Unduh Aplikasi
22.85% Railroaded [Honkai: Star Rail] / Chapter 8: It Followed Me Home

Bab 8: It Followed Me Home

"In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity."

- Sun Tzu


Himeko watches as Xander's body dematerializes in front of the space anchor, his form disappearing. The only remaining proof of his presence is dust made up of small blue sparks that float in the air before finally fading away.

Welt turns to her, a pensive look on his face. "Do you think it was wise to let him go alone?" he asks. "Couldn't we have contacted Asta or Herta to gather the necessary information about Jarilo-VI without him visiting the space station himself?"

Himeko considers Welt's question for a moment before responding. "My gut tells me that whatever arrangement Xander has with Herta is the reason he's compelled to go to the space station personally," she explains. "Furthermore, he raised valid points about taking additional precautions before the expedition. One could argue, from an objective standpoint, that he's proactively taking steps to improve the mission's outcome and ensure the safety of March, Dan, and himself while they're on the planet's surface."

She pauses, looking at her companions. "It's a step in the right direction, considering that he initially seemed indifferent towards us. His actions suggest otherwise—he's invested, and anything that deepens his commitment to the Astral Express benefits us all."

Himeko turns back to Welt, curiosity in her eyes. "Do you have reservations about letting him leave?"

Welt shakes his head. "I had the same thoughts as you, Himeko. I only wanted to hear your perspective on the matter." He adjusts his glasses, his expression growing serious. "However, I must warn you that Xander's commitment to the mission doesn't necessarily mean he's committed to the Astral Express. While the two are connected, they're not the same thing."

Himeko smiles, acknowledging Welt's point. "You're right, but we have to start somewhere, don't we?" She glances at Dan and March, who sit there, slightly embarrassed, but both nodding in agreement. They both knew through personal experience what she was insinuating.1

Welt returns Himeko's smile. He turns to March and Dan, his tone reassuring. "Be prepared in case the Legion attacks us, although I believe it is highly unlikely it will happen."

March raises her hand, a puzzled expression on her face. "Mr. Yang, I have a question about something Xander mentioned. He expressed concern about encountering... what was it? Zealot communists on the planet?"

Welt pauses, his brow furrowing as he tries to recall the term. He thinks about it for a second. Then another. Then another. Finally, he shakes his head, a bemused smile on his face. "I'm afraid it escapes me. It must be nothing of consequence."

The group chuckles at Welt's reaction, the tension in the room easing slightly. Himeko looks out at the vast expanse of space, wondering what challenges and discoveries await them on their journey with their enigmatic new companion.


What the fuck was that?

I grit my teeth, my hands clenched into fists as I struggle to push myself up from the cold, hard floor. Every muscle in my body screams in protest, the phantom pain of the Reaver's blade still searing through my stomach.

Herta's voice chimes in from somewhere nearby, her tone dripping with sadistic glee as she watches me writhe on the ground like a wounded animal. "You were only in the Simulated Universe for what? Under a minute?" She pauses as if checking a readout. "Hmm… 31 seconds to be exact."

A bitter laugh escapes my lips, morphing into a groan as agony rips through me anew. "Felt like goddamn hours," I manage to choke out.

"7 hours, 26 minutes and 41 seconds in sim-time." Her explanation does little to ease my suffering. I'd guessed time ran faster1 within the Simulated Universe, but never imagined it would be so extreme.

The pain intensifies. I curl inward, trying desperately to will it away.

Herta scoffs, clearly offended by my lack of gratitude for her twisted creation. "You should be thankful. It's because of me that time moves faster inside there." She examines her nails with an air of boredom as if explaining her work to a simpleton.

"It was required to get as much data as possible on how people interact with Aeons. We didn't know when or how often they'd approach anyone who entered the simulation."

Rolling her eyes, she continues, "Screwllum was being a big baby about it. He wanted to keep the time difference smaller because he was worried about 'mental strain' or whatever." Her voice drips with disdain. "If it were up to me, I would've made the difference even bigger! Just think about how much more data we could get if one hour out here was years or decades in there."

I'm still struggling to breathe, my body refusing to cooperate as I lie on the floor. "Of course you would," I wheeze, "You can just toss your precious dolls into the meat grinder, not giving a damn about the consequences of the time warp."

I cough, my voice growing hoarse. "You act more like a doll than a human. No, more like a monster."

Her eyes flash dangerously as she stalks closer, a feral grin splitting her face. "Oh, I can be so much worse."

She leans in, her whispers dripping with sadistic glee. "I saw it all. How the Trampler cornered you. Your brief triumph dodging its attack, cut short by a Reaver's blade. I heard you scream as it pierced your flesh."

Circling me, she continues. "You fought valiantly, I'll admit. Skilled hit-and-run tactics against the Voidranger horde. Not once did you consider quitting."

Herta fully crouches down, drinking in my torment. "How many attempts will it take for your mind to break, I wonder?"

Jaw clenched, I refuse to give her the satisfaction of a response.

With a herculean effort, I rise to my feet and march towards the simulator entrance again.

I shut my eyes as the odd feeling of dematerialization flows through me while I step over the threshold. Once I open them, I'm greeted by the Storage Zone of the Space Station.

Herta's mocking voice echoes through the air, "Good luck on the attempt!"

I take a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. I hadn't tried it on my first go at it, uncomfortable with the idea, but…

It seems like I don't have a choice.

I close my eyes again, conjuring up an image of March in my head—her cheerful, sometimes grating personality. Her innocent but caring nature. Her striking aquamarine and lilac eyes.

I also picture Dan Heng, with his calm, serious air. His trademark white jacket. His stoic but determined spirit.

Two shapes appear next to me in a burst of blue light as if my thoughts have power. When I open my eyes, simulations of my Astral Express companions now flank me at my sides.

Herta's voice hums with surprise, a hint of fascination in her tone. "Simulating your companions? Did you figure that little trick out all on your own? Color me impressed. I'm curious to see what you'll do next."

The simulated March walks up close, her voice indistinguishable from the real one, "You can count on us, Xander."

Her partner nods in agreement, summoning his lance in a flash of light. March follows suit, her six-phased bow and arrows materializing in her hands.

I ignore them completely, grabbing hold of my handguns while moving up the ramps, their footsteps shadowing my own.

With Dan and March by my side, we battle through hordes of Reavers and Eliminators. The additional support proves invaluable: March's shield enables Dan to unleash his full offensive prowess without fear of injury, while I provide additional ranged support.

I'm quickly becoming familiar with my newest handguns, but I'm not yet confident with the sword. A gift from Herta, it is actually a Curio that can assume the form of any weapon I desire. In the original game, it took the shape of a bat. But as my fingers wrapped around the hilt, it seamlessly transformed into something resembling a curved, single-edge blade with a minimalistic guard.

I'm still wondering why, to be honest.

As we ascend, I consider the Stellaron's power within me. During my first attempt at the Simulated Universe, I tried to recreate the energy burst I unleashed against the Doomsday Beast, but was unsuccessful. I had focused on its light emanating from my chest, and later my hands, but nothing seemed to work.

It's frustrating to admit that, as I am now, I wouldn't make it out of Jarilo-VI alive. Despite this enhanced body, my combat abilities are insufficient. Even extensive training in the Simulated Universe can only take me so far.1 Experience meant shit if you were facing the likes of Svarog or Cocolia.

The harsh truth is that I'm missing an ace to make up for the difference in power. The Stellaron was supposed to be just that, but…

Find a way Alexander, regardless of the cost.

Gritting my teeth, I push aside the gloomy thoughts. God strike me if I ever say it out loud, but Herta's choice to accelerate time within the simulation proved incredibly valuable. I'm already noticing how much quicker I am when reacting to threats.


I stop cold in my tracks. Dan and March stand on either side of me, their weapons trained as they look for signs of danger. I hardly pay attention, my mind turning into a mess of ideas bouncing and clashing against the walls of my skull.

My previous attempt to harness the Stellaron's power might have been misguided. I had envisioned it as a gas leak, but that could have been the wrong approach. The incident with the Doomsday Beast might have been a fluke, something only possible under special circumstances. After all, this body was engineered to contain and stabilize a Stellaron, not to unleash its energy so easily.

Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes and picture it within me. I imagine its shape, its light traveling through my body like signals jumping to every nerve. I imagine a self-sustained core of energy pumping fuel through my muscles, reinforcing my bones, and enhancing my brain.

A sharp sensation pierces my forehead. My eyes fly open, and to my surprise, I'm greeted with—


The world around me has turned black and white, everything now painted in shades of gray. Time appears to have stopped, with Dan and March motionless beside me. However, I could still move normally, completely unaffected by the strange stillness that gripped everything else.

Yet, the changes in my surroundings pale to the sensations that now overwhelm me. Everything seemed closer. The scents were more intense, and, somehow, I could perceive the different elements around me without actually seeing them. And the noise—it was deafening, flooding my senses from all directions.

How can I stop it? It's too much—

I blink, and everything returns to normal. My vision immediately goes black for a second as my knees give out. I collapse to the ground with a gasp.

My simulated companions rush to my side, assisting me to my feet. March asks worriedly, "Are you alright? What happened?"

I can't help but laugh, even as I struggle to catch my breath. "I think," I manage to say, "I may have found my trump card. But damn, the backlash is a bitch."

I'll have to think on my feet and use my time wisely while here. For the first time since I boarded the Express, I feel like I actually have a chance of pulling this off.


March glances at Welt and Himeko playing chess in the lounge, their expressions focused. Dan sits close by, drinking tea and reading a book while she plays with her phone.

Three hours have come and gone since Xander left, and there was still no sign of him. Her anxiety grows with each passing minute, her fingers drumming restlessly against her thigh.

Suddenly, the Space Anchor in the room hums to life, its light strengthening for a brief second. March's head snaps up just in time to see Xander materialize in a shower of blue sparks.

He looks a bit pale, and there are shadows under his eyes, but otherwise, his appearance remains unchanged. She watches him stride over to the group, his expression determined.

"I have information on Jarilo-VI," he announces without preamble. "And a rough idea for how we should approach this expedition."

March's eyes widen in surprise, but before she can voice her thoughts, Xander's attention shifts to the chessboard between Himeko and Welt. He studies it for a moment, and, to her amusement, does a double take, an unbelieving look on his face.1

"…You're a bold one, Himeko. I hope you're not considering King to B7 the right move here."

Himeko nods, not taking her eyes off the board, a smile tugging at her lips. "I was thinking King to B5, frankly," she admits.

"Good, because that's the only move you can make."

Welt chuckles, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Solid," he concedes. "But if I do this…" He makes his own move, and Himeko's brow furrows in concentration.

"Bishop to A6, check."

Xander leans forward, pointing to a specific piece. "I know what you're thinking. King to A4. But that'd be a mistake. He'll move his Bishop to C4, and you won't have a defense against B5 checkmate from the Pawn."

Himeko continues looking at the board. "Yes, but that means my only remaining move leads to—"

"A technical tie," Welt muses, leaning back in his seat. "I'd just move Bishop to E7 again."

She sighs. "I dislike draws."

"Your King went in alone with his horse and forced the enemy to sign a peace treaty by reuniting with their Bishop, all while on enemy territory. Doesn't sound like much of a draw to me."

Himeko smiles for a second, turning to Xander. Her expression shifts from amusement to concern just as quickly. "Are you alright? You look tired."

Xander waves off her concern. "I'm fine. Herta can be... eccentric at times."

Welt nods, his expression knowing. "Tell me about it." He clears his throat, focusing his attention on Xander. "So, what have you found?"

March and Dan join the others at the table, their interest piqued. Xander pulls out his phone, inputting something before placing it next to the chessboard. The hologram of a large, circular citadel shimmers to life, rotating slowly above the device.

"What's that?" March asks, her eyes wide with wonder.

"That's Belobog," Xander explains. "It's located right in the warm area Dan Heng discovered while he was analyzing the planet's ecology. That's where we're going."

"That's a city? It looks like an impenetrable fortress!"

Dan hums. "It's likely the last bastion of life on the planet. It makes sense it's also well-fortified."

Xander nods, agreeing with the assessment. "According to records I uncovered, the Interastral Peace Corporation visited Jarilo-VI around seven centuries ago. They aimed to establish trade relations and stimulate economic growth by sharing technology and providing capital investment."

He pauses, his brow furrowing. "While I couldn't confirm it directly due to limited access and clearance, it's plausible the IPC offered Belobog substantial loans. They likely intended to profit from the interest as the economy developed over time. However, those plans were derailed when the planet froze over."

Welt leans forward. "Your timeline suggests the Stellaron isn't a recent occurrence but perhaps the cause of what happened all those centuries ago. That's how they're connected."

Xander nodded. "It's impressive they've lasted this long. But this also confirms some of my fears. They'll likely be unfamiliar with and mistrustful of outsiders. As an isolated civilization, they've probably grown wary of newcomers, since they never get any. The government may also have a tight grip on power and see us as a threat that could challenge their authority or disrupt the status quo."

Dan agreed, his expression thoughtful. "They might not even know the Stellaron is causing their problems. If we show up claiming to have a magical solution, they'll be skeptical at best. Worse case, those in power already know but don't want things to change for some reason. What's our plan?"

"Can't say," Xander answered while shaking his head. "Right now, we're working with limited knowledge. Gaining allies who can provide insight into what's going on comes first. Based on what they can tell us, we'll think about how we approach it from there. What's clear to me is that we must avoid Belobog's authorities until we know they can be reasoned with."

Himeko hums approvingly. "The plan seems sound," she agreed. "Be sure to keep me updated."

"You can rely on us, Miss Himeko!" March says enthusiastically.

Welt interjects, "Is there anything else you require? It appears you're prepared to depart."

As Xander is about to confirm, his gaze shifts to March's legs. She begins to fidget under his scrutiny, her face flushing. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

He meets her eyes, his smile tinged with irritation. "Do you have any leggings you can wear?"

March looked confused. "As Nameless following the Trailblaze, we're granted protection against the cold. You don't need to worry about me feeling chilly."

Xander shakes his head, exasperated. "That's not the problem. I'm concerned about you attracting attention. It would be highly unusual for someone in such a climate not to wear protective clothing. We need to blend in."

March pouts but acknowledges his point. She leaves for her room to change, putting on dark leggings under her skirt. As she does, she thinks of her origins, having been found frozen beneath layers of six-phased ice in space. Could she somehow come from Jarilo-VI?

She shakes her head, reminding herself that locating the Stellaron is the biggest priority of their excursion.

When March returns, Himeko informs them of a space anchor signal near Belobog's entrance. "You'll be teleported near the fortress's outskirts," she explains. "Be ready for potential enemies."

March nods, trying to appear confident despite the butterflies in her stomach. She glances at Dan Heng and Xander, wondering if they feel the same way. Dan's expression is stoic as always, while Xander seems lost in thought, his brow furrowed in concentration.

As they make their way to the space anchor, Welt and Himeko offer words of encouragement and well wishes. In a flash of blinding light, the trio vanishes from the Astral Express, reappearing inside a land of ivory.

She looks around, taking in the stark, snow-covered landscape. The icy wind whips around them, the rough outline of the fortress looming in the distance, its towering walls and spires casting long shadows across the frozen ground. Despite the poor visibility, March can't help but feel a sense of awe at the sight, wondering what secrets and mysteries lie within its walls. While the cold isn't a problem, she realizes she'll have to squint her eyes to make out the path ahead.

Suddenly, Xander's voice cuts through the howling wind. "Dan Heng, catch!" he calls out, tossing a bundle of long, white cloth and ski goggles to their companion. March watches as Dan catches the items effortlessly, a look of understanding passing between the two men.

As Xander approaches her with a similar bundle, March feels a flutter of nervousness in her stomach. He wraps a blue cloth around her neck, covering her mouth and nose, before gently placing a pair of ski goggles over her eyes. She adjusts them, ensuring a snug fit, and feels a blush creep up her cheeks as Xander fusses over the hold of her new scarf.

"Um, thanks," she mumbles, her voice muffled by the fabric. She can't help but feel a bit embarrassed, like a child being doted on by an older relative. Xander doesn't respond, instead turning around to summon his own ski goggles and adjusting them over his eyes.

Raising his voice to be heard over the wind, Xander instructs the group to follow closely. "Dan, take the rear and hold onto March. March, you hold onto me. We can't risk losing each other with this poor visibility."

March nods, her heart racing as she reaches out to grasp the back of Xander's coat. She feels Dan's strong hand on her shoulder, and a sense of security washes over her. Together, they begin their trek through the snowy landscape, with Xander leading the way, March in the middle, and Dan bringing up the rear.

They trudge through thick layers of snow for what feels like an eternity, the minutes stretching on as they navigate the difficult terrain. March's legs burn with the effort, but she pushes forward, determined to keep up with her companions.

Abruptly, Xander stops, shouting at them to hold. March watches as he whips out his sword in a quick draw, the force of the action clearing out the wind whipping against them. Her eyes widen as she takes in the sight before them: hordes of what she would later come to know as Frostspawn hovering in the air, their crystalline bird-like bodies glinting in the dim light.

Xander's voice is sharp as he commands March to use her Shield on him. She summons it without hesitation with her signature finger gun, watching as it takes form around him. He then sheathes his sword, deftly switching to his handguns, which he begins to shoot and spray the Frostspawns with as he runs sideways, aggroing them.

"Dan, wait for my signal!" Xander shouts over the sound of gunfire. "March, take cover and focus on ranged support!"

March nods, ducking behind a nearby snowdrift as she summons her bow. Aiming, she releases a barrage of arrows at the Frostspawns, but it's clear that they aren't doing much damage. The creatures seem to absorb the impact, their icy bodies unaffected by her attacks.

She watches as Xander leads the horde of Frostspawns away from them, the creatures following him like mindless zombies. Suddenly, he yells, "Now!"

Dan doesn't waste a second, hurling himself forward in an impossibly fast lunge. March's eyes widen as his lance takes out a great cluster of Frostspawns that had perfectly lined up in pursuit of Xander, their bodies shattering into countless shards of ice.

But the fight isn't over yet. Another group of Frostspawns remains, now focusing on the lancer, flying toward him from behind. March's heart races as she sees Xander reappear in a flash behind Dan Heng, his sword ready to be drawn. She's taken aback by how quickly he moved, her mind struggling to process the sight.

With another quick draw of his sword, the air splits, the rest of the Frostspawns disintegrating into nothing a beat after. She watches in awe as he sheathes his sword again with finesse, his movements fluid and precise.

Getting out of cover, she runs over to him with a grin on her face. "That was amazing!" she exclaims. "I didn't know you were that good with the sword!"

Xander shrugs, his expression unreadable behind the ski goggles. "It's nothing," he says, his voice gruff.

March frowns, glancing down at her bow. "I don't understand why my arrows weren't being effective, though."

Dan steps forward, his lance resting on his shoulder. "It's likely due to their element," he explains. "The creatures we were fighting seemed to be made of ice. It makes sense that your own ice attacks wouldn't work as well against them."

He turns to Xander, a look of respect on his face. "Your quick draw technique is impressive," he says. "I know few who could draw a sword that quickly with such precision."

The man's expression hardens, his voice short and abrupt. "I cheated," he says. "I'm nowhere near as good as you think I am."1

Dan frowns, clearly confused by Xander's response, but he doesn't press the issue. March watches the exchange with curiosity, wondering what Xander means by "cheating". She opens her mouth to ask, but thinks better of it, sensing that now is not the time for questions.

Instead, they continue their trek towards the walls of Belobog. As they draw closer, March notices something unsettling: frozen figures scattered along their path, their forms encased in thick ice.

Upon closer inspection, she realizes they look like knights, their armor and weapons glinting beneath the frozen surface. They stand like eerie scarecrows of frost, left to the mercy of the harsh elements. A shiver runs down her spine that has nothing to do with the cold.

"Focus on my back, March," Xander says, his voice muffled. "The dead will never bother you. It's the living you should fear."

March frowns, his words sending a chill through her. "Does that mean I should fear you?" she asks, half-joking, half-serious.

Xander remains silent, offering no response as he continues to lead them forward.

After some minutes, he stops, holding up a hand. "Let's pause for a second," he says, looking into the distance. If she could see underneath his goggles, she'd noticed him closing his eyes, as if focusing on something unseen.

Dan watches him curiously from the back, wondering what's up. March, who's nearest, widens her eyes as she sees a trickle of blood running from Xander's nose. He quickly wipes it away with the back of his gloved hand.

"The backlash is still a problem," he mutters under his breath. Turning to his companions, he says, "We're going up another path. I just sensed a large rat1 in the way, and I very much dislike them."

March nods eagerly, her face a picture of mild panic. Anything but rats!

Dan's frown deepens, but he remains silent as they change course, heading up another steep hill of snow.

As they trudge along the new path, Xander points to a distant hill of rocks, dozens of meters away. "March, shoot an arrow there," he instructs.

"Why?" she asks, puzzled.

"Just do it," he says, his tone leaving no room for argument.

March summons her six-phased ice bow and arrows, taking aim at the spot he just indicated. With a deep breath, she releases the arrow, watching as it soars through the air and strikes the rocks with perfect accuracy.

The impact dislodges a small cascade of stones and triggers a mini-avalanche down the hillside. While not a massive one, the disturbance is noticeable from afar.

Suddenly, they hear shouts from afar, a group of voices cutting through the wind. "Hold! We need to move downhill using another path!" someone cries.

March's eyes widen in surprise, "There were people nearby?

Xander quickly explains, "I sensed them—didn't want them to get near us. The landslide will help to keep anyone from crossing our path as we make our way up."

Initially, March feels a sense of relief, glad they avoided an unwanted encounter. But then a thought strikes her, and she turns to Xander with concern in her eyes. "Did I put their lives at risk by shooting that arrow?" she asks, her voice trembling slightly.

Xander shakes his head. "No, the landslide was minor. There was no risk to anyone's safety."

He's about to begin walking again but stops, looking back to March over his shoulder. "You were following my instructions. If something had gone wrong, the responsibility would fall on me, not you."

March just nods, a mix of emotions swirling within her.

They press on, finally reaching the base of enormous walls that tower over them like skyscrapers. Taking cover, they watch as patrols of guards pass through a massive entrance, the opening stretching as high as the walls themselves.

March observes as Xander and Dan survey the scene from their cover, their eyes trained on the patrols making their rounds. Their armor appears to be made of steel or a similar metal, with color-coded pauldrons indicating rank - predominantly white, blue, and black.

Dan Heng frowns. "It'll be impossible for us to get through there without alerting someone," he comments, his voice low. "There are too many."

Xander nods in agreement, his expression thoughtful. "We'll have to climb," he says, his gaze shifting to the walls that tower above them. "Get inside Belobog through the patrol paths across the walls."

He turns to Dan, a question in his eyes. "How high can you throw your lance?"

The lancer shrugs, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "High enough," he replies, his tone confident.

Behind his goggles, Xander's eyes glint with a plan forming in his mind. "March," he says, turning to her. "You'll help us distract the guards. On my signal, shoot a frail arrow that breaks on impact to the opposite side of where we'll climb. As soon as the guards leave their post to investigate the noise, we'll make a run for it. Dan will throw his lance partway up the wall, creating a platform for us to use. We'll jump to the lance, then up to the patrol path. Dan, make sure the lance is high enough that we can reach the nearest edge from it, but low enough to jump onto from the ground."

March nods, her heart racing with anticipation as she summons her bow. She sees as Dan gives a curt nod, his grip tightening on his lance.

"I'll go first," Xander says, his voice steady. "I'll help you climb the rest of the way up, but we need to be quick."

Their execution is flawless. March first takes aim, her focus razor-sharp as she shoots a six-phased arrow away from their intended climbing spot. She concentrates on not conjuring it with too much power, ensuring it breaks immediately on contact.

The sound of something striking its mark and breaking echoes through the air and the guards are immediately alerted. They quickly caution against possible Fragmentum Monsters, dispersing to find the source of the disturbance.

As soon as they are distracted, the trio springs into action. They run towards the wall with their bodies low to the ground, their footsteps muffled by the snow.

Dan raises his head, his eyes locked on a high point. With a powerful throw, he launches his lance like a javelin, the weapon cutting through the air with incredible speed. It buries itself deep into the wall, standing perpendicular to the surface, a makeshift platform for their ascent.

Xander bends his knees before launching himself up. He grasps Dan's lance and climbs over it, balancing with ease. With another jump, he reaches the edge of the patrol path, gripping the structure with strong hands as his legs hang in the air. He then looks down, signaling to his companions.

March takes a deep breath and jumps, clutching the lance and struggling briefly to find balance. She manages, her determination fueling her. With a burst of strength, she jumps again, grabbing hold of one of Xander's legs.

Dan makes the ascent last, jumping with precision and balancing on the lance effortlessly. Then, with another powerful leap, he clasps Xander's other leg, his grip firm.

March climbs over Xander carefully, vaulting to the other side. The moment she lands, her eyes begin darting left to right, looking for any signs of danger. When the coast is clear, she calls out in a whisper, "We're good."

Dan climbs the rest of the way up, joining March, his lance reappearing in his hand at the ready. Xander comes up last, his movements swift and quiet as he pulls himself over the edge.

The trio moves cautiously the rest of the way, keeping to the shadows and pausing at the slightest sound. They communicate through hand gestures and nods, their footsteps barely audible as they navigate the winding route, always alert for any sign of the citadel's troops.

An hour later, a Silvermane Guard would notice a small circular hole on the outer side of the walls below the first level of patrol paths. He'd look at it for a moment but then shrug with indifference, assuming a Frostspawn had stupidly launched itself against the wall in a dive and shattered. Good riddance, he'd think.

As far as anyone was aware, the trio had successfully infiltrated the city undetected.

Little did they know, something had sensed their presence.


Countdown to Belobog's Long Night of Solace: 7 days remaining.

  1. Dan Heng relates to Xander's cold persona and his reluctance to share his emotions, while March empathizes with his loneliness. They both needed some time to adjust to their new home when they first joined the Astral Express, and Himeko is alluding to this fact—the crew must be patient with Xander and encourage him gradually to involve himself with the group.
  2. The Simulated Universe (SU) operates on a 864:1 time ratio compared to the real world. One hour outside equals 36 days inside. This concept addresses a storytelling challenge I had:
    - How can Alexander gain extensive battle experience quickly, matching the rest of the cast?
    However, to prevent the exploitation of this mechanic:
    - Xander's paranoia limits his SU visits, fearing discovery by the Astral Express crew.
    - Mental strain from constant combat and disconnection from reality makes prolonged stays dangerous.
    - Access is restricted to space anchors at specific locations like Herta Space Station.
  3. No matter how much time Xander spends in the simulation and how rigorously he trains, there's a limit to how much he can grow. Without anyone to guide him on the proper technique for wielding his sword or teach him about his abilities, his progress is limited. Self-taught individuals often struggle to reach their full potential due to the lack of key knowledge and nuance that can only be imparted by experienced masters.
  4. The game inspiring this scene is Carl Hamppe vs Philipp Meitner, Vienna, 1872. Xander's reaction mirrors Hikaru's when he sees Magnus in a losing position during the FIDE World Cup. For a good laugh, look it up on YouTube.
  5. Xander acknowledges that his technique is mediocre at best. However, he has a trick up his sleeve to compensate for his shortcomings. While I won't divulge all the details now, you should be able to form an idea of what he's doing based on what I've already written.
  6. Xander despises not being in control, so it's understandable that he would loathe the person most likely to wrest control of the situation from him: Sampo.

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  • Desain Karakter
  • Latar Belakang Dunia

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Stone -- Batu Daya
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