Liam Smith was like a prince...a true prince.
He was without wealth and a reputed name like her ex-fiance and her little brother in her past life, yet she had always seen him as a prince because of how he acted to others.
'Thank you for always been there, Ayana.'
In her mind, he had always been elegant and gentle, every time he called her name—with a warmth that wrapped around his words like the softest silk.
'Forgive me, Ayana. You know the fans love news like this. You're the only one for me till the end of time.'
In those moments of doubts, she truly and always believed him. His words and actions always made her feel irreplaceable, each word tying her heart closer to his....or so she had imagined.
'I couldn't have done this without your help, Ayana. Thank you for loving me this much.'
17:00pm & 5:00am (WAT TIME) / 00:00am & 12:00pm (GMT TIME)