People often said that travelling long distances during the medieval times would have been an arduous and boring thing, wich may be true.
But that only applies to normal people, but, if you are strong physically, you can entertain yourself by taking unconventional roads and spice the journey a lil bit.
This feeling..
"So you always travel like this?" Muwi asks me while jumping from tree to tree, i smile while flipping mid air dodging a random tree branch.
"You could say that this is the first time." I respond vaguely while landing and sprinting at high speeds towards east, our destination.
Muwi nods while following me closely, occasionally taking some apples that were easily pickable, i did the same.
"Muwi, tell me more about the settlement, i only know that we are about one kilometer from it." The Biwu moved his tail while killing a sheep with a single slash and storing the body on the inventory for a later dismantle.
He then opened his mouth and responded: "The settlement is a high rank city, named Cona, from the kingdom of Numi.
There are four ranks for cities, low, middle, high and lastly, the capital city where the royal family resides, every city is supervised by a noble family.
The Cona city is supervised by the Cona familia."
Hmm.. practically the classic medieval setting.
Muwi continued with the yapping session: "You need to be informed of how the kingdom operates and the common sense." He then gave me a side eye and added: "Seeing that you don't know nothing about the basic information of this continent, means that you're not from here."
I nodded, he is right.
"So to not be suspicious and attract negative attention you need to listen carefully." He states while i listen attentively, I'm grateful that i meet him.
In simple terms, the kingdom of Numi is a kingdom that gives more power to the nobles, so they have more importance than the normal populace.
The nobles are stronger and more instructed since they receive an education from a young age while the majority of commoners barely know how to read and write.
I'm sure this is done because an ignorant population is easier to control and influence, but this brings even more problems at the cost of some power.
Since about 100% of a population, 5% are nobles and 50% are illiterate, the kingdom will not improve compressively, since the majority of nobles are just spoiled grown ass kids with power.
Like the classic situation about nobles, you can't offend them or you will be persecuted and they even have the legal power to kill any commoner they want.
So many cases of killing and abuse of power happened but the royal family doesn't give a fuck.
You might ask, why didn't the commoners rebel? A simple word:
(3rd Pov:)
Two individuals are currently on top of a hill with a clear view of the city hundreds of meters from them, the two are currently seated on top of a tree trunk that fell.
The sheep meat got roasted completely on the furnace by the human who took a good bite from it while enjoying the view: "Damn, man, you didn't tell me this city was massive!"
John exclaimed while giving another steak to his partner who grabbed it with his tail while answering: "Yeah, it's pretty big since it's the third biggest city of the kingdom."
John nodded in affirmation and said: "Makes sense." A smirk forms on his face: "This means that the people there must be pretty rich too, i will alleviate their burden and hold their weath."
Muwi looked at this weird human speechless, from all of the things John could have thought about, he decided to think about money first.
The Biwu smiled and said: "Just like for every other human, money is a temptation huh.." he never needed money since he is a magical beast but with all the places he visited he understood the importance of it.
"Okay, let's go." After talking for some time and finishing their lunch, the duo descended the hill and walked towards the city gates where other carriages and people are in line.
Before coming to the city, John killed some cows for leather to make a simple scabbard and a simple bag with the crafting table.
The recipes are pretty simple, two leathers on top of the other for the sword scabbard while for the simple bag John used three leathers placed horizontally with one below.
It was the most basic bag recipe from the mod he created, the bag was made of leather (obviously) with a simple design, the color is brown but can be changed with the colors.
The bag can hold eight stacks of items, but after seeing how this bag works Muwi advised John to not show the small inventory inside of it, his explanation was simple.
"I don't know how you do it but this is a spatial bag, they go for an astronomical price, only the nearby kingdom sells them since they know the recipe."
So John decided to just put some things inside manually to not attract too much attention.
For now...
The human and the Biwu are standing in line waiting for their turn while getting occasional glances, the motive being the fox on top of John shoulder.
"Heh, not attracting attention eh?..." John smiled meaningfully while giving a glance to Muwi who scratched his head in embarrassment.
"With everything that happened on the past day, i forgot." He justified himself while John ignored the fox yapping: "I don't care, it's not like being low key it's my taste." John couldn't care less about the opinions of others but one thing was taking his attention currently.
And that it's the variety of races around him, he looked on his down left at the small Dwarf with the oily beard and rough appearance accompanied by those bulging muscles.
And with the square appearance, the sight was even more bizzarre and... Fascinating?
'Seeing a high resolution Dwarf with the Minecraft texture is really an unique experience.' John thought while moving his gaze to other people.
Humas, humanoid lizards, an elf with his family and even a villager! With that big ass nose.
"Next!" A loud and gruff voice was heard promoting John and Muwi to look in front of them, spotting a man equipped with an iron armor enchanted with various enchantments, on his hands a spear was gripped firmly with the sharp tip pointed upwards.
The man was a beast folk with the features of a dog and he was looking at them with a tired look, so the duo made their way towards him.
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