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91.5% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 237: Master and Apprentice

Bab 237: Master and Apprentice

I don't own Star wars.

"Alright." Rattletrap returned to the ship, practically skipping. "Oswin and Athena's ship is all fixed up. We can head out." Nerri continued to tend to my hands as Lidia aided her with her force healing.

They still hurt even after an hour.

"…You really did a number on these." Lidia replied concernedly, "…You're going to need to rest them. No fighting for certain." She replied as I scowled, trying to clench my broken fists. It hurt.

"…Damn it." I grunted, my masked face sneering as Lidia patted my shoulder comfortingly, Nerri finishing up trying my hands. Nerri's dark eyes watched me for a minute and patted my shoulder.

"Daily bacta will help." I shook my head angrily.

"…I shouldn't have lost control." I replied calmly, breathing heavily. Taking deep breaths.

"I'm taking off." Oriana declared abruptly, "Non-stop to coruscant coming right up."

"Bwwooo." T260 wiggled next to me.

Lidia chuckled, rubbing the droid's head. "Oh, I'm sure we'll be fine."

"Bwoo-oo!" it wobbled again as suddenly Rattletrap stuck his head out from a hole in the floor.

"You take that back!" he shouted brandishing a wrench.


"Okay! Okay!" Lidia sighed standing between the two as I watched curiously, fending off Rattletrap's attempt to bash the droid for some slight. A small piece of the droid extending and sparking dangerously as Rattletrap held his wrench like a battle-ax. "Alright boys. BOYS!" she declared, "There's no need for such talk!" using her foot to keep Rattletrap at a safe distance from her droid.

"…Do I want to know what the droid is saying?" I asked as Nerri smiled.

"Oh I'm pretty sure he was insulting the ship."

"I'll turn you into a hunk of junk! Only two people get to insult my work and you are neither of them!" he declared as the ship rumbled.

"Buckle in everyone. We're hitting lightspeed." Declared Oriana as the ship blasted off.

Our ship jumped into orbit around coruscant and began to descend. Lidia walked into the cockpit, leaning over Oriana's shoulder. "Here." She handed her a datapad. "This will allow you to park closer to the temple I'm going to…"

"Alright." Oriana noted and drifted the shift towards the directed pad.

It must have been an interesting sight to see our junker land among the many polished and pristine jedi craft. Many robed figures curiously watching as Lidia headed towards the elevator. "Now. Who would like to see the Jedi temple?" she smiled at us…

However only Lala seemed excited at this, but Oriana shut that down. "We'll stay on the ship." She said, "It's better for us… particularly." She added, glaring at Lala. "You are related to the KANES." She declared with a subtle his. "Stay." Lala pouted.

"Well someone needs to come as a representative." Lidia replied, "My master insisted on meeting the bounty hunters that helped me." She said calmly, as we looked between each other. "Fine. CHILDREN." She replied playfully, "I'll have to pick a volunteer. Kallus." She said as I blinked at her surprised, she smiled, "Your broken hands provide opportunity. You can't, or shouldn't, fight. And my master may be able to help you recover."

"I don't-" Oriana began nervously but I got to me feet.

"Fine." Oriana watched me hesitantly, "…I trust Master Lidia won't allow me to be in danger." I replied.

"Kallus can handle himself. "Lidia replied. "T260 quit glaring at Rattletrap and come on."

"Bwooo…" the droid moaned, his head spiraling completely around before following Lidia, and I followed them.

…The SMELL was the first thing I noticed about the temple, not the stares of the jedi and the robed people. It smelled like…clean. It didn't smell clean it smelled LIKE clean, clean and incense… The stares were constant, especially from a collection of young ones… padawans I think they're called, they stared at me as they were led by a shapely twi'lek jedi…

"Come on Kallus." She said as snorted, following her closely as she eventually arrived at a nondescript room. "Here we are." She rubbed T260's head. "You can got to my room if you want T2." The droid wasted no time, whistling wildly and spinning away…

"…I think I make him nervous." I noted as she scoffed, opening the door.

"He says you tore a hole in my broken starship…" she replied casually. "…And I'm inclined to believe him."

"Hmmn…" I mumbled as she walked in. "Come on." The room was… plain. With artifacts that I've never seen before, older than anything I've seen before. There were pictures shifting on the wall, places, painted, and photographed as I stared.

"Oh don't mind those." She said, "Master's a bit of a hobbiest."

"I am no longer your master." Came calm voice. "She forgets that." there were footsteps and I turned to find an elderly man with olive skin and grey hair flecked with black, a well-trimmed beard and… odd grey eyes. He nodded politely to me. "I am Master Jon-Nee-Knox." He smiled politely enough. "You can call me Jon."

…There was a flicker in his eyes. But I brushed it off as his smile stretched on his face, "You must be Kallus… Wolf." He said, his smile twitching as he struggled not to laugh. "Apt." he said gesturing to a collection of seats around a table. "Sit. Please lets talk."

I didn't move there was something off about Jon even though there didn't seem to be anything wrong with him. Call it… animal instinct. But Lidia's hand on my arm got me moving, setting me across from him.

"Tea? Beer?" he asked, "Water?"

"I'm fine." I replied, "…Can't hold it anyway."

"Ah. Yes your hands… please." He held his out as I stared at it.

"Kallus, go on." Lidia insisted… and while Jon gave me a weird feeling, I trusted Lidia. I held out my right hand as he gently took it… I flinched… I could feel my bones mending rapidly as I bent my fingers no pain. I sighed, then held out my other hand as he nodded, and healed that one as well.

"You can take those off now." He added, gesturing to the bandages.

"…I kind of like them…" I replied as he chuckled and nodded.

Lidia pulled the bag containing their special crystal from her pocket, presenting it to Jon. "I got it."

"I know!" he replied rather snarky for a Jedi. "Most of the underworld knows…" he added, "The other masters are…" he chuckled, "Rather concerned at the sheer amount of destruction you've left in your wake."

"Most of that was me." I noted as he nodded, Lidia blushed.

"True. But I can't deny the results." He raised his hands, "And I prefer results as opposed to methods that's why the other masters don't like me as much and prefer to keep me here. But lucky for me, Lidia is an avid explorer and archaeologist." He eyed her appreciatively, but apologetically, "But I am sending her into increasingly dangerous territory." He said sadly, "And I can't approve of her doing this alone anymore.

"I am not a padawan master." She replied.

"And yet you keep calling me MASTER." He replied smiling, "You are a master in your own right! Half as clever again as many on the council. But since you are also the only one that listens to me." He added, "You are a treasure." She smiled rather shyly at that. "That doesn't leave this room by the way." He added conspiratorially. "Many in this temple are particularly old-fashioned and consider friendships something akin to mortal sins." He waved his hand and sighed, "Anyway. Mr… Wolf… must I continue to call you that?"

"It's his name." Lidia replied smiling.

"…It's not." He replied, and our eyes met. "Is it Kallus?... or may I call you Kal? Kal Kane? Kallus Kane? Am I close?" Lidia recognized my name, and turned to me surprised as I stared at the jedi…

I couldn't take them both… I can't stop a lightsaber, especially without my claws… I sighed, reaching up to my mask and turning it off as Lidia jumped. "…Am I in trouble?"

"You!-" she recognized me.

"No. Nonsense why would you be?" Lidia was about to speak but he held up a hand to her. "It's alright…" he eyed me. "…If there is ANY imperial you can trust on their word and honor… it's the Kane family. Although my acquaintance is with your Firemane line… Uncle? Cousin? Roland Firemane."

"Cousin." I replied. As Lidia visibly relaxed, Roland was something of a celebrity, my Uncle Aiden a little more… Circe was an ACTUAL celebrity not to mention the rest of my family well known to the rest of the galaxy one way or another.

"He's an acquaintance… I have a lot of those." He added, intersecting his fingers. "But YOU Mr. Kane… or can I call you Kal?"

"Whatever." I said, watching him.

"Well, Kal. You're in a bit of trouble… almost killing a Cromwell: in hiding, your mother Kavilla had to jump through several hoops to make sure you weren't killed outright. Officially: disowned. Unofficially?... Your mother loves you very much." He said kindly as I clenched my fists… "No matter how much it seems she doesn't." ignoring the look of pity of Lidia's face.

"I have always believed in being practical." He said calmly, "And you are a very, VERY skilled operative. What I need is a man like you." He gestured to Lidia, "To help my former student go into some very dangerous territory…"

"…Like?" I asked as Lidia's gaze kept flicking between us.

"The outer rim." He replied as I went stiff. "…Cromwell territory." It was then that both looked, visibly surprised as I growled, clenching my fists tightly and baring my fangs.

"Oh… that wasn't the mask." Lidia replied surprised as Jon grinned excitedly.

"That's right." He pulled up a datapad and showed me a holographic planet. "Here." He tapped a spot. "This used to be a sith world long bombed into rubble BUT." He expanded the planet, "there is a labyrinthian network of tunnels… and potentially a collection of holocrons at the center. I want you to retrieve them."

"Master I don't…" began Lidia but she frowned and shook her head. "…No. Kallus would be a help but-"

"Why not go yourself?" I asked, "You already know it's there." He smiled.

"Again. The masters won't allow me to leave as I'm currently on another probation for teaching problematic lessons. Also known as HISTORY." He waved his hand, "They allow Lidia to go because they ALSO like results."

"…Alright. Why me?"

"Because despite the sudden reveal of your identity, Lidia trusted you."

She sighed, rolling her eyes. "…You did save my life twice… if you were a backstabbing Imperial that probably wouldn't be too hard to avoid."

"…Killing a Jedi won't let me go home." I replied simply as her glare softened. "…How much?"

"Name your price upon your return." He said calmly, and grinning, "If there's one thing I enjoy about this is writing the Jedi temples blank checks. Make sure you pick a big number."

"There are a bunch of girls on that ship who would be happy to do just that."

"Ah… the life of a Kane." Jon replied getting to his feet. "Do we have a deal?"

I stared at the planet. Oriana would… and wouldn't… want me to accept. I clenched my teeth and growled… already imagining Critcher's face… before I wrecked it. "…Cromwell territory?"

Jon's eyes seemed to flash dangerously, and he smiled. "Cromwell territory."


Kallus KANE left Master Jon's room, heading back to the ship to inform the others of his own decision if not theirs overall.

"I hope you don't feel too, hurt at the reveal." He said calmly as I turned to him.

"…I shouldn't be. He has proven himself trustworthy but-"

"But he's an imperial." Master Jon finished, pouring me tea. "Can't trust imperials." He replied, "Can't trust turncoats, can't trust sith, can't trust bounty hunters, you can't trust them, them, them…" he frowned at her. "…The Jedi preach hope, and acceptance. One-ness with the force." He added calmly. "Has Kallus Kane harmed you?"

"No Master."

"Has he lied to you? Apart from his identity?"

"Not that I'm aware."

"That man." He said pointing at the closed door. "Is perhaps the most straightforward imperial I have ever met, and I've only met him personally JUST NOW. I only figured out who he was JUST NOW." He said sternly. "From his Green eyes, and his red hair. It was just a guess and he openly told me that YES. He was the Son of Kavilla Kane. The Devil's Dog. The RED WOLF…"

"…When you say it like that is seems rather obvious." I mumbled indignantly, I really should've seen it earlier. But then I remember… he was nice to Queenie, just because… he brought a little girl to school because she asked him to go. He helped her father for little to no reason other than it was the right thing to do and he could…

Why couldn't all imperials be like him?

"There were 'good' sith." Master Knox continued, "There were 'bad' Jedi…" he took a breath as she sipped her tea. "GREY is not only morally complex, but it is balance Lidia." He pointed over her heart but he politely didn't touch her or her large breasts. "It is choice. YOUR choice, between right and wrong… it is your own way of life."

She nodded slowly, even after all these years Master Knox was still teaching her. He was wise beyond his years.

"I believe that Kallus Kane, despite his desire to rampage and slaughter his way across the Cromwell outer rim territories." He said dramatically, "He will help you if he says he will. Will protect you if you ask. Will stand beside you if you need him…" he sipped his tea thoughtfully again. "…Perhaps Devil's Dog isn't his nickname because of his viciousness… but perhaps because of his loyalty."

She nodded, and quietly put her tea down as she went to meditate in his garden.

Jon Nee Knox stared at the reflection of 'himself' in the tea, and smirked as the REAL Jon Nee Knox glared back. "Personally." Tarkin 'Chant' Knox whispered thoughtfully to 'himself'. "I believe he is called that for his obedience." He sipped the tea, Jon Nee's image vanishing with the liquid as he stared at his wall of shifting locations he intended to, or has, sent Lidia too… the current destination the Labyrinth of Min-Nos among them.

End of chapter

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