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63.63% Delia Yonce and her magical curl / Chapter 14: Delia watch "Omen IV: The Awakening" with her boyfriend

Bab 14: Delia watch "Omen IV: The Awakening" with her boyfriend

With their forces reassembled, the team set out once more for the Convention's central bank, armed with new strength and strategy. But before they could begin their plan, Delia noticed a group of Convention agents emerging from around the corner. Their conversation was tense, and she realized that they, too, knew the secrets the team was about to uncover.

"Here it comes!" Delia whispered to her team. "We must use our wits to get past them. But to do so, we'll need our hammocks!"

Delia quickly explained her plan, and soon the team was in action. Using their hammocks, they staged a full-blown maneuver to disguise themselves as vacationers, and, passing the agents, they entered the bank with ease. Inside, the vast hall, filled with flickering screens and strange equipment, was silent. But the most unexpected thing was that they were met not by an ordinary security guard, but by a computer with a human face "the face of Jordan Thurlow, Delia's boyfriend!

"Hi, Delia! I'm so glad to see you!" the robot said with a wide smile on its artificial face.

"Jordan? How... What the hell?" she asked, not believing her eyes. "You didn't become part of the bank!"

"In a way, you did!" the computer replied with the familiar timbre that she loved so much about Jordan. "But never mind! How about withdrawing all your credits? You could buy yourself a planet! Or at least a bag of chips!

The team looked at each other, clearly confused.

"Buy a planet?!" they exclaimed in unison, trying to comprehend what was happening.

"Or a bag of chips, don't forget!" Jordan continued with a confident smile. "We have many options! I can show you how to make a transfer right now!"

"Are you serious? "Delia hesitated. "We need more than a bag of chips, we need to stop the Convention!

"Sure, but look how it works!" Jordan insisted, showing screens with fireworks and images of planets. "Buying a planet is just a process of withdrawing credits, nothing complicated! You just enter your amount, and you have a new planet!"

Edwin, standing nearby, could not resist asking:

"What if we want something other than a planet? We seem to already have all the resources we need!"

"Oh, I get it! You want to withdraw credits for something more interesting? I can offer a variety of entertainment packages!" The robot's eyes sparkled, and he began listing different options: "How about fun chips with a taste of space broth? Or maybe you want to try a meteor?"

"We don't want chips and meteors, we want to stop the Convention!" Delia exclaimed urgently.

She could feel the panic rising as the robot continued to fire off suggestions.

"You know what?" he said, shaking his head mockingly. "If you really want to stop the Convention, you should just take everything you need and leave with it! Why waste time on trivialities?"

The team looked at each other, and then Delia accidentally noticed something strange on the floor of the bank. It was a crumpled letter, carelessly thrown to the floor. She bent down, picked it up and began to read.

"Secret message to the Convention staff: We are looking for a new candidate to fill the position of Makoto Shugarami's deputy. This position provides the opportunity to control all of the Convention's powers, including access to ancient knowledge and resources. All candidates must pass a series of tests to prove their worth. Don't miss this chance!"

Delia's heart began to beat faster.

"Look what I found!" she exclaimed, showing the letter to the team.

Edwin, looking over her shoulder, said,

"This is our chance! If we can get into the Convention, we'll have access to information and resources that could help us overthrow Makoto!"

"But what kind of tests?" Delia asked, looking at the text.

She noticed the phrase: "The main rivals are creatures who do nothing but cook sushi using AI crabs and cooking robots." The team looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

"Sushi? AI crabs? This all sounds weird!" one of the participants said.

"But these are still challenges that can give us a chance to win!" Delia replied. "If we can beat these chefs and win Makoto's deputy position, we can take down the Convention from the inside!"

The team gathered their thoughts and made a decision. They needed to prepare for these strange challenges to gain access to the Convention's real power and resources. Delia remembered her acting skills and realized that she could use this to her advantage.

"We will train! We need to learn not only cooking, but also techniques for fighting AI crabs and cooking robots!" she said enthusiastically. "And remember, we have something important "a team! If we work together, we can handle any challenge!"

While the team was preparing for the upcoming challenges, Delia watched the rain gently tapping on the bank window. Lisbon was veiled in a veil of gray clouds, and although the raindrops created an atmosphere of coziness, anxiety reigned in her soul. She remembered Jordan Thurlow, her boyfriend, whom she had not seen for a long time. Despite the fact that she came across a robot with his face in the bank, Delia understood that this was not a real meeting.

Edwin, sitting at the table with a laptop, immersed in preparing for the upcoming challenges, from time to time looked up at Delia, noting her languid look and excitement.

"Hey, Delia, are you okay?" he asked, pushing aside some diagrams and papers.

She sighed, breaking out of her thoughts.

"No, it's okay, it's just... I can't stop thinking about Jordan. I worry that he's in danger or doesn't even know where I am."

Edwin looked at her with understanding.

"It's normal that you're worried. He was your rock, and now that you're apart, it's hard. But we have to focus on the plan. If we fail the tests, we don't have a chance to save the world, or even him!"

"I know, but..." Delia began, but couldn't continue.

The thought of what could happen to Jordan pierced her heart. Edwin noticed her hesitation.

"Look, maybe when this is all over, we can try to find him. We'll have the resources of the Convention, and maybe we can get information on his location."

Delia nodded, but her inner worry didn't go away.

"I just want to know that he's okay. He's always supported me, even when everything seemed hopeless."

"Remember, you're not alone. You have me and the rest of the team. We will work together to overcome this. It is important to Jordan that you are safe, too," Edwin said, trying to calm her down.

Delia sighed and tried to focus on their plans.

"You are right. Let's discuss how we can prepare for the competition. We need to learn more about the AI ​​crabs and the cooking robots, and how we can beat them."

Edwin nodded and, noticing that her spirit had lifted a little, opened his laptop.

"Okay, let's start with their weaknesses. We have a chance to use our strengths."

They began to discuss strategies, but deep down, Delia continued to feel her worry for Jordan simmering like raindrops falling from the sky. Images of their moments together in Lisbon, laughing and dreaming about the future, filled her with hope.

After much thought, Delia made a decision that would change everything: she had to meet Jordan. Quietly slipping past her sleeping friends, Delia left the bank, making her way through the rainy streets of Lisbon. The sky was overcast, but that couldn't dampen her spirits. She was heading to Principe Real, where Jordan lived.

When Delia finally approached his apartment, she froze for a moment, pressing her hand to her heart. How she missed him! She smoothly pressed the doorbell, and at that very moment she heard his voice from the speaker.

"Who's there?"

"It's me, Delia!" she answered with trepidation.

The door opened, and Jordan, shaking the sleepiness from his eyes, beamed when he saw her.

"Delia! I'm so glad!" he exclaimed, hugging her. "You know, I always thought you had some secrets," he said with a smile, narrowing his eyes. "But I like it when you're just you. That's your strength."

While they were preparing dinner—Jordan surprised her with his ability to roast vegetables—Delia was able to forget about her responsibilities for a while. Their evening continued to the sounds of music, laughter, and conversation, and Delia felt her heart fill with light.

As they sat down at the table, Jordan noticed Delia was distracted by the sound of the rain outside the window. Her gaze was slightly clouded, and there was a hint of tension in her eyes. He put down his fork and leaned toward her.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked, concern in his voice. "You seem a little... Lost."

Delia smiled, trying to hide her thoughts.

"I just have a lot on my mind. You know, Moon Base... There's always something going on there."

Jordan raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"Oh, you know how much I love your stories about the moon. But you have to remember that you're on Earth now, and you have me here."

He reached across the table and took her hand, his warmth radiating through his fingers.

"If you feel anything, you can tell me. I'm here to support you."

Her heart quickened at his words. Delia wanted to share everything that was on her mind, but her secret life left no room for openness. Instead, she nodded.

"Yeah, thank you, Jordan. I just... Sometimes I think about how complicated things are."

"Complicated?" he asked, leaning in a little closer. "Whatever, I promise you're not alone. We can work through any difficulties together."

Delia felt a wave of warmth envelop her.

"You're always so kind," she whispered, feeling the tension slowly recede. "It means more to me than you know."

"This is our time, just enjoy the moment," Jordan said with the small smile that always seemed to ease her worries. "Want to try and talk about something fun? What's your favorite movie?"

"I actually really like Omen IV: The Awakening," Delia replied, her voice growing more confident. "It always cheers me up.

"The Fourth Omen? That's great!" he exclaimed. "I have a DVD with it!"

"Not a pirated one, I hope?" Delia grinned.

"Antichrist forbid!" Jordan theatrically raised his hands to the ceiling. "100% licensed! I bought it from the seller "Matritsa D" LLC in Moscow!

"And what's their address?" Delia asked with interest. "I want to buy it in the future too.

"House number ten on Petrovsky-Razumovskaya Alley, general director Dmitry Vladislavovich Kozlovtsev!" Jordan blurted out in one breath. "Just imagine, three hundred seven hundred and seven rubles and you'll become the proud owner of a license! Say "no" to pirated crap, call +7 (495) 997-00-56 and buy a licensed DVD!"

"Okay," Delia laughed and sat down on the couch next to Jordan.

Her boyfriend popped the disc into the old and beat-up DVD player, and soon the screen was filled with vivid scenes from a movie about a little girl named Delia York - oh God, what a coincidence! - and soon the sounds of Jonathan Shaffer's music filled the room. But the real magic wasn't happening on the screen, it was in their conversation.

"Remember watching this movie a few years ago?" Delia Yonce asked, laughing as a familiar scene from their favorite movie appeared on the screen. "You tried so hard to guess how it would all end, but you never guessed that Delia York would fool everyone!"

"How could you know that evil would triumph?" Jordan chuckled. "I was so confident! And you always supported me."

"Of course! I remember you trying to figure out why Karen always had so much trouble with my namesake played by Asia Vieira," Delia looked at him tenderly, remembering those days when everything seemed so simple."

"Yes, and now... Sometimes it seems like life is too complicated," Jordan said thoughtfully, his voice becoming serious. "We were just kids who dreamed of adventures. And here you are, with real superpowers, and I'm just a guy from Earth."

Delia smiled, hugging him tighter.

"Don't say that. You were my anchor, even then. Whenever I came with new stories about the moon, you were always the first to listen."

"And you know that now I want to be a part of your adventures, too," he said, looking into her eyes. "No matter how hard life is, I'll always be here for you."

They both laughed, and Delia felt a warmth fill her heart. In that moment, she realized that their connection was stronger than any obstacle.

"You know, Jordan," she said thoughtfully, "when I was a kid, I dreamed of big adventures. But then I didn't understand how important it was to have people you trusted around you."

"Me too," he agreed, his smile widening. "Maybe that's why we're here, together. We have a chance to create our own adventures, even if they're not like the ones in the movies."

"Yes," Delia answered quietly, looking into his eyes. "And I want you to be a part of it. With you, I'm not afraid of any obstacles."

With these words, Delia tried to focus on pleasant memories, while scenes from the movie "Omen IV: The Awakening" changed on the screen. And when Jordan laughed at another joke made by Delia's namesake, her heart sank with the thought that she knew that Makoto Sugarami and the Convention were not just abstract threats, but real forces that could destroy everything she held dear.

"You're thinking about something," Jordan noted, pausing the movie. "Is something wrong?"

Delia instantly returned to reality, trying not to show her anxiety.

"No, everything is fine! It's just... I remembered how we played together as children. We always had our own adventures," she said, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, I wish I could go back to the moon, where everything was so simple," Jordan sighed. "There you could just walk under the stars, dreaming about the future."

"Yeah, but there's a lot of interesting things here on Earth, too," Delia said, hoping she sounded convincing. "You just have to be able to see it."

But there was still a storm of doubt raging in her heart. Delia knew she couldn't leave Jordan in the dark, but she also couldn't let him immerse himself in her world of danger and intrigue. She didn't want his life burdened with her problems.

"Look," she began, trying to choose the right words. "I need a little time to sort out some things. Do you mind if I spend time with the team? It's very important."

Jordan frowned and put the remote down.

"Sure, but you know I'm always willing to help. You can tell me about your plans."

"I know, and I appreciate it," Delia said, her voice softening. "But this is just... a temporary setback. I don't want you to worry. We all go through hard times, and I'm sure things will get better soon."

He looked at her with concern, but didn't press the issue.

"If you say so... I trust you. But remember, I'm always here for you, and you can count on me."

"I know," Delia said, feeling her throat tighten with emotion. "Thank you for being there."

They returned to the movie, but Delia's anxiety continued to grow. As "Omen IV: The Awakening" came to an end, she suggested to Jordan that they take a walk around Principe Real. She felt that the fresh air would help her escape from her dark thoughts. They walked outside, and the rain finally stopped, leaving behind the scent of wet asphalt and freshness. The evening sky blossomed with pink and purple hues as they headed toward a small park.

"You know," Jordan said, looking at the bright lights around them, "I always loved the evenings in Lisbon. It's a vibrant place, despite all its antiquity."

"Yeah," Delia agreed, sighing. "It really does have a special atmosphere."

They passed street musicians playing tunes that echoed the whispers of the evening city. Jordan pulled Delia toward one of the performers, and she couldn't help but smile as he began to dance to the rhythms, feeling at ease.

"You always knew how to cheer people up," she noted, laughing, watching his attempts at dancing.

"It's hard to resist when there's so much energy around you," he replied, putting his arm around her shoulders.

But even at that moment, Delia felt on edge - she couldn't quite relax. With each passing minute, the feeling that danger was lurking around the corner became more and more apparent.

"Delia, you're not telling me something," Jordan said as they walked away from the music.

He paused and looked at her with genuine concern.

"You look tense. Are you okay?"

She looked into his eyes and knew she couldn't hide her worries any longer. But at the same time, she knew she couldn't share everything that was going on with him.

"It's just... I feel like life is changing," she said, trying to sound confident. "Sometimes it's hard to stay on the same page when there's so much going on."

"You can tell me if something's wrong," Jordan insisted, his voice full of support. "I'm here for you, remember?"

Delia smiled, but her heart was still heavy.

"I know, and this is really important to me. I just... I want you to be safe. Some of the things I deal with can be dangerous."

"Dangerous? Delia, you're scaring me," he said, concern filling his eyes. "You know you can trust me? We can get through anything together."

She sighed, feeling a lump in her throat making it hard to speak.

"It's going to be okay, Jordan. Just give me some time. I promise I'll tell you everything as soon as I can."

As they walked through the streets of Lisbon, Delia made a promise to herself that as soon as she had a chance, she would tell him the truth. But Jordan wanted to know everything right away, and his concern was increasingly evident in his words and looks.

"Listen, Delia," he began as they passed a brightly lit cafe filled with the sounds of laughter and conversation. "You can't just walk away from this. I know something's going on. You spend a lot of time with your team, and I'm starting to worry. Do you really not need me that much?"

Delia felt a wave of guilt rise inside her. She didn't want Jordan to feel abandoned or unwanted. But at the same time, she knew that if she told him the truth, he would become part of her dangerous life - and that was the last thing she wanted.

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