Unduh Aplikasi
50% The Owl House Watches The Owl House / Chapter 27: Chapter 27: Young Blood, Old Souls

Bab 27: Chapter 27: Young Blood, Old Souls

King opens up the Unauthorised Boiling Isles History book and reads about the Boiling Isles being born from the flesh and bones of a fallen Titan; the original magic being so potent that all life on the Isles evolved to wield magic too. For years they explored the powers freely until a mysterious witch appeared who declared that he and he alone could speak to the Island. He said that they were using magic all wrong, his teachings got hold, his strength grew and he became Emperor Belos. Belos said that mixing magic was wrong and only he would have that right so he created the Coven System so their knowledge restricted and their potential sealed away. Those who resist are called wild witches and they face harsh punishment as it shows a witch being turned to stone along with the Petrifaction Device. Emperor Belos has since retreated to his castle and whispers says that he is planning something big.

"A better more accurate account of magical history that the propaganda that the Emperor's lackey gave in the last episode." Eda said out loud.

"If i need a substitute history teacher then I know who to call Eda." Bump said sarcastically as Eda grinned at his direction.

"Eda; mostly I am terrified for you in this finale but the part of me that loves backstories is really curious about Belos' and he came to be this big bad guy." Luz told her as there were mutters about her blasphemous words.

"Come on, Emperor Belos is not that bad a guy... He might go easy on Eda..." Willow tried to reassure her feeling like she had to speak up for him as she had grown up on his teachings.

"Listen here plant witch girl; a part of me feels grossed out for agreeing with the school's weird girl but she and her thieving con artist mentor are right. Everything from his look and his castle screams bad guy. This about him speaking to this Titan and how he alone should be allowed to wield all forms of magic? Sounds like one of those people who use religion to justify doing horrible things; plus he has his Coven dressed up as the enforcers of his cult." Samantha said speaking up surprising her classmates and Luz.

"Wow... Thanks for backing me up Sammy." Luz said with a smile and a thumbs up to her as Samantha glared at her.

"Promise me that you will never call me that again and you have lifelong invitations to my future birthday parties." Samantha told her.

"Listen, I know that I am not exactly popular at the moment and I understand how threatening looking Emperor Belos and his castle looks but his rule over the Boiling Isles is nothing like a cult and I am sure that you will all see that soon enough." Lilith said feeling compelled to stand up and ignore the glares.

"I can't wait to summon the Dark Lord!" said the blonde girl that Amity reads to as Lilith sighed as there were laughter at this. She then sat down.

Luz is sitting on the window sill of her room looking out with the cloak on her lap as King wonders if catching Eda was part of his big plan asking Luz what she thinks. Luz sad as she looks at the note attached to her cloak saying to a young witch from her proud mentor, Luz unfolds the cloak saying that she doesn't care what Belos is up to because today she is saving Eda putting on the cloak.

"Okay seriously this is a picture worthy moment here." Eda said with pride in her eyes as King, Amity, Willow and Gus were marvelling at Luz dressed in her cloak. Camila was smiling at this as well. "Though kid; I am not worth you putting yourself in peril to save." Eda told Luz sighing as Luz looked aghast.

"Are you kidding Eda? You got trapped by your sister because of me!" Luz screamed as Eda shook her head.

"The only thing that I would have done different was send Owlbert off before Lilith could grab him." Eda replied petting Owlbert.

"No opening for this episode to show how serious this whole thing is." Cornholio said smirking.

Luz looking determined goes into Eda's weapons room as King asks what she is doing.

"Yeah listen to the furball Luz; do you know how many times I had gotten my head chopped off practicing with half of those things?" Eda told Luz looking concerned as King looked scared as well.

"I am just going to ignore the fact that for who knows how long Luz has been in a house with a room filled with weapons." Camila said shaking her head.

Luz tries picking up an axe calling it serious and Eda used her powers to save her getting caught by Lilith, now she is the Owl Beast being taken to the emperor. Luz picks up a dagger saying that she doesn't know what she is planning to do to Eda but she is going to rescue her. King asks Luz if she had been listening that the Emperor is the most powerful witch alive. Luz puts her hand on King's shoulder asking him to understand that Eda is in the situation because of her and her stupid choice which she has to make up for.

"Not even the first time at that... Amity are you trying to squeeze me to death before Belos can get to me?" Luz said as Amity had her in a tight embrace with tears in her eyes as Luz wiped away for her.

"Be careful..." Amity told her as she let go.

Lilith sighed at the poor foolish girl getting herself into trouble for no reason; soon she will see the error of her ways just as her sister will.

King points out that Eda is in her owl beast form and how will she recognise her, Luz doesn't know but she has to try anyway. King says that he is going too, him and Eda don't always see eye to eye but he does consider her family wanting her back as much as Eda does making Luz smile.

"Don't go getting the wrong idea or be mushy with me... Eda let go... EDA!" King yelled as Eda had picked him up for a hug as the audience were awing at the display.

Luz says that they have no time to lose as they leave leaving the book open. Inside Belos' throne room Eda in her owl beast form is roaming across it as Lilith tries to stop her.

"I will be a happy witch if I end up coughing up that stupid giant heart of his above the throne room, clarifying since I am not sure he even has one in his body." Eda laughed as Lilith was annoyed.

"Even in your cursed form you have to make this difficult Eda..." sighed Lilith.

Eda bits at a banner ripping it down as Lilith uses a magic shield bubble around her, Lilith tells her not to look at her like that since it's for her own good. Lilith said that Belos will heal her and they will be in his Coven together asking if that's wonderful but Eda spits out her tongue.

"I am awesome no matter what!" Eda smirked as the room was filled with laughter as Lilith folded up her arms.

"Someone is about to get permanent Night Market duty if he doesn't stop laughing." Lilith told Steve looking his way who was still sitting away from her who then forced himself to stop laughing.

Lilith with her arms folded puts her back to it saying that she won't fall prey to her childish games before spitting out her tongue and rolling out her eyelids.

"Hold old exactly are you Lilith?" smirked Camila as there were more laughter and Lilith had her face in her hand.

She stops as the door opens and out comes a squadron of guards as Kikimora comes out saying all kneel before Belos as she makes way for Belos to come out of the darkness with his glowing blue eyes being seen in the darkness first as Lilith knees. Eda shrieks at him breaking the shield and lunges at Belos with Lilith telling her no but Belos disappears and reappears before catching her with his red magic, sending her crashing into the wall and being caught by a net of red magic.

Luz was spitting her tongue out at him along with Eda and King with Camila not looking too happy either.

Lilith apologises for her sister's rash behaviour since she is still in her cursed form, once she is healed as promised she is sure that she will be a useful asset to the Coven. Belos summons his technological look staff and zaps at Eda.

The audience were wincing at this. "Wait, how is his staff different since it looks more like something out of He-Man than the normal fantasy looking staffs here?" Hal questioned and no one else had any answers.

Eda talks asking where is she and says 'farts' upon realising that she had gotten caught, Belos addresses her and her nicknames finishing with mentor of Luz the human. Eda tells him to stay away from her but Belos says that she has it all wrong since Luz is safe for now, he just wants the portal she came through.

"He is after world domination! He wants to launch an invasion from Mars?" yelled a human teen as Lilith was saying that he was overreacting.

"He definitely doesn't have good plans with the portal... Wait, do you think the Boiling Isles is on Mars?" Luz ended up asking as the Boiling Isles residents looked his way.

"Isn't it though?" asked the teen.

"Don't mind my brother, he has been spending too much time with that weirdo at the Historical Society!" said the boy next to him shaking his head.

Eda tells him tough since she isn't telling him anything, Belos calls it a pity though she could always ask Luz herself. He clicked his fingers as Eda was dragged away by a guard as she was telling him to not touch her and tells Lilith to tell him not to hurt her.

"I am going to get bruised if you keep this up!" Luz complained getting embraced by both Camila and Amity at once again.

Lilith asks if she is being taken to the healing ceremony, Belos says that he won't be healing her.

"Sorry everyone, I think there is something wrong with my hearing so can someone please repeat what our glorious Emperor just said." Asked Lilith hesitatingly.

"Mam, Emperor Belos said that she won't be healing her." Steve hesitatingly told Lilith who had a face of denial.

Lilith reminds him that he promised her and Belos tells her not to be so naive, saying it's the Titan's will and all wild witches must be dealt with before the Day of Unity. He asks her if she understands and Lilith said off course before Belos says good leaving her. Belos turns back to her saying one more thing, clicking her fingers as Lilith now has Eda's staff and Owlbert in her hands with Belos telling her to destroy them since Eda won't be needing it anymore.

Eda was now holding Owlbert protectively as he was disconnected from her staff as Lilith was muttering to herself "this is a mistake, he promised..."

"Gee, the Emperor was nothing more than a two faced liar... Who could have guessed?" Eda asked in a mock curious tone.

"This can't be, I spent years gaining the Emperor's favour so that you could be found and healed! To fix what I have done, all that work couldn't have been for nothing! I have given my life to the Emperor and his Coven; he couldn't just throw it all away..." Lilith muttered with horror on her face as the Boiling Isles residents were taken aback and the humans had a look of gloating in her face.

"You have finally learned the truth and this should be funny the reaction but it's more pathetic and pity worth than anything! Just open your eyes Lilith and wake up now!" Eda snapped at her as Lilith had tears forming in her eyes.

"...Because of me you clawed at father's eyes and have had to deal with years of this curse within you. All that time to get the Emperor to fix you but if he was never going to do it... Eda, I am so sorry!" Lilith told her as Eda looked away.

"Too little too late Lilith but besides, there is someone who your future self almost killed that deserves more apologies than you can give!" Eda told her as Lilith went to look towards Luz.

Before she could say anything Luz snapped at her saying "save it!" Camila and Amity glared at Lilith harshly as Lilith looked down wondering what she had done.

At night in live action a Nazi officers asks another one if they are the baddies.

"What?" yelled the majority of the audience asked out loud in wide eyes as Cornholio was laughing.

"Sorry everyone, couldn't resist! This isn't part of the episode but a highly memed moment from a sketch show called That Mitchell and Webb Look. It was a fun show and I was most fond of the sketches featuring the Surprising Adventures of Sir Digby Chicken Caesar." Cornholio told them once he caught himself.

"I can't believe that... I'm the Villain in My Own Story..." Lilith said the last part coming out as singing in the voice of Rachel Bloom and everyone turned to her as she was covering her mouth in shock.

"Sorry, that was me again. I promise that I am done." Cornholio laughed once more.

On the crystal ball Perry was reporting about the first petrifaction in 30 years outside Belos' castle; demons were looking at crystal balls at a shop window as Luz was sneaking by with her hood up and King on her shoulder as they take a look. Luz comes closer as Perry continues reporting as it cuts to Kikimora doing a press conference saying that Eda shall be petrified in stone as it also cuts to Amity on her bed with her cast leg up and her crystal ball on the other. Kikimora says that it will happen that day on sundown at the Conformitorium as it cuts to Gus looking worried that he watches on the crystal ball as he calls Willow asking if they are watching and Willow answers yes saying that they will have to do something.

"Stupid dinguses going to be roped into helping save me..." Eda said shaking her head as Willow and Gus had their parents looking their way in concern.

Perry calls it a great day for Bonesborough as the demons disperse muttering and Luz is stunned, Luz asks King to please tell her that it's not as bad as it sounds. King explains that petrifaction is only done to the worst criminals and once the spell is complete it can't be reversed.

"Luz, I am going to stop you before you start but I don't want to hear anymore apologies from you." Eda told Luz shaking her head before she could open her mouth.

Luz then sees Lilith appear in the Crystal Ball and angrily said that she cursed Eda and captured her own sister calling her the worst.

"No disagreements here..." Lilith muttered taking the audience by surprise.

Luz picks it up saying that if she ever sees her again and tosses it on the floor, King tells her to calm down and they have to think about saving her first.

"King is the voice of reason, never thought I would see the day." Eda snickered then apologetically muttered towards King as she noticed how concerned he was.

Luz tells him that he is right but asks how they could get to the Conformitorium in time. They see a guard whistling by as King says that they will have to do something so diabolical, so criminally insane that they will have to send them to the Conformitorium. Luz gets his attention and they are both standing on grass despite a Do Not Step on Grass sign. The guard sighs and Luz is smirking as King is lying back as they are drawn in a prisoner carriage with Luz calling it a perfect plan.

"I am proud of my daughter for intentionally committing a crime..." Camila muttered shaking her head as Luz giggled and some of the Boiling isles residents yelled at their audacity.

"You have nothing to be proud of; Luz you have been my apprentice for who knows how long at that point and King you have been with me as my partner in crime for years... With me the biggest criminal in all of the Boiling Isles and this is the best that you two knuckleheads come up with in getting yourselves arrested? This is just like how I was feeling when I saw how you got sent to your human principal's office! Honestly I feel like I have failed as both a teacher and a role model!" Eda yelled incredulously to amused glanced.

"Wait, you could get sent to that place by ignoring a Don't Step on the Grass sign?" asked a human girl.

"Remember one of the prisoners was there for shipping food." The boy next to her pointed out.

At the Conformatorium King and Luz look out the door and noticed the petrified witches and Luz gasps as they notice the pedestal set up for Eda. King says that there is not going to be a new statue going up today and then tries to get Luz's attention but she is staring angrily at the Emperor's Coven recruitment poster with Lilith on it.

Luz then picked up the torn pieces of Amity's poster and looks towards Cornholio who sighs as he restores it allowing Luz to rip it up herself with Lilith gulping. Luz then noticed stares at her as she finds herself wearing the cloak and looks to Cornholio who gives her a thumbs up.

"Looks good on you kid!" Eda told her with pride in her eyes as Luz sits down.

The carriage arrives at the Conformatorium and the guard says that the Owl Lady's human student has been apprehended, the figure is Warden Wrath who calls it very good waiting for his revenge on Luz.

"Oh great, it's this jerk again! This just keeps getting better and better..." Luz muttered with her arms folded.

"I do remember warning you that he has been waiting for an unhappy reunion..." Steve reminded them.

"Daddy!" Braxas shouted out loud as there were faces to him.

"Oh right, he is your dad... Listen... Braxas isn't it... I am very sorry for what I have said to your dad and probably will still say... Nothing personal... To you that is..." Luz told him panicking wondering how to best address this.

"None taken!" Braxas replied apparently not phased.

Wrath says that they will have front row seats to Eda's demise as he opens the carriage doors only to get taken down by giant tree vines and another guard is taken down by Luz using an ice glyph to catch him using a giant pick. Wrath gets the vines off him but is caught by picks of ice with Luz asking where Eda is, he explains that she is in the holding cell in the dungeon. Luz shows him a piece of paper and a pencil demanding that he draws her a map.

"Wow Luz; this time the Warden had no chance..." Eda laughed as most of the audience were amazed by this. Seemed that Luz did come a long way.

"Daddy isn't the best artist though..." Braxas pointed out with Luz and Amity smiling at the kid in amusement.

At the audience at the ceremony, two demons didn't know if Eda deserved petrifaction with it happening so fast; Willow is next to them with her hood up and there is Gus with his hood up. Willow putting her hood down saying that what she knows about Luz is she will be trying to save Eda, Gus puts his hood down saying they will be there to save Luz when they need us as they split up with Lilith noticing from the castle window.

"I can't ask for better friends..." Luz said looking towards the two who smiled at her.

Lilith turns around as she sees Kikimora berate Wrath for letting Luz escape and drawing her a map, Lilith says that she will capture Luz.

"I bet it's not what you think..." Lilith said weakly to the harsh glares coming her way.

Luz has used her glyphs to take care of the guards as they reach the door with Luz telling King to watch the door as she uses an ice glyph to break open the lock. She then enters using a light glyph finding Eda all chained up, she runs up to her but is pushed back by a wing as Eda goes up to her. Luz tells her to wait using her glyph to reveal herself as Eda finds herself, Eda panics asking Luz what she is doing there.

"Surprised you would think that she wouldn't try this Eda." Bump said who looked like he was still concerned for Eda.

Luz says that she is there to save her as the fire glyph she uses on the chains gets absorbed, Eda tells her that her magic isn't strong enough for this and that she needs to leave. Luz tries again saying that she can't since it's her fault that she needed to save her and got captured. Eda takes her in her claws saying that she is there because of her own actions, for a while she was able to get away with breaking Belos' law but without magic she can't do much. Eda says that she doesn't regret anything, she lived freely and she got to meet her softly taking her head. Eda says that if she stays there then she won't be able to protect her and she needs to leave now.

"Wow, the Owl Lady has a soft motherly side..." Perry said as Eda stood up and had a fireball ready in her hand.

"Anyone else wants to think that I am softy or sappy?" Eda asked threateningly scaring most of the audience before she dispelled it and sat down.

"I was trying to compliment her..." Perry muttered.

Luz catches her claw saying that they are a family and them weirdos have to stick together, Eda takes the key to the portal from her hair activating it. The portal door activates as Eda tells her that she has a family already as the door opens up, Eda tells her to go back to them and when she is home to use her fire magic to destroy the door forever while putting the key around her neck. She doesn't know why Belos wants it but they can't take any chances

"WHAT? I would never be able to see you again..." Luz shouted out loud as King, Willow, Gus and Amity were extremely concerned about never getting to see Luz again.

"Kid, Belos can't be allowed to get his hands on that door and besides... This cesspool doesn't deserve to have you in it Luz." Eda told her as Luz was looking down.

"After seeing how the people in that place has helped you grow and change for the better; no one should be trying to pry you away from it forever..." Camila told her softly as Cornholio suddenly appeared next to her.

"Yeah, I would watch about saying that if I were you Mrs Noceda." Cornholio whispered into her ear before disappearing back to his place.

Luz hugs her saying that she loves her and Eda says that she loves her too.

Eda just sighed sadly pretending that she doesn't notice the looks that Camila and Luz were sending her way.

A red alarm goes up as Eda tells her to get away as her chains turns into a cage with the platform rising up. Luz holds on as Eda apologises as she pushes Luz off and Eda tells her goodbye. Luz cries after her as she was on her knees with tears in her eyes. Luz cries.

Luz hugged back at the embrace that Camila and Amity were giving her.

Lilith says great as she enters now behind Luz while holding King up who tells her to let him go. Lilith says that she is too late but at least she found Luz.

"Mam, can I please say that you could do better when choosing what your final words will be." Steve told Lilith as Lilith now hard a death glare coming her way from Luz which was shared by Camila and Amity.

Luz gets up telling Lilith that she hurt Eda, put her in chains and now she will take her down as she jumps and uses a light glyph but Lilith uses her magic to shield herself. Lilith says that she just wants to talk and Luz tells her to talk to the glyph with her being covered by a vine glyph as she had to use her magic to get out of it. Luz jumps at her and Lilith tells her to stop asking what is wrong with her as her hair is being pulled with Lilith walking backwards through the portal.

Luz looked behind her as she saw most of the audience were now looking terrified against her. "No hard feelings about anything I may have said about you?" Samantha asked nervously with a scared smile.

King jumps through calling Luz' name as Luz and Lilith lands outside the shack with King landing afterwards. Luz looks at the forest as King warns her to watch out before being tangled by vines, Luz tries to use a fire glyph against her but it just disappears.

The audience gasped, "So the Glyphs don't work in the human world... So much for you being able to use your witch talents at your home then..." Eda muttered.

Lilith jumps at Luz asking her to just listen as her hair is being pulled, Luz tells her that she deserves to be petrified and not Eda. Lilith tells her that she is right as Luz lets go and Lilith admits that she deserves to be in Eda's place.

Eda was taken aback but still wasn't able to face her apologetic looking sister.

Luz asks why she did all this and Lilith explains that when they were younger the two were best of friends. A flashback of them as young children in a forest is shown with them laughing but young Eda falls and notices her bruised knee and started to cry.

"Bringing this up Lilith, do you want to make sure that you are incapable of being forgiven?" Eda asked sarcastically folding her arms.

Young Lilith notices and smiles as she comes closer, wipes away her tears and uses the pain sharing spell as the bruise is now on her knee.

Lilith's eyes widened at that reminder and looks towards Eda and now a decision made. She stood up and came closer. "Lilith, what are you doing because you trying to help in this finale doesn't change what you have done... Let go..." Eda ranted as Lilith takes her arm.

"With this spell declared, let the pain be shared!" Lilith said as there was a magical light blue blast blinding the audience for a second. Eda was wide eyed as she looked at Lilith with a stunned look and Lilith had a small smile. "This was long overdue Eda... Now the curse is the burden of both of us..." Lilith said as Eda was open mouthed.

"You still have a long way to go and I hope you don't think this fixes everything..." Eda told her and Lilith nodded before going back to her seat as she noticed Steve had finished putting his sat back next to Lilith.

Young Lilith and Eda are using brooms to practice in front of an Emperor's Coven recruitment poster, Lilith explains that being in the Emperor's Coven was always her dream working alongside the most powerful witch on the isles and make the world a better place. But Eda just wanted to be with her Young Eda swings her broom around with magic sparks and young Lilith does so but she gets hit on the head knocking her to the ground as young Eda concerned puts out a hand to help her up.

Lilith says that there was a problem, at the tryouts for Hexside Field Day an Emperor's Coven members tells the both of them that one spot was available and they duel tomorrow and the winner joins their ranks. They both look concerned as Lilith explains that she knew that Eda would beat her as she was younger but worked twice as hard meeting her at her level, young Eda reaches out for her sister as she walks off.

"Couldn't you have just admitted to me how badly you wanted this Lilith? You could have just asked me to throw the duel because I had chosen to do that anyway." Eda said looking towards to Lilith with Eda having her face look upset.

"How could I ask my own sister to throw the duel against me, just so I could achieve my dream while you were better than me? What kind of older sister would I have been?" Lilith replied her face filled with sadness.

"Well you choose to be the kind that curses their younger sister in their sleep to cheat." Eda told her with her arms folded as Lilith wiped away a tear.

"I know... A mistake I wasted years trying to fix..." Lilith told her.

At the Night Market young Lilith was in a dark blue cloak with the hood up, Lilith explains that Belos always said that to be great you have to make sacrifices, what would he do in her situation? Lilith looks through a crate filled with scrolls and picks out the one with the curse, Lilith said that she had found a spell that would take away her powers. It cuts to Eda's room with the door opening and a determined looking young Lilith enters after being seen as the shadow, she uses the spell on the scroll. Lilith said that she thought that it would be for a day.

"Eda, I never thought that the owl beast transformation would be a side effect or that it would be a curse that would affect you your entire life, all I thought would happen would be that you wouldn't have your magic powers for the day! That is no excuse but I didn't want to hurt you!" Lilith cried towards her but Eda was glaring.

"... I can imagine that you didn't think I would get hurt but do you understand what it's like having the curse but now I think you will have plenty of time to learn yourself... All the money I have spent getting elixir, getting King and Luz in danger of my owl beast form, dad had his eye slashed out because of me and do you know how much mum has spent on bogus cures and fixes to my condition?" Eda yelled at her and Lilith put her head down.

"I deserve all the scorn that you could throw at me..." Lilith said wiping away a tear.

At the duel young Lilith smirks as she makes a fist pose and young Eda does the same but with a face that her mouth in the middle. Young Lilith charges forward with her fists filled with her magic energy but young Eda says no stopping her sister, young Eda says out loud that she refuses to battle her sister. Young Eda comes closer smiling saying that she decided that Covens aren't really her style and tells her not to forget her when she is a big shot. Lilith started to explain that as Eda walked away; her younger self feels her first transformation happening.

There were mutters of students who had gotten the story from their parents.

Young Eda as the owl beast is stunned and looks behind her as there are sounds of laughter.

"Wow poor Eda... People could be so cruel..." Camila shouted out loud along with Luz stunned as well with Willow and Gus among others looking at a grumpy looking Eda looking sympathetic.

Luz noticed Amity looking at the screen closely, "See them... Those are my parents..." Amity admitted softly pointing to a clearly seen brown haired boy and a green haired girl in the crowd on the screen as Luz notices.

Emperor's Coven are throwing stones at her with one saying that the girl is a monster.

"You ever wondered what helped me hate the Emperor's Coven so much?" Eda asked shaking her head as they were gasping.

Young Eda leaves as young Lilith calls for her but the Emperor's Coven members come forward as one takes her raising it welcoming her to the Emperor's Coven as the members in the crowd were cheering. Lilith said that she made her sacrifice for Belos and it was time to receive her reward.

"There was no way I could celebrate my dream that day..." Lilith said softly.

Lilith tells Luz that she had been pursuing Eda because if she joined the Emperor's Coven then Belos told her that she would heal her curse but she lied to her and tells Luz that she knows how to rescue Eda. Lilith said that she can't do it alone and Luz asks how she knows that she can trust her, Lilith summons Owlbert and Eda's staff before passing them to Luz as Luz embraces Owlbert seeing that he is okay who wakes up and hoots.

Owlbert then flies to Luz and lands on her shoulder snuggling up to her before returning to Eda.

"Knowing that you wouldn't hurt Owlbert makes it slightly better..." Eda muttered.

Luz puts Owlbert on her shoulder getting up saying that she doesn't like Lilith's deal but they do need her help to save Eda as Lilith thanks her. Lilith releases King as they back to the portal and Luz looks back with the wind blowing and King asks her if she needs a minute, Luz says no and she is coming, looking back once more before entering.

"I know what you are thinking Luz and don't worry, I totally understand." Camila told Luz with a smile.

"Feeling worse about this sitting here knowing that you would never suspect I was in trouble with someone sending you letters addressed from me..." Luz muttered.

There is a band beating drums as Willow tries to spot Luz with Gus asking if she thinks that she got caught but then they see Eda's cage raised. Perry talks about Eda appearing on the stage which means the petrifaction process is about to begin, Kikimora is with Eda's cage as she steps forward pulling a lever to raise up the Petrifaction device as Eda looks at it.

"I thought those were statues in that drawing..." muttered Camila as Luz was in agreement.

"Well are you happy that you will be reporting on what is close to a public hanging?" asked Hal sarcastically towards Perry.

"Not particularly, I never liked learning about the petrifaction of wild witches at Hexside..." Perry muttered.

Lilith leads King and Luz to a podium which will lead them to the stage where Eda is being held, Luz thanks her asking Lilith what she will do now. Lilith explains that she will stay in the Emperor's Coven but she will make sure that nothing like this ever happens again as Luz finds it good to hear.

"Wait, why are there no guards around there?" Luz asks hesitatingly.

Luz asks why there are no guards around as a vine takes Lilith and another takes King.

Eda was looking worried for them both but trying to make it look like it was only King.

Belos reveals himself on a throne.

Luz was now being embraced by Camila and Amity again, "seriously I will be fine and this is just getting old now..." Luz said as Eda was looking towards Luz terrified as if she was about to speed to there and join in the embrace.

Belos tells Lilith that she chose the wrong side as two monstrous vine like hands grabs at Luz's feet. Belos says that he would like to have a word with Luz as Luz glares at him.

Lilith and King are thrown into Eda's cage with Lilith saying hello to Eda who snaps at her for hurting Luz, she cursed her and before she is turned to stone she will tear her apart. Lilith shields herself with her arms as King tells her to don't saying that she was trying to help and even betrayed the Emperor for her. Eda is surprised as Lilith says that if she knew something like this would happen as they notice the eyes in the statues were glowing yellow and turned to green as Willow and Gus were shocked.

"Starting..." Lilith muttered looking scared and freaked out along with others.

"I think you are making progress in making up with your sister and her allies mam. Shoulder pats for Lilith." Steve told her while patting her on the shoulder.

"Thank you Steve but I am sure that the audience here won't keep quiet and I bet the Emperor and especially Kikimora will want to act on supposed future stories so I don't think my future as head of the Coven will be secured at all so you don't have to call me mam anymore." Lilith told him.

"You will always be mam to me mam!" Steve replied as Lilith gave an appreciative smile.

Perry was reporting about Lilith being in the holding cage as a shocking turn of events being escorted by what appears to be a deranged cat.

"I hope you appreciate this Dweebus Sr!" Eda yelled holding back King who was trying to lunge and claw at Perry.

"I am sorry but what else am I supposed to see from that far away..." Perry muttered.

Gus takes Perry's sleeve who tells him that he is live and Gus tells him that he has to stop as Willow takes his microphone away saying that what happening to Eda isn't right.

"Don't worry you kids I totally understand knowing the circumstances sitting here and I hope my boss understands when my future self has to explain to him and hopefully I won't get fired." Perry told Willow and Gus .

Willow says that Eda may not always follow the rules but she hasn't done anything worried about petrification. A demon says that she helped him escape jail, Morton says that she helped him stay in business and Bump says that she helped him love teaching again after she left.

"Don't worry Bump I don't take no offense and I am surprised there are those who would stick up for me..." Eda said stunned and flattered as there were happy mutters in the audience. "Two stupid kids who would rile up a crowd to stick up for me... I wouldn't have anyone I would rather be friends with my Luz." Eda told them as the two looked happy.

Willow raises a fist saying that the Emperor should let Eda go and Gus raises a fist saying to let Eda go and this leads to the crowd chanting.

The audience were doing so, "Despite the fact that I don't think I should be proud of our daughter for being a rabble rouser riling a crowd to chant treason and yet I am Gilbert." said one of Willow's dads to Gilbert who nodded in agreement doing the same.

"We should talk about forming a club together of parents proud of our children for doing things that we really shouldn't be proud of!" laughed Camila looking their way and to Perry.

Luz tells Belos to let her friends go or else tapping the ground with the staff as she is flying and lands on the ground sending ice magic towards Belos. Belos melts away and appears right behind her.

"I don't care what you think of me; the humans are right the Emperor totally looks like a bad guy now!" Skara cried out loud and few were willing to argue against this this time, only really being Boscha who was still keeping quiet.

Belos catches her with red magic and sends to his left as she crashes into a statue with it cracking and she has to dodge the statue's giant golden axe from falling onto her. She fights against obstacles and flies on the staff and gets a glyph ready as she flies back towards Belos but there is a giant demon's head slug swallowing her but is but is exploded by her glyph.

"Luz, I am super proud of everything you have done and you have survived encounters and circumstances that really should have killed you but trying to take on Belos? I only have to point out that Belos doesn't seem to be putting any effort in fighting you to point out how certainly outclassed and outmatched you are to him!" Eda yelled as most were concerned were Luz.

"He totally looks like the ultimate big bad for the end, not a starter villain for the first season's end!" said a human teen nerd.

Belos tells Luz that he thought that she wanted to fight as claws catch her legs and grabs her down along with the staff as Belos asks if she has had enough, Luz smirks saying not even close using an ice glyph to poke him in the eye shattering his mask slightly.

Most were taken aback by that, "well... I didn't think it was possible for me to be more proud of your but I have been wrong plenty of times..." Eda muttered.

Belos turns and laughs darkly saying that he likes her spirit but try it again and things won't end well for her, turning to show his glowing eye in the shattered apart of his mask. The claws disappear as Belos calls himself a humble messenger for the Titan and in the grand scheme of things the Owl Lady's life is inconsequential but then she showed up. She says that if she wants to save her mentor again then hand over the portal to the human realm, Luz mutters her home.

"Humble messenger... Calling me inconsequential despite how many guards he has sent after me and making a big show of me being petrified... Can you believe this guy?" Eda asked as the Boiling Isles residents were trying to come to terms with this new look at their ruler.

the machine glows green and zaps at them with Eda shielding King and Lilith, Lilith yells for her sister as Eda yells out loud.

Eda was seeing the looks of concerns and covered her ears from the yells that happened.

Belos says that Luz probably thinks that he wants to invade the human realm but the Titan's will is not so boorish and she will understand soon, she reminds Luz that Eda doesn't have much time left.

"Even if you do agree that you are not invading then you are only fooling yourself!" Amity yelled at the screen before realising what she had just yelled.

"Wow Mittens, you would never have said anything like that towards the Emperor before your girlfriend came along." laughed Emira.

Luz yells no with tears in her eyes and says fine activating the portal as Belos turns and the door portal suitcase appears.

"Luz, somehow some way you have managed to outdo yourself with the new most stupid thing that you have ever done!" Eda yelled her hair in her hands almost ready to tear it off in frustration as there were looks towards Luz.

"If he invades and I am stuck in some stupid cloaked uniform, I am never talking to you again!" said a human cheerleader.

Luz apologises to her mother in Spanish as she holds the suitcase close and comes closer handing out the suitcase, Belos says the Titan will be pleased taking it by the handle as Luz goes onto the platform and Belos raises it. Telling her to go be a hero. Luz warns him that she may have lost but so has he using the staff to activate three glyphs on the suitcase destroying it.

"Sorry I doubted you kid..." Eda said with a proud smile as there were cheers at this.

"I will be stuck there unable to go back to you Mami..." Luz told Camila with a tear in her eye but Camila holds her close saying that she understands.

Belos looking up at her with his eye has a glare to it as Eda is slowly turning to stone but then Luz appears looking serious and uses a vine glyph to stop the machine and stop the petrification. King asks what to do as Lilith says that if the spell wasn't completed maybe she could help her fight it. Eda glows blue as a stunned Kikimora wide eyed yells no asking what is happening but Luz has a fire glyph ready at the back of her warning her to free them now as Kikimora disappears the cage.

"Luz, I understand if I am still not far from your favourite person right now but seeing this and Kikimora being a total coward to you... I am sure that if you were my student then I would be as proud as Eda is right now." Lilith spoke out loud as Luz managed a small smile to her.

Luz asks if Eda is okay as the petrification is being reversed as Eda says as good as she will ever be. The Coven members circle them as Eda gets Luz on her back saying to let's fly as King and Lilith joins her. Eda flies off with the crowd cheering and Willow and Gus smiling.

"Okay I can see some of Hexside in the crowd but you the Warden's kid... You were standing there while your old man were inside?" Eda asked towards Braxas who just shrugs.

"I should talk to the Warden when he next comes to pick up Braxas after the next reading session." muttered Amity.

Kikimora glares but then notices Belos arriving who faces the crowd saying that the Titan has told him to spare Eda but in return her curse will strip away all her powers, let her monstrous form be a lesson to the dangers of wild magic.

"What a spin doctor he is..." remarked Eda as the audience were glad that Eda, Luz and King got away saftey.

Eda lands outside the Owl House with Luz saying that she will run and get her some elixir, Lilith tells her no amount of elixir can heal her now. She comes closer taking her by the chin, saying that she should have done this a long time ago using the pain sharing spell causing a blast of blue magic as Eda is returned to normal.

Lilith looks towards Eda who gives her a shrug and a hints of a small smile.

Luz and King embraces Eda with Luz asking if she can still do magic, Eda tries and it fails with her saying that it will take some time to get used to.

Eda mutters and sighs, "At least now with me sharing the curse with myself you have your gifts after we leave..." Lilith said and Eda gives her a thankful nod.

Lilith feels that she has been weakened as well and Luz says that she teach them what she knows and what she doesn't they can learn together. Eda looks at the piece of paper on her hand and activates the light glyph. They look on as Eda thanks Luz and takes her closer saying that she looks forward to it.

"The teacher has become the student and the student becomes the teacher." laughed Hal as Bump joins him.

Luz says that is how they escaped from the Emperor, Luz is in her bed with King sleeping on it as she says that everyone told her how everyone told her how he is the most powerful witch alive. She addresses her mum to her phone showing off a piece of the Emperor's mask that she had chipped off showing that he is not invincible. Luz calls it a strange feeling going through so much and not having her Mum to share it with, she doesn't know when and how she is going to see her again. She looks to her framed photo of the two of them saying that she will find a way home to her calling it a promise. She then finished with a statement in Spanish before putting out her light glyph.

Kikimora goes down steps to face Belos asking to be allowed to capture the miscreants at large, Belos tells her to worry not because they will be keeping an eye on the inhabitants of the owl house nodding to Hunter the Golden Guard who nods back to him before leaving.

"Oh great him... He will be involved now!" Lilith yells out in frustration as most were stunned at the sight of the Golden Guard.

"That's the Golden Guard, a teen prodigy who is out of the chain of command and answers directly to Emperor Belos himself." Steve explains.

"And an extreme brat as well!" Lilith mutters.

Belos says in the meantime the Day of Unity is almost upon them and they have much to work to do as there is a portal machine being built with the pieces of the door.

There were groans at this. "Day of Unity?" asked Hal scared.

"Could be trying to combine your two worlds; hopefully not in a disappointing finale that totally ignores the hypocrisy of its anti-magic message and ignores any genocidal implications." Cornholio mutters.

"How could you not know? I thought that you were all powerful and all knowing..." Gus asked as Cornholio glares at his direction.

"Well whatever the Emperor is planning, we will face it together." Eda comes closer to the front row with King.

"I am glad that you are alright Eda!" Luz tells her embracing her into a hug with King hugging Eda's leg as Hooty from the backpack that Luz put on her shoulder joins in with happy tears. Camila joins in the embrace with a smile and Luz looks back at Amity encouraging her to join in. Amity gets up and joins in the hug as well as and with encouraging looks from their parents Willow and Gus goes to join them.

Lilith looks behind her as Eda looks her way with a look, she looks at Luz and Camila who gives her encouraging nods. "Come on sister! Come and join us since it looks like you are a part of the Bad Girl Coven now Lily!" Eda yells at her smiling as Lilith looks hesitatingly.

Lilith then smiles as she goes and joins the embrace as the audience looks on.

"What a way to end the Season." smirked Cornholio as he suddenly finds Boscha next to him as he sighs and returns her to normal.

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