Represents the total amount of magical energy a person can store.
Measured in MP (Mana Points).
Example: 500/500 MP
Determines how quickly MP replenishes over time.
Measured in MP/sec or MP/hour depending on context.
Example: 10 MP/sec
Measures precision and ability to maintain stability while casting.
Percentage-based: 0% to 100%.
Example: Control: 78%
1. Casting Speed
How quickly spells can be prepared and unleashed.
Measured in seconds (or fractions of seconds).
Example: Casting Speed: 0.8 seconds/spell
2. Efficiency
How much MP is consumed per spell relative to its power.
Measured in a percentage: 0% means wasteful, 100% is perfect.
Example: Efficiency: 92%
1. Magical Resonance
A unique attribute showing compatibility with rare forms of magic or artifacts.
Measured as:
Low, Moderate, High, Perfect.
Example: Resonance with Ancient Relics - High
2. Bestowal Energy
Specific to Magic Bestowal users like Argider.
Determines how much magic can be transferred or triggered to others without harming oneself.
Measured in a separate BE (Bestowal Energy) pool.
Example: BE: 200/200
3. Overload Threshold
The maximum strain an individual's mana system can handle before losing control or sustaining harm.
Measured in a percentage of MP or BE.
Example: Overload at 120% Mana Usage
4. Magic Skills
These are skill applications from the user's magic attribute.
Example: Magic Activation is the first skill of the Magic Bestowal attribute. It only releases or activate those which are inherently present in the subject's DNA.
Arcane Novice
Magic Bestower
—[Experience XP]
—[Mana Capacity]
100/100 MP
—[Mana Regeneration]
5 MP/min
—[Mana Potential]
—[Bestowal Energy (BE)]
50/50 BE
—[Casting Speed]
3.0 seconds/spell
—[Overload Threshold]
—[Magic Skills]
Level One: Magic Activation ▪︎5/10
—[Magical Resonance]
1. Arcane Novince (Level 1) – The starting rank, with limited understanding of how to grant magic.
2. Apprentice of Gifts (Level 5) – Learns the nuances of bestowing and begins experimenting with basic powers.
3. Bearer of Light (Level 15) – Gains the ability to bestow simple, consistent abilities with precision.
4. Granting Adept (Level 25) – A skilled practitioner, capable of granting versatile powers to others.
5. Imbuer of Wills (Level 40) – Can grant powers that respond to the recipient's intent or emotional state.
6. Master of Boons (Level 50) – Crafts unique and lasting abilities, tailored to specific individuals.
7. Arcane Bestower (Level 70) – Gains deeper understanding of magical structures and how to bind them to others.
8. Blessing Forger (Level 80) – Grants powers that blend with the recipient's natural strengths or affinities.
9. High Artificer (Level 100) – Can imbue objects or creatures with advanced, semi-permanent magical enhancements.
10. Warden of Bestowal (Level 110) – Gains control over granted powers, including modifying or retracting them.
11. Sigil Enchanter (Level 120) – Masters the use of symbols or rituals to enhance bestowed magic.
12. Fate Giver (Level 130) – Bestows abilities tied to the recipient's life path or destiny.
13. Soulbinder (Level 140) – Engraves powers directly into the recipient's essence, creating lifelong bonds.
14. Crestmaker (Level 150) – Crafts signature marks or crests that signify and empower granted abilities.
15. Arbiter of Gifts (Level 160) – Gains authority to decide who is worthy of receiving powerful magic.
16. Grand Bestower (Level 170) – Recognized across realms for the sophistication and potency of granted powers.
17. Celestial Imbuer (Level 180) – Bestows abilities with divine or celestial resonance, revered by many.
18. Eternal Patron (Level 190) – Grants abilities that transcend generations, creating a lasting legacy.
19. Primordial Giver (Level 200) – Channels ancient, elemental forces into bestowed gifts.
20. Ascendant Hand (Level 300) – The pinnacle rank, with power to grant world-altering abilities and shape the fabric of reality itself.