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There was no shop in all of Diagon Alley that Rachel liked as much as Flourish and Blotts, second only to Honeydukes in Hogsmeade. She still remembered the first time she had gone to Diagon Alley with her parents. It had been crazy, like entering a dream; there were so many colors and people. Even her father still accompanied her there sometimes.

"Alright," she said, looking at the list of books in her hand. "Let's split up. Hagrid, take Charms, History of Magic, and Astronomy books," Hagrid nodded, taking the list in his huge hand.

"I'm right on it, Rae," he said before walking away.

"You and I are going to take the rest," Rachel said, smiling at Harry, who nodded his head, but there was something in his eyes different from before.

"Hey," she said, stopping in front of him. "Is there something wrong?"

Harry seemed surprised by her question, and she just smiled to encourage him to go on.

"I'm fine," he said, shrugging his shoulder. "It's just… I don't know anything about Hogwarts or this world. I'm just... nervous," Rachel smiled.

"You don't need to be," she assured him. "You are not the only one to be that overwhelmed. But trust me, I think not knowing is even better. Surprises will never stop arriving. It'll be like an adventure." Harry smiled brightly, nodding his head. She couldn't help but feel proud of herself for being able to make him feel better.

Harry was really the sweetest boy she had ever met. She almost couldn't believe how kind he was, even if he had to grow up with the Dursleys. He had been kind even at the Leaky Cauldron when all those people understood who he was and started to shake his hand one by one. They even met Professor Quirrell there. He was the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. The man was an adventurer, even if he seemed to be scared of everything around him. 

"When Hagrid says he wants a dragon," Harry said while Rachel was searching for his Herbology book. "Does he mean a real dragon?"

"Oh yes," she answered, laughing lightly. "He really wants one." Harry blinked in pleasant confusion.

"Have you ever seen one?" he asked with wide eyes. Rachel, who had found the book, handed it to him.

"Yes," she said after thinking for a moment. "But he was small; he was born just a few days before," Harry laughed incredulously.

"See?" Rachel said. "Everything is a surprise." Harry adjusted his glasses over his nose.

He was curious about everything that came to his view. Just a few hours back, they had gone to the Gringotts, the wizardry bank, to take Harry's money. The Gringotts were run by goblins, small and strange creatures with pointy teeth and ears. Harry had looked at them with fascination.

"Now go take 'A Beginners' Guide to Transfiguration'; it should be over there," Rachel said, pointing towards the shelves while she went to take his Defense Against the Dark Arts book.

She was looking through the books when a happy voice made her turn quickly. "Miss Harvey, hello!" 

A smile formed on Rachel's face when she saw Lee Jordan. 

"Hello, Lee," she greeted him with a smile. Lee was a boy from Gryffindor about to start his third year at Hogwarts. Rachel knew him well because he was often in trouble with his partners in crime, the Weasley twins, Fred and George. Lee was very talkative and funny; indeed, that year, he had become a speaker for the Quidditch match.

"It's so good to see you here, Miss," he said with his usual large smile. "Did you miss your students?"

She laughed lightly. "I always miss my students."

"What were you looking for, Miss? I can help," he exclaimed kindly. "You're surely carrying a lot of books."

"You are very kind," she said. "But it's all done." She took the book she was looking for from the shelf. Lee looked curiously at it, frowning a little. Then he smiled again before saying his goodbye and walking away with his mother.

Rachel then went to find Harry. When she spotted him, he had just taken the book he was searching for when a brunette girl bumped into him.

"Oh, sorry," she heard Harry say.

"No, it was my fault…Hi!" she said, widening her eyes. Even Harry had the same expression.

"Hi," he said incredulously. 

"You are the boy down the street. Harry, right? Dudley's cousin." Harry nodded his head. "I can't believe you are a wizard, too," the girl said very calmly. "Wait… is Dudley...?"

But Harry interrupted her, shaking his head. "No, no. Thank God no," the girl laughed.

"Well, more time for us away from him, I guess." Harry smiled, too.

"Cora," a woman called, and the girl looked over her shoulder before turning to Harry again.

"It was very nice to meet you. I guess I'll see you at school. Bye… Harry," she said, waving her hand before running out of the shop while Harry was waving back.

Rachel couldn't believe that there was another witch in Privet Drive. 

She walked to the boy with a smile. "So… who is she? A friend of yours?" Harry turned to her, shaking his head with a small smile.

"No, she's just my neighbor. She..." he stopped suddenly, making her frown a little. "She plays football near my uncle's house. She seems cool." Then he took the books from her hands. "I'll find Hagrid and go pay."

"Sure," Rachel said, looking at him with all the books in his hand. "Do you need help with the coins?"

"No please," he said with shiny eyes. "I want to try wizardry money on my own."

Rachel nodded with a laugh. "Suit yourself," he smiled happily.

"Then ice cream," he said.

"First wand, then parchment, and then ice cream," she said.

Harry laughed. "I tried." 

At that moment, he really seemed like James. "Go," she said with a smile, watching him walk through the crowd.

The three of them were walking on the street of Diagon Alley, their hands full of bags with Harry's school stuff. They were walking to Olivander, the wand maker. Everyone bought their wand from Olivander. Buying a wand was very important for a wizard, and when you found one, it was very special. It was a strange feeling; it was impossible to explain, but she still remembered how she felt when she held hers for the first time. It had been natural. Right. And Olivander made the best wands. He was able to understand the person in front of him just by a look, and he remembered everyone who had entered his shop. Rachel stopped before entering in there.

He remembered… everyone.

"Yer alright, Rae?" Hagrid asked, kindly turning to her. Even Harry had turned and looked at her with big, green, confused eyes.

"Yeah," she said. "But what do you think if I go to take the parchment while you're… in there?" Hagrid looked at her, confused.

"Rae are yer sure?" he asked with a frown, "I mean I was sure yer wanted…"

"It's alright, Rachel," Harry said with a smile. "We'll have more time for the ice cream," she returned the gesture.

"Good luck with your wand," Rachel said before looking at the boy entering the shop.

"Yer'r really sure?" Hagrid asked, and when Rachel nodded, he followed the boy.

Rachel stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do. Maybe she had to enter, but… 

She shook her head and turned to walk to the parchment shop, but the moment she made a step, she bumped into someone. She was about to apologize when she looked at the person in front of her. It was a woman. She was tall and blond, with a pointy face and an elegant dress. At her side, there was a man with a black robe, white-blond hair, and grey eyes. Her heart stopped for a moment. Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy were in front of her. It had been years since she had seen them last.

"Watch where you are going, Harvey," Lucius Malfoy spat at her with a disgusted voice. Her blood ran cold, and without even glancing at them, she walked away. Just at that moment, she noticed the boy next to them. He was so similar to his father that it almost scared her. She really hoped for him to be like Lucius just in the look.

Rachel walked in the street full of people, trying to put as much distance as she could from the Malfoys. In a few moments, she stepped into the parchment shop. The smell of parchment surrounded her and calmed her immediately. She wasn't the one who should feel ashamed.

"Rachel, dear," a voice said, making her open her eyes to see an old lady with grey hair and a red bag.

"Miss Longbottom, hi," she greeted, trying to forget about her discomfort from before.

"Dear, it's so nice to see you," she said, kissing Rachel's cheeks.

"Likewise, Miss. Doing shopping with your nephew?" she asked.

"Yes, he is... where is that boy?" the woman started to look around the shop. "Neville! Come here!" A plump boy with brown hair and a funny face ran to them.

"I found the parchment," he said before noticing Rachel. "Hey, Rachel. Hi!" he exclaimed, hugging Rachel quickly with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Hi, Neville. How are you?" Rachel asked.

"Fine, I think," he answered a bit nervous.

"I'm very happy you are coming to Hogwarts this year." She knew that Neville had struggled a bit before showing his magical powers. For a moment, his grandmother thought he was a squib. "Don't worry about anything," she kept saying, putting a hand on Neville's shoulder. "Hogwarts is amazing. You will feel at home, and if there are going to be any problems, just come to me."

"Thank you, Rachel," he said with a shy smile. Neville was really sweet.

"Go pay, boy," Miss Longbottom said, slightly pushing her nephew. Neville nodded, walking away and waving at Rachel like always.

Miss Longbottom looked at Rachel for a moment with apprehension "You're pale, dear. Are you alright?"

Rachel tried to smile truthfully; she didn't want to get Miss Longbottom worried.

"Yes, Miss. Thank you," she said, then, after a moment, she took a breath. "Miss, I wanted to apologize for not passing by this month," the woman looked at her with a sad but grateful smile. "How're Frank and Alice?" Rachel asked carefully.

The woman took a breath. "Like always, I'm afraid. Thanks for asking." Rachel nodded her head, biting her lips. When Neville got back, Miss Longbottom invited her for tea before going away.

When Rachel got back to the Leaky Cauldron with Harry and Hagrid, they walked in silence. Something very strange for them. When they sat down in Harry's room at the inn, Harry finally said what was worrying him. Apparently, Olivander had said something to Harry about expecting greatness from him. He felt under pressure, and Rachel felt bad for him. She really didn't want him to feel that stress. After their chat and after saying goodbye to Hagrid, who was coming back to Hogwarts, Harry went to sleep.

Before Hagrid went away, they went into Rachel's room. 

"How long are you staying, Rae?" Hagrid asked while she was doing a spell to silence her room.

"Just tomorrow," she answered, getting her jacket off. "I'll bring him back to his uncles in the morning."

"I hope ye'd stayed all the summer. You've waited ten years for this moment," Hagrid said, scoffing. Rachel felt the same way, but she really didn't want to talk about it.

"Why did Dumbledore want you to take it?" she asked. "The Philosopher's Stone?"

Hagrid shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. But if Dumbledore says so, I'll do it." Rachel really admired Hagrid's loyalty to the old headmaster. Loyalty was everything to her.

"A'rght," Hagrid said. "It's time for me to go. Here's Harry's ticket." Rachel took it from her friend.

"Leave it to me," she said.

"I'll see yer tomorrow, then," Hagrid said before disappearing.

In the morning Rachel woke Harry early, she really didn't want to, but walking in a muggle neighborhood with a trunk and an owl wasn't very wise. Rachel really didn't want to bring Harry back to the Dursleys, but she really had no choice. 

Little Whinging reminded Rachel of the neighborhood she grew up in, where her parents still lived. Rachel now lived in London; she moved into her flat when she finished school.

"Have you chosen her name?" Rachel asked, watching the white owl that Harry was bringing into the cage. The boy looked down at his new pet with a nod.

"Hedwig," he said with a small smile. "I read this name last night in the History of Magic book." Rachel looked at the owl. It was a nice name; it fitted her.

"Did you have a pet?" he asked. "At Hogwarts."

Rachel smiled at the memory. "I really wanted a cat, but my sister was allergic." 

"Have you ever got one?" Harry said curiously.

"No," she answered, shaking her head. "But I got an owl, Billy."

"Billy?" Harry repeated with a light laugh.

"What's wrong with Billy?" Rachel asked, giggling alongside Harry.

"Nothing," Harry said cheerfully. "Just I wouldn't have thought of a name like this for an owl." 

"I wasn't very creative with names," Rachel admitted. "My..." she stopped suddenly, making Harry turn to her with a little frown, "One of my friends used to say that." 

They walked in silence after that, but Harry didn't seem to mind. It was pretty early, so fortunately, no one was in the street. 

"Where do you play usually?" she asked when they passed a small park where children would surely crowd during the afternoon.

"Err…" Harry said before turning to her with a scroll of his shoulders. "I like to stay in my… room. I play there." Rachel nodded her head, studying Harry for a moment. It was strange that she barely knew that boy, but she felt like she understood him and him. She felt like he wasn't really being honest at that moment, but she didn't push; she had no right after all.

"When I'll be at Hogwarts," he said after a moment. "Will I call you professor?"

Rachel found herself smiling again. "No."

"How should I call you then?" he asked curiously.

"Well," she said, thinking, "Students usually call me Miss. Harvey, but even Rachel."

He nodded. "Can I call you Rachel, then?" he asked shyly.

Rachel turned to him, stopping her walking. Harry stopped, too. She hadn't smiled that much in years. She looked down at the boy who had stolen James' face and Lily's eyes, and she couldn't believe she was standing talking finally with him.

"I would like that," she said.

Harry smiled widely, nodding his head and taking her hand again. They walked like that, talking all the time, until they arrived in front of the n° 4. 

"Here's your ticket," she said, handing Harry his Hogwarts Express ticket. "Remember, 1st September, King's Cross. The train leaves at 11 o'clock." The boy took the ticket in his hand, nodding his head. 

Rachel then rang the bell, and they waited for a moment. 

"Maybe they're sleeping," Harry said, turning to Rachel. She already didn't want to leave him there; the Durselys' not opening wasn't helping her. After a moment, she rang the bell again, and this time, she heard footsteps inside the house. Finally, Petunia opened the door. She looked at them like she had seen robbers trying to break into the house.

"Hi," Harry said, interrupting the silence.

"I've brought you, Harry, back," Rachel said, putting one hand on Harry's shoulder. Petunia looked at her with a hateful expression, but Rachel decided to ignore her, and she turned to Harry. "Do you need help with your things?" she asked softly.

But before he had the chance to answer, Petunia spoke, "Vernon will bring it upstairs later."

"Upstairs?" asked Harry frowning.

"Yes, upstairs," Petunia said sternly. "Get in." Rachel looked between the boy and his aunt; she didn't like how she was speaking to him. Rachel's thoughts drifted away when she felt Harry hugging her quickly.

"I'll see you at Hogwarts," Harry said with a light smile.

Rachel just nodded her head, watching him walk inside, but before he could go upstairs, she spoke, "Harry, if you've got any problems, don't worry. I'll know." Her eyes moved to Petunia. She had seen how they didn't want him to go to Hogwarts; she didn't want them to forbid him to go. Her plan seemed to have worked because Petunia was looking at her with a dreadful face.

"Thanks, Rachel," Harry said, smiling again before running up the stairs.

Rachel looked at Petunia again, and with a smile, she asked, "How's Dudley?" As an answer, Petunia shut the door. Rachel bit her lips. Maybe that was uncalled for, but she couldn't stop herself. She turned her back at the door and started to walk away. When she heard a knock, turning, she saw Harry waving his hand at the window. She waved back before walking away. 

CassieBaratheon CassieBaratheon

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