Unduh Aplikasi
57.6% poke fanfic fun to read / Chapter 53: 5

Bab 53: 5

So excited. My charmander egg is going to hatch next week. Its been about a month and a half since last year ended and things are great. Sunshine will be ready to train in earnest soon. We've agreed upon her being support than front line fighting. Its highly likely she won't be in any gym battles unless absolutely needed. She's happy to do more but I am fine in letting her just share our journey and helping when really needed.

Tru and I have had another breakthrough. My aura is rising hard. I still couldn't take on but the lowest of pokémon in combat but my healing abilities are almost on par with a newly evolved lucario's heal pulse. I don't have any other measure than Joy's Lucario and the few Clan members who have non-dragon team members with some healing moves to compare to. But considering they heal dragons? I think its pretty good. Actually throwing heal spheres is still beyond me but for a few random successes. Tru is growing into her own, finding balance. She's still a bit too serious but we've taken up more and more things together. She really likes keeping her fur neat and I've gotten into enjoying brushing it and letting her do the same with my hair. Baby steps.Sunshine and her are often with me everywhere. There is a lot to be said for having a riolu about as an aura user. Our closeness has driven our abilities to sync in what Query calls near gestalt. When we are almost one in purpose our sensing abilities join and exponentially grow. The few times we've managed it on purpose we could feel every pokémon and person within almost a mile. It put us down for an hour of much needed rest the first time but we're training past that. She's smiling more and more.Sunshine follows me because I'm her mom and she comes to me for explaining all the new things she sees. That and while she enjoys new people that is a habit I may have to break. Since finding out that I can sense everyone's intentions more or less from afar she's grown up trusting everyone I do and what's more is she can feel it with her ribbon wrapped around my wrist. I want her to be independent eventually but also to rely on her own instincts if I'm not around. I don't plan to be absent but best to plan for contingencies. Even if my other partners are mine, they hardly need me about. Sunny is still young but I want her to eventually be able to be safe without me or the others.Sunshine lives up to her name though. Even Tru smiles around her a lot. Its hard not to when my riolu and I can literally feel the ever present joy radiating from her. My fighting type is a bit too serious at times so its a joy seeing her a bit carefree. Also? I know fairies are dragons' worst enemy in typing but Zaela loves Sunshine. I'm Sunny's mother really. Adopted or not. And Zaela hadn't let it be known but she was planning to spoil the fuck out of my children. She didn't care if they were pokémon or not.Apparently seeing a sylveon getting rides by the largest gabite in the world (that we know of) boggles people's mind. But yep. Zaela enjoys giving rides to her. Who knew.Not much to say about Query other than he is just as odd as ever for a psychic. I love him to bits. He informed me that he feels that he'll be ready for evolution once he's defeated Bud in checkers at least three hundred and...twenty-six? More times. I was very confused until he said it was a joke and that the number was actually the amount of days until it was the fourth year anniversary of our first meeting. I got a little choked up. If he wanted it to be that day then he's already planned out how to accomplish it....I miss Sampson. Blergh. Not blergh. I don't know what it is.So yeah. I miss him. And Lance. Who by the way came in second at his first conference. It was a joy to cheer him on even if it was from afar. He decided to take a year off from the circuit and go off and train someplace dangerous. Far as we know he's off in Sinnoh teaching his team to resist the cold. Still my hero. I can't be jealous that his drive is just as strong as mine. He's so young and so dedicated. Without my past life.Clair is growing into her own. Sunshine and her get along so well I'm a bit worried they're going to murder me with cuteness. Its all playing and chasing each other everywhere. Despite how Sunny isn't up to the rest of us, she's still been getting some of the physical training just to keep up with us. Claire uses the experience to help her and her dratini. All while having fun. She's a year older than me but doesn't act like it. Mom is looking for a traveling partner for her. Clair will turn into a bad ass but not right now. She needs help on her journey. Not that she wouldn't make it, but she'd probably just stubborn something out as opposed to finding another solution. I've got an idea on that though and am going to ruthlessly exploit my connection to the target possible travel partner.I've grown as well. I'm fit! As much as you can for my age. Which in an anime world is pretty impressive. The little girl who could be a dress up doll is gone. My active life has made me fast and agile. Stamina is king for me. Pushing myself to not be a burden to my team has been beyond rough. I'll never match them but that isn't the point. Just being able to stay close is my goal.That's about all the updates. Gonna go check on the egg. In a few years will I wish I hadn't insisted on a shiny tag on my coming pseudo-dragon? But really? What type of pokémon fan would I be if I didn't covet a shiny charizard? Soooooo cool. The time here has mellowed me enough that I know I'd love him even if he were regular color though. Can't wait for him to be here.Hatching dayThere are no words. Well there are but they're pretty pathetic compared to the reality. Evolution and the hatching of an egg here are so much more than is shown in the show. Bright light and the rapid growth are there certainly. But it doesn't talk about the presence of something greater entering the world. Or the wonder of the creature that comes at the next stage in their life.Hatching my charmander is even more than that. The egg rocked for quite a few days. No riding a bike in circles with a flame body pokémon here and expecting it to take mere minutes. Zaela was going to set up a nest or something but Momma made it known that the egg was hers to take care of if we wanted the best new pillar of destruction thank you very much.Zaela may be getting closer to taking on her mom in a way she can't just ignore but my sister knows when to back down. My whole team rotated in Momma's den for the days of wobbly egg and I rode Zaela for the first time when Query pulsed out a message that it was time. I had gone down to the Clan compound to get us more food and extra blankets. When I told Zaela and Momma what was in the egg they told me if I wanted the most out of my future charizard that I should spend the first few months in the wild with them.Considering that Zaela's sire was a charizard that Momma flat out refuses to let us meet still when he comes about every couple years I took their advice. Riding Zaela was terrifying even without the flying we'll get in her last form. My sister is massive and quick even just stomping across the ground. But she didn't stop there, descending into the ground like water as she kept me out of it, hanging off her fin.It also felt like bonding with her at her hatching all over again. We agreed to do it more often.When I arrived it was to Momma hovering over Sunshine who was the only one of us besides me who we let snuggle up around the egg for warmth. Query's body is too cool and Tru, bless her, doesn't know what to do with the egg. Just that she loves it and has a hard time showing such emotions. Zaela's skin is too rough for any eggs but steel types and eventually her own. We wouldn't risk charmander on it though my in depth knowledge confirmed it probably would be okay. Eggs are really durable but our calm certainly wasn't.Oh. Momma loves Sunshine too. Sees her as her grandchild since she made it known I was her daughter too so long ago. I'm willing to bet Samuel would give a lot to see how being around me has changed the Champion, ancient garchomp. I'll ask her if she minds talking about it with him if he ever visits. She's evolved so much. Momma will never be gentle but she's definitely warm and caring in her own way. Translation: Beats us the fuck up for our own good. Its been made clear that if we don't defeat her six on one at least once before we leave that she'll be very disappointed.As if waiting for me to arrive the egg began to pulse out energy. There is no real glow and then the egg just vanishes like in the show. But in 4K. Cracking happens and the yellow tint of my new son's scales began to fight its way free. None of us helped him. Its part of what is needed. To take your life for your own. Pulling himself free with a small chirp of frustration, Mars was born.Mars the shiny CharmanderNature: LonelyAbility: BlazeMoves: Ancient Power, Flare Blitz, Scratch, Ember, Dragon Dance, Air Cutter, Crunch, Bite, Beat UpLittle did I know I should have named him Shikamaru with what would come later. Especially with one of his egg moves.I know. Naming him Mars would be confusing if referring to the planet but I was naming him for the Roman god of war. Who is much less of a dick than Ares. I think. Memory is fuzzy about it. Its what I meant with it that counts.The little guy just stared rather calmly at all of us and yawned hard, displaying his tiny little teeth and causing Sunny to seize up in joy and a swift desire to hug him silly. Believe me. I know what she looks like when she wants to cuddle someone to death. Its an incredibly common expression on her face. She didn't though cause newborn but she did use her ribbons to get a towel to start cleaning our newest family member off.The first few days were boring in actions we did to take care of him. Its a lot of what you'd expect from a baby. Joy was with us for most of that time. She'd long ago gotten used to the fact that she'd be going to dragon lairs as our Nurse. Joy's Lucario stayed at the Center (Again, read: Joy and Becca's larger than normal home) in case there were any emergencies. Mars was very healthy and would be able to train pretty early on compared to Sunny. Starter pokémon are very sought after for a reason. They can fight almost from birth.What wasn't boring was watching new life that was so very much ours. Zaela came out headstrong and willful. Mars very much depended on us. And already was very aware I was at the center of the family. The personalities that were so large and intense deferred to me. He was already thinking critically even if we just saw super cute fire lizard baby.It should be noted that Joy is the only human besides myself and my mom that Momma even comes close to listening to. I guess that's expected of a Joy. Once Joy left us (After giving me notes on nutrition that I already knew about from my won info-dump) we started to let him get to know us in earnest. Tru was the first up oddly enough. My riolu just spoke soft words, treated him with the utmost care and said they'd be great comrades once he'd grown up a bit. The little guy just solemnly nodded and looked expectantly to Sunny who was vibrating in excitement. That should have been my first clue to his quirk.He was just so….present. Calm.Sunny...Well. Everyone loves her. Why would Mars be any different?"Hello baby brother! Welcome. Mom said she'd get us more family but I didn't think she'd have an egg so young! Humans have kids much older than pokémon can." Cue facepalm for me and a resolve to never tell her what human births are actually like. Or rather, make someone else do it. Zaela's face right now screams 'wtf' times seventy. The low hum of Query's laughter doesn't affect Sunny's continued introduction."But now that you are here I can show you so much! And give you ice cream. Its delicious. Oh no! I forgot to do the thing." Pulling up a ribbon she took Mars' tiny claw and raised it up and down. In a super serious voice that she deepened as if she were imitating an older man my sylveon continued destroying my ability to think, "Hello. My name is Sunshine Mita. Your big sister. Its nice to meet you. How are you today?"Yea I taught her how humans greet new people politely. Mars just cocked his head in a gesture that reminded me of my dad studying something interesting and said his first actual words other than 'Char!' which by the way is every bit as cute as you would imagine. Something about pokémon. The idea that they learn while in the egg is utterly true. Both language and moves. Maturity is a matter of the species and nature."I see. My sister. Mother behind you said my name is Mars. Ah." Bright eyes flash to me with a slight smile and I return it. Inside though I'm a bit shocked. Mars' voice is very old for his age. Instead of a baby it sounds like the equivalent of a five year old human. Query pushes a thought at me to not worry about it just yet as he comes forward. But seriously. Zaela barely had a few words. Whole sentences?"Yes. And I'm an uncle? Something similar. Zaela behind me would be your aunt of sorts. I'll leave her to talk to you more on that. I am Query. Welcome."My boy just floats back to his place after sending warm thoughts to Mars. Zaela looks all the way down at Mars with a snort of flame and nods. "You'll do newbie. Grow strong to be worthy of my sister and I."That might sound harsh to a newborn pokémon but from a dragon that's a super warm welcome. The charmander line understand dragons. They pretty much are dragons themselves, forget the type label. Mars' eyes shine a bit bright at Zaela but then turn to me as he waddles forward. The bright flame on his tail is hotter than I expected but also doesn't really burn me as much as I thought it would from proximity. Maybe its the same effect that ponyta and rapidash riders deal with?"You are my mother. I felt you in the egg. You have that warmth. It let me learn so much. Thank you Mother." Almost bowing, he moves in to hug my legs as I kneel next to him and start to scratch his scales. Of course I'd have an odd charmander. There is very little aggression in their base form but he's remarkably calm. I was a little worried about his nature but maybe growing up in our family will counteract what 'lonely' might mean for his personality.Two months laterTaking care of Mars has been a joy and trial compared to Sunshine. Sunny spoiled me to the process. Is still spoiling me. Query, Tru and Zaela have all gotten used to having their own interests now and can train well without me as I focused on Sunny and Mars. We still work ourselves to the bone but its easier to do so apart these days.Mars is a genius and I am having trouble telling if its good or not. Every one of his egg moves is perfected for his level. No seriously. He can do them flawlessly in any way I request. The only drawback is he's in his first form so he can't back them up with the power and speed he'll get later.Query is smart. Talented and understands things quickly but even he struggles to put things into reality from a concept. The reason he gets along so well with my dad is his focus on efficiency. Running different moves all at the same time.Mars also knows three moves I didn't put in my list to Fate. Know how eggs absorb knowledge? He's a genius even there. From being around Momma he learned slash, which come to think of it is not an egg move, dragon rush and dragon pulse. And yes, those are perfected for his level too.Zaela was very jealous. It took us beating down some of the gym trainers to get her from being...Petty. All the effort she put into perfecting some of the same moves and here Mars does it as if it were easy as breathing. Perspective helped, telling her that it just means she gets a better sparring partner later. I love my sister, but she can be a vicious thing at times.His lonely nature is coming to the forefront in a way that kind of shocks me. I'm making the same assumption over and over. That the game/show rules apply here. They do to an extent but every being on this planet is unique. Mars doesn't play well with others in a way that is sadly familiar to me. He's very smart and other than Query I don't think anyone else will be able to relate to that intelligence.I'm pretty positive he has a picture perfect memory as he restates orders I gave him on even his first day of true interaction. With my inflections no less. I'm about the only one he is happy to be around besides Sunny. Sunshine trumps any social awkwardness. She simply doesn't care that he's so much smarter than her. She's his sister and she loves him probably more than me. I'm fine with that.Mars' slow smiles in her presence give me hope. He takes to physical training well a lot of our time training is technique and application which he just gets immediately. Query tells me to treat him like a normal psychic type in such instances and give him mental exercises but that's where his charmander stubbornness gets him. Its there, just buried deep. He despises problems he can't see so unless its in front of him its not worthy of note.It was dad who gave me a solution. Who I am sadly still not connecting to well. Aura is fantastic but I think its developed in me as a sixth sense that has affected me differently. Dad's emotions are just so muted it is starting to feel unnatural. Like he doesn't care. We're just too different. I spend all day outside and my critical thinking is all about my team and battle. His is about concepts and design. I was complaining to mom about the issue over dinner one night and he was actually with us for once. But he just nodded to the issue and ignored it. Mom said she'd work on it for the both of them. It was...Very weird. I'd be pushy but Mom has never failed to trust me. So I should with her right? I'm a bit afraid to ask mom about how their marriage is. I haven't seen them go out in over a year. I wouldn't be surprised they are just staying together until I'm off on my journey and fully independent.But then a bit of hope happened. Dad spoke up about my concerns about Mars and how he has trouble learning the way I'm used to showing."Oh. Visual learning? Why not let him play simulations or video games? I can mock up an interface for him." Both mom and I turned to him in a bit of shock. Dad rarely speaks up unless about his own work. "If he has something to occupy his mind, subconscious thoughts may let him grind at solutions."My smile is hesitant but true. "That's a great idea Dad. But then it was yours." Hey I might be a bit distant from him but there is no denying my dad is the smartest person I know. "If you could do that it would be great. I know he loves watching tv."It was true. To the visual learner that he is, recordings of battles has just made him more impressive. Anytime I try to direct him to something he always seems to figure it out better on his own. Once he gets the idea of the ending, he has to find his own road there. All of my other pokémon just seem to need practice and repeated action. Mars has to have the full picture and then almost mystically has it perfected.Zaela is becoming an issue there still. Mars' rapid growth in what was her worst and slowest growth is driving her nuts. Fire and dragon energy. She's calling him the lazy one and its kind of stuck with the team. Once he gets something he just has physical conditioning. Which isn't something he can do overly hard yet due to his age. It doesn't help that he gets bored easily and spends a lot of time staring at the sky in wonder. He'll be a flier one day for sure.Part of it is that he's -so- smart that he already feels like a mature member of the team. Sunny, even when not able to train, gave her all into cheering the others on or doing her best at what she could do. Mars is fine alone and its a bit off putting.A few days later Dad presented me with something that made me lock down hard on my emotions. It was basically a gamecube. Pokémon are around me. I never considered that there are actual video games. None of the Clan waste time really. Not that I think video games are a waste. Its just I have pokémon. They're my life. The Clan trains for our pride and our partners. Which is a full time pleasure. I'm sure some kids have systems and I should have considered it as in the games your character always has the newest nintendo system in their room. But yeah. Gamecube. With a controller obviously designed specifically for charmander. Thanking Dad numbly, I took Mars aside after the next training session."Mars, I know you're having issues with the team. This isn't really your fault. You're just so smart that its hard for us non-geniuses to keep up. Query probably could but I don't think you two have the same interests." Very true. Query loves people and learning everything. Mars wants to be a better battler but is unable to reach his potential further until he's fully evolved. Its like he hit his limit for his current form and is just waiting for his body to catch up to his mind. As a charmeleon he'll at least be able to start getting used to absorbing damage and strengthening his form. He's much, much more delicate than the rest of the team right now. Its a big reason why I wanted Sunny to evolve so quickly. "Now, this is a video game system. I learned a lot from strategy games and new concepts from something similar. My father set this up for you. I'd like you to try."My little guy just peered up at me and moved forward to sit on his fire-proof little bed. I revel in being near my team at night since Sunny flat out refuses to be anywhere but with me when we sleep. And until he's a charizard Mars can join me too. The TV in my room isn't overly big but to him it is. Placing this world's equivalent of FF Tactics in the system I helped him get the basics and yeah. I made my son into a gamer. Even if that was my old life there is that large part of me that took solace in my old games. Remembering how the stories whisked me away from how my life hurt me. Games let me dream. And now I get that dream in reality.They were friends when I couldn't seem to make them. They taught me of the gift of a good story and what it felt like to defeat something with my mind. Mars took to the system like I did in the past. And I got to play games with him in this new world. Something I hadn't even considered. And in games, we connected.Another few monthsUpdates. Mars is thriving again even if its only on the mental aspect. He'll likely evolve pretty soon which is somewhat late for a charmander. The starters of each region are given out because they are relatively docile to their partners, they grow fast and grow strong. If I were on the road and he was struggling more I would expect he'd already be a charmeleon. Our training is harsh, yes, but I've purposefully been taking a path I know will take time but raise my team's base stats to their highest potential. That's why I asked for my partners over years. Before I went to make my mark in the world.Query has joined Mars and I in gaming. Dad even shows up at the novelty of making new controllers for pokémon species….Is my way to connect to Dad through games? I hope so. Smash Bros(Not called that but its what it is) here is hilarious. Its basically former Champions and their teams in stylized combat. Apparently its bragging rights if you get into the game. A weird combo of a sports game in the fact that it has actual people portrayed and a brawler.That bitchy league official is becoming a problem for Mom. Ever since Zaela scared the shit out of her she's been snotty to Mom in increasingly petty ways. Mom is seriously considering talking to the Conference about getting her replaced but she also prefers fighting her own battles...And I can feel her desire to torture the woman. Dragons are vicious. Yep.Its a big topic among the Clan. We all despise her. Mostly the way she's getting back at Mom these last few months is making it harder for trainers to challenge the gym past her current gatekeeping. That'll not fly for very long I think. The league thrives on strong challengers. Previously we accepted any challengers but the official (Stacy or something? I purposefully forget her name)Stacia pushed it through that now we have to wait till trainers have to have at least six gym badges to challenge us. Its not a huge hardship. Just annoying. But it also means that trainers who start in Blackthorn don't get as many advantages if they are actual dragon trainers.Then again, even Mom's zero badge teams are renowned for stomping aspiring challengers so I guess that's not so bad. Bleh.Speaking of Mom. She's chomped down hard on my martial arts training and refused to let me camp with the team until I finished my schooling two years ahead of time. Which I did. Its not as if courses for ten year olds is hard for my mental age. Once I was done she added a promise of something special, Pretty sure that's a lead up to a training trip since she has more free time now and she's adapted to how much of a physical learner I am. I'm both excited and scared. It should be good for my team though.More months alongAlmost the end of the year. My resolve is still strong but my recovery was hard on everyone. A lot has happened. Both Tru and Mars evolved. Some people died.I killed someone.I didn't know I did. Was a pit trap I set up. My team killed too. There is a price for power and I think this is what Fate warned me about. For wanting so much. Its been hard learning to fight with my...disability. Scaring Lance when he rushed home to see me was hilarious.But I'm getting ahead of myself again. Query insists that I write down my thoughts eventually. To get things out of my head.The whole mess was a result of things I couldn't control. I accept this. Still sucks but I accept it. The training trip was on and I was pumped. Years of training had made me a bit of a nut for a change of scenery and I was hoping I'd be able to battle. Know what is a fucking shame? Having super powerful pokémon and not being able to go out and battle yet. Sure. I could probably push mom to let me do it more at the gym but never against anyone who isn't of the Clan. Its all dragons all day! Which is really cool but all the same...I know how to fight dragons. I want variety! Bleh. Anyway. The trip was to the north and into land that no one ventures to. Too hard to get to without a flier and not really worth it. Where she took me was a craggy valley filled with trees, rocks and nothing much else."Listen carefully daughter. You've been given a great gift. Not simply your pokémon but the prestige of being a daughter of our Clan. We are dragons. Dragons do not bow to anything. You've grown strong, yes, but you are dependent upon your pokémon and have been for years. Here is your goal. I am going to leave you here for a week. Alone save Mars as he is so young. I know he is about to evolve and this test will help that. Do not think this is mercy. There is not much food here and you will be given only a flask for water to survive. Mars can't easily defeat the threats here and you will both need each other to last.:Gone was my mother. This was the gym leader and head of my Clan. I'd heard that there were trials and such for older members of Blackthorn and I guess she thinks I'm ready."There is little chance of you winning against this because there are unfriendly pokémon here who will take all that you have. Perhaps your life. Thus, you shall give me Query, Truthseeker, Zaela and Sunshine. I will be letting them out someplace in this valley and telling them to find you. You may not move more than half a mile from where I drop you. I know you will not cheat." She's right. I've been nearly killing myself to get stronger for years. No shortcuts now. "When they reach you, you will have a chance. A decent one. But you must survive until then. I believe in you daughter. But I leave you here all the same. I love you. Go."Jumping from her dragonite with a huff I turned and held up a hand with all but Mars' pokéball. "I won't fail Mother. Look for us to be well and hearty when you return." A slow nod and the slightest of smiles graces Hannah Mita's lips. Gym Leader. Dragonite's eyes gleam at me for an instant and his tail swings around to teasingly try to trip me before exploding into speed. My mother goes into some clouds to hide where she'll leave my team.The clearing she's left me in has some poor ass looking trees that don't seem to have enough water and underbrush that makes me glad I've only worn leather clothing for years now. Thank you Zaela.The next few hours are spent walking around looking for a water source. All things are possible around water. Eventually I come to a stream and release Mars."Hey buddy. The trial is a week here alone until the rest of the team finds us." Mom knows Tru's range so she'll leave my team quite some distance away. Mars just grins up at me. This is something he can get behind. Lazy as he might be compared to my team, two days alone with just me is actually soothing to him. I was a loner previously and I think he always felt a connection in that. "I need you to scent if there is anything dangerous that regularly visits this stream. If so we'll camp a bit away and only come back for water twice a day.""Yes mother. This is exciting. Perhaps we'll be able to set up a grid to search out the others. Leave signs and what not. Grandmother may have tried to take into account Tru's abilities even if you don't share them all. She knows you seem to sense people easily." Yep. My genius has grown immensely to his strengths. Already echoing my thoughts. I can't wait to see the charizard he'll be someday. His great strength backed by a mind that will outstrip my own? Amazing.We ended up setting up camp about an hour from the stream, some sort of rocky pokémon scent making Mars wary to staying close. Most of what Mars scented out sounded fairly easy to handle rock pokémon were a bit too much for him just yet. Best to be paranoid. Food was sparse and consisting of mostly berries and roots. I think mom underestimated Momma's lessons on surviving in the wild. It wasn't pleasant but no true hardship yet. The first two nights were cold but having a fire lizard as a companion trumps that easily. Maybe if it were snowing it would be worse. Maybe this is why mom left me Mars. His evolution was so close I could taste it. Ironic that it would have better for have him quick. That his kind usually evolves so much quicker but now I would miss him being so small next to me.Only twice did we get into any sort of battles. One was a rather stubborn rhyhorn that thought we should share our gathered berries. A few dragon pulses and one rush sent him running. It was scrawny compared to trained ones and it being so far from the proper mountains met it was likely tossed from its territory. Wild pokémon of their first evolution can't touch Mars I thought despite my earlier caution. I grew cocky. It was easy. I was so wrong. This area I found out later usually has a ton of higher level pokémon that I would be forced to avoid without my stronger teammates.But most of the stronger pokémon were gone for good reason.It was supposed to teach me that even if I was a dragon in spirit that my mind would always be my strongest asset to the team. True, someday my aura would let me stand next to them to an extent, but they grew strong because of how I guide them.Things went wrong the third evening. Mars and I were at our little base tucked against a cliff so nothing could come from behind us unless they dug through the mountain. And we'd feel that way before an enemy got there. What I didn't know at the time is that Starra the bitch had met up with an old enemy of mine. One I would never expect. All those trainers Strata been holding back? She let them all come at once. Mom would normally be monitoring my safety in this valley from way afar but due to her confidence in me and my team she figured she could afford to let me truly shine for a day or two while she crushed some challengers.She probably would have noticed all the higher pokémon being driven off too. Dragonite would have smelled the repel bombs.The night was coming and I was content. Lazy as Mars can be, he never was when there were actual things to be done, and we made a good team. Without influence I don't talk much. My pokémon enjoy speaking to me but I'm perfectly fine with silence. Which Mars shares with me. Just staring out into the night with my charmander. Tomorrow I expected the rest of my team to reach us. I was a little miffed it took them this long. I'd regret that thought.The night was quiet and Mars and I were leaning against each other with no fire save his tail. His natural warmth was enough and we kept his tailflame hidden as best we could. A few depressions he'd carved out in the rock wall were filled with water I could get in my flask and he'd heat to purify them. It'd be earthy water but water.My thoughts drifted and I idly pulsed out aura. A lot of potential fights here could be solved by using my aura but I was here as a dragon. I'd only use my extra abilities if it were life or death. Which it was. If I hadn't have pulsed then out of boredom I would be dead.Murder. Hate. Rage. Insanity. The largest human signature was full of it. The wound that was this person was about to act. Four others were nearby that spoke of a professional calm and while tinged with a bit of guilt, also pulsed with death."Mars! Enemies" Turning at the decision I felt from the darkest of them I ducked behind a boulder just as a bullet slammed into it. Mars let out the harshest growl I've heard as we both ran to the left. We knew this area. Pings followed as more bullets hit around us. The snap of pokéballs followed as we headed toward our first traps.Mars and I got bored and didn't want to worry about wild visitors at night. Pit traps may not have worked for Team Rocket but from the whine/howl of some sort of canine behind us it worked just fine for us. Mars is the only one of my team I would ever give free reign to at any point and for good reason. I said it before. Genius. Everyone else gets tactics I want and they can push to the goal. Mars though. He probably has better ideas than me.Breathing short bursts of flame he started setting fires that blinded their vision of us as well as subtly directing more of our attackers into the traps. A few more pokémon sounds from some of them signaled success and one very satisfying human scream as one of the rock traps we set up caught someone. We found a precarious set of boulders together and ran some vines along it so a trip would lead to crushing. Would hurt a pokémon sure but I think that guy is in trouble.Fewer and fewer bullets popped around us as we started into the forest but the first of the pokémon caught up as well. Mightyena are much, much bigger than I thought. Without pausing his running Mars shifted around a tree and dug his claws in to swing himself as he activated a flare blitz. Using the momentum, he crashed his small body with shocking force. He and Query talk about Psi-Fist quite a bit while we all game together. My little guy hit at the back hind leg of the slavering dog and snapped it even as he exploded with burning energy.From howling desire to maul us to death to a short, painful whimper that led to a full force crash into one of the nearby trees, the dark canine was down. If we weren't in danger I'd have cheered. Mars is a savant. Since this started he's been dragon dancing. He can do it by using his steps to beat up his inner fire and latent draconic energy. Since he's been born, there hasn't been a day that he hasn't seen Momma. Living in the presence of that massive pool of dragon-type strength means he is barely weaker than an actual dragon his age at dragon moves.It was only a few moments of battle but more bullets started homing in on us. A savage slash to the canine's jaw more or less knocked him out or at least made sure he wasn't following and we were off. My heart pumped with aura and my little guy was blazing with his boosts. We could go on for a long while but I'm still eight. He's still a charmander. I was despairing a bit at the sound of more crashing sounds following and a distinctly male voice cursing hard about things I won't repeat.Then a roar of such fury filled my soul with hope and joy. Zaela was here and I've never heard her so angry. She was still a ways away but I could feel the panic in the five presences behind me. Three more pokémon, the darkest of the murderers and one of the professionals. There was some sort of shout and the professional split off by themselves. Four opponents."Mars. Four behind. Three pokémon. And the murderous human. Ambush." His eyes looked at me in slight alarm and then a nod of determination. We split apart and he snarled loudly, daring the pokémon to follow him as I circled around looking for cover. We had to stall and turn around. Zaela was roughly from where we came from. I couldn't panic. I knew people would try to end me. I knew it. Not this soon. But I knew.Two of the pokémon, more canines of some type, ran after my charmander while the last, a houndour that had to be close to evolving found me. Spinning up an aura sphere I tossed it over my shoulder with careful aim. While I want to heal my team more than fight I learned aura sphere way before heal sphere. The shock value of a human using a pokémon move made the houndour miss a step and take my attack in the face. It hurt for sure but didn't put him down.Legs pumping as hard as my eight year old form could I knew it was only a matter of time. Still, I could hear Zaela trumpeting her victory over something and more roars of anger. A pulse of aura from Tru hit me too and resolve that she was coming. Locked onto my signature. Embers pelted the forest around me and I thanked everything that could be listening that the houndour wasn't that accurate as I dodged frantically.I should have known that they were hunting creatures. That I was prey to be herded. I hate it. Prey. Me. A dragon of Blackthorn. The bullet hit my calf and I fell. Pain is something I'm used to but this was more than I had experienced since my first death. Even if it was a split second when that building hit me. Tears hit hard as I started charging an aura sphere. Tossing it at the houndour again I let my other hand pulse healing to at least ease my bleeding and pain. Moves like this work on humans but not nearly as well. The houndour, having slowed a bit at seeing me down just hit my sphere with a flamethrower to cancel the never-miss move out.Heavy boots followed as I wondered idly if Mars would be okay. My team was still half a mile away. Mars was closer and obviously heading for me. I felt his two opponents down in much the same manner as the mightyena. But I didn't think he'd get here in time.Mathew Stone's rage-twisted face came into view. "Well bitch. Time to make your mother pay." The rifle in his hands was more terrifying than the man. Idly I thought it would have been smart to work on protect at some point for myself. As if I'd make it out. "Do you know what your mother did to me?!"Ever see those faces of people in anime where they break? Where hatred and insanity take root? They become overblown images of themselves. I always enjoyed the drama but thought the picture of it was kind of silly. Mathew's face looked like that. Its not silly at all."She RUINED me for you! Why couldn't she have just been fucking smart and been bought off?! That beldum was mine! You weren't fucking harmed. No no. But she still had to have them drive me out. I could have run the family! But no! A Stone must have a partner! The best!" Spittle flies from his mouth. His hair is wild from the run and the houndour is growling deeper, affected by his emotions. There is only so much aura can do against hostile pokémon. It shows me as someone to trust but a bond between a trainer and pokémon can trump a lot of things."So now I'm going to ruin her. Take away her pride and joy. It would have been quick. A bullet and a message. But you fucking had to run. Now I'm going to let you despair a bit for your whore of a mother to see." He fumbles a bit for a camera, not really truly trying to get it ready."We waited. Waited for months to figure out a way to get you. Stella-" Oh so that's her real name. "hates her almost as much as me. She'll be busy for days. And look. She hand wrapped you to us. Stella found out about your little trial ages ago. People brag and she listens about your stupid traditions." Great. Rhymes in monologues. He's coming to it now. I've more or less got one move I've been preparing. A bit more aura and a prayer.It isn't needed. My charmeleon is a yellow blur as his fully buffed speed slams into Matthew like a missile. A quick twist leads into a slash with dragon tinged energy into the leaping houndour. Its brutal to watch the skull-like armor be rent by the force of Mars' attack. If he were still a charmander he wouldn't be able to do this but he also would dodge easier. The two fire types crash into Mathew and he's mauled a bit by claws and teeth, Mars not caring what he hits and the houndour so far gone in rage it doesn't either. Mars slaps Mathew in the face with his tailflame, burning the man and causing an awful scream.I enter then, tossing a heal sphere at Mars and struggling to get behind a tree. Its a bitter taste in my mouth that the best I can do for him is protect myself so he doesn't have to. The houndour snaps madly at my boy's legs, trying to get him off his feet to savage but Mars, still silent, is only distracting his opponent. Rocks start rising behind the canine as ancient power boosts all of Mars' other stats what is fully on purpose and with intent. He's going to stand with Zaela someday. Without a pause or even hint of the strain my charmeleon unleashes the attack.The sound is sickening. Rocks the size of my head crush the houndour in different vital places as Mars slams his claw in with steel energy, aiming for rent bone armor and piercing the canine's brain. The savage growls cut off instantly and my little boy is a killer. It was going to happen someday with my goal but I didn't expect so soon. I should have paid more attention to Matthew who is just a few feet from me. I couldn't keep my eyes off of Mars.Judging correctly that my charmeleon who is standing over his first kill and struggling with it to be the greater threat, Mathew raises his rifle towards my pokémon. Pain in my leg leaves me as I lunge forward. No. Not my boy. Mars screams in terror, there is a thud against my head and that feeling I had at my first death all those years ago swallows me.I didn't die obviously. But the consequences remain pretty severe.Days before.QueryHeart-voice's mother left us on a hill. None of us are new to rough environments or to seeking out food for ourselves. But doing it without Ella? That is new and unwelcome. Even when we are off alone I can feel her presence. One of my minds is always upon her signature within the Den...Now it is empty. Disquiet is present among us all, hitting Sunny the hardest from how her ribbons lay limp."Come. Mistress would not stand idle. I can sense her aura from fairly far away. If we start over there that-""Who made you the boss? I'm her starter and sister. That's a good idea but you don't get to tell me what to do. Ella is the only one who gets to."Ah yes. They bicker a lot like this. Both are essentially royalty. They forget I am special in my own right. "Logically Tru is right. But Zaela has been with Ella the longest. She probably knows a bit more about how Ella would react. Do recall that I can find our trainer from a distance as well." The stress of the moment presses in on me and I let my irritation with them come through me in a pulse. Showing them my displeasure with a pressure. It is not appreciated."Look at you Query. All high and mighty like you know fucking everything. Tru can be a bitch but you're an all knowing asshole at the best of times." I am aware that Zaela is worried about her sister. We all are. Ella's mom would not be kind to Ella. There will be real danger and we all wish to help her but things are not...balanced without our heart-voice."Mistress is strong. You both do her a disservice by thinking she will not have conquered her hardship before we arrive." Even I must admit that stings to hear from someone who had so little faith in Ella when they first met. And what is worse is that Tru is correct. The bickering would have continued if not for Sunny. How could we forget her?"Stop! STOP STOP STOP! What are you all doing?! Mom is out there with the babyEven if he's kind of grown up! She's probably super worried about us and all you're doing is arguing and not moving! This is stupid! She trains us for this! Query is in charge when danger is about to occur! You all know this! I don't even fight and its deep in my bones. I want mom! So lets find her!"Shame pulses from each of us and I am once again reminded that I know nothing. No words are spoken as I direct us in the direction I think is most likely. While arguing, my other though parallel had been going through what I knew of Hannah Mita and the bits I picked up of the terrain before I lost contact with Ella's mind. Many minutes pass. Sunny rides upon me as she is small enough it matters not and I can save her from struggling to keep up with us. She's not yet able to match our true speed. Zaela leaps in ways that should not work for her size but the physical power she wields already dwarf us unless we use boosting abilities.Tru dances over the rocks as we descend into the forest, her movements graceful. Likely she did much of this in her training before joining us as my heart-voice's partner. Sunshine starts sending out her ribbons to gather berries as we move deeper into this unknown land, piling them up atop me. I care not about the stains. Its hours later of quiet searching that the silence is finally broken."I didn't mean to yell. I just want my mom. She's without us. We're not meant to be apart. Mars is….wth her I know, but..." The sniffles that follow hurt more than her words earlier. "I don't like us fighting. Aunt Zaela, I know mom is tough but she is probably more worried about us than herself. We need to take care of her now. Why do you think we were released? Grandma knows that we'll be needed."The dragon just huffs and snorts, obviously displeased with what she's about to say. "I'm….sorry for letting….my fear get to me. Good job Sunny."Tru, quiet as usual just hops onto me briefly and gives Sunny a swift hug. As she never does this willingly it makes Sunny stare at her in wonder as the riolu hops right back off and continues to run. For myself? I ruffle her fur with a bit of psychic intent the way I know Ella does to calm her down and pulse regret and an apology at her.A day and a half passes and we are no closer. Hannah warned us that it would take at least a few days but we pushed hard anyway. Ella has trained us to rest even if we do not wish to. I may not sleep but mediation helps me balance my abilities. I've had very little cause to assign orders other than slight corrections in directions. Probabilities and simulations run constantly in my spare mind. Water is where she will go first. Food is secondary. Shelter with few ways of attack and food that is within an hour at most distance. Many paths that lead to caves higher than four miles are tossed aside. Ella would not run an hour away with only Mars. The fastest I predict her moving in an hour of caution is three miles. Two is more likely but we shall test three. I will have Sunny focus on oran berries or sitris along the way. And at least a few of each we can find that heal status conditions.There is worry. The pokémon here are much weaker than expected. Evidence suggest larger and more dangerous species that have not challenged us. Zaela especially is a threat. A King means danger to the territory of whatever truly owns this place. We should have been challenged. Often. That is why we are making such good time.My thoughts are broken by Tru's soft gasp."There is danger. Not expected danger. There are men here with evil in their hearts. They seek to kill and not us. Mistress! It must be!"My mind pulses hard. Tru is likely right. No one but the Clan comes here. There is nothing here. The pokémon signs we've found are nothing rare. Strong, but easily found in places not close to the power of the Blackthorn seat. Nothing save us and my heart-voice. Sunny whimpers and starts to panic. My thoughts soothe her, filled with the core fact that we shall not let her be harmed. Zaela growls lowly and then silences herself before she makes too much noise."Tru, find us the nearest. We shall destroy them. All but one. We have to know if they have Ella's location." Zaela is calmer than I expect and I simply pulse acceptance as Tru speeds off. All thoughts of rest are gone. We do not need it.Minutes that feel like hours pass. If I were not so worried I would ponder that effect. Tru starts moving slower and takes a circular route. Likely making sure we're downwind. Two men pop into the range of my senses and I connect us all with my mind. It is hard to do with the staggering worry but we must plan. Three pokéballs each and two dark minds outside and hunting. If they are not rushing someplace they have not found my heart-voice. Zaela offers a plan. Agreement.Tru and Zaela dart forward. Since before she evolved Zaela is silent when she wishes and on the ground. No sound is heard from her if she can connect from the earth and isn't roaring her displeasure. Tru's paws are lightly modified with aura to get the same affect."Sunny. I would ask that you not watch. I will not lie to you. These people will die. And hurt before they do. Your mother would not wish you to see this yet." Ella has never led us to believe otherwise. Even Sunny was told that death would likely follow us someday. The sylveon did not fully understand at the time. It is too early for her to learn even now but we have no choice. We will not leave murderers behind us.Sunny whimpers hard and presses her face into my head, averting her eyes. It is not comfortable to her.I watch as Zaela dips into the ground without noise. Her earth power and dig make the earth more welcoming to movement than water to her. Only the hint of her fin shows her presence. Tru silently climbs up a tree as if gravity fails to control her running. She gets halfway up and leaps at the fire dog that is her target, spinning in the air to provide her attack with more force. Zaela approaches the larger of the two. A dark mind with a white and grey body. Massive jaws swipe it into the earth before they notice her approach.It is a perfect distraction from Tru's entire body coming down on the fire dog's spine with a massive crack that feels like death, barely a whoosh of sound at her small body falling. I have not activated my inner eye to affect the dark ones yet as I am currently locking the two men's pokéballs. Even as they attempt to release other allies I am holding them closed. Miracle eye is far too difficult to maintain without my final evolution.If Zaela did not wish it we would not hear the crunching death cry of the other canine. The attackers emotions flood with panic. They try to flee but Tru precisely strikes both their legs in more breaking of bones. She then takes their pokéballs and nods in my direction. Zaela buries the fire dog as I move to hover over the men. Their words mean nothing to me. Pleading and threats. I am not the best at prying open a mind. Tru leads Sunny away so she doesn't see what happens.The knowledge I gain is enough. Matthew Stone is here. He had help. Zaela buries what remains of the men as well. I care not that even if they were spared Zaela's wrath that their minds would be broken. When I am done Sunny takes her place on me again but is distressed past my ability to comfort. As she said, she needs her mom.Two more groups fall just as quickly. Each is a bit more aware but none can match Zaela's ability to dive under the earth nor match our teamwork. My lockdown doesn't let me satisfy the desire to crush and break but then again none of them are truly strong save in numbers. Or would be if I didn't keep robbing them of their advantage.We come across a camp. This is Ella's camp. It fits her perfect. We are close. Zaela moves away for a minute to close some pits over more murderers and roar out a victory to let her sister know they are close. Ella was prepared. Zaela finishes what her sister started."Mistress! I feel her! This way!" Never have words been so sweeter even if the danger is immense. We hurry and I tell Zaela and Tru to leave me. I am too slow now. Sunny wraps her ribbons around me as I do my best to speed up. Agility is used constantly. I tire but push on. I see the work of Mars as we rush. He has done well. Taking on opponents far beyond him save for his intelligence. Much must be said to thank him.Tru's mental anguish reaches me then. Zaela's fury covers me with its intensity as I pour all of what I am capable of to get there that much quicker. Mars is silent. Hollow. I cannot understand why I can't feel Ella. Dare not to think of what could be.My heart-voice is crumpled on her back, blood soaking her head as Tru desperately uses strips of a man's shirt to stem the bleeding. We are so far from everything. If she does not find healing my heart-voice will die. Sunny, shocking me with her resolve and lack of panic jumps down and lays over her mother. Pulses of hope and desire echo in the clearing as her Wish forms. Tru just stares and her face shifts.Her evolution is not so surprising. Her trainer lies dying in front of Mars, Ella's son. The evidence is easy to see. The broken and burned rifle. The terrified man under Zaela's foot. The bullet that has robbed my heart-voice of her eye. Truthseeker becomes Lucario and the training she drove herself through results in a heal pulse that I know Joy's Lucario would be impressed by.Crooning without ceasing, Sunny pours all of her hope for her mother into the effort. Blood is wiped away as Tru brings out my heart-voice's water bottle to clean and see the damage. Ella's eye does not return. That is beyond all but the most skilled pokémon. Sunny and Tru are not there yet. There is nothing I can do for them. I am no healer. But there is revenge and hate. I meant what I said to Tru when I beat her down. I am grateful to her that she taught me hate.Zaela sees my need and jams one of her claws in Mathew Stone's shoulder. Dragging him, screaming, from the clearing is appropriate. He should not die where she will live. Mars follows. This is approved. Sunny is older but far more innocent and older than Mars, but should not see this. The fire dog corpse was not unnoticed. Mars knows killing now.I seek to understand humans. I enjoy conversing with them. Do my best to relate and enjoy seeking common ground.I do not listen to Matthew Stone's words. They are lost to time. Erased. Zaela brings us far enough away as the man spews vile things we ignore. Pleading that reaches none of us.I wish we had more time to cause him pain but my heart-voice is far from out of danger. I crush. I crush. I crush. He is not silent yet. I have had my turn.Tossing his body down into a pit of her own making, Zaela means to burn him out of spite but is halted when Mars steps forward."I know we are angry. That our instincts without a trainer are violent and without mercy. I do not ask that we spare him. Only that you remember what Mother wishes to be. Guardian. These deaths are justified. His suffering is not."Twice on this trip are Zaela and I, the two most senior of Ella's pokémon are humbled. There is a lesson here that the youngest of us can teach so much. Zaela looks at Mars' new form with respect and something more I do not recognize. Without a word she turns to go back to Ella. Mars nods and turns too as I hover over Mathew Stone.I ignore his last word as I snap his neck. Then I too turn and head to my heart-voice. I am lost without her.Back to the presentI haven't asked what Query went through. I got the actions but he's been distant. Hopefully he'll talk to someone at least. If not me. I know he feels something about the deaths. Perhaps guilty. Perhaps not. But he shouldn't worry regardless. I've been training them to know when to kill and not. They did exactly as I would have ordered themselves.My eye is gone. There is such a thing as regeneration here. Ditto cells and chansey eggs as fanfictions have believed for ages. They have to be done fairly quick though. We were three or four days into the trip when this all happened. Mom wasn't able to check on us until day five. Zaela set out to try and get back before then and met mom along the way.Ten men including Matthew Stone died in the valley. Seven pokémon too. A few of them were poached or caught in the valley but a few had to be put down or sent to be reconditioned. Pokémon who are a part of mercenary groups are often unable to play well with others.I've been trying to be practical. Not think of things. Depth perception was nice. Without it I have to rely primarily on aura. Which actually isn't that bad. Aura seems to thrive under the desire to help and its gotten me almost back to where I was. Plus I have a bad ass eyepatch now.And admittedly taking off my patch and grossing out Lance is something amazing. He came back home for a few weeks when I woke up from the ten or so days I was out. Him and his team have been keeping mine busy while I was stuck in Joy's home recovering. Except Sunny. She refused to leave my side until I could walk out on my own.Tru's voice changed into a young woman's that sends shivers down my spine with its kindness. All that she is has shifted that much more to her dream. There is more patience and consideration after her evolution. Heal pulse came to her naturally and she's been kicking her own ass to try and get on Joy's Lucario's level ever since then.Query was very quiet for a long while after it all went down but he did tell me how Sunny brought them all together and that Mars is a very worthy person. I know there are details that are missing but I still don't want to go back to that time yet. To hear what he's kept back.Sunny was predictably the worst. She is not meant for the violence that occurred. She's gotten to accepting that it had to happen. It was just really too soon to show her what it really meant. There has been a lot of crying and snuggling with her. Along with more training. She felt pretty helpless until the end there where she and Tru kept me alive. She still won't be on the front lines but she refuses to not have the option now. She's also sitting in on some of Tru's healer training. Wish isn't quite heal pulse obviously but they're close enough that they might learn from each other.Zaela is the least affected. Dragons and hardship. As long as I'm not dead she thinks I'll come out stronger. Its very appreciated. People pitying me is pretty fucking lame. My sister knows I don't mind my eye being gone. Because Mars lived. That said, she's training even harder now. Draco Meteor is finally mastered and she's been using it to set up her terrain in impressive ways. What's more impressive is how she thought this up.She asked Mars for help.Zaela knows what I'm really upset about is how we weren't prepared. How I got complacent. I don't hide things from her. I told her so she'd make sure I didn't do it again. As my starter, she is meant to push me. I've been doing it to her all her life. Its her turn to do the same for me.As for Mars, my little one no longer, is growing up in a way I'm a tad sad about. And just...Makes me tired with how smart he is. And proud.My bed was welcome today. Learning to sense attacks coming from my significantly larger blind spot has led to many bruises and I could do with rest. Mom feels immense guilt. I can sense it without even using aura. Stella was arrested real quick but….The guilt remains. It isn't her fault and she knows it but her daughter nearly died again. I've tried to pull her into helping me train past my lost eye and its helping her some. A lot really. I'm not broken and she's accepting that slowly. There were no issues with us defending ourselves. No issues with the death. Psychic interventions were a formality with a lucario explaining the situation. Its crazy how this world works in some regards. But I was trying to not think of it. Think of the death I know I was responsible for.Groaning against my pillow I can feel the heat of Mars entering. A bright smile greets him as he sits down in his new fireproof bed. Even with everything I have to be happy about him being here. Alive. What's an eye for that? Nothing. Easily paid."Mother. I know I am smart and I have some things I think I should talk to you about." It always amazes me that this supposedly destructive and angry charmeleon can be so calm. So collected. "I know you know some of the future. At least I think. Or are older than you appear?"Well. There goes my calm. Blinking at him in shock I can't help but stare for a while as he patiently waits for me to process this."I...won't ever lie to you but why do you think this?" My voice is shaking just a bit as I wait for his response. Even if he wasn't sure before my reaction can't be wished away. Just the way I'm acting is confirmation."A few things. You knew I was to be a shiny charmander didn't you? I remember every instant of my life, even in the egg, and you just had anticipation and not any sort of surprise when you saw me. I didn't know I was rare until a passing Clan member talked about how lucky you were with your pokémon. Query told me that was true when I asked. How his coloration and my own were extremely uncommon.My genius pauses, collecting his thoughts. "After that it was examining our tactics. You obviously are training us to fight against small units. Groups of dangerous individuals. Lethal opponents. The others don't question this but I do. They destroyed hardened assassins with ease because they are used to working together already to do such a thing. Of detecting threats and using the quickest ways to put them down."His eyes lock onto mine and I can't speak. I'd always planned on sharing this with my team someday. But only after we had reached a peak and before we started going after the 'Team' whatevers of the world. Also hopefully after I found some more aura users."The biggest clue was the video games. I asked Query why you were so good at them as we train nearly everyday. And that you have done so since a young age. He said he'd never seen you play before so you must be a natural. But you insinuated that you used games as coping. As if you'd been playing for years. Other than when I ask you to, you've never played any this year."Genius. Yep. My fire lizard."Mother. Do not be afraid. I am not here to expose you or to change the way I feel about you. You are my mother. Human or not. That is how I was shaped. Now let me help shape you. I am talented at figuring things out. Tell me of what has set you on this path and where we need to go with it. I am with you until the end."Nothing much could be said after that but what he wanted. So like I did with Query before him, I spoke of who I was before Ella. And of the future.GeniusWhen I was born I knew nothing more beautiful than you, Mother. There existed our family and you were its center.Things quickly became challenging and I knew much was offered. Paths and expectations. But there was no place for me. My mind set me apart and I did not fit. Sunny was the guiding heart. Query the inspiring start. Tru became the moral core of us all. And Zaela is the drive and example of what we could be.But I was just me. I did not conform and for all my wit I couldn't find where to serve you. My mother. You made it worse and better at the same time. Once I demonstrated that I could use all of my abilities at peak levels you didn't know what to do with me. Not until I gained strength. I disrupted the team because I was better in this aspect, even if at the time I could not stand with them.Zaela was so jealous even I could see it and it was hard at the time to know any of their emotions save for yours. You took care of me and struggled to find a way to help me improve. First there was learning new moves but those came easy and without difficulty. After that it was television and that too aided me in finding how to view the world. Entertainment is a great way to examine how someone thinks. What they like.Much of my fighting style is adapted from those early examples. Of thinking out of my own confines. Not being constrained by limits set before me. Finally, though, you found a way forward in games. A love that you obviously felt deeply for. My revelation came from that. I had thought before that moment that nothing could approach your love of me. And the others. Nothing that you could be passionate for nearly as much.But when we played together I could see how at home you were with video games. That it was something you leaned on in the past. That spurred on my questions. Who wouldn't want to learn more about someone they love? What I discovered was even more amazing.That my mother was likely from the future. I was off a bit of course. The true story was so much more interesting. That you chose us. That you had the ability to go anywhere. Do anything. And you wished to come here, find us and help the world. Its obvious that you didn't exactly know who we were when you made your request but the way you treat us speaks of your true intent.You love us more than yourself. It is a similar feeling for us. Most of us anyway. When I found out I longed to speak to you about my suspicious. That you had traveled back. Or perhaps aura could predict things?I was driven to distraction. Then the valley. There was such fear. Training helped. And my mind. It locked away all but the moment. I felt my kind's urge to burn away the enemy then. The first time I knew what glorious battle was.Then I killed. And you nearly died. I was helpless. There is no healing in my claws or flame. Just destruction. I killed to save you and it mattered little. Things worked out but in that moment I truly wished to join you if you left us. Sunny and Tru brought you back. I would never be more grateful.Still the idea lingered. What did I truly bring to you that others did not? Zaela will forever be stronger than I as a dragon. Sunny can bring morale up and make us fight harder. Query is intuitive and can direct battle in seconds of thought. Even then when he was a metang. Tru shares your senses and can heal us while defeating her own opponents.What could I do better? Our games. Planning. Tactics on a larger scale. Your favorite games were ones that led upwards to a point where nothing in the game could touch your forces. So I came to you because I can do that. I told you what I knew because I would become this for you. Able to help you forge the Guardians into what you dream.What goes on now can't be directed. I fear he'll get a bigger head of this but Query is right. You will find balance and your pokémon will help you get there. You showed me the way to where my place is.I will plan for you as always. But I'll also burn the world away for you if needed Mother. Just say the word.

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