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12.24% Cyberpunk: XYZ / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Night City III

Bab 6: Chapter 6: Night City III

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Chapter 6: Night City III


Home, if it can even be called that, was on the roof of a building right by Vik's clinic. The view was lovely, allowing sight of a significant portion of the city, and its megabuildings as they pierced through the sky.

Right away, as he exited the elevator, he was faced with the tall skyscrapers of Fuyutsuki Electronics, linked together by two gigantic bridges, so tall they almost blocked sunlight, especially with the mega building to the right.

X could see clouds of smoke all over the place, and the smell, aghh. Just like most parts of Night City, the place was stained with traces of corps, leaving little to no specks of green anywhere to be seen.

The only specks of green to be seen were artificial palm trees, not nearly enough to bring life to this bleak city. However, there was a reason X chose this place as his home.

X sat on one of the chairs by the edge of the roof, placing his plate of rice balls and a bottle of water on a stool nearby. Then he ate dinner while enjoying what was in his mind a lovely view.

It looked like chaos as if X was seeing the smoke spewing from the factories as a mix of chaotic emotions, despair of the homeless, their hope, sadness, and desire for something more.

The glass windows of the skyscrapers spoke of something else entirely, reflecting the greed within those walls, the sound of wine glasses clashing together as those at the top laughed while looking down the windows at the mess beneath them, imagining it only getting worse, not better as they climbed upon the backs of their slaves.

Such was the state of Night City, at least from the outside. X knows that things go way deeper than that.

The people of Night City, their lives are worse than they even know for the word slaves have never been truer than in Night City where everything you do is under their watchful eyes.

"Holy fuck, I could cum just thinking about all the bullshit that goes on in this city," X munched on a rice ball as he muttered, letting out a sigh of satisfaction, "Can't wait till we dip our toe into it, so deep and sweet."

"Please just take a nap," X let out a sigh again as he murmured, throwing the last rice ball into his mouth and drinking a mouthful of water before going to a specific corner of the roof, hidden by the building's air filtration system. There in that corner was his home.

It was a cozy place with a few ancient sofas and a parasol as well as a scrambled up table. Everything was screwed together but it was working, and that's all that matters.

X covered his little corner with a mattress he stitched up a while ago, all that he needed was his tin foil hat. For now though, he opened his laptop and got to work.

The world turned into numbers in his eyes, all flowing into his mind, transforming into invaluable knowledge that he saves in his mind palace before it gets organized to be used later.

And that's how his nights usually go, only sleeping for a few hours before he has to go to work. Today, he woke up a little early, so instead, he went to the food stalls nearby.

Little China is quite the nice place if you ignore all the trash, depression, and crime. It has a projection of these lovely floating red lanterns, and even a luminous sakura tree, also a projection.

And then there is Little China's market, a place always filled with people, food stalls, small-time shops, and of course, advertisements.

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"Sounds interesting," X murmured under his breath as he took a seat in one of the food booths. He only has pennies on him right now, so he could not afford something too expensive.

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"Yo, make me some nice fried egg and black coffee! No sugar," X instructed.

"Coming right away!" The stall owner shouted before getting to work.

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"That sounds even more interesting," X shook his head in exasperation. It seems that this world is getting weirder by the second.

"What? Want one?" The stall owner wondered, "Those things are hella expensive."

"And that's why I can only wish for one," X shrugged.

"Very popular, those things, even more than real girls," The stall owner pointed out, "Hell, they're even popular with girls."

"Feel like real people without the stress and anxiety that comes with interacting with real people, isn't that right?" X remarked.

"Exactly!" The stall owner nodded heavily, "Even fuck dolls aren't too in demand right now... They feel too real, and have you heard about the recent psychotic incidents that happen with fuck dolls? A friend of mine got his dick bit off by one. The bitch ate it."

"I heard," X nodded, "The corps said they're looking into it. I guess they ain't."

"They're looking into shit," The stall owner shook his head, "And who knows how many worse incidents they buried under the rug."

"Joi is the safe option, I guess," X muttered, "Especially in a place like Night City where all everyone knows is danger... Safe options seem like a rarity here."

"I really wish I had one instead of the wife nagging at me every day, aghh," The stall owner could only let out a sigh, "All we have is broken hopes. Hell, a long while ago, I found a Joi with a fucking emanator, can you believe it? But whad'ya know, it was fuckin' broken."

"Unfixable?" X wondered.

"It's from 2050 or something, shit like that costs more to fix than to buy new," The stall owner explained, "Plus, it's an ancient edition, probably buggy as hell. Don't want nothing to do with that."

"Do you by any chance still have it on you?" X couldn't help but ask.

"It's in one of these boxes of scraps," The stall owner pointed to the boxes beneath his stall, "Why?"

"Wanna try my hand at fixing it," Responded X.

"That thing is almost three decades old by this point. Can you really fix it?" The stall owner said before shaking his head, "Never mind, I have no use for it, so just take it, if you can find it amidst the garbage."

Without wasting any time, X started looking through the boxes while the stall owner prepared his breakfast for him. Well, there was a lot of garbage, but eventually, he found the broken emanator.

And as the stall owner said, the tech was decades old, way too old to be fixable, 'Maybe, just maybe, we can scrap some code out of this little thing.'

X put the thing in his pocket and had some breakfast, "Well, it was a pleasure talking to you."

"Hey! Come back here sometimes!" The stall owner waved him goodbye.

X went directly to Vik's clinic, only stopping by the clinic's stairs as he found Marrie sitting by the side with an obvious bruise on her face, quite recent by the looks of it.

She was hugging her little brother tightly, seemingly not allowing him to look at her face while he sniffled, trying hard to hold back his cry.

"What happened?" X asked.

"I..." Marrie's lips trembled but she still whispered as she glanced at a man not far away, standing right before Vik's clinic, seemingly guarding it, "I... I don't know why, but he took my gun when he saw my little brother waving it around, And..."

She didn't need to continue. The bruise on her face told him everything. The guard must've been sent here preemptively to secure the area.

"Take the elevator to the roof and stay there for the day," X instructed before heading to the clinic.

Ahh, Night City, a heaven for the strong, hell for the weak. Only the laws of the jungle seem to apply here with predators in every corner of its bleak alleys, "Vik's assistant, step aside."

"Assistant, huh?" The guard sized up X from top to bottom, obviously looking down on him, "Nah, let's wait for Vik."

"Wait, huh?" X let out a smile as he lightly tapped the man's right hand in a friendly manner, and then shook his hand, "I am X, pleasure to meet you."

"Jason," The guard responded reflexively, not really meaning to, but X simply controlled the conversation.

"Jason, huh? I will remember that," Said X in a gentle tone, "Unfortunately, I am supposed to be here early to sterilize the room so unless you wanna owe an explanation to your boss, step aside."

VQuintessence VQuintessence

Make sure to check my Patre.on out if you want to support me and want to read advanced chapters: Patre.on.com/VQuintessence

[20 Chapters in Advance on Patre.on]

Bab 7: Chapter 7: Netrunner I

Make sure to check my Patre.on out if you want to support me and want to read advanced chapters: Patre.on.com/VQuintessence

[20 Chapters in Advance on Patre.on]


Chapter 7: Netrunner I


"Jason, huh? I will remember that," Said X in a gentle tone, "Unfortunately, I am supposed to be here early to sterilize the room so unless you wanna owe an explanation to your boss, step aside."

The guard did step aside despite how much his ego says otherwise, fear of his boss emerged victorious. X of course did read the shard Vik handed him, so he got to work right away.

The operation is quite important, and it's indeed a big client. The cyberware to be implanted, however, wasn't here just yet, too valuable to leave here, how much X looked forward to seeing that beauty.

It wasn't long before Vik arrived, bringing with him a large briefcase, "Are we ready?"

"Ready," X nodded.

"You'll mostly watch from the sides, and I'll tell you if I need any assistance," Stated Vik as he placed the briefcase to the side.

The client soon arrived along with several other bodyguards, or rather, in his case, all gang members. The client himself was a gang member, a high-ranking one, having that air of pure arrogance around him.

Right away, X could see why the man wanted that specific cyberware as he looks like a fucking meathead.

X is well above average when it comes to height, standing at 6.2 but the client was a beast, cutting it close to 7.

"Vik, my new friend! Heard a thing or two about you," The client said with a grin, "Hope you don't disappoint. You two, keep watch outside. The rest stay here, keep an eye on our friends here, y'know, make sure they don't step out of line as I am sure they won't, right?"

"Of course, please have a seat," Vik nodded, seeming quite calm. It seems that this wasn't the first time Vik had an important client.

Usually, gangs have their own Ripperdocs, choosing to never see an outside doc, but sometimes they have, most likely due to gang wars and internal conflicts.

"The assistant, yeah?" The client remarked as he sized up X, soon shaking his head as he sat on the operation table, seemingly disappointed?

"Please take off your clothes before we proceed," Vik instructed as he moved the computer screens closer, making sure that everything was ready.

"Please jack in," X instructed, prompting the client to link up with the computer before performing an analysis of his state, making sure everything was right.

The operation is very sensitive, so any miscalculation can lead to serious consequences, "All set." X nodded before instructing, "Lie down on your stomach please."

"Administer the sedative and the anesthetic," Vik instructed, still looking through the analysis.

X linked with the machine responsible for controlling the mechanical arms, all equipped with sedatives and anesthetics. The patient should preferably be asleep through the operation and locked in place.

He controlled the arms as Vik locked the patient in place with the table cuffs, and in a few minutes, the patient was out, "Draw the lines. Leave the arms to me."

X jacked out and picked up a specialized pen before starting to draw lines throughout the patient's back, marking all the places they're gonna operate on, running through the entirety of his spine.

"Done," Said X.

"Be ready for when I tell you to release the nanites," Vik instructed as he changed the mechanical arms, arming them with surgical tools, then sat before the patient, his eyes turning blue as he entered full focus mode.

The operation requires micro precision, and while there are Ripperdocs who don't give much of a shit, using their hands, Vik uses the mechanical arms, controlling them all at once.

It finally started, the operation that would likely take the entire day, involving replacing most of the patient's spine though before his upper back was fully sliced open, X was instructed to let the nanites out.

Nanites, wonderful little things, microscopic machines, often smaller than individual human cells, that can repair or enhance biology at the cellular level.

In this case, they were programmed to keep the patient stable while helping with the operation. The second dose of nanites, however, is the most important.

"Open the briefcase. Bring me the heart, and the second dosage of nanites," Vik instructed.

X finally got to see what was inside the briefcase, and what a beauty it was, a large black spinal cord, a mechanical heart, and a tube of nanites. All three of these work together to form quite the special cyberware.

The cyberware is called BioDyne Berserk, a Berserk Operating System manufactured by BioDyne. It's certainly not the best in the market, nowhere near it in fact, but it's something the majority can only dream of.

The thing costs tens of thousands of eddies brand new, although some Ripperdocs implant them dirt ship, and that's because what they had is dirt, old manufactured garbage that may turn you cyberpsycho the very next day, some may be sold as low as a few thousands.

The client, however, seems to know better, choosing a very expensive product, "Pour the nanites into the artificial heart's canal, and hand it over." Vik instructed.

With perfect precision, Vik replaced the heart, following directly with replacing the spinal cord, letting the new monstrous spinal cord stick out like that of a dinosaur, the client's choice, something to do with fashion.

Berserk basically uses nanomachines to harden and reconstruct body parts, using the more efficient artificial heart so the nanomachines flow more efficiently in the body.

The artificial spinal cord also functions as a container of nanites, pumping them into the bloodstream when needed. Those nanites function as repair agents that may need refill depending on use.

The rest of the nanites mix in with flesh tissues, reconstructing body parts and hardening when needed, "Everything looks good," Vik murmured as he scanned the patient with his cyberoptics.

That was basically the end of the operation, taking a few hours, but that wasn't the end as Vik waited for the patient to wake up, the time before he wakes up was more than enough for the repair nanites to do their job.

The nanites are really one of the biggest innovations of humanity, changing the field of medicine for those who can afford them. The poor might as well still be living in the dark ages.

"Phew... Wow, like, that was a good fucking nap, need to get more of that stuff... So, how did it go?" The patient woke up, not as dazed as he should be. The man was quite energetic for someone who had been injected with a sedative.

 "Let us see," Said Vik before instructing, "Please jack in again," Once the patient jacked in, Vik double-checked the integrity of the cyberware, and then made sure its software was working as intended.

"Perfect," Vik nodded, "And this was the most complicated part of the operation done. You'll just have to come back every other day to get nanites refill to complete the conversion. Also, while your body is changing, it's better not to overtax it, so take it easy."

"Vik, my new friend," The client let out a grin as he stretched out a bit, not feeling much discomfort, "You've just got yourself a long-time client, still need a few more chromes and maybe some tattoos, so look forward to our future friendship, alright?" The man extended his hand, waiting for Vik to shake it which he did.

The client leisurely put on his clothes, glancing at X before walking out along with his guards by evening, leaving Vik and X alone, "What do you think? About the client?" Questioned Vik.

"Seems experienced, naturally so as a high-ranking gang member of Tyger Claws, also smarter than he looks, moreover..." X stroked his chin, looking thoughtful, "He must be preparing for something big."

"Hmm, I guess the tattoos gave it away," Vik certainly didn't tell X which gang the client belongs to, but the client's tattoos gave it away.

"Take this as a lesson, if you're trustworthy, then your only enemies would be other Ripperdocs," Said Vik, "Make connections, friends, and gangs will leave you alone, and even use your services."

Vik washed his face, letting out a breath of relief, "The only prerequisite would be never making a mistake when dealing with high-priority clients. Just a single mistake, and you're done."

"I understand," X nodded as he stroked his chin, contemplating quite an interesting idea that spurted in his mind before nodding to himself, "Doable."

"Here," Vik threw X something, a physical phone, "I see that you aren't a fan of internal agents. That's my old phone, it's yours now."

Internal agents are basically brain implants that function like phones, connecting you directly to the net. If you have a cyberoptic, then it can function as a holographic phone that you can control with your mind.

However, X never installed it. No matter how he thought about it, it sounded like a bad idea. Many folks don't trust the neural connection being so open to the net, a recipe for disaster, "Thanks."

VQuintessence VQuintessence

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