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75% ' Make it right' taekook story / Chapter 12: 'Not without permission '. Chapter 12

Bab 12: 'Not without permission '. Chapter 12

" I have considerable doubts whether or not we should be doing this." Hobi carefully mumbled to Jungkook's ear, standing on the pavement outside the Kim studio. They had just finished another exhausting photoshoot when Hobi stopped by to pick him up as planned despite his serious objections.

" Oh hyung! Not now! You promised and you can't back down!" Jungkook complained pouting. His fingers playing with the  buttons on Hobi's shirt, bitting his lower lip and blinking his doe eyes cutely.

" Let's analyse the reasons...Firstly..."

Jungkook shut his mouth using his hand." Please hyung no analysis! You offered to help. Don't need a lecture." he reminded him sulking.

" Wrong! I was forced and now I wonder why I let you talk me into this since I had serious reservations."

Jungkook huffed." Admit you enjoy it! Besides you love me... I'm your favourite nephew! Your sweet, adorable, little Kookie!" He blinked his eyes so cutely Hobi nearly melted. Nearly is the key word!

" Whatever." He rolled his eyes." But no smooching!" Hobi warned him strictly raising his index finger and Jungkook smirked cunningly." Bogum will be furious. And it's gross!" He pretended to shiver.

" I like smooching!" he teased him, wiggling his perfectly shaped eyebrows,persing his rossy lips watching his hyung grimacing.

" Shameless boy! You hate smooching!"

Jungkook raised his head." How would you know?I've done my share of smooching over the years!" he winked at him and Hobi was struck dumb." Maybe I smooch with everyone!"

Hobi facepalmed himself." I can't believe we're debating over smooching! What are you? Five? Let's get this over with. I hope your loverboy won't have my head on a silver plater! I kind of like it in its current position!"

Jungkook giggled." Don't worry,hyung! You can handle him! You're strong!" the younger reassured him, placing his hands around Hobi's neck, locking  him securely .The older gulped and kept both hands glued to the side, not hugging him. It was too uncomfortable pretending to be lovers with sweet Kookie. His little, mushy Kookie. The boy he had known since birth, craddled him, putting him to sleep in his crib, bathed and changed his dippers, took him to school, fed him!

" That's comforting!"

" Well..you know me! Always there to cheer people up!"

" More like annoy them and cause trouble." he mumbled through clenched teeth.

" Hyung! Pay attention ! Hug me! You don't act like a top!" he protested.

" Perhaps because I'm not! If my acting skills are inadequate you should have asked someone else to be your co- star!" Hobi lisped a bit offended. He was doing his best to help and someone should recognise his efforts.

" Pretend you're hugging and kissing me...move closer." Jungkook insisted, pulling Hobi gently by the neck,feeling Taehyung 's blazing gaze creeping into his back. A mixture of fear and excitement rushed through his veins and to be honest he hated the first part. He had spent years trying to overcome it. But being close to hom, under his dark gaze made his spine twitch.

Hobi cursed through his teeth but unwillingly complied. At this point he couldn't step back so he went along.

He wrapped his arms around the younger 's waist drawing giggling Kook closer and from Taehyung 's angle, who was a few feet away leaning against  his black SUV pretending to check his phone, it looked like they were kissing.

Jungkook had his back turned towards Taehyung and Hobi was facing him, occasionally glancing at the angry man. Why couldn't they just confess and get this over with? Stop torturing themselves and everyone else around them? Was it so difficult to say 'I love you' ? Three simple words and everyone's life would be so much better!

The younger sniffed booping his round nose as something was bothering him for some time now." Hyung what did you have for breakfast?"

" Why?" he asked raising his left brow.

" I smell garlic."

Hobi took a step back, turning his head to the side." Kookie the bloodhound!"he grimaced." None of your business!"

" Next time get a mint!" He giggled again." You stink ,hyung! Doesn't Bogum hyung mind kissing you smelling like that?"

" No! And I don't stink!"

" Yeah  you do! Bogum hyungie is simply afraid to tell you!" Jungkook continued the teasing. It took his mind out of this whole mess and helped him relax.

" Boy if you don't shut up I'm gonna smack your head! I told you no! My baby doesn't mind!"

" I guess he's amune to it!" he whispered teasingly.

" Heard that!"


Taehyung on the other hand was burning with jealousy! His rageful eyes were piercing holes on Hobi's back , controlling his urges to punch the man's face and throw him to the ground.He couldn't tolerate any man touching his Kookie! They had shared passionate, intense moments a few days ago, filling Taehyung with hope about their future only to be crashed. He didn't handle the situation as he should,driving him straight to his boyfriend 's arms and now he was going crazy.

Didn't their love moments mean anything to him? Were they so insignificant? Did Kookie love his boyfriend so much that nobody and nothing could separate them? Did he hate Taehyung so deeply the thought of forgiving him was so repelling? He distinctly remembered a certain bunny boy melting in his arms a few days ago. What happened to that passionate person?Why so indifferent now? Exhibiting their love on such a provocative way? Taehyung wanted to hook his strong fingers on the jerk's neck and choke him to death.

He jammed his fists, his muscles were tensed feeling hot and sweaty with a pounding heart, eyes squinting,sizzling with rage. His stomach was stirring making him wanna puke. The pain in his chest felt like a sharp- toothed creature eating him from the inside. He had to act fast. Do something before it was too late and had to witness more of their love interactions.

He marched towards them, grabbed the younger 's wrist forcefully before he or his boyfriend could resist, not uttering a single word apart from sharp growls , and despite Jungkook 's strong protests, he dragged him to his parked jeep, got him in , locked the doors and hit the brakes driving off in high speed like a maniac.


Bogum left the studio after finishing the last details for the next shooting and found Hobi sitting on the curb looking rather worried. He was sighing heavily, fidgeting and pouting at the same time. His palms were supporting his jaw and he seemed deep in thoughts.Bogum had a bad feeling.

" Hey babe! Where's Kook? Gone home already? " he asked as soon as he approached him, standing next to him, both hands shoved in his side pockets.

" Kind of..."

Bogum didn't like his hesitant response so he sat beside his husband,elbows resting on his knees. "Meaning...?The hyungs are waiting for us. Where did he go?" His eyes scanned the premises then landed on Hobi's flerry face.

Hobi coughed." I've got good news and bad news... Which one do you wanna hear first?" He gave him a bashful smile.

" Does it matter? I've got a gut feeling I'll hate both news." He took a deep breath and went for it." Here it goes!Good news first..."

" Our plan worked. Taehyung became super , super duper jealous! You should have seen him! I actually thought he was gonna kill me just by looking at me!"

Bogum paid no attention to his words knowing how melodramatic his husband could be at times. He had the tendency of exaggerating way to often!

" Finally!" he exclaimed cheerfully but observing Hobi's awkward expression he simply had to ask." Why the long face?The bad news?" He narrowed his brows. "What did you do?"

" I'm innocent I assure you..." Hobi defended himself not in a persuasive way." The bad news is he was sort of... kidnapped....Go figure!" He huffed raising his left hand.

Bogum jumped up so quickly he nearly stumbled and fall. A sharp hammering was smashing his temples and no air was entering his lungs. He felt dizzy as if the earth was spinning." KIDNAPPED? KOOK WAS KIDNAPPED? YOU'RE JOKING. TELL ME YOU'RE JOKING!"

" Stop shouting baby.  I said sort of kidnapped. The right term is 'his whereabouts are momentarily unknown'." he corrected his husband, blinking his eyes in the hope of avoiding the lecture he knew it was coming.

" Have you called him?"

" Yeah...but his phone is switched off."

" Did you even try to stop him?"

" I would...but I eventually dismissed the idea."

Bogum blew a fuse at the younger. "Why? For the love of God why?" He rubbed his neck , running his fingers through his hair while his mind was still processing the infos and making crazy assumptions. No...no Taehyung wouldn't act so irrationally. No, he was logical, deep inside. He would never use physical force on anyone after what had happened in the past...would he? He felt his mouth and jaw twitching as if having a stroke.

" I told you!" he complained strongly." He was so out of it! I was scared for my life!"

" How are we going to explain this to Jin? How will we tell him we lost fifty percent of his children? He'll flip!" Bogum was getting a massive headache just thinking about it let alone experience it. Jin was intimidating!

Hobi smiled while pouting which under different circumstances would be hilarious." You're the older...you tell him."

" Oh no! You lost him, you tell him."

" But..."

" Don't ' but me '. How could you let this happen? Why didn't you stop him? Did something...acted like a savage lover instead of a scared puppy? " he scolded him, ruffling his hair.

"I'm not a savage lover! I'm a bright, cheerful sunshine!"

" Sunshine be a dark, fierce night! It would cause less trouble!" He helped him get up by gripping his hand." Your mess your cleaning! Move it!"

Hobi first cursed loudly following Bogum to the car, then began mumbling.Jin's yelling,shouting and cursing was playing in his head like a broken record. He wished for a thunderstorm,an earthquake,a tsunami... something to prevent his tongue- lashing.... He wasn't that lucky!


" Have you gone mad? Take me back this instat! You're in big trouble mister!" Jungkook demanded sternly, his hand searching for the door handle, trying to open the door of the moving car but Taehyung had locked it."STOP THE FUCKEN CAR AND LET ME OUT! I WANT TO GO BACK!"

" BACK TO HOSEOK? YOUR PERFECT BOYFRIEND?" Taehyung yelled back, taking a sharp turn and making Jungkook hit his forehead on the window, buzzing. The veins in his neck had popped out, his fingers clutching and squeezing the steering wheel turning white and painful but the man's rage was so intense he paid no attention to details.

" YES! YES! BACK TO HIM!" he burst out shouting and smashing his hand on the dashboard.He rubbed the aching spot, hissing. Feeling a flicker of irritation he tried to swallow down his frustration but anger welled up in his chest. His beautiful eyes narrowed, throat dried, hands formed into fists, blood heated as Taehyung's maddening clouded his thoughts.

"You'll sit right there. Be a good , obedient boy until I figure out what the hell I'm gonna do with you!" he instructed politely yet strictly.

The younger shrunk to the side closer to the window, pouting and folding his hands across his panting chest. It seemed too strenuous to calm down, think straight being confined in a moving car with Taehyung under the circumstances. It was ridiculous! They were both logical adults and perfectly capable of discussing instead of acting like savages.

" You kidnapped me Kim! I don't know what's going on in your stupid head but this is considered a crime! Punishable by law! I can sew you as fast as I can snap my fingers!" Threats wasn't the appropriate approach to frightened Taehyung. The man was amune! So sure of himself and the fact that Jungkook wouldn't execute his threats. He hadn't realised he was nibbling the same spot in his lips for some time causing a slight swelling nor that he was cursing outloud in English.

The older made significant efforts to hide his laughter and amusement. His Jungkook was so damn cute when furious! Eyes sparkling. Lips pouting. Brows squinting .His right foot tapping nervously on the floorboard, rapid heart breathing making his chest throb. Come to think about it, he preferred an angry Jungkook than an indifferent one. Being invisible to him was more than his heart could bare!

Between Jungkook swearing, giving him the evil eye, talking under his breath and occasionally drumming his fingers on his knee, the black SUV was parked outside a remote building, part of an enormous apartment block, heavily guarded, Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's wrist practically dragging him inside the luxurious lift,reaching a modern, state-of-the-art loft.

The younger had a constant scowl on his handsome face, eventually jostling Taehyung 's hand off, gently rubbing his wrist. What a Neanderthal! Barbarian! Primitive demon! The nerve he had abducting him! Jungkook swirled, heading towards the door, turned the handle but nothing. The bastard had already locked it! He decided to try a different approach hoping to make him understand how silly and unnecessary his behaviour was.

He turned around, facing the man, cropping up his head." Well...here we are. What do you intend to do with me? Keep me here as a prisoner? Torture me till I agree to be your lover? Lock me up in a dungeon,giving me only food and water till I see the light? It's too ridiculous! Even for you!" Taking a few strides, hands shoved in his pockets, he leaned against the wall, expecting an answer.

Taehyung cracked up, slipping the key card in his back pocket, staying still.

" Am I amusing you? Is my kidnapping so  entertaining for the almighty Kim?" The obvious and profound cynical tone of his voice ,aroused Taehyung to a great extent.

Fantasising ways to shut him up by kissing the hell out of him,putting this cocky young man under him relentlessly fucking him! His absence from sex for years had made his mind turn wild! His.    'inappropriate' thoughts scared him!Lust, yearning, carnal desire mixed with intense, mind-blowing love and affection had messed up the remaining of his brain. A full body sensation, a feeling of being flushed mixed with an acute heightened sensitivity unrilled his body. His cock hot hard, engorged,wetness flooding the tip of his erection. One more reason to maintain a safe distance between them ,not succumbing to his wild, animal instincts knowing Jungkook wouldn't forgive him if he crossed the line and attack him.

' Breathe... breathe...for God's sake calm down...don't act like a jerk.. ' the voice in his head went on repeating mode while breathing through his nose. The last thing he wanted or needed was to become a spectacle,attack him and prove to  Jungkook what a starving freak for sex he was!

" Did the cat eat your tongue Kim?"

" Sorry to have to break it to you but the loft doesn't have a dungeon! But nice thought! I might consider building one for future use!" he spoke up, giving him thumbs up.

Justified rage pulsed through Jungkook's veins. The bloody bastard had the audacity to joke! He was this close to pulling out his eyes, wipping that smirk off his face and punching him making him see stars! He stomped his foot on the shiny, marble floor." I demand you release me at once! Hobi must be worried sick about me! You have no right to keep me here!"

Taehyung heaved." Your perfect boyfriend? The coward who didn't move an inch, run after you or called you when I ' kidnapped ' you?Oh please don't make me laugh! Nice choice by the way! What a man!" he stated , rolling his eyes in detest.

Jungkook growled, his cheeks tinted red from frenzy and fists clutching onto the bartack his loose blue jeans." Don't talk about him! He's worth more than you! He loves me..cares for me..my needs..takes care of me...so stop undermining him!"

" I saw it first hand!" Taehyung mocked him, poking his tongue inside his bitter mouth. " I envy the love he has for you! I mean he's one hell of a protector!"

" Who the fuck told you I need protection?" he blurred out completely pissed ." I can very well protect myself! I've stopped being weak ages ago. I'm an expert on martial arts, boxing so you'd better watch it mister! " Jungkook warned him raising  his fists sounding proud of himself.

The room swarmed with Taehyung's laughter because he couldn't control it anymore." Good to know babe!"

The younger stomped his foot on the floor, gritting his white teeth."Stop.making.a.mockery.of.me."

Taehyung pressed his lips together to dtop laughing, coughed and spoke " I wouldn't dare baby!"

" And stop calling me baby. I ain't your baby. I'll never be your baby." he complained, marching to the door, trying to open it in vein. So he started banging it and yelling." HELP! SOMEONE HELP! HELP!"

He was a sight for sore eyes! Dymamic. Determined. Strong-willed." The loft is soundproof. You can shout but nobody will hear you."

Jungkook huffed. He was trapped. Rubbing his temples his eyes scanning the room to find a way out. Not through the windows...they were on the last floor of a fifty storey building and he wasn't Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible... As far as he remembered the main door was the only way out.

Now he was put in a difficult position of coming up with a believable excuse to cover up the mess he had created.

" It's your fault!" be accused him boldly." You left him no chance to react the way you snatched me. And my phone is dead. I bet my Hobi has already notified the police to come for you. I hope they lock you somewhere and throw away the key!" He smirked mischievously for his quick thinking but begun stepping back hitting the cold wall once Taehyung,with a huge grin on his face, was dangerously approaching him, licking his rosy lips.

"I sincerely doubt it. He's probably hiding in a dark corner like a coward."

" Hobi isn't a coward!" Jungkook protested." I'm warning you don't talk ill about him!"

" I admire your confidence even though we both know he won't do anything." Taehyung insisted, raising his hand, his fingers grabbing and playing with the younger 's bangs.

Jungkook held his breath till his eyes popped out tossing his head to the right to avoid his touch." Keep your hands to yourself." Smacking his hand, he pushed him away skimming to the window.

" Impossible baby..I can't resist your charm!" That deep, sweet voice clenched Jungkook's heart to the point he begun trembling.

" Try harder." He gulped but a knot clogged his throat." I demand you let me go. This is ridiculous."

" I can't. You need to hear me out, see my point of view and understand me."

" Fat chance! It ain't gonna happen. I'm not interested in hearing what you have to say!"

" Jungkook! You're being stubborn."

" Good for me!" He crossed his arms on his chest, narrowing his brows." Let me go."

Taehyung stood in front of him, gripped his wrist , drew him closer as his arm was wrapped around his waist." Don't want to..having you here, admiring your beauty, smelling your scent is enough to drive me crazy..."

" You don't need me to drive you crazy! You already are! Kidnapping me in broad daylight without shame! You were, are and forever will be a bully!" Using both hands pressing them on the man's hard chest, he shoved him trying to escape.

Taehyung's grip tightened around his waist, his hot breath thrashing on the younger 's face making it hard to resist the temptation and urges building up inside him. His moist tongue licked the outline of Jungkook 's plump lips.

" I want to fuck you." The statement so blant and straightforward managed to create such vivid images on the younger 's mind it became painful to ignore. Blinking his eyes, munching on his bottom lip he pressed his hands into fists in a last attempt to supress his own need. His heart and body yearned to be touched but his mind was shouting ' No..no..keep calm.' He got this far to jeopardize what he had accomplished. Teach this arrogant man a valuable lesson. Make him pay for his past mistakes and avert him from repeating them in the future.

The idea flashing his mind made him sneer. Time to use all the weapons he had to beat him in his own game. Arms hooked Taehyung's neck, fingers running through his dark, shiny hair, nose rubbing on his jaw as he let out a sinful moan. " How badly do you..want me..baby?"

Taehyung was caught off guard. His eyes scanning the younger to understand whether or not he was dreaming and finally spoke." So badly it hurts.. please be mine.."

Jungkook's teeth gave small bites on the older's parted lips, his fingers sliding all the way down his back resting on his firm ass, squeezing it and grinding their cocks together. The loud moan exiting Taehyung 's mouth convinced the younger he was on the right track.

The man's mouth hungrily attacked his in obvious desperation. His tongue opened and forcefully entered the younger 's, swirling around, sucking and slurping while his fingers tagged Jungkook 's hair.

The younger 's mind was working nonstop. He only got one chance to act. Ignoring the millions of butterflies dancing in his stomach and the heat burning his lower parts, he traced his fingers along the man's back, ending on his firm ass.

The man ,so absorbed in the heat of the moment, the consuming passion eating his soul, failed to realise that Jungkook with a swift move had snatched the key card from his back pocket. The next minute, Taehyung was pushed on the marble floor, eyes widen in shock, holding and rubbing his left cheek after Jungkook 's hard slap. He was totally unprepared!

"You don't get to kiss me Kim. Not without my permission." He waved the key smirking, wiggling his eyebrows." Got you!"

Before the man got up on his feet Jungkook had unlocked the main door, stepped out, running to the lift." That's what happens when you mess with me Kim! Let this be a lesson to you!"he shouted blowing him a kiss as the door of the elevator was closing.

Taehyung was speechless. He was caught in his own trap. Beaten in his own game, underestimating Jungkook 's power. His legs heavy, his heart heavier sinking in his chest. He overvalued his ability and was left alone and defeated. Shouting or following him seemed futile. He had the hope once he had explained Jungkook would understand and give them a chance. Boy was he wrong!

What the hell was he thinking snatching him, bringing him to the loft and locking him like a caveman ?It made things worse. Now Jungkook would think he was really a fucking bastard who only cared for himself. He hit his head with both hands.

" Stupid asshole! You ruined everything!"

He was mad at everyone. At Yoongi for refusing to listen. At Hobi for existing. At Aecha for making his life hell. Even at his friend for making him promise to protect his widow but mostly to himself. For his past mistakes and for accepting this ludicrous deal. If he could turn back time , he would have found another way to keep his promise and Aecha away from his life.

He had minimised his chances of winning him. Lost the opportunity to make him understand. And that damn panting in his chest was irritating! He tried to breathe , slowly at first but every attempt pricked him like needles.

He stayed there, in the same position for God knows how long, staring at the open door. Praying he hadn't fucked up for good. The only thing giving him a scarce hope was their upcoming trip to Qatar.

Four days and nights under the same roof. Away from Hobi, his hyungs and his idiotic fiancé.


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