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66.66% Tensura: Beyond the Void / Chapter 2: Chapter-2 "The Void's Gift: Friendship and the Dawn of Creation"

Bab 2: Chapter-2 "The Void's Gift: Friendship and the Dawn of Creation"


-This chapter was around 3500 words i hope you guys enjoy it.

ALL READER READ THIS:- I won't follow the tensura canon history of Veldanava and the storyline and the world-building, I don't even remember half the skills the demons and primordial angels have. And there are so many contradicting sources of what skill Feldway had at the start. Honestly, I just got more confused, So I am just gonna keep it vague and add them as I see fit. But I promise to make it interesting for you reader so just TRUST ME, BRO. hehe.

-This chapter was rushed so there might be some inconsistencies.

-Also I noticed that someone actually sent me Powers Stone, haha honestly I have zero idea what they are used for. but I promise i will figure out what they are used for before the next chapter. Also thx you kind person for your gift.

Also IMPORTANT MESSAGE at the end of the chapter be sure to read that.


-Fun fact it took me 20 whole minutes to decide on this chapter name, in the end, I just looked at what I wrote in this chapter and just wrote that down vaguely and messed around with words and *BOOM* that's how I came up with the chapter name.



[Omniscient narrator P.O.V]



"Tasty," the being said after sampling Veldanava's energy. The simple word carried a weight of comprehension that both thrilled and intrigued the dragon god.


Veldanava's dragon face broke into an enormous smile. At last, he had found someone to converse with, a potential end to his cosmic solitude. In his excitement, Veldanava overlooked a crucial detail: this entity originated from beyond the boundaries of his own carefully crafted universe.


Eager to observe more closely, Veldanava shifted into his humanoid form. As he watched, he noticed the entity undergoing a transformation after absorbing a significant amount of his energy. While its true essence remained a swirling mass of unique void energy, its overall form began to take on a humanoid appearance.


The being now resembled a starry void given form - a swirling darkness peppered with pinpricks of light. Atop its head, 9-inch horns curved slightly backward at the tips, while hair that seemed to capture the essence of a star-speckled night sky fell just below its neck. Upon closer inspection, one could observe a mesmerizing phenomenon - the entity appeared to be drawing in the surrounding reality like a cosmic singularity, warping the very fabric of space-time around itself.


Veldanava found himself pondering the fate of the magicules that were being passively absorbed into this being. He surmised that they must be fueling the unique energy the creature possessed - an energy that bore an uncanny resemblance to his own "Turn Null" in its destructive potential. The similarities were striking, yet there was something fundamentally different about this being's power.


Then, to Veldanava's fascination, the entity began to change its shape once more. This new form caught the dragon god's attention, presenting an even more intriguing appearance.


As the entity continued to change and adapt, Veldanava found himself lost in contemplation. He marveled at the intricate patterns forming across the being's skin, each one telling a story of cosmic creation and destruction. The air around them crackled with potential as if the very universe was holding its breath in anticipation of what might come next.


So engrossed was Veldanava in his thoughts and observations that he failed to notice the being was now pointing directly at him. The gesture held an air of curiosity, perhaps even recognition, that added another layer of intrigue to this cosmic encounter.


[MC P.O.V]


My consciousness sharpened, focusing on the dragon before me - Veldanava. His gaze wasn't fixed directly on me, but rather on the space around me. I could sense his fascination with the way reality seemed to warp and bend in my presence, the fabric of his creation being slowly consumed by my mere existence.


It was intriguing to watch him observe me. His eyes, filled with the wisdom of a universe creator, darted about, analyzing every detail of the distortion I caused.


As I observed Veldanava, I couldn't help but reflect on the vast expanse of time that separated us. I had existed long before this dragon god had even conceived of creating his universe. The energies that made up my being were ancient beyond measure, having witnessed the birth and death of countless realities.


Veldanava's fascination with me was almost endearing. To him, I must have seemed like an anomaly, a being that defied the laws of his carefully crafted universe. But to me, he was young - powerful, yes, but still in his infancy compared to the eons I had experienced.


Veldanava's hand began to move towards me, seemingly unaware of the consequences. Did he not realize that any contact would result in me absorbing more of his energy? Perhaps his curiosity outweighed his caution. Or maybe, as the creator of this realm, he believed himself immune to such effects.


The energy I had consumed from him, while potent, was but a drop in the ocean of power I had accumulated over my incomprehensible lifespan. Yet, it was unique in its flavor, carrying with it the essence of this particular universe's creation. I savored it, adding its distinct signature to the vast library of energies I had tasted across the multiplicity of existence.


The newly formed humanoid shape felt strange, too similar to Veldanava's for comfort. With a thought, I began to reshape my appearance, my body responding fluidly to my will. The horns atop my head shrank gradually, receding until they vanished completely, leaving a smooth silhouette.


The energy composing my form began to undulate, resembling dark flames licking at the air. These ethereal fires danced and swayed, creating a mesmerizing display of shadowy light. I adjusted their intensity, reining them in until they extended just two centimeters from my body's surface, a subtle aura of darkness.


Across my obsidian form, I willed into existence small streaks of white light. These luminous lines appeared and disappeared in rhythmic patterns, like fleeting shooting stars against a night sky. They represented Veldanava's absorbed energy, seemingly struggling against my primordial void essence - my "Essentia Vacui". But in truth, this dance of light and dark was a manifestation of his power being converted, strengthening my own cosmic void energy.


At my core, I crafted a fascinating structure - a miniature wormhole that resembled a black hole in appearance. This wasn't merely for show; it served as a gateway to a distant part of the Void, a realm between realities that I called home. This portal acted as a cosmic converter and storage unit, allowing me to process vast quantities of energy rapidly.


As Veldanava's potent energy continued to flow into me, I directed the excess through this wormhole. There, it would be gradually transmuted into my signature void essence, ready to be called upon whenever I needed a power boost. The efficiency of this system was remarkable, enabling me to absorb and store tremendous amounts of energy without overwhelming my form.


I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as I continued to accumulate Veldanava's power. Its unique flavor, the essence of this universe's creation, was indeed delectable. A part of me looked forward to savoring it again in the future, either as a power source or simply as a cosmic delicacy. The thought amused me, and if I had a mouth in this form, I might have smiled at the idea of treating a god's energy as a snack.


[MC new form image 1 in comments] (btw his height is like 2-3 feet at best, haha I will make him taller in the future)

(MC looks like this but darker, more black like a void)

[Worm-hole/blackhole image 2 in comments]


[Omniscient narrator POV]


Veldanava's excitement was palpable as he began to engage with the entity before him. His words tumbled out in a torrent; each question barely finished before the next began.


"Who are you? Where did you come from? How did you get here? What is your purpose? Can you create things like I can? What do you think of this universe? How old are you? Do you have a name? What's the nature of your power? Can you feel emotions? Do you know of other universes? What does the void between realities look like? How do you perceive time? Can you remember your origins?"


The questions flowed endlessly, Veldanava's eyes shining with unbridled interest. He was eager to understand this mysterious being that had appeared in his newly created universe.


In stark contrast, the entity's responses were minimalistic, often limited to single words or short phrases. "Hello," it would say, its voice a whisper of cosmic winds. "Void," it might add, attempting to describe itself. "Ancient," came another response, hinting at its age.


"Tasty," the being repeated several times, especially when Veldanava's creation energy flowed near it. This word seemed to hold special significance as if the dragon god's power was particularly appealing to the entity.


Other responses included:










Each word was delivered with a sense of consideration as if the entity was carefully choosing its limited responses. "Energy flows," it said at one point, possibly describing its perception of the universe.


When pressed about its identity, the being fell into contemplative silence. Its attempts at answers were fragmented, and uncertain. "I am... void," it might say, or "Existed... before," leaving much unsaid.


Veldanava found he could relate to this uncertainty on some level. After all, his own existence was a mystery even to himself. He knew he was a true dragon, but the how and why of his being remained elusive even to his omniscient mind.


As their interaction continued, Veldanava's creative spirit surged, but each new idea was immediately revealed to him due to his omniscience, leaving him with a sense of pondering and disappointment. In contrast, he observed how his new companion seemed to genuinely enjoy and appreciate each new aspect of creation, finding wonder in the universe Veldanava had crafted.


The dragon god found himself caught in a paradox of his own making. His power to know all meant he could never experience the thrill of the unknown, the joy of discovery. He watched his new companion with a mix of envy and fascination. The entity seemed to find wonder in each new thing Veldanava showed it, its simple responses of "Interesting" or "Beautiful" filled with genuine appreciation.


This contrast left Veldanava pondering the nature of his own existence. The disappointment of knowing every outcome before it occurred weighed heavily upon him. He began to question the value of omniscience, wondering if true happiness lay in the ability to be surprised, to learn, to grow.


As Veldanava grappled with these thoughts, he couldn't help but feel a growing kinship with the mysterious being. Despite their vast differences, they were both navigating the complexities of existence, each in their own way. The dragon god found himself hoping that this strange entity might somehow help him find a path through the endless knowledge that both blessed and cursed him.


Veldanava's desire to experience the unknown grew stronger with each passing moment. The weight of omniscience bore down on him, a burden that prevented him from truly enjoying his own creation. He gazed at Nihilux, a being of mystery and constant surprise, with a mixture of fondness and envy.


"Nihilux," Veldanava mused aloud, his voice tinged with longing, "what I wouldn't give to experience the world as you do. To be surprised, to learn, to truly feel the wonder of discovery."


The entity tilted its head, responding with a simple "Unknown... valuable?"


Veldanava nodded emphatically. "More valuable than you can imagine. This all-knowing state... it's both a gift and a curse. I want to create a world filled with diverse beings, each unique and unpredictable. But how can I truly appreciate their growth if I already know every outcome?"


He paced, his form shimmering with barely contained energy. "I need to create a system, something that will allow these beings to develop, to surprise even me. But more than that, I wish I could shed this omniscience, even for a moment, to feel what it's like to not know something."


Veldanava's eyes gleamed as he watched Nihilux absorb and react to the world around them. "To experience something truly new, to be awed by the unexpected - oh, how I crave that feeling. As long as I possess these powers, such experiences are beyond my reach."


The dragon god's words hung in the air, heavy with emotion and unfulfilled desire. It was clear that this longing was shaping his thoughts, pushing him towards decisions that would have far-reaching consequences for his universe.

Veldanava observed his friend happly eating his energy with joy. He saw how Nihilux was limiting himself and eating slowly enjoy every bit. then suddenly....


"Perhaps," Veldanava whispered, almost to himself, "there's a way to change this. To limit my own knowledge, to allow for true surprise and growth." The seed of an idea had been planted, one that would take years to fully form but would ultimately lead to monumental changes in the fabric of his reality.



In the span of those ten years, Veldanava's bond with the entity he now called "Nihilux" deepened. The dragon god found himself constantly seeking out his mysterious companion, eager to share his thoughts and plans.


"Nihilux," Veldanava would say, his voice filled with enthusiasm, "I've been thinking about creating other races. Beings that can grow, learn, and evolve. What do you think?"


Nihilux would typically respond with his characteristic brevity. "Interesting," he might say, or "Growth... good."


Veldanava would then launch into detailed explanations of his ideas. "I'm envisioning beings of all shapes and sizes. Some with magic, others with incredible physical abilities. There could be races that live in the skies, and others deep beneath the oceans. Each with their own cultures, their own ways of viewing the world."


As he spoke, Veldanava's eyes would light up with excitement, but there was also a hint of longing in his voice. "They'll experience things for the first time, Nihilux. They'll feel surprise, wonder, joy of discovery. Oh, how I wish I could feel that too."


Nihilux would listen silently, occasionally offering words like "Fascinating" or "Complex."


Veldanava continued to share his evolving plans. "I'm also considering creating a system, something to help these beings grow and develop. It's still a vague idea, but I feel it's important."


Throughout these conversations, Veldanava found himself increasingly drawn to the idea of experiencing the unknown. He envied Nihilux's ability to be surprised, to truly experience things anew. This desire was slowly shaping into a plan, though its full implications were yet to be realized.


Little did Veldanava know that these musings would eventually lead to the creation of the Primordial Angels and the entity known as VOTW (Voice of the World). These nascent ideas, shared with his enigmatic friend Nihilux, were the first steps on a path that would reshape the very fabric of his universe


Throughout their many conversations, Veldanava made a conscious effort to rely on his omniscience as little as possible. This self-imposed restriction was perhaps an attempt to create a semblance of surprise and joy for himself, or maybe it was his way of showing care for Nihilux, wanting to engage in genuine dialogue with his companion.


Veldanava continued to share his energy generously with Nihilux, delighting in the entity's obvious enjoyment. "Here, my friend," he would say, offering another burst of his power. "Feast to your heart's content." He couldn't help but smile as Nihilux eagerly absorbed the energy, repeating his favorite word: "Tasty."


Their talks were wide-ranging, though primarily dominated by Veldanava's enthusiastic explanations of his plans for the world. He described the various beings he wanted to create, the ecosystems they would inhabit, and the potential for growth and change.


Nihilux, true to his nature, remained mostly quiet during these discussions. His responses were typically brief: "Interesting," "Complex," or "Vast ideas." Yet, Veldanava treasured these simple replies, finding comfort in Nihilux's steady presence and attention.



When Veldanava finally revealed his plan to relinquish his omniscience and all his remaining power of omnipotence to create a world-governing system, Nihilux's response was uncharacteristically emotional: "Dangerous. You... vulnerable?"


The concern in Nihilux's voice was palpable, a stark departure from his usual detached demeanor. Veldanava was touched by this rare display of emotion from his enigmatic friend.


"Your worry warms my heart, Nihilux," Veldanava said softly, his voice filled with affection. "Yes, I will be vulnerable in ways I've never been before. But that's precisely what I'm seeking - the ability to grow, to be surprised, to truly live in this world I've created."


He paused, considering his next words carefully. "I understand the risks and it's not that I am weak without my omni powers I am a true dragon after all, but the potential for new experiences, for genuine wonder and discovery, is worth it to me. This is not a decision I've made lightly."


Nihilux seemed to ponder this for a moment before responding, "You... certain?"


Veldanava nodded, his eyes shining with determination and a hint of excitement. "I am. But I'm grateful for your concern, my friend. Your presence here, your support - it means more to me than you know. Will you stay with me as I embark on this new journey?"


"Always here," Nihilux replied simply, but the words carried a weight of commitment that reassured Veldanava.


The dragon god smiled, feeling a mix of anticipation and comfort. Even as he prepared to fundamentally change his existence, he knew he wouldn't be facing the unknown alone.


However, Veldanava detected a hint of concern in Nihilux's voice. It warmed his heart to realize that his first friend cared about his well-being. This subtle show of emotion from the usually impassive entity meant more to Veldanava than any grand gesture.


At the same time, Veldanava sensed Nihilux's preference for the status quo. Unlike the dragon god's restless desire for change and new experiences, Nihilux seemed content with the quiet, unchanging nature of his home in the Void between realities. Veldanava pondered whether this preference stemmed from how the Void resonated with Nihilux's own nature, or if it was simply that Nihilux preferred his role as a passive observer of existence.


Despite their differences, Veldanava found great comfort in Nihilux's companionship. As he stood on the brink of monumental changes to himself and his creation, he was grateful to have this enigmatic being by his side, a silent but supportive presence in the face of the unknown future.


Nihilux had been contemplating plans for the void space, a challenging endeavor given that the void's nature caused anything made of creation, no matter how strong, to eventually decay and return to nothingness. He had ideas to use his own void Essence to create things that might endure, acting as extensions of himself, but those were tasks for his future self to tackle.


For now, Nihilux was content to remain with Veldanava, listening to the dragon god's grand plans while feasting on his delectable creation energy. Veldanava had explained that this energy was star-dust, a concentrated form of magicules. Nihilux found it endlessly fascinating and satisfying.


It wasn't that Nihilux didn't care about Veldanava's ambitious projects; he simply preferred the current state of things. He enjoyed their conversations, savoring Veldanava's immense energy source to pass the time. When Veldanava would fly off to continue shaping his planet, Nihilux would return to the void between realities. He found profound peace there, feeling more at home in that endless nothingness than anywhere else.


Despite his preference for the void, Nihilux always returned to listen to Veldanava's excited explanations of his latest ideas. Their friendship had grown, with Nihilux providing a calm, steady presence to balance Veldanava's enthusiastic energy.


At the conclusion of one of their talks, Veldanava announced he was ready to make his first creation: an angel. To Nihilux's surprise, Veldanava asked if he could use Nihilux's own "Ego" as a template for this angelic being. Intrigued by the prospect and curious to see what kind of being Veldanava would create, Nihilux agreed.


This moment marked a significant step in Veldanava's creative journey, and Nihilux found himself looking forward to observing the outcome of this new endeavor. Though he might prefer the quiet of the void, he couldn't deny a growing interest in Veldanava's world-building process.


Veldanava focused intently on Nihilux, his omniscient gaze penetrating the very essence of his void friend. With meticulous care, he extracted a copy of Nihilux's Ego, not the personality or powers, but the fundamental core that granted sentience. Veldanava then refined this copy, stripping away all specific traits until only an "Empty Ego" remained – a perfect, blank template for his creation.


With this foundation prepared, Veldanava began crafting his first angel. He started by forming a soul, powerful yet unmarked, like a pristine sheet of paper awaiting its first inscription. Then, with delicate precision, he merged the Empty Ego with this new soul. This fusion wouldn't grant true sentience, but it would imbue the being with an innate curiosity and a desire to learn about the world around it. The angel would have the capacity to understand beyond basic commands, allowing for natural growth and development.


[Image 3 in the comments]



Satisfied with his work, Veldanava carefully placed the nascent angelic body into his metaphysical storage. He decided to allow some time for the soul to fully integrate with the Ego, a process that would ensure stability in his creation.


As this integration took place, Veldanava turned his attention to an even more ambitious project – the creation of a system to manage all his realities. This would be a complex undertaking, requiring careful planning and execution. He began to sketch out the framework for this cosmic system, considering how it would interact with and govern the various aspects of his creation.


Veldanava's mind raced with possibilities as he worked. He envisioned a system that would not only maintain the balance of his universes but also allow for growth, change, and even surprises – elements he so desperately craved in his own existence.


As he delved deeper into this new project, Veldanava couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. He was on the cusp of transforming not just his creation, but his very own nature as a creator. And through it all, Nihilux remained a silent but supportive presence, observing the birth of a new cosmic order.




-so basically I am going to be traveling tomorrow to another country tomorrow. So I will be very very busy for about a week so I decided to release this chapter early. Next chapter will be late like probably not before the 27th of August of this month.

- This chapter was rushed so there might be some inconsistencies.


 I am changing the expected release time for chapters from 4-5 days to about 7 days. As I am going to be busy this week, so yeah won't have much time to write + I also need to write a few drafts chapters before I finalize them(which is about a good 40-50% of the published chapter, basically means I fill in all the background stuff in their conservations.) before posting them here, so I try to keep the drafts at least 2 chapters ahead of the published chapter so I know what I want with this story and where I want to take it.





Rayanghost Rayanghost


-so basically I am going to be traveling tomorrow to another country tomorrow. So I will be very very busy for about a week so I decided to release this chapter early. Next chapter will be late like probably not before the 27th of August of this month.

- This chapter was rushed so there might be some inconsistencies.]

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