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20.45% Star Wars: The War That Only the UNSC Can End / Chapter 9: Battle of Naboo, Part 4

Bab 9: Battle of Naboo, Part 4

The Republic fleet deployed outside Naboo, momentarily surprising the Covenant, who quickly turned their massive ships to face the threat. But the reality was brutal: the Republic was at a clear disadvantage. The Republic destroyers and frigates fired with all their weapons, but the Covenant's advanced shields absorbed the fire with ease. The few casualties in the alien fleet were soon replaced, and the response was immediate and fierce.

In the fighter bay, Anakin Skywalker was quickly checking his ship's systems, while his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, reviewed the final details of her fighter.

"Dominion Squadron, we need every pilot in the air. Snips, stay close," Anakin said with a mix of confidence and urgency.

"I'll be sticking by you, Skywito," Ahsoka replied, her determination barely concealing her tension.

Both fighters took off at full speed, joining the chaotic swarm of ships already engaged. The sight was chilling: Covenant Banshee and Seraph fighters moved like an uncontrollable swarm, launching themselves into formation against the Republic ships and forcing them to turn back or dodge into impossible turns. Explosions followed one after another as the Republic fighters desperately fought to gain ground.

"Dominion Squadron, hold formation! We'll take care of the enemy fighters and hold our line!" Anakin ordered in a firm voice. "We can't engage those capital ships directly, so focus on thinning out their fighter reinforcements."

Anakin and Ahsoka led Dominion Squadron in a series of quick, coordinated attacks. Despite their pilots' skill, the fight was arduous. The Covenant ships had superior maneuverability and endurance, and the crossfire was hell.

"Skywito, on your three o'clock, watch out!" Ahsoka shouted as two enemy seraph fighters dove toward Anakin. He made a tight turn, dodging by inches, and returned fire, hitting one of the fighters, which exploded in a cloud of flash. The second seraph, however, quickly turned and dove at him, forcing Anakin to maintain a series of evasive maneuvers.

"Thanks, Wise Woman! This is getting complicated," he replied, his voice strained. "Dominion Squadron, every enemy fighter you take out gives us more minutes for the troops on the ground to gain ground. Hold firm!"

The battle in space was chaotic and desperate. Anakin and Ahsoka coordinated attacks on enemy squadrons, trying to hold the line, but every loss to Dominion Squadron was a reminder of the Covenant's technological superiority. The shields of the Seraph and Banshee held up much more than the Republic fighters, which exploded under the intense enemy fire.

Meanwhile, on the capital ship, the Republic admiral continued to send fighter reinforcements to the battlefield, knowing that the only way to hold out was to hold off the wave of Covenant fighters.

Eventually, Anakin and Ahsoka managed to clear a small sector, taking out enough enemy fighters to give them some breathing room.

"Dominion Squadron, hold this defensive line. Let's prevent them from reinforcing their attacks on Naboo. We'll give the clones on the ground a chance," Anakin said, his voice filled with determination despite his exhaustion.

Even though the Republic fighters had managed to eliminate the fighters, they still did not stop leaving the Covenant ships and for the Venator destroyers it was another thing since they were being hit relentlessly.

Obi Wan Kenobi had gone down with the clone troops to recover the capital, coordinating with the remaining Republic troops and the Dominion Squadron along with Anakin and Ashoka began to bomb Covenant positions while receiving news by radio, the Queen recovered, cities that had fallen to the Covenant and that the fleet would not last long. Later, the 3 Jedi met with Aayla Secura at Theed Palace, the Senator and Duchess Satine to finish controlling the capital. I want you to do a lot of dialogue, tactics, everything, that Ashoka and Rex meet with Fives and Echo and Anakin with Padme.

As the battle in space raged on, Obi-Wan Kenobi descended with Republic troops toward the capital of Naboo, determined to secure the city. Coordinating with the few remaining soldiers on Theed, he led an advance party toward the Covenant lines, seeking to clear blocked streets and ensure reinforcements could move more freely.

Elsewhere in the sky, Anakin and Ahsoka led Dominion Squadron, attacking key Covenant positions on the ground to weaken them before Obi-Wan and the troops moved forward.

"Dominion Squadron, secure the eastern sector of the palace. We need to clear the ground for the troops to land," Anakin ordered over the communicator, as he and Ahsoka plotted dive-bombing maneuvers over the Covenant formations.

Anakin and Ahsoka guided the bombing raid with precision, their fighters descending on the Covenant positions in a well-orchestrated attack. The impacts created an opening in the enemy lines, allowing Republic troops on the ground to begin gaining ground.

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Obi-Wan moved alongside Captain Rex and Commander Cody, leading his troops relentlessly. After a hard day of combat, he finally managed to meet up with Aayla Secura, who was visibly exhausted after hours of relentless fighting.

"Master Kenobi, we've managed to hold out so far, but the Covenant seems to have no end," Aayla said, trying to catch her breath.

Obi-Wan gave her a reassuring smile. "You've done an impressive job, Aayla. But it seems we'll have to push ourselves even harder."

On the other end of the communications channel, Admiral Yularen relayed a grim update: "Generals, we're at our limit. The fleet is taking severe damage, and the strike ships can't hold off the enemy for long. We need a strategy to turn the tide."

Ahsoka, listening to the conversation, suddenly had an idea. "Master, do you remember that time you crashed a Venator into an enemy ship to destabilize their fleet?"

Anakin raised an eyebrow, immediately understanding where his Padawan was going. "Yes... Why do you mention it?"

"Because this might be our only chance. If we use one of the Venators, loaded with all its arsenal and fuel, we could cause a massive explosion. It would be enough to disable several of the Covenant ships."

Obi-Wan, understanding the gravity of the plan, turned to Yularen: "Admiral, do you think we could prepare one of the Venators for a collision mission?"

Yularen, despite his usual seriousness, hesitated for a moment. "It's risky… but our options are slim. If we manage to evacuate the crew and prepare the Venator, we could carry out the maneuver."

Anakin nodded, determined. "Then we will."

For the next hour, Republic forces, supported by the Mandalorians and clone squadrons on the ground, focused on securing the capital. The fighting was intense, every street and building becoming a strategic point as they pushed the Covenant back in a coordinated effort. Under the leadership of Obi-Wan and Aayla Secura, the troops advanced systematically, securing evacuation routes and eliminating the last resistance that still occupied key areas of the city.

At the same time, in space, the situation of the Republic fleet remained critical. Under constant pressure, the Venators maneuvered between the attacks of the Covenant ships, trying to avoid being dismantled by enemy fire. Coordination for Ahsoka's proposed plan became essential. With the strategic controls on the command ship, Anakin communicated incessantly with Yularen and the fighter pilots, adjusting the timing for the precise moment of the attack.

As the Venator designated for the collision finished its evacuation, Yularen gave a final confirmation through the intercom: "Preparations are complete, General Skywalker. All loads are ready and the Venator is heading towards the objective point. We await your signal."

"Roger that, Admiral. All pilots prepare for diversionary bombing. We need every fighter to cover the ship's advance until the last second," Anakin replied determinedly, adjusting his controls.

Republic fighter and bomber squadrons flew in tight formation around the designated Venator, protecting it with everything they had. Anakin and Ahsoka, commanding Dominion Squadron, spearheaded the ship's defense, but the Covenant attack was relentless.

"Dominion Squadron, hold formation! Don't let those fighters get close!" Anakin shouted as he directed his fighter into an evasive maneuver, firing at the enemy fighters that tried to penetrate the defense line.

"We're losing pilots, General! We can't hold out much longer!" a support pilot reported, his voice strained from the intensity of the battle. Sporadic explosions lit up the space around them as Covenant ships destroyed Republic fighters, while the Venator struggled toward the enemy line.

Ahsoka was also under pressure. "General, we have enemy fighters on our right flank! We need cover!" she shouted over the communicator, her voice clipped as she fired at several Covenant fighters trying to circle the Venator.

"Roger that, Ahsoka! Squadron Two, cover the right flank!" Anakin ordered. But as the ships moved forward, it was becoming increasingly difficult to hold back the Covenant advance. Ahsoka's squadron was being decimated, and the sound of comms filled with screams and explosions deafened the pilots.

"They're upon us! They're everywhere!" one pilot shouted before being hit by a plasma shot that disintegrated his fighter in a flash of light. Ahsoka let out a frustrated cry, "Maintain formation, don't stop! That Venator must get to its target!"

Anakin gritted his teeth, trying to remain calm as he watched his fellow starfighters explode around him. He knew that each of them was giving their lives to ensure the success of this mission, but the sacrifice weighed on his shoulders. He watched as the Venator began to take direct hits to its shields, losing power as it moved forward.

"Commander Skywalker! The Venator's shields are at 30%! It won't hold much longer!" Admiral Yularen reported, his voice also tense but firm.

"Come on, just a little longer! Squadron One, hold fire on the enemy fighters and open a clear path for the Venator!" Anakin ordered.

Ahsoka maneuvered desperately, firing relentlessly as a group of Banshees tried to penetrate the line. She managed to shoot one down, but two others slipped in from the flank. "Master, they're getting too close! We need more reinforcements!"

"Hold on! We can't turn back now!" Anakin shouted as he accelerated and performed a risky maneuver to cover the Venator's advance. In a sharp turn, he fired at one of the Banshees, destroying it, but the second managed to unleash a burst of gunfire that damaged the Venator's hull.

The Venator's systems were already at their limit. "Attention, all units, prepare for detonation!" Yularen ordered. Inside the ship, the last droid pilots and clone troopers were evacuating the last checkpoints before impact. Anakin and Ahsoka watched in despair as the Covenant ships attempted to double down on the attack in a last attempt to stop the Republic ship.

"Dominion, fall back! Withdraw from the impact zone!" Anakin ordered.

Ahsoka, still close to the Venator, turned her ship rapidly as the alarms in her cockpit blared on high alert. "Come on, come on, just a little further!" she muttered as she pulled away, watching the giant ship approach the enemy fleet.

Then, in a final act of sacrifice, the Venator sped straight towards the center of the Covenant formation. The Republic ship tore through the enemy ships' defense, and at exactly the right moment, the detonation went off.

A massive explosion lit up space. The shockwave hit four Covenant ships, which were torn apart by the power of the blast, their remains scattering across the battlefield. Nearby fighters were instantly disintegrated, and a momentary silence fell over the place before the communication systems filled with orders and reports again.

"We did it!" Ahsoka said with a sigh of relief, although the cost had been immense.

Anakin also took a deep breath, looking at the now clear space in front of them. "Good work, Dominion Squadron. Let's go back and ensure the rest of the forces can continue the offensive."

Admiral Yularen reports how the surviving Covenant fleet was badly damaged and they managed to disable their shields so they began a new offensive with everything that was left of the Republic fleet.

The euphoria of victory was short-lived. Alarms in the cockpits of Republic fighters began to blare as the ships detected new breaches in hyperspace. In the distance, a massive glow pierced the void of space, and a fleet of unparalleled proportions emerged from slipspace.

Thirty Covenant ships, some of them exceeding five kilometers in length, materialized before the Republic forces. The communications filled with voices of panic and despair at the sight of the colossal display of enemy power.

"This is Dominion Squadron! We've detected a Covenant support fleet... It's the largest we've faced yet!" Ahsoka exclaimed, her voice tense.

"Impossible! How could they mobilize such a large number of ships?" Anakin muttered in disbelief as he watched the massive enemy formation from his fighter. Beside him, Dominion Squadron stood still, some in shock.

Admiral Yularen, on the bridge of his Venator, tried to maintain his composure and gave hurried orders to the fleet. "All ships, prepare for a tactical withdrawal! Avoid direct combat and recall fighter squadrons!"

But the Covenant gave no time to maneuver. Two massive enemy ships advanced rapidly, unleashing a barrage of plasma fire. One of the Venators attempting to turn to retreat was hit, its shields holding for only seconds before being pierced. The shots tore through the Republic ship, blasting its internal compartments and causing a devastating explosion that lit up space.

"We lost the Venator Rancor!" a communications officer shouted amid the chaos.

Anakin tightened his grip on the controls of his fighter, helplessness on his face. "We have to protect the retreat. Dominion Squadron, cover the evacuation ships and troop transports!" he ordered.

The Covenant bombardment was relentless, however. Another Republic ship, the Venator Resolution, attempted to pull away in an emergency maneuver, but the Covenant's plasma barrages hit it in the flank. The ship burst into flames, fragmenting into the void as the rest of the Republic fleet was forced back.

Yularen shouted over the communicator, his voice heavy with gravity: "All units, fall back to the evacuation point! I repeat, fall back! We do not have the firepower to withstand this fleet."

Anakin and Ahsoka, along with the few surviving fighters, desperately defended the support ships as they tried to get away from the enemy fire. Covenant fighters pursued them, firing incessantly, and the battle grew more and more brutal.

In the hangar of the Theed palace, Republic soldiers and officers watched in horror at the battle broadcasts. Obi-Wan and Aayla Secura prepared to mobilize ground troops in case the Covenant attempted an all-out planetary assault.

Despair gripped the battlefield. The Republic, outnumbered and suffering mounting casualties, struggled to hold their ground as the Covenant advanced relentlessly. Republic fighters struggled through enemy fire, and radio calls filled with cries for help and desolation. Covenant ships, massive and numerous, launched themselves at the Republic fleet, causing the soldiers' morale to begin to falter.

"We need reinforcements! We're losing ground!" a pilot shouted over the radio, as he dodged enemy fire. The situation was becoming critical.

Just when it seemed all was lost, a new hyperspace rupture echoed through space. Everyone held their breath as they watched a massive fleet emerge from nowhere. The ships were gigantic, with a design they had never seen before. As they appeared, the UNSC insignia lit up on their helmets, and a chill ran through those present.

"What's that?" one of the clones muttered in disbelief.

"They're allies!" another replied, amazed at the magnitude of the fleet arrayed before them.

The UNSC ships lined up, taking up strategic positions and preparing for battle. A reverent silence spread through the Republic soldiers, followed by a burst of shouts of hope and jubilation. The comms lit up with a single, clear message.

"We are allies."

End of Chapter 9.

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