Korean, Seoul
Every supernatural creature remained silent, but this day would be etched into the annals of the supernatural community the day a human child had killed and butchered the Lycans and Vampires, making the Ozunu clan more infamous than ever before.
Selene frowned as she stared at the bodies, her mind reeling. The only word that came to her was 'Monster' She was certain no 'kid' could have carried out such a brutal act.
She turned her head towards Alice, noticing her expression remained calm. "What do you think about him now?" she asked.
"I've already seen it in my vision, but I just wanted to come see the scene in person." Alice said, glancing at the bodies before turning away.
Selene frowned, thinking this woman was anything but normal. Alice had just casually revealed that she was a seer, even though they were virtual strangers.
Seers were always treated with a special kind of respect, regardless of their species. They usually kept their abilities hidden, even concealing their identities, but Alice had blurted it out like it was nothing.
Lost in thought, Selene turned her head back towards Alice, who continued talking.
"What do you think he had been through to develop this kind of strength?" Alice asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.
Selene, about to ask Alice about her strange behavior, paused. 'A kid as old as him to have that much power?' she thought, closing her eyes and letting out a weary sigh.
She turned around and began walking towards the hotel, but stopped abruptly. "Name." she said, turning her head slightly.
"Alice Cullen." Alice replied with a smile.
"Selene." Selene said before resuming her walk. But she stopped again, startled by the sound of thunder.
Both Selene and Alice looked at each other with serious expressions as they gazed at the sky. The clouds were moving, merging together to form a massive, ominous cloud. Lightning flashed, and the thunder boomed, so loud it made them feel threatened.
Alice walked towards Selene, knowing this was no ordinary weather.
The other supernatural creatures in the area noticed the sudden shift in the atmosphere. They, too, started assuming defensive postures.
They all heard the sound of approaching footsteps and turned their heads.
A Korean man with striking red hair, clad in a sharp suit strode towards them, holding an umbrella. He walked slowly, his gaze fixed on the Lycans and Vampires.
The man stopped in front of them, placing the umbrella on his shoulder.
"너희들은 자기 영역도 아닌데 이렇게 난장판을 만들고 있구나"(You guys are making such a mess even though it's not your territory.)
The vampire, already enraged by Lucian's escape, frowned, unable to understand the man's words.
He walked toward the man, his guns held firmly in his hands, his gaze locking onto the man's.
"Talk English." the vampire growled.
The man tilted his head, a look of disgust on his face.
"남의 영역을 어지럽히고 있는데 내 언어도 못 알아듣는 새끼야"(You mess up other people's territory and can't even understand my language.)
The vampire, fueled by anger, raised his gun and pointed it at the man's head.
"I said talk fucking English, dumbass!" he roared.
The man shook his head, disappointment evident in his eyes.
"너 너무 시끄러워(You are too loud)"
With a swift move, the man swung his umbrella to the right, and it transformed into a gleaming sword.
Before the vampire could react, the man swung the sword with lightning speed, severing the vampire's head from his body. The man nudged the lifeless body, sending it tumbling across the ground as the vampire head rolled around the ground.
His pupils turned a fiery orange-red, his irises narrowing into vertical slits.
The Lycan, stunned by the brutal display, attempted to transform but the man vanished and reappeared behind him.
The sword pierced the Lycan's back exiting through his chest. The man pulled the sword free and the Lycan's body crumpled to the ground.
The man surveyed the remaining vampires and Lycans.
One of the vampires shouted, "Shoot!" and ran in the opposite direction. The Lycans transformed and lunged toward the man.
He simply raised his hand, stopping them in their tracks.
With a step, he vanished appearing behind them. Their heads flew off showering the ground with blood.
He turned his gaze to the fleeing vampire.
A crimson aura erupted from his back, spreading like nine fiery tails.
The sky roared with thunder, echoing the man's fury.
A bolt of lightning struck the fleeing vampire, instantly ending his life. The thunder grew louder, a divine judgement.
The man, his eyes blazing with anger, addressed the remaining supernatural creatures.
"This is the last time something like this happens." he warned.
"If you dare disrupt the peace again, I will eliminate every last one of you."
The supernatural beings exchanged uneasy glances before fleeing, one by one.
Selene and Alice exchanged worried looks and raced towards the hotel.
The man watched them leave, a frown creasing his brow. 'I should have a talk with Jang Man Wol about her guests.' he thought, sighing as he surveyed the carnage.
He scratched his head in irritation. 'At this point, I can't have my date with Ah-Eum,' he thought. He had to clean up this mess, erase the memories of the civilians who witnessed the supernatural chaos, and then there was still the matter of his date.
His head snapped toward the Hotel De Luna as a white mist spread from it.
Spreading towards the city and when it touch the bodies on the ground it slowly envelope the whole body as disappeared completely
His eyes narrowed, and he vanished, leaping towards the source of the mist.
Hotel De Luna: CEO Office: Balcony
Jang Man Wol frowned as she watched the Lycans and vampires rampaging through the streets, completely ignoring the rules.
She turned to Areum, who was intently watching her son.
"Your game is making quite a racket, don't you think?"
Areum waved a dismissive hand.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it later."
Jang Man Wol raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms.
"I know you can manipulate people's memories, but how can you manipulate that?" She pointed to a civilian who was filming the Lycans and other visible supernatural creatures.
Areum frowned and whispered, "Technology." She shook her head.
"I'll manipulate everyone in Seoul, making them delete the footage themselves."
Jang Man Wol shook her head, knowing Areum wouldn't be swayed.
They returned to watching Lucian, who was systematically eliminating the vampires and Lycans who dared enter the alley.
"God damn." Jang Man Wol muttered to herself.
Suddenly, she heard Areum sigh, and turned her head.
"Pity," Areum said, her face etched with disappointment.
"It wasn't enough to push him to his limit. They're too weak."
Jang Man Wol stared at Areum with widened eyes. 'This crazy woman, does she really care about her kid?' she thought.
Areum and Jang Man Wol both turned their heads towards the white mist as it billowed outwards. They watched as Lee Yeon, approaching the remaining vampires and Lycans, swiftly dispatched them.
Areum burst into laughter.
"Looks like another brat is coming."
Jang Man Wol looked at Lee Yeon with pity. 'This guy is probably going to suffer again,' she thought.
As Lee Yeon, using his power, forced the remaining supernatural creatures to retreat, the game was finally over.
Areum sighed, waved her hand, and the white mist began to expand from the hotel, engulfing the streets of Seoul as she walked back inside.
Jang Man Wol observed the spreading mist. 'This woman has gotten stronger again,' she thought, watching as the mist enveloped the entire city.
She went back to her office, and they both settled onto the couch, waiting for Lee Yeon's arrival.
Lee Yeon landed on Jang Man Wol's balcony, gazing at the dissipating mist.
'Why does it feel so familiar?' he thought.
He shook his head, trying to banish those thoughts as he called out,
"Jang Man Wol, don't you think you're letting your hotel have too much fun?"
He entered the office, frowning when he didn't hear a response. He looked around, stopping short as he saw a woman with white hair sitting on the couch.
"Ah-ahjumma." Lee Yeon stammered, remembering the bullying he endured at her hands. Traumatized, he looked at Jang Man Wol, who stared at him with pity.
Lee Yeon swallowed hard, forcing himself to remember his power as a nine-tailed kitsune. He gathered his courage, looking at Areum with a new determination.
Areum raised an eyebrow, sensing his growing strength.
"You've grown some balls, kid," she said, a smirk playing on her lips.
Jang Man Wol shook her head, knowing that this would only fuel Areum's interest in him.
Lee Yeon took a step back as Areum's smirk widened. He knew it was a warning. 'Every time I suffered in the past, she always smirked first. I need to get out of here.' he thought, scrambling for an excuse.
"Nice meeting you again, ahjumma. I still need to find the ninja who started killing in the streets." he said, hurrying toward the balcony.
"Yah, looks like the balls you grew were made of steel." Areum commented, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she heard him call her "ahjumma" again.
She vanished from the couch and reappeared on the balcony.
Lee Yeon took a step back, gulping. 'This old woman has gotten stronger,' he thought, his eyes widening in fear as he realized how fast she was.
Areum smirked, her gaze locked on him, as if she'd found a new prey.
"So, what are you going to do to my son if you find him?" she asked, her grin widening.
Lee Yeon, stepping back again, stumbled and fell to the floor. His eyes widened in shock.
"Someone actually dared to have a child with you?!" Then his eyes widened in realization as he realized the terrible mistake he'd made.
Jang Man Wol looked up at the office ceiling, unwilling to witness the impending chaos. 'Should I paint my walls white?' she thought, distracting herself by a completely irrelevant question.
Areum's mouth twitched.
She vanished, leaving Lee Yeon staring in fear. A moment later, she reappeared directly in front of him, her foot stomping onto the floor. Cracks spread outwards, demonstrating her immense strength.
Lee Yeon gulped, his mind racing. 'If that hit me, I wouldn't be able to have any children,' he thought, staring at Areum with disbelief.
"Yah, Ahjumma!" he shouted, his voice trembling.
Areum simply sneered at him.
"Stand up."
Lee Yeon reluctantly stood, summoning every ounce of courage. He transformed his umbrella into a sword, holding it with both hands as he pointed it at Areum.
"Don't think I'm afraid of you. I'm already a nine-tailed kitsune." he said, trying to sound confident, but his voice still wavered.
"Is that so? So now you're strong enough to take my punch, is that it?" Areum asked, a playful grin spreading across her face. She raised her fist.
Lee Yeon didn't answer, his pupils turning a fiery orange-red, his irises narrowing to vertical slits. A red aura, resembling fiery tails, erupted from his back.
Areum nodded, a sense of relief washing over her. Her student had finally grown.
"Good." she said, bowing her head.
Lee Yeon thought she was backing down, and lowered his sword. But then Areum slowly raised her head, and he saw her huge grin, a grin that made his hair stand on end. He scrambled to raise his sword but it was too late.
Areum appeared in front of him, her fist a blur, aimed directly at his face.
Lee Yeon knew he couldn't dodge, so he channeled all his aura towards his head, preparing to defend.
But the punch never came. He opened his eyes, and then a searing pain shot through his nether regions. His eyes bulged, his face turning crimson, and he dropped his sword, letting it clatter to the floor.
He slowly knelt down, trying to speak, his hand clutching at his private parts.
"Th-that-wa-was-not-a-punch." he managed to whisper, collapsing onto his side, tears welling up in his eyes.
Areum withdrew her foot, grinning at Lee Yeon, who lay curled up on the floor.
"Of course not. That's what you were expecting, right? Mwahaha!" she laughed, throwing her head back, her hands on her hips.
"Looks like it wasn't made of steel." She continued to laugh, her laughter echoing through the office.
Jang Man Wol stared at her in shock, her eyes flickering between Areum and Lee Yeon, who looked like a pathetic shrimp.
But her hand moved. Slowly, she raised her phone and pointed it at Lee Yeon.
She took a picture of him, then, not satisfied, turned on the flash blinding him with each subsequent click.
Even through his pain, Lee Yeon saw the flash of the phone. He slowly raised an arm to shield his eyes, tears streaming down his face, and cried out
Outside the office, Noh Joon Suk was about to enter back in to report to Jang Man Wol, couldn't help but hesitated, his hand hovering over the doorknob. He sighed, turning away.
He could still hear Lee Yeon's anguished scream, followed by Areum's laughter and the clicking of her phone.
He closed his eyes, resigned to wait until they were finished.
Next Chapter 31: Teacher
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