not just be a refuge for Mandalorians; it will be a home, a fortress for all who seek something better than the decline of the Republic."

Arnet looked directly at her, nodding slowly as he processed her words. "You are right, Duchess. This is not just a political alliance or a simple act of survival. If we are to build anything here, it will be a future worth protecting, and that means working together, not as circumstantial allies, but as equal partners."

Satine noticed a flash of respect in the Admiral's eyes, and it encouraged her to continue. "My Mandalorians will not be a burden, Admiral. We are a resilient people, accustomed to working and fighting for what is ours. Lothal will be stronger with us here, and we will be stronger with the UNSC. My only request is that we respect our identity and traditions as we work to strengthen this planet."

Arnet nodded once more, a slight smile softening the harshness of his countenance. "I can guarantee that. The UNSC is not here to impose its will, but to give a chance to those who have been abandoned by others. And as for strengthening Lothal… I am sure your warriors will be a welcome addition."

An officer entered the room at that moment, handing Arnet a datapad with the latest reports on the political situation in the galaxy. Arnet briefly looked over it before looking at Satine.

"The news from the Republic is not good," he said, setting the datapad down on the holographic table. "The Senate has not only cut ties with us, but is pressuring other systems to do the same. What they did with Mon Cala is just the beginning. They want to isolate us, but they do not understand that we are not dependent on them."

"Then we must show them that we do not need their approval to prosper," Satine replied determinedly. "Lothal will be an example of what we can accomplish when people unite, even in the darkest of times."

Arnet watched her for a few moments, impressed by the Duchess' bravery and determination. "You are right, and I will not allow the Republic to dictate what we can or cannot do. Lothal will be our stronghold. We will not just survive, Duchess. We will thrive."

The two leaders shared a silent understanding. Though their methods and priorities might differ, they were united by a common goal: to build something lasting in a universe that seemed bent on destroying everything it touched.

As Satine left the command room, she felt a mix of emotions. There was much work to be done, but for the first time in a long time, she felt that her people had a real chance to rebuild what they had lost. Lothal would not just be a refuge; it would be a symbol of resilience and hope for those who had grown tired of the Republic's power games.

The Infinity sat in orbit around Lothal, a watchful colossus. On board, officers and technicians worked endless shifts, monitoring every corner of the system for any anomaly that might pose a threat. With the Republic increasing in hostility and key allies like Mon Cala distancing themselves, the need to find strategic resources had become a top priority.

In the Infinity's command room, Admiral Arnet watched a series of holographic projections displaying patrol routes and long-range scans of the system. Beside him, Serina, the ship's artificial intelligence, monitored the data with inhuman efficiency.

"Admiral," Serina began, her tone calculating but with a hint of urgency. "Long-range sensors have detected a gravitational anomaly in a nearby system, about three astronomical units from our current position. It does not correspond to any known stars or recorded planetary activity."

Arnet frowned, crossing his arms. "Could we be talking about Covenant activity?"

"Highly unlikely," Serina replied, projecting a three-dimensional star map showing the system in question. "The signal is too weak for a supercarrier or any large Covenant vessel. However, there are patterns that suggest artificial structures. This could be exactly what we're looking for."

Arnet nodded slowly, processing the information. "Ready a recon team. I want a full assessment of that area. If there's anything useful there, we can't afford to ignore it."

Hours later, a Paris-class ship designated Recon-7 entered Slipspace. On board, an elite team comprised of UNSC engineers, scientists, and marines checked their equipment with pinpoint precision. Leading the mission was Commander Reynolds, an experienced officer who had survived multiple engagements with the Covenant.

"Listen up, team," Reynolds began as he reviewed a hologram of the system Serina had identified. "We don't know exactly what's there, but the readings indicate structures that could be old space facilities. Our objective is clear: locate, assess, and secure the area. This could be a turning point for us, so I don't want any mistakes."

Next to him, Senior Engineer Sarah Quinn was adjusting the advanced scanning systems. "If the preliminary data is correct," she said, "we could be looking at an abandoned shipyard, possibly belonging to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. If we can restore some of its functionality, we could make up for the loss of Mon Cala."

"Those are assumptions," a Marine chimed in as he loaded a BR75 rifle. "First, let's make sure there are no surprises waiting. These things are usually abandoned for a reason."

"That's why you're here," Reynolds replied with a slight smile. "To make sure no one greets us with an explosive welcome."

As the Recon-7 emerged from hyperspace, the team was momentarily silent. In front of them was an asteroid field orbiting a dying star, dimly illuminating the area with a reddish glow. Amidst the asteroids, sensors began picking up regular shapes: straight lines and flat surfaces that couldn't possibly be natural.

"Confirmed," Quinn announced from his console. "Artificial structures detected. Size and layout match space shipyards. Looks like they're embedded in the asteroids to take advantage of natural shielding."

"Bring images to main screen," Reynolds ordered.

The ship's screens showed enlarged images of the shipyards. Though covered in cosmic dust and partially damaged by asteroid impacts, the structures were unmistakable. Assembly towers, mechanical arms floating limply, and sections that had clearly been designed to build and repair spacecraft.

"It's a damn shipyard," a Marine muttered, impressed.

"And it looks like it's been here since the Clone Wars," Quinn added, scanning the design markings. "It's definitely Confederate technology."

The Recon-7 slowly made its way into the asteroid field, using energy shields to deflect the smaller fragments. All the while, sensors continued to gather data.

"I'm detecting minimal power fluctuations," Quinn reported. "Some systems may still be operational, albeit dormant. I suggest we prioritize access to the power and control cores."

"Negative," Reynolds replied. "We secure the area first. If there's anything alive here, I want to know about it before anyone pushes buttons."

The Marines began preparing a landing party to explore the main structures. Equipped with EVA suits and heavy weaponry, they descended through the Recon-7's airlocks and headed for one of the shipyard's largest platforms.

"Bravo Team moving," a Marine reported over the comlink. "No signs of hostile activity so far. Moving towards main access point."

The lights on their suits illuminated the dark, dusty corridors of the structure. Though they had clearly been abandoned for decades, the metal walls were surprisingly well preserved, thanks to the vacuum of space.

"This is incredible," commented Quinn, who had accompanied the team. "Life support systems are disabled, but control panels show signs of residual activity. If we can restore power, we might be able to access the logs and understand what kind of ships were built here."

"This better be worth it," a Marine replied as he scanned the surroundings. "This place gives me the creeps."

Suddenly, a high-pitched beeping interrupted communication. Proximity sensors began flashing on the screens of the suits and the ship.

"Motion detected," Reynolds announced, his tone alert. "Security drones? Or something worse?"

"Analyzing," Serina replied over the comm channel. "The readings do not match any known life forms, but could be residual machinery. Proceed with caution."

The Marines adjusted their rifles as they prepared for any eventuality. Rounding a corner, they found the source of the movement: a swarm of small repair drones that slowly hovered, seemingly ignoring them.

"They're automated maintenance units," Quinn reported, noting the drones' markings. "They were probably carrying out routine repairs until the facility went down."

"Well, at least they're not firing," a Marine remarked with relief. "Shall we move on, Commander?"

"Affirm," Reynolds replied. "Our priority remains the control core. If we can power this place up, the UNSC will have a game-changing advantage."

Hours later, the team returned to Recon-7, loading up collected data and preliminary maps of the facility. Quinn was visibly excited as she prepared her report for Admiral Arnet.

"Admiral," she said over the comm link. "We've found an operational shipyard, though it needs significant repairs. If we can reactivate its core systems, we could build and repair ships on a scale that would make up for the loss of Mon Cala. This place could turn the tide of the war."

From the Infinity, Arnet listened in silence before answering in a determined tone. "Good work, team. This could be exactly what we need. Prepare for a total restoration mission. Lothal and the UNSC will not be dependent on anyone else. We will build our own fleet, whatever the cost."

End Of Chapter 42

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