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75% MHA & Monster hunter / Chapter 9: Chapter 9 - WHY!

Bab 9: Chapter 9 - WHY!

I know I said I would post on yesterday but the chapter has nearly 5,000 words so it took time

thx Knight_reaper_ THIE_EXTERNAL and flippin66 for your support(stone) it means a lot guys same for you mamedh

From next chapter the TEST ARC WILL RESUME





The city buzzed with life, a life unseen in the glossy pages of manga or flashing frames of anime but real and pulsing here on the streets people of all shapes, colours, and professions weaved through the sidewalks, each a fleeting glimpse of a story.

Jin and Deku slipped into the crowd, just two more faces exiting from the towering All-in-One Stop, a place known as much for its variety as its scale.

The place was an entire city block, an empire of entertainment that felt like two different worlds depending on the hour. By day, it was the dreamscape for gamers, an electrified paradise of virtual battles and arcade rings. But at night, it shifted—morphing into a playground for gamblers, a haven for addicts who sought refuge in neon lights and hidden thrills.

As they walked along the wide, bustling road, their eyes were naturally drawn to the two monolithic structures flanking either side. Each building was a colossal maze, floors stacking up like layers of a puzzle, alleys and passageways twisting into a labyrinth of indulgence.

Neon signs flickered lazily in the daylight, their full brilliance reserved for the evening rush.

Billboards advertised everything from high-end restaurants and luxury boutiques to the chaotic charm of gaming arcades, karaoke booths, and immersive VR experiences. Even in the middle of the day, the place hummed with strange electricity.

Jin and Deku moved through the crowd, their disguises blending them in just enough—though, to say they were "abnormal" was a stretch. Jin wore his usual attire, adding a fake brown beard and wig that slightly altered his appearance, while Deku sported a black tracksuit, three blue claw marks slashing across the chest, blue sneakers, and oversized red sunglasses with brown dyed hair.

They might have passed for regular citizens if not for the wild mix of people walking beside them.

Deku, ever the shy one, cast nervous glances at a girl dressed in nothing but a few strategically placed strips of fabric and a hulking man strutting confidently in a pink skirt. Then there was the old man in a fuzzy honeybee costume, buzzing loudly about his latest conspiracy theories.

The melting pot of humanity was both a spectacle and a reminder of how far the city stretched beyond its hero-villain narrative.

Jin caught deku's discomfort, his smirk widening as he gave his back a rough pat, sending the boy stumbling forward. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" he yelped, voice rising as he nearly toppled over, then quickly shrinking back into himself as people turned to look.

"Relax, dude. We're here to enjoy," Jin said, slinging his arm around Deku's neck, ruffling his already messy hair. "Just chill out, forget about the world for a bit."

But the world didn't let Jin forget. His steps faltered as his eyes landed on two small boys sitting behind a makeshift stall. It was barely more than a blue table with cardboard boxes stacked around it, but it caught his attention like a punch to the gut.

Deku noticed too. His gaze softened as he took in the sight of the kids—skinny, almost skeletal, with black hair messy and clothes torn. The boy holding a sign that read "Luxurious Hats" wore a mask covering his lower jaw, sharp teeth visible beneath the fabric.

The other boy, seated with a wide, brave smile, had two small antennae poking from his head, his dark, insect-like eyes betraying exhaustion. His arms were thin as twigs, but his hands—red metallic—held the sign with practised enthusiasm. A cardboard box beside them had a scrawled message: "A little help, kind sir and madam."

Deku glanced at Jin's face, reading the unspoken thoughts. Over time, he'd come to understand his friend's complex nature. Jin was far more than the loud, tough front he often showed. He was reflective, perhaps more than anyone Deku had ever met.

He didn't just see the world; he felt it, a strange empathy hidden beneath his bravado. His tough guy act? Just a shield—one he wore to avoid getting involved, to avoid the pain of truly caring too much.

"I'll get them some food and clothes," Deku said quietly, his voice trailing off as he darted toward the massive building to search for shops.

"Thanks," Jin murmured, a small, genuine smile tugging at his lips as he walked over to the kids. "Yoo, how's the business going?" he asked, flashing a big, easy going grin. The boys hesitated, unsure whether to trust him, their eyes darting over his unusual getup. After a beat, the antennae boy managed a wobbly smile.

"W-welcome to our luxurious hat shop, sir. W-would you like to buy something?" The boy's shaky voice reminded Jin of himself—someone trying too hard to act tough, even when they were crumbling inside.

"No need to worry, kid. I'm Jin. What about you guys?" he asked, crouching down to meet them at eye level. His calm demeanour helped, but the boys remained suspicious—his fake beard didn't exactly scream 'trustworthy stranger.'

Jin fished around in his pocket, pulling out two blue ramen coupons from his leather purse. "You know this place?" The boys' eyes lit up as they recognized the familiar logo.

"Isn't that the super famous ninja ramen shop? I saw people lining up early, like at 4 in the morning! The food smells so good!" the boy with the bone jaw blurted out, his voice deep and raspy. Realizing he'd gotten carried away, he quickly covered his face, bowing as if he'd just committed a crime.

Jin's smile faltered for a split second, but he quickly waved off the boy's apology. "It's cool man. Me and my friend had a change of heart—so, you can have these." He folded the tickets into the boy's hands before he could refuse.

"My name's Karl," the antennae boy piped up, smiling. "And he's Toma."


Deku's shout rang out behind them, drawing attention as he robotically waddled over, arms weighed down by four bulging bags. His stiff movements and bright red sunglasses earned a few giggles from the boys. Jin smirked, enjoying the moment.

"Alright, kids, we don't have much money, so how about we trade? Some food and clothes for one of those hats?" The boys exchanged glances before Karl opened a box, pulling out a sleek black cowboy hat with a purple feather. He handed it to Jin with pride.

"Thanks for the help!" The boys bowed deeply, their gratitude palpable.

Jin checked his surroundings—a few cameras dotted the area, but no one else seemed to be paying attention. He quickly dumped the contents of the bags into their cardboard boxes.

"These are special hero survival rations," Deku said, his voice warm. "There's fifty large bars and some smaller milk ones. They'll keep you healthy for a long time." Jin, meanwhile, silently calculated the dent this would make in his bank balance.

"There's a blanket and some winter clothes too," Deku added, shoving the remaining bags into their boxes. The boys bowed again, speechless but overwhelmed.

Jin gently traced a finger along the purple feather on the hat, his eyes soft. "Good days are ahead, kids. Just don't give up. . . things will get better soon." As he adjusted the hat on his head, he caught sight of a small piece of paper tucked inside, a shop name printed on it. A knowing smile crept across his face.

"Let's go, Deku. . . we've got a few more places to stop by."

Deku waved at the boys as they saluted back, "Aww, look at them. How cute!" Jin didn't turn but waved his hand in acknowledgement, a fondness in his casual gesture.

"There's this famous library restaurant that just opened. Let's see what they've got." Jin moved ahead, calm and steady, while Deku smiled, falling into a more comfortable stride beside him.

"I wonder if being a hero feels like this," Deku mused aloud.

Jin gave him a sidelong glance. "You don't need to be a hero to do good things."

Deku fished out his pocket notebook and scribbled the words down, walking through the crowd with surprising precision.

"Are you making a file on me too?" Jin teased.

"You wish," Deku smirked, "It's a collection of things that'll help me become a great hero."

Jin chuckled softly as Deku continued scribbling, the two of them blending back into the city's chaotic rhythm, but now with a little more warmth than before.

The **Library Restaurant** was exactly what its name suggested, a library and a restaurant rolled into one. Shelves lined the walls, filled with thick, leather-bound books that gave the space an air of sophistication. The smell of old paper and fresh food blended strangely in the air. 

The waitstaff all women dressed as librarians—moved about quietly, serving dishes with a soft, almost rehearsed grace.

There were only two floors, with one unique feature: the entire upper level was made of glass. 

From below, Jin could see the faint outlines of customers walking overhead, their steps muted against the transparent surface. His gaze lingered briefly, noticing a woman strolling across, her skirt swaying enough to revealing that she was * commando * Jin's eyes squinted in amusement.

'I see why they have such high reviews,' he thought dryly, his gaze sweeping across the patrons. The place was mostly filled with school students, their uniforms blending into the muted tones of the restaurant. A few older, college-aged customers sat scattered among them, hunched over screens or books.

The atmosphere was hushed, the quiet enforced by a rule clearly posted at the entrance: "Silence is golden." Conversations were kept low, almost whispered, as though the presence of books demanded a reverence usually reserved for libraries or churches. The occasional clink of silverware against plates was the loudest sound.

Deku leaned over, tapping at a small screen booth at entrance, displaying the menu options. "What would you like to eat?" he asked, his eyes flicking from the list of items to Jin.

"Anything normal," Jin muttered, absentmindedly cracking his neck. His eyes lazily scanned the room, catching sight of the four CCTV cameras mounted in discreet corners.

A waitress drifted by, and Jin raised a hand, stopping her with a polite nod. "Excuse me. Where's the restroom?"

Her smile was polite, rehearsed, as though she'd answered the same question a dozen times today. "The regular restroom is under maintenance, but you can use the staff restroom. It's behind the counter."

Jin stood, a faint smirk playing on his lips as he followed her directions. 'The freaking toilet stays the same even in this era huh?' he thought bitterly, entering the small restroom. a utilitarian, nothing special—six urinals, old dividers between them, and a faint scent of disinfectant clinging to the tiles.

At the urinals, Jin spotted the a man in the blue hoodie. He was standing casually, seemingly absorbed in his business yet it seemed he wasn't that busy without looking directly at him, he muttered under his breath, "Twenty meters clear."

"How long?" Jin asked, his voice barely above a whisper as he moved to the sink, turning on the faucet with a calm, deliberate motion, cleaning his hands before styling his hair while watching them in the mirror upfront.

"18 seconds," the man replied. He had decent muscular build his white hair the only thing setting him apart. Nothing about him screamed danger or intrigue—just another face in the sea of anonymity.

"Status?" Jin asked again, keeping his tone low, almost drowned out by the hum of the restroom's overhead lights.

"Eight children alongside twelve adults. . . All homeless or runaways." The man's face grimed at is own words. He turned slightly, meeting Jin's eyes through the mirror as he washed his hands. "You think it's them?" he asked, his expression unreadable as he dug into his pocket.

"Tell me about their quirks," Jin pressed, his gaze sharp but restrained.

"Nothing special or even out of place. . .beggars haven't seen any yakuza activity either" the man responded, fishing two flip phones out of his pocket. Both were wrapped in transparent film, along with a bundle of 10,000 yen bills similarly wrapped.

He handed the items over to Jin, hesitating for just a moment. His eyes narrowed slightly as if calculating something in his head. "This is everything everyone has collected over the years, with the commotion you caused for 3 months." He paused, his voice faltering for a moment before he added, "Look, I-I don't doubt you, but..."

Jin cut him off smoothly, sliding a gold card into the mans pocket. "04 13 rot, with T capital. Somewhere around 4.3 million in total."

The man's breath hitched as his eyes went wide, disbelief washing over his face at the number.

"Your doubt is valid," Jin continued his voice soft but with an edge of finality. "It might look like I'm trying to start something or leave the country, but believe me, this is necessary... very necessary. . .If everything goes as planned, there won't be any problems."

The man shook his head slowly, a nervous energy creeping into his movements. "And what if it... don't?"

Jin's face darkened slightly, his expression hardening as he pocketed the phones and the money. His gaze flicked toward the man's reflection in the mirror. "Then... you'll hear about it in the news."

The man swallowed hard, his eyes full of concern as he met Jin's gaze directly. "Don't die on me fucker. . . we have to a long way" His voice was raw, almost pleading.

Jin glanced at his watch, his voice steady but distant. "I won't and I think there's still a month or two before something happen."

The man's shoulders slumped slightly as he turned and left, his steps heavy with the weight of unspoken fears. Jin watched him go, counting the seconds before letting a small, sad smile curve his lips. 'Not like they will ever knew who it was.'


After finishing their meal, Jin and Deku left the Library Restaurant, stepping back into the bustling life of Shibuya Crossing.

The energy of the crowd swallowed them up, the low murmur of voices and the constant shuffle of footsteps a stark contrast to the quiet they had just left behind. Their car waited further down the street, blending into the urban chaos as they made their way through the crowd.

Jin stood quietly, his gaze hidden behind dark sunglasses, taking in the towering concrete giants that loomed over them. The monolithic buildings stretched endlessly upwards, their facades lit by the vibrant glow of oversized digital screens flickering with advertisements and news—almost like something out of a sci-fi film. Shafts of sunlight barely pierced the shadows that clung to the streets, casting the world below in a cold, mechanical grey.

The road ahead was cordoned off by police barricades, but that didn't stop the crowds. Dozens of people gathered behind the tape, phones raised high to record the chaotic battle unfolding before them. In the centre of it all, a villain—who looked more like a dishevelled, broken man than a threat—stood against the heroes.

Deku was muttering to himself beside Jin, scribbling furiously in his notebook as he observed the fight. "Gallant Fist," Deku said under his breath, eyes wide with admiration. The hero in question was a towering, muscular man dressed in an orange suit that resembled a Power Ranger, glowing white lines tracing his body and pulsing red with every movement.

"It's him" Jin muttered, more to himself than anyone else. His voice was shaken, almost a crack hands buried in his pockets. He didn't need to take notes like Deku, he saw everything.

"AIR CANNON!" Gallant Fist bellowed, throwing a punch that sent a shockwave barreling toward the villain. The sheer force of it sent the man crashing into a nearby building. Gallant smiled wide for the cameras, his pose almost comically heroic—yet there was an air of carelessness in the way he moved as if he wasn't taking the fight seriously.

Deku didn't miss a beat. "He can concentrate kinetic energy into his fists, creating shockwaves... but overuse tears his muscles. He risks fractures if he pushes it too far." His pencil moved rapidly across the page.

The villain struggled to his feet, eyes bloodshot, wild black hair sticking to his face. His coat was torn, barely hanging onto his thin frame. He looked like a man who had been through a thousand battles and lost every one of them.

"WHERE WERE YOU? WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU HEROES?" the villain roared, his voice ragged, raw with anger. His hands hit the pavement, and the ground cracked violently, chunks of asphalt lifting and splitting into the air, flying toward Gallant Fist.

"Shit!" Gallant cursed, dodging the larger debris but not fast enough to avoid the sharp fragments that sliced past him, scattering into the crowd. Screams erupted as people ran in panic. Blood splattered onto the concrete.

Jin felt Deku tense beside him, but he remained perfectly still, one hand on Deku's shoulder, anchoring him. "Jin!" Deku shouted, his voice shaky as the crowd surged around them.

"Keep calm," Jin said, voice steady. "Just stay steady."

Across the way, Gallant Fist was back on his feet, glaring at the villain. "DAMN YOU, VILLAIN!" He charged forward, fists blazing with kinetic energy. Waves of pressure shot out as he swung, the villain barely evading him.

"YOU CAN'T PROTECT ANYTHING!" the villain spat, his voice cracking. "YOU'RE NOTHING BUT DOGS! CLOWNS! HEROES WHO SAVE NO ONE!" He threw a punch, air trembling around his knuckles as he aimed for Gallant Fist's head.

The hero dodged—just barely—but the rage in the villain's eyes burned hotter with every missed strike.

Another swing, another near-miss, and finally, the villain landed a solid blow. His fist cracked against Gallant Fist's arm, splitting the hero's skin open. Blood sprayed in the air. Gallant gritted his teeth, barely suppressing a scream.

"HAHAHAHA! LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT THESE HANDS! WHERE WERE YOU BEFORE HEROES?!" The villain's voice broke into hysterical laughter as he raised his bloodied hands, eyes wide, unhinged.

The crowd had thinned considerably, but some onlookers remained—either too paralyzed by fear or too mesmerized by the violence to leave. Among them, Jin stood rooted in place, still watching.

Just as the villain's arm swung down for Gallant Fist's head, a translucent barrier shimmered into existence, blocking the attack. The force of the blow cracked the shield slightly, but it reformed almost instantly. Floating above them was a woman in a sleek, tight blue suit, her blonde hair flowing behind her as she levitated on a platform of her own creation.

"That's Shield Maiden," jin said, but his voice was nearly lost in the chaos as people tried to flee.

"You're a threat to public order," Shield Maiden announced her voice firm but calm. "Surrender now, and maybe the courts will be lenient. Resistance will only make it worse for you." With a single motion, she spread her arms wide, summoning a glowing, cubical barrier that trapped both Gallant Fist and the villain inside. The walls shimmered with an eerie light, closing them off from the world outside.

Deku tugged at Jin's arm. "Things are getting bad w-we should leave."

Jin didn't move, his eyes narrowing behind his sunglasses as he watched the scene unfold. "I know that man," he said quietly, his voice low. "He's not a villain, Deku."

Deku's gaze flicked back to the carnage—the bloodstained concrete, the injured civilians, the chaos that had erupted from the villain's rampage. "B-but he. . . he did all of this."

Jin didn't answer immediately, his eyes fixed on the man behind the tattered coat, the one who screamed in pain more than rage. He could see it in his face—this wasn't some madman, but someone innocent, crushed beneath the weight of a society that claimed to protect but only patched over deeper wounds while the heroes played him for fools.

The silence between them stretched until Jin finally spoke, his voice steady and cold. "It is our job to prevent all of this as future heroes, Deku."

Deku's shoulders trembled as he looked at the chaos unfolding before them. "We're just students now!" His voice cracked under the pressure, his fists clenched tight by his sides. "A-and we don't even know what his quirk is."

"Quirk shatter" Jin's voice cut through the panic like a knife. "Shatter anything that comes into contact with his hand. He can manipulate the broken shards."

Deku's breath hitched. "that's a great quirk!" His voice dropped to a whisper, thick with sadness, as he looked at the villain. "so why did he. . ."

Jin's gaze stayed locked on the scene below, eyes narrowing. "He can't control it. As soon as he touches something, it falls apart. Now think—what happens when someone awakens that quirk for the first time? That was 24 years ago. Things were far worse then..."

His voice dropped lower, heavy with the weight of past horrors. "And funnily enough, his power is related to cortisol levels… It's a curse more than a blessing. Eating like an animal, terrified of your own power, society shunning you from a young age. No job, no hope. . .just alone."

Deku winced, the weight of Jin's words settling like a stone in his chest. His mind flickered to the grim reports from decades ago—reports that painted the bleak reality of a society unable to handle the quirk-laden chaos. Those reports were more than just relics of the past; they echoed in the present. Deku knew that truth too well.

Jin's hand gripped Deku's shoulder firmly, grounding him. "We're safe for now," he said, his voice eerily calm as his eyes flicked toward the battlefield. "Shield Maiden—her quirk lets her create constructs, but their strength depends on her emotional state. The more angry or determined she is, the sturdier the shields. That's her weakness too."

Deku's gaze stayed on the scene below, absorbing every detail. Heroes clashed with the villain, the sound of shattering barriers echoing through the streets. Jin's voice, cold snapped him back. "Watch closely… This could have been prevented if people became heroes instead of just playing hero."

The villain screamed, eyes wild with fury as his body lurched toward the nearest shield. "SHATTER!" Blood trickled from the corners of his eyes, his body pushed to the breaking point as he hurled himself against the glowing construct with a savage desperation. The shield cracked under the pressure, splintering like fragile glass.

In a split second, the momentum threw the villain off balance. From behind, Gallant Fist emerged, his arm cocked back, the red glow of his quirk pulsing angrily.


"Gallant, NOOO!" Shield maiden shout was drowned out by the thunderous impact of Gallant's punch. The villain's body crumpled under the blow, blood spraying from his mouth as he tumbled across the ground like a ragdoll, limbs limp and useless.

Deku froze, his breath catching in his throat as the villain's trajectory hurled him straight toward them. Jin moved in front shoving Deku aside. "JINNN!" Deku's voice cracked with panic, but Jin's expression remained unfazed as he caught the broken man by the wrist.

"Long time no see, dude" Jin whispered, his voice low, as the villain coughed, barely able to see through the blood and hair matted to his face.

The villain weakly tried to pull away, his body convulsing, but Jin's grip was unrelenting. His own hand cracked, blood dripping down his arm.

"H-he took h-hostage!" Shield Maiden screamed, her voice quivering as the situation spiralled out of control.

"W-WE HAVE TO SAVE HIM!" gallant screamed reading to move in action, desperation was palpable, his carefully constructed resolve crumbling as fear seeped into his voice.

"SHUT IT, YOU FOOL! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" Shield lost all composure, her voice raw with emotion. Gallant Fist cursed under his breath, knowing the situation had gone from bad to worse. "Hello, HQ! We need support!" A police officer's voice crackled through the radio. "The villain has taken a hostage, send someone with a healing quirk—"

"HE SAYS DON'T MOVE OR THE BOY DIES!" Jin's voice rang out, feigning terror, as he held the villain in a tight grip, while Deku's eyes widened, confusion swirling in them.

The villain blinked in disbelief, hearing Jin's words. Jin's grip tightened, his face unreadable, but his lips curled into a faint smile. "It's fine… I understand you. It's not your fault." The villain stilled, confusion flickering in his bloodshot eyes. Jin's words pierced through the haze of pain and anger.

The man trembled, trying to pull his hand free. "L-let go... You'll get hurt…" His voice was weak, almost pleading.

Jin's voice was soft but firm. "It's fine. There's always pain when you try to help people. Just like you did."

"LET GOO!" The villain's voice grew desperate, his powers flaring, as cracks spread across Jin's arm. But Jin didn't flinch, his voice steady, almost soothing. "Four years ago... I know it wasn't your fault, Mr. Grieve. I saw it."

The villain's eyes widened in shock, the blood draining from his face as Jin spoke his name.

"She was my mother, after all."

Tears welled up in the villain's eyes, his body trembling. "I-I'm sorry... I-I tried my best... Forgive me, please..." His voice broke, filled with years of guilt and regret.

Jin's grip softened, his voice calm. "I know. You saved me from the debris... But she was already gone. It wasn't your fault."

The villain's legs gave way, and he collapsed, tears spilling freely down his face. "The hands of fate... are cruel…" His sobs echoed, raw and uncontrollable.

"I know you don't want to hurt anyone," Jin murmured, crouching beside him, his hand resting on the man's shoulder. "I will bring them all to light. So please... don't become what they want you to be."

The villain quieted, his breathing ragged but calmer as Jin released his hand. "W-what can we even do... we're just..." His voice was barely a whisper, broken by years of torment.

Jin patted his shoulder gently. "Brave. Brave enough to face injustice... even when the whole world is against us."

A faint smile tugged at the corners of the villain's lips before he collapsed into unconsciousness, his body battered but at peace.

Everything unfolded exactly as it should have. It all went according to plan.

And yet, on that very rooftop where All Might had once revealed his weakened form to Deku, Jin stood silently, watching the slime villain squirm inside the plastic bottle in his hand. His sunglasses had fallen somewhere along the way, and his sharp eyes fixated on the back of the skinny, diminished All Might as he walked away, having given them his iconic speech.

Jin's lips bled as he bit down hard, barely containing the rage bubbling beneath the surface. Deku sobbed quietly behind him.

**'Fine... I'll do it my fucking self.'**

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