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63.63% Star Wars: The War That Only the UNSC Can End / Chapter 28: Battle of Tatooine, Part 4

Bab 28: Battle of Tatooine, Part 4

Arnet watched the projection of the battle on the holotable, his gaze cold and calculating, but his thoughts were in a whirl. He knew this mission was costing more than they had anticipated. The flashes of explosions and the constant casualty signals on the screen made it obvious how complicated the situation was. Tatooine was turning out to be hell.

The voice of Serina, the Infinity's AI, interrupted his thoughts in a neutral tone, but with a clear warning.

"Admiral, we have lost 40% of our ground troops. Covenant resistance is higher than our initial estimates, and the orbiting fleet continues to bombard our positions. If the situation persists, we recommend withdrawal."

Arnet clenched his jaw, watching as the Covenant continued to gain ground. He knew the logical order was to retreat, but abandoning the planet would mean condemning civilians and allies to their fate. Could they really afford another setback?


Count Dooku stepped forward without hesitation, his cape billowing as he surveyed the devastation around him. The deserted street was a field of horror, bodies of civilians, soldiers, and Covenant creatures strewn across the ground. All around him, his staggering allies tried to maintain their composure. General Grievous, visibly damaged, leaned his weight on one of his Magnaguardian guards. Asajj Ventress, her face hardened with pain, staggered behind the count.

Dooku narrowed his eyes, focusing on the horizon, where UNSC and Republic evacuation ships rose into space, carrying away those lucky enough to escape this nightmare.

"There lies our exit," Dooku said, his tone cold and determined. "We must take one of those transports out of here before the Covenant destroys the rest of the city."

Grievous growled, his distorted, mechanical voice reflecting his frustration and pain.

"My lord, the droid force we brought is insufficient. Every time we advance, Covenant troops force us back. If we take this route, there will be direct combat. We are in no condition to face any further resistance."

Dooku glanced at him, then at Ventress, who was struggling to stand.

"We have no choice, General. If we remain here, the Covenant will finish us off. I did not come here to be annihilated in a forgotten city," Dooku replied harshly. "So prepare to fight, for this will be our last chance."

With determination, the group began to move towards the evacuation center, using the shadows and rubble as cover. With each step, the sound of gunfire and explosions grew louder. The Covenant ships continued their bombardment, shaking the ground and making the air tremble with their destructive power.

Dooku moved forward calmly, his eyes fixed on a group of Covenant troops advancing beyond their position. With a simple wave of his hand, he called upon the power of the Force, unleashing a brutal shockwave that shook the ground beneath his enemies. Unggoy and Jackals were sent flying, crashing into the walls with an ominous crunch, their bodies bending and breaking like rag dolls.

Meanwhile, the terrified members of the Confederacy sought shelter behind Grievous and Ventress. Nute Gunray trembled visibly, muttering prayers for the Dark Jedi to keep them alive, while Bec Lawise cowered on the ground, trying to make as little noise as possible.

"Stand aside, wretches!" Dooku thundered, his words reverberating with a mix of contempt and power as he advanced, focusing his attention on a group of Elites who raised their energy shields in an attempt to stop him.

With a wave of his hand, Dooku smashed one of the Elites into a wall, his shield flickering and fading before his body shattered with a dull thud. Another Elite attempted to fire, but Dooku reached out, closing his throat with the Force and lifting him off the ground. With a slight tilt of his wrist, he threw him hard into the group of Unggoy, shattering them in an explosion of flesh and metal.

Ventress, though wounded, watched in fascination at the deadly precision with which the Count wielded the Force. Grievous, on the other hand, stood guard, ready to strike if any of the Covenant soldiers managed to survive the devastation Dooku was causing.

Dooku finally stopped and stared coldly at the remnants of the enemy group. His breathing, still controlled and calm, indicated the absolute mastery he had over his power. He turned, casting a stern glare at the cowardly leaders of the Confederacy, who still clung fearfully behind Grievous and Ventress.

"If you wish to survive this, you should consider doing more than hiding behind those who still have the courage to face the enemy." Dooku's words fell like blades upon them, laden with contempt.

Yet none of them had the courage to respond, afraid that the count's next fit of rage would be directed at them.

The group was advancing at top speed, Count Dooku in front, with Grievous covering him and Ventress trailing behind, her breathing heavy and ragged. Explosions and the sound of gunfire echoed everywhere as the city was consumed in chaos. Just as they thought they would finally make it close to the spaceport, a Covenant Phantom passed overhead, its turrets turning and aiming.

Dooku, with a wave of his hand, launched speeder debris at the Phantom, hitting hard and shattering it into a fireball that vanished into the sky. But they didn't have much time to celebrate. More Covenant troops began to appear, pouring out of the surrounding streets and buildings, with a Sangheili commander leading them. The commander activated his communicator, and the Covenant queen's voice echoed over the channel.

"I've changed my mind, Commander. Capture them. They might be useful to us after all," she said in a cold, calculating tone.

The group desperately pushed forward, but the Covenant troops continued to press them. The Sangheili, accompanied by Brutes and Grunts, charged mercilessly, blocking every possible exit and forcing Dooku's group back.

Dooku unleashed blasts of Force lightning, felling several Grunts, but for every enemy that fell, two more appeared. Grievous, despite his combat experience, was increasingly surrounded, his lightsabers spinning frantically to block the plasma bolts. However, even he was being forced back, while a wounded Ventress staggered and barely managed to stay on her feet.

The Sangheili commander watched the scene from one end of the street, his voice booming over the communicator. "Don't let them escape! The Queen wants them captured alive!"

With each word from the commander, the Covenant troops renewed their attack with inhuman ferocity. Brutes armed with gravity hammers rammed into Dooku and Grievous' defenses, sending debris flying. The street filled with dust and screams, with corpses and debris at every turn.

"Get back! We can't face them here," Dooku shouted, gesturing to a side street. They barely made their way through plasma fire and Brute attacks, eventually taking refuge in an old, run-down bar.

As they retreated toward the bar, the other Confederate leaders, such as Nute Gunray, Wat Tambor, and Bec Lawise, stood in the shadows of Dooku and Grievous, their faces pale with terror. Gunray nervously muttered about the desperate situation, his voice shaking as he watched the Covenant seem to draw ever closer.

"We're not getting out of here alive! Why are we relying on an unanswered distress signal?" "Gunray complained, as he took refuge behind the others.

"Calm down, Gunray," Grievous growled, not taking his eyes off the doorway. His words, though cold, held a hint of impatience.

The group reached the old bar, and between them, Nute Gunray and Wat Tambor dove behind any cover they could, staying low and shaking, while Bec Lawise tried to make herself small behind an overturned table. Dooku, despite the situation, maintained a calculated calm as he used the Force to secure the entrance.

"This is a mess," Tambor muttered, his voice distorted through his breathing mask. "If we don't get out of here soon, we'll be captured... or worse."

Grievous, on the other hand, kept his lightsabers lit and ready, looking from the terrified Confederate leaders to Dooku. "What do we do now, Count? It's only a matter of time before they find us here."

Dooku looked around the place for some alternative exit. "We need to hold out here long enough to plot an escape route. And if Republic or UNSC forces arrive, we will take advantage of their arrival to disappear into the chaos."

Outside, the footsteps of Covenant troops grew ever closer. The atmosphere in the bar was tense as the Confederate leaders tried to hide their fear behind their makeshift covers, hoping for a miracle that could save them.


Arnet, frowning, analyzed the situation on the holotable as he listened to Anakin's report and watched the real-time damage reports.

"If we don't get the civilians out in time, it'll be a massacre," Anakin said, his voice tense. "Mos Eisley is still packed, and my troops are doing everything they can, but with the Covenant pressing in from all sides..."

Arnet nodded slowly, his thoughts focused on finding a solution. Beside him, Aayla Secura watched the information with concern, and after a moment of silence she dared to speak.

"Admiral, if we continue like this, neither the Republic nor the UNSC will be able to hold out much longer. It may be necessary to... try something bold. A direct attack, or at least a distraction that gives us time to evacuate."

Arnet watched the growing chaos on the holotable when suddenly, more Covenant ships began to exit hyperspace, reinforcing their fleet and further complicating the situation. With each passing second, the area became more critical, and the room for maneuver was drastically diminished.

"Forget it," Arnet said quickly.

Anakin, in contact with Arnet, urged, "Admiral, we have to close the evacuation at Mos Eisley. If not, we risk the loss of our entire fleet. I have already begun to withdraw troops from the other cities; we have to concentrate our efforts on getting whoever we can out of here."

Arnet nodded with a grimace of frustration. "Understood, Skywalker. Let's speed up the process and finish the evacuation at Mos Eisley. We can't afford any more unnecessary casualties."

Suddenly, Serina appeared at the holotable, a flash of urgency in her expression. "Admiral, one of our ground-based reconnaissance drones has picked up something... unusual. It appears that Count Dooku and his companions have been detected attempting to flee through the streets of Mos Eisley and have just barricaded themselves in what appears to be an abandoned bar."

Arnet crossed his arms, frowning as he listened to the report. "Dooku is in Mos Eisley? Right in the epicenter of all this... Aayla, do you have any idea what he might be planning?"

Aayla Secura, watching the drone footage, shook her head. "If he's there, he's probably trying to escape the planet with what's left of his faction. But this is an opportunity. Capturing Dooku could be a huge blow to the enemy and an advantage for us."

Arnet watched the drone footage closely, showing Covenant troops beginning to surround the bar where Dooku and his allies were holed up. He sighed, knowing this mission was going to be a tricky one.

"It seems the Covenant has had the same idea as us," Arnet commented, looking toward Serina at the holotable.

"Admiral, I suggest deploying a team of Spartans to capture them alive before the Covenant catches up with them. It might be our only chance to secure their capture," Serina replied with a serious look.

Arnet nodded and turned to the officers in the room. "Get ready. I'll go with the Spartan II team."

Aayla Secura, who had been listening to the conversation, stepped forward. "I want to join as well, Admiral. I have experience on land and can be of assistance in close combat."

Before Arnet could respond, Anakin Skywalker quickly stepped in. "If that's the plan, then I'm going as well. With Dooku involved, we can't risk him escaping."

Arnet held up a hand, cutting Anakin off short. "Skywalker, I understand your reasons, but we can't afford to have the entire top brass on such a risky extraction mission. If things go wrong, someone in the fleet and in command is needed to oversee the evacuation. This is not the time to play all our cards."

Anakin glanced at Arnet, clearly dissatisfied, but eventually nodded, acknowledging the logic of his words.

Infinity was in full swing. Alarms rang through the halls, the rumble of explosions in space was a constant echo, and officers and soldiers ran back and forth, attending to their tasks with military precision. Amidst the chaos, Arnet and Aayla moved quickly towards the orbital drop pod bay.

The atmosphere was tense, almost unbreathable. Doors opened and closed in time with the frenzy of the crew. As they passed, Arnet and Aayla exchanged glances with soldiers who barely had time to look up. The reality of war was clear: no one was truly safe, not even on a 5-kilometer-long ship like the Infinity.

Finally, they reached the bay. There, a squadron of Spartan IIs was already waiting for them, tall, imposing, and ready for the mission. The dim glow of the hangar lights highlighted the matte black of their armor. Their golden visors reflected the constant movement around them.

Arnet gave them a brief but firm military salute. "Team, target confirmed. We're heading to the bar in Mos Eisley. Dooku and his allies are inside. They must be taken alive. The Covenant are already surrounding them, so prepare for a hot drop. Serina will give you exact coordinates in real time."

A Spartan, who seemed to be leading the squadron, replied in a deep, precise voice: "Understood, Admiral. Ready to deploy."

Aayla watched everything in silence, somewhat nervously. She had seen the Spartans in action before, but being about to descend alongside them was another story.

Arnet turned to her, breaking his military demeanor for a moment. "Are you sure about this, Aayla? Orbital descent is not something to be taken lightly. These pods are designed to withstand extreme temperatures, brutal gravitational forces, and a violent entry into the atmosphere. It's not like piloting a fighter or falling with the help of the Force."

Aayla held his gaze, determined. "I'm a Jedi, Arnet. I'm used to danger. I'm not going to stand back while my allies risk their lives. If you can do it, so can I."

The admiral exhaled slowly and nodded. "Okay. But follow my instructions. These pods are not intuitive for someone who has not used them before." With a gesture, he guided her to a nearby pod.

Gently, Arnet took her hand and helped her inside. Aayla was surprised by the closeness in that gesture. He seemed almost human, warm, despite the hard armor he wore. Inside the pod, Arnet pointed out the main buttons: the release, the communication, and the emergency. His hands brushed hers for a moment as he adjusted the safety harness.

"Once inside the atmosphere, you will feel the pod vibrate and heat up. It is normal, but make sure you stay still. The system will do everything for you," he explained in a softer tone than usual. Then he added, returning to a more professional tone: "Don't worry, you will be fine. And if something goes wrong… don't hesitate to call me on the internal channel."

Aayla nodded, trying to calm the nerves that were beginning to take hold of her. "Thank you, Arnet. I trust you."

He didn't respond immediately. He simply nodded and closed the pod with a metallic click before heading to his own.

Within minutes, all the pods were ready. Serina appeared on the hangar's holographic screen. "Coordinates loaded. Descent in five, four, three…"

The hangar filled with the sound of hydraulic launchers. Pods shot out, one after another, into Tatooine's atmosphere.

Inside the pods, the world was reduced to the deafening roar of descent. Gravitational forces pushed the occupants back into their seats, the walls vibrated intensely, and the heat of atmospheric entry caused internal sensors to flash with warnings. Aayla closed her eyes for a moment, clinging to the harness, feeling every fiber of her body subjected to the pressure.

Arnet, in his pod, calmly reviewed the readings. Communications were open between the team. "All squadron, status report."

"Spartan 131, on course."

"Spartan 132, stable."

"Aayla Secura, here. I'm... I'm fine," she replied in a slightly strained tone.

Arnet smiled thinly. "You're doing well. We're almost there."

As the pods broke the atmosphere and neared the ground, the radar began to fill with enemy signals. Serina appeared on everyone's internal visors. "The landing zone is compromised. Prepare for immediate combat upon exit. Covenant elite teams have established perimeters around the target."

Arnet inhaled deeply as the pod began to decelerate. "Spartans, deploy into containment formation. Cover Secura and secure the perimeter. We will not fail."

The first pod touched down with a thunderous impact. The mission had begun.

Arnet's pod was the first to hit the ground with a rumble that shook the street. Dust and debris flew everywhere as the impact left a crater in the scorched sand of Tatooine. The hatch opened with a metallic hiss, and Arnet shot forward. With an M6C-SOCOM pistol in each hand, he moved with surgical precision, firing at the first Covenant troops that turned toward him.

A pair of Grunts tried to raise their plasma throwers, but before they could react, Arnet had already fired at them in the methane tanks on their backs. The resulting explosions sent fragments of their bodies flying toward their companions, disorienting them.

Mere seconds later, other pods impacted around them, opening with the same crash. The Spartan IIs emerged like a wave of mechanized death, moving with a coordination and speed that seemed impossible for humans. Within moments, they formed a perimeter, covering Arnet and blocking any Covenant attempts to advance toward the bar.

Aayla Secura emerged from her pod just in time to see Arnet leap with impressive agility toward a Jackal that was raising its energy shield. With a swift movement, Arnet shot the shield's hinge, disabling it, and then spun on its axis to shoot it in the head at point-blank range. The Jackal's body fell limply to the ground as the Admiral was already focusing on his next target.

Aayla tried to keep up. She ignited her blue lightsaber and launched herself at the enemy. With graceful, swift movements, she cut through a pair of Grunts approaching from the side. However, she soon realized that the level of brutality in the fight was unmatched by what she had faced before. The Spartans and Arnet fought as if they were forces of nature, and the Covenant responded with equal ferocity.

An Elite roared orders to a group of Brutes who advanced with gravity hammers toward the perimeter. Arnet charged at them without hesitation, slipping beneath a hammer blow that shattered the pavement where he had been standing seconds before. As he rose, he fired both pistols into the exposed chest of a Brute, emptying the magazines with surgical precision. The Brute fell to its knees, but before Arnet could finish it off, another Brute lunged at it.

Aayla watched as the Brute raised its hammer, ready to crush the Admiral. With a Force-powered leap, she managed to arrive in time to deflect the blow with her lightsaber. Energy sparked as the hammer impacted the blue blade. The force of the impact sent her back, however, and the Brute spun toward her.

Before it could attack her, Arnet launched himself at the Brute, striking it with one of her pistols. In one fluid motion, she fired a shot into the creature's neck at point-blank range, letting out a muffled roar as it fell to the ground.

"Thank you, Aayla," Arnet commented as she reloaded both pistols. There was a hint of humor in her tone, but her eyes remained fixed on the next group of approaching enemies. Aayla barely had time to respond before another group of Grunts and Jackals surrounded them.

The Spartans, meanwhile, were completely immersed in combat. One of them used a captured plasma grenade to blow up a group of Jackals trying to organize a counterattack. Another Spartan grabbed a heavy plasma thrower from a fallen Elite and began using it against the Covenant themselves, turning the weapon towards the turrets they had set up on the street.

Aayla tried to keep up, but soon found herself overwhelmed by the chaos. Gunfire, explosions, and the roars of the Brutes surrounded her on all sides. As she tried to find a spot to regroup, a Jackal with a sniper rifle fired in her direction. She barely managed to deflect the beam with her lightsaber, but the impact destabilized her, forcing her back towards the perimeter formed by the Spartans.

Arnet noticed her predicament and ran towards her, firing both pistols as he approached. The bullets pierced the Jackal sniper's skull before he could fire again. "You're losing your rhythm, Secura," Arnet said as he took cover behind a destroyed wall next to her. His tone was firm, but not dismissive.

Aayla was breathing heavily. "This is... difficult, I can't keep up with them."

"Welcome to my world," Arnet replied. "There's no room for error here. You either learn quickly or you die."

A roar interrupted their conversation. A group of Brutes with spike launchers was advancing on their position. "Spartans, funnel cover," Arnet ordered. "Secura, stay close to me."

The Spartans reacted instantly, moving like a perfectly geared machine to cover the onslaught of the Brutes. Aayla positioned herself behind Arnet as he fired relentlessly, each bullet finding its mark. The Brutes fell one after another, but not before causing havoc. One of them threw a spike grenade that impacted near a Spartan, damaging his armor and leaving him momentarily out of action.

Arnet did not stop. With a scream that echoed across the battlefield, she charged at the last Brute, dodging its blows and shooting at its legs to knock it down. Then, with almost superhuman strength she pulled out her knife and plunged it into the creature's throat, ending the fight.

When the dust finally settled, Aayla looked around, shocked. The ground was littered with Covenant corpses. Arnet turned to her, wiping the alien blood from his visor. "This is just beginning. Stay focused."

She nodded, still processing what she had just witnessed.

"Now let's go. We have a target to capture."

End of Chapter 28.

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Hey guys, if you want to read 10 chapters in advance you can join my patreon if you want. The story will be available in English and Spanish. I love you all so much. patreon.com/nikodankxd

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