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48.26% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 125: The Competition

Bab 125: The Competition

I don't own star wars.

"I am deeply offended that you do not wish to spend time with me." Killa said suddenly as Barry, Nike and I poured over the star maps trying to figure out the best place to start looking interfering with Tuuba's holdings.

Torga was more than helpful after hearing about what was going on… although I didn't tell him about some of the more classified stuff. And he gave me permission to mess with his 'figure head' brother as long as he got a cut of any profits. So, he gave me a list of known Tuuba operations and operators to interfere in.

"What? I didn't say I don't want to spend time with you…" I said surprised, as she stood there imposingly with her arms crossed. "I just said I need to do this…"

She frowned annoyed, looking over the star maps and tapped a grungy looking planet. "Here. Nar Shaddaa. As good a place as any… I have a few bounties we could catch."

"We're kind off trying to draw out Altora. Remember?" Nike asked Killa curiously. But Killa held up several bounties.

"Several of these men and women work for Tuuba. He couldn't call them off. So. Roland and I will seize them…"

"… It's not an awful plan." Barradowwa said, taking a few of the bounties and examining them. "And we have to start somewhere."

"Good!" Killa smiled, wrapping an arm around mine and dragging me away from the star map, "Then Roland and I shall-"

"Hold it Green-butt Killa!" Seis suddenly shouted, skidding into the room as she glared at Killa, "I was going to get Roland to do those with me!"

Killa smiled, "Then you should've just asked… I don't know why you were going to throw a net at him."

"You were going to kidnap me again!?" I shouted indignantly as Seis stood firm.

"It's part of my charm!" Seis replied, "Besides! I'd cause far more havoc! This Altora lady will be more than happy to show up after I blow up a few buildings."

"This is escalating quickly." Barradowwa sighed, "Look why don't you two work together?" he asked but the two women glared at him dangerously. Their eyes glowed like blaster rifles priming up. Regardless of the fact that he was Caradoc's son he was still new on the ship, and as far as Killa and Seis were concerned he was low on the hierarchy. It was (apparently) me at the top, followed by Nike, then Killa and Seis in a shared position, X-E, then Barradowwa.

They didn't count Rattletrap since he was quite frankly far too easily manipulated. The girls only really had to smile at him and he'd do anything they'd want.

Barradowwa cleared his throat, "Mmn. Right I'll just be quiet over here… forming a plan." He mumbled, examining the star map more thoroughly.

Nike however eyed the staredown thoughtfully and suddenly smiled. "Actually… why don't you? How about a competition?" The girls eyed Nike as I carefully stood beside Barradowwa, I wasn't liking the look on any of their faces…

But thankfully the tension was cut when Rattletrap popped open a vent above us shouting cheerfully, "Mud Wrestling!" he grinned happily at the three beauties and frowned. "…No?"

"No." Nike confirmed.

"…Mirai would've done it." He pouted. Unfortunately, the Mirialan Mandalorian couldn't come with us this time, it was her turn to watch Circe, and while honestly, I'll miss her company on the ship. Protecting Circe was far more important to me, and I felt more comfortable if Mirai was there with her.

"I… don't believe you." I replied, I highly doubted Mirai would've agreed to anything that came out of Rattletrap's mouth. "…How are you even hanging upside down like that?"

"Mag-boots." He replied abruptly, slowly sinking back up into the vents. A long hand reaching out and slamming the vent grate shut. Deciding to think about that another time I gave my whole attention to Nike, Killa and Seis. And… apparently, I missed something.

"So. You two got it? The one who catches the most wins the prize." Nike said with a proud smile, apparently satisfied with her work as Killa and Seis shook hands determinedly, and still staring into each other's eyes intimidatingly they left the room.

"…What did you do?" I asked Nike nervously as she gave me a beautiful, but mysterious smile.

"I got them to work it out. Now then…" she leaned over the map and tapped Nar Shaddaa. "Let's go before they decide to try and eliminate the competition." She grabbed my arm and dragged me to the cockpit, leaving a very humored-looking Barradowwa who obviously paid attention and wasn't distracted by the odd jawa living in the vents.

I parked the ship and made my way to the hold only to find Seis and Killa in a ready position, staring determinedly at the ramp. "Whaaat are you doing?" I asked as Nike joined me a subtle smirk on her face.

"Do us a favor Roland and hit the ramp would you?" Seis replied, focused intently on the ramp. I opened the door, and the second the ramp touched the ground they dashed off, kicking up imaginary dust as they went.

I turned to look at Nike who seemed particularly amused, "What did you tell them?"

She laughed shrugging, "I didn't tell them anything this is all them." She replied. "Traps." She called out as Rattletrap popped from the floor.

"Yello!" he smiled up at her, apparently getting a very good view.

"Did you give it to them?" she asked and he held up a small little screen device.

"Yep! One Hunter's Gathering home game as requested." He replied as the screen device began to beep, it divided into two screens, one said Killa, one said Seis. And under Killa's name was a tally mark. "And we're off!" he cheered.

"That was pretty quick." Nike noted as Barradowwa loomed over her to view the screen, chewing on a piece of sweetbread. "Okay boys taking all bets! Seis or Killa?"

"Kil-la Kil-la Kil-la!" cheered Rattletrap from the floor as he waved a sign that seemingly came from nowhere.

"…Mmn. I think Seis has the hunger for it." Barradowwa noted thoughtfully, "I'll back her."

Nike smiled sweetly at me, the corners of her lips tilting upwards as she watched me. "Roland? Any preferences?" I brushed the hair from my eyes and shook my head. Turning and walking off the ship as the screen began to add tallies almost supernaturally fast.

I found the closet bar that didn't have naked women dancing in it and went for a drink. Just a small one, and not very strong, to steady my nerves as apparently Seis and Killa were sending a message to Tuuba's, or apparently more accurately Altora's, underworld businesses. He nursed my glass, immediately regretting my decision as it burned down my throat… I apparently didn't like to drink. And I probably didn't want to drink alone…

My mind, even watered down by the alcohol, was swirling with thoughts and nerves at the idea… What am I doing? I shouldn't be picking a fight with my grandmother… BOTH of my grandmothers… But then thoughts of my father's emaciated half dead body came back to my mind and steeled my resolve… but only a little. My hand brushed against mom's lightsaber under my jack, at my waist. I tried to use it on my own on tattooine, away from everyone as I tried to teach myself… now there's a very odd slash on a wall of a cantina.

The stool next to me suddenly shifted and I looked up: a heavily armored Shistavanen had sat down next to me. Almost as tall and broad as Caradoc, His wolflike face was viciously scarred on the left side so horrifically he was missing most of his mouth revealing his sharp canine teeth, his left eye was milky white and slightly covered by his thick shaggy brown hair. He ordered a drink. I returned to my own as he easily downed his.

"You look like you're having a bad day…" he said suddenly, I jumped at the growl in his tone as he sniffed the air. He turned his head, his good eye red and bright like it glowed in the dark. He sniffed the air in my direction, the heavily scarred left side of his face twitching slightly.

I briefly considered just staying quiet and going back to the ship, but then… "A bad week really." He grunted, and order another drink, gripping it with his left hand which, like his face, was heavily scarred, missing several patches of fur, replaced by thick scar tissue, and he was also missing the claw and top segment of his index finger. We sat in awkward silence for a moment and finding nothing else to say I finished my drink and decided to head back to the ship, standing up from my stool.

"Sit." He said suddenly, firmly and coldly as his red eyes flicked on me, barring his teeth more prominently. I stared at him confused for a moment then he repeated himself. Louder. "SIT." He said firmly, his hand resting calmly on a blaster at his waist. I did, not wanting to start a firefight so close to the guy. He stared at me, leaned forward… and SNIFFED again. His nose flaring as he took in my scent.

"…Where's your father boy?" he asked suddenly, softly, like a faint call in the night.

I went cold. He stayed cool.

"Where's… your… father?" he repeated, slowly, pulling his blaster pistol from his holster threateningly as I ground my teeth in anger. Staying silent. He seemed to sigh, his nose blowing hot air into my face as he did.

Sudden and violent pain slammed against my face as his fist crashed hard against my jaw. Sending me to the floor. The bouncers began to approach but without looking the Shistavanen fired quickly in their direction. They dove for cover as the other patrons screamed and began to scatter, scrambling from the bar as he grabbed my dazed body by the jacket and slammed me against the counter painfully

"Aiden Kane, BOY…" he growled viciously, "I can SMELL him on you like you bathed in Nal Hutta swamps!"

"Vargoss you're not causing trouble, are you?" came a cool, high pitched sounding voice I looked over my shoulder. A tall togruta with a handsome but smug face grinned dangerously at the Shistavanen. "I thought we agreed to work together…" he said gripping something under his robes.

"We did until you tried to feed me to a sarlaac." Vargoss said bluntly, tossing me to the floor, stepping on my chest, and aiming his blaster at me to keep me there as he drew another blaster looking weapon from his belt and aimed at the Togruta. "Back down Alecinder."

"This is a paycheck for you Vargoss. It's PERSONAL for me." He said, trying to sound intimidating but his high-pitched voice was throwing me off as he drew a lightsaber from his robe and activated it, a bright green light illuminating his red face. "Give me the boy. And you'll walk out as you are. Intact."

Vargoss tilted his neck to the right, hearing an audible crack come from the left, "You were a shit Jedi then, you're a shit man now." Then grinning dangerously added, "Well… not quite a man. But close."

Alecinder threw out his hand suddenly and Vargoss stumbled, slamming against the counter as he snarled. Firing his second weapon as Alecinder dodged, a slugthrower, Vargoss knew what he was doing. I however quickly rolled on the floor, under tables as the fighting erupted in the bar. Cursing myself I managed to get out the back of the kitchen as an explosion roared from the bar. I scrambled back to the ship. Trying to catch my breath as Nike, Barradowwa and Rattletrap (now joined by a silent X-E as he sat in her lap.) cheered at the screen of Killa and Seis, now showing actual footage of them working.

"Call them back!" I shouted suddenly, they looked up at me surprised. Nike was the first to notice a now prominent bruise and a bleeding nose. But Barradowwa was the first to ask, quickly approaching me.

"What happened?" he asked, quickly becoming serious as Nike approached as well.

"Bounty hunters!" I said quickly, "Call Seis and Killa back NOW we need to leave!"

"Did you lose them?" Barradowwa asked but I shook my head.

"For now! But one of them was a Shistavanen and he's got my scent! The other was a jedi! I guess. He had a lightsaber!"

"We can handle two bounty hunters…" Barradowwa said firmly, heading towards the kitchen to get his axe. Rattletrap scrambled to the crew's quarters, returning with Nike's bowcaster as she armed it and Barradowwa returned.

…Surrounded by armed friends did seem to make my nerves cool down a little. I took a deep breath as Nike's hand wrapped calmingly on my arm, giving me a smile as Rattletrap dashed to the cock pit. "Turrets going up!" he shouted cheerfully, "X-E! Guard my bro!"

"Yes master Rattletrap." X-E replied, standing much closer than before as Barradowwa stood at the ramp.

"One of them was looking for dad." I replied, "I think they both are…" I primed dad's rifle, the familiar sound of its charge calming me even further.

"…We'll ask them when they arrive." Barradowwa replied calmly, fingering the fringes of the axe blade.

Rattletrap's voice roared over the com, "I told Seis and Killa to come back! The competition is now settled!"

Nike checked the screen and chuckled, "Killa won by two points…" she noted and frowned, expecting something furry and angry to charge up the ramp… but none came as Killa soon arrived followed closely by a rather dusty-looking Seis as they looked around at the armed greeting.

"…Okay…" Seis began, "Are we raiding a vault?"

Explaining the situation Killa's face contorted angrily, "Vargoss Cadarver." She said calmly, "He mostly stuck to the outer rim last time I checked. They called him the 'Unkillable'."

"That's great..." I mumbled sarcastically, "Have you met him?" I asked as she shut the ramp.

She shook her head, her slightly sweaty lekku bouncing at the motion. "No, but his reputation precedes him." She smirked knowingly at an annoyed Seis as she stomped off to take a shower. "…We should leave the planet, head back to Luna IV and regroup." She advised, looking at Nike who nodded in agreement.

"Traps!" Nike shouted to the ship, walking off. "Luna IV!"

"Got it!" he shouted back as we felt the ship begin to take off.

Nike placed a hand on my shoulder, "…Go lie down. You've had an exciting day…" More like an hour really, but at least now I knew that Altora had hunters after me. Now I can nervously look over my shoulder for a while.

I entered my room and my door hissed shut behind me, I turned to find Killa standing in my room and, strangely removing her armor. "K-Killa what are you…" standing proudly naked before me she took my hand and lead me patiently to the shower.

"I won. So I get the prize." She said firmly, helping me with my clothes as the shower activated. There was a little water left in the shower tanks, and it was properly used on Killa as it sheened up her perfect, green twi'lek body. Her amazing green eyes stared into mine as she pulled me into a kiss, letting the water wash my worries away.

She pulled me against her as I pressed her against the shower wall, the water making way for the sonic substitute as we left the atmosphere and the shower water tanks emptied. The vibrations pounded against us as my erection rubbed against her smooth muscled stomach, she moaned as the vibrations rhythmically pounded against her lekku, her arousal increasing dramatically as her pussy began to leak down her still-damp leg.

She grinned at me, stroking my length knowingly with her hand as mine caressed her chest, she moaned softly as I pressed her hard against the wall, teasing her by rubbing against her. I leaked pre-cum into her hand as she pulled me back into a kiss, her tongue dancing around mine as she hummed into my mouth.

"Get inside me." She cooed, lowering my length to align with her opening as I instinctively pushed. She gasped happily, wrapping her arms and a leg around me, pulling me in deeper as I began to move slowly in and out of her. she kissed me again, moaning into my mouth as I began to speed up, "Faster." She ordered softly, "I want to feel it deep inside me." I slammed into her as she gasped, I took one of her lekku into my mouth, firmly holding the tip between my teeth as I slurped and sucked the sensitive fleshy headtail. As she whimpered in pleasure I stroked her other lekku with my hand as she hissed in delight, squeezing me intently as her body rapidly built to climax. I slipped my free hand onto her ass, pulling her against me as she began to moan, then scream… then she shivered against me, pulling me tightly to her as her pussy trembled tightly around my length.

"Ah… f-fuck…" she hissed in my ear as she laughed lightly, she pulled her lekku from my mouth and suckled it slightly, watching me intently as I began to move again. Burying myself inside me with each firm stroke as she licked and suckled her lekku.

"…You going to cum inside me?" she asked huskily, knowing full well that 'yes' I was…

"Yes." I told her firmly as we licked her lekku together.

She pulled me tightly against her, leaving me barely enough room to keep thrusting as she moaned at my tongue brushing her lekku, "All the way inside. Balls deep inside…" she ordered, "I want to feel your thick human seed fill my womb." Gripping her hips tightly I sped up, pressing her lekku to her mouth as she moaned and screamed into it… then I slammed against her, she shrieked with a mouthful of lekku as my cock pulsed its thick load deep into the beautiful twi'lek's body. My cock had a mind of its own right now… and that was to seed this beautiful woman before me.

Her leg dropped behind me as she slowly stroked her lekku, pinching the tips lightly as I slowly pulled myself out. Her pussy still clenching tightly to me as my seed dripped from her stuffed pussy, hanging in limp satisfaction as it brushed against her smooth thigh. "…Shall we take this to the bed?" she asked sultrily, her glowing green eyes twinkling in delight as her Ryl accent began to show its exotic head.

"…Okay." I replied kissing her again as the sonic shower slammed against us. When we were sufficiently cleansed of what fluids we could she led me gently to my room with her hand firmly around my length.

"Did you two have fun?" my cock hardened slightly as Seis, naked as the day she was… born? Cloned? Going to go with born. Laying on my bed like a holo-girl pinup. Her mostly smooth and sexy body was free to view as Killa frowned at her.

"I won. I get to spend time with the captain." She said coolly, her Ryl accent making her sound fierce and sexy at the same time.

Seis sat up, her round pale breasts bouncing as she did and smirked knowingly, "The competition was called off earlier on account of threat." She replied, "I might have won if I was given more time… so I figured. She lay down on her stomach at the edge of the bed, and, amazingly, opened her mouth wide, still talking. "I figured we could cheer our handsome captain up with a treat…"

My cock know what it wanted before my mind could register what was happening. Killa grumbled, but she pulled my length to the beautiful Rattataki's mouth and without missing a beat wrapped her lips around me as killa pushed my ass towards her. My cock slid easily down Seis throat, she moaned cheerfully as her body and surprisingly bouncy ass shivered on my bed.

"Fuck this bitches throat." Killa ordered in my ear. "Fuck her unconscious and get back inside me." Feeling Seis' smooth scalp under my fingers I thrust heavily into her accepting throat, sliding easily in and out of her she didn't look uncomfortable in the slightest, her tongue lapped the bottom of my shaft as drool leaked onto the floor. Killa kissed me, one hand on my back the other on Seis head as she forcefully pushed us together, although she certainly didn't need to.

I felt it build, my cock throbbing and eager to burst into Seis' throat, she apparently figured it out without my warning, wrapping her strong arms around me and pulling me deep as Killa pressed us together and I roared my release. Seis hummed eagerly as she gulped the fresh load of seed down into her stomach. Her tongue slapped happily away at my cock as she coughed slightly, a small drop of cum leaking from her nose. I slid out of her mouth, lines of saliva and cum still attached to her mouth like some kind of puppet on strings.

She broke away and rolled on the bed, still lying on her belly as she shook her ass. Killa slid majestically next to her, spreading her legs wide and glaring at her Rattataki rival. "Now for the fun part." Seis cooed and with hands on her pale ass, she spread her cheeks, lifting her hips as her puckered asshole was displayed for me.

Killa scoffed, "Please. That filthy hole?" she spread her pussy lips as I viewed them on the bed, traces of my seed still inside her. "Come Roland." She cooed in her Ryl voice

Stuck between a soft place and an even softer place I climbed onto the bed between them, taking my fingers and slowly probing both offered delights. Seis' ass clenched to my fingers, eager and tight it practically sucked my fingers into her. Killa's soft warm pussy was a familiar and loving experience, and it too tightened around my fingers eager to please.

Letting my length be its own guide my instincts took over, and I climbed behind Seis as she laughed proudly, grinning at Killa's annoyed face. "That's right taboo holes for the-" she suddenly shrieked in pleasure, "Fuck! Yeah!!" as my cock buried itself easily to the root inside her, her hole spasmed orgasmiclly around me as she bit her bottom lip, "Force DAMN Roland!" she laughed as I began thrusting rapidly into her surprisingly slippery warm hole. "No wonder-" she suddenly shivered, "Fuck… no wonder Nike wants you up her ass all the time!" he fingers tore at me sheets as another orgasm shot through her. "Fucking god! Fuck me!" she pleaded as I grabbed her shoulders, pulling her back against me as Killa watched in interested fascination. Her fingers absently rubbed her pussy as she watched my cock thrust in and out of Seis.

Seis' asscheeks nosily slapped against my hips as it bounced erotically, my hand slipping between her legs and rubbing her pussy as she shrieked in delight. "I'm cumming!" she roared again, squeezing me tightly as I approached my own release, "Fucking cum!" her whole body clenched as she screamed an orgasm. I rapidly sped up, roaring my own release as I dropped onto her, pulling her tightly to me as she shivered and my cock throbbed painfully inside her. Each plentiful shot of seed was accompanied by a squeeze of her tight ass hole, as if gulping it down deep into her.

"…You can do that to me…" she laughed exhaustedly, "ANY fucking time you want…" her ass squeezed lovingly around me as if to confirm it and I slowly extracted my sensitive length from her. Her ass bounced upwards slightly as her gapping hole began to leak seed, she pushed her ass cheeks together trying to close it. "Fuck Roland…" she laughed, but I wasn't listening Killa was already pulling me between her legs and pushing me inside her.

"I need it now." She ordered firmly. "I'll scrub your filthy cock clean…" she cooed, pulling me immediately inside her as Seis watched me. "Keep me filled with your cum." She commanded, writhing beneath me as she thrust her hips up to meet me. She whimpered and moaned as I pounded instinctively inside her, her pussy clenching around me as her legs wrapped tightly behind my back.

I was exhausted but determined to satisfy her at least one more time. Reaching out and grabbing a confused Seis' head I pulled her to Killa's lekku and shoved the tip deep into her mouth. "MMN!?" Seis mumbled indignantly as Killa suddenly tightened, I took Killa's other lekku as I held Seis to the first. Killa's eyes widened in surprise and she quickly turned her head left and right as if to say no, then screamed as I began to suck. Seis wasn't too happy to let Killa have fun but seeing the look of enjoyment on my face decided to play along, moving her head up and down Killa's lekku like a blowjob as Killa shrieked and thrashed in manic pleasure.

Eyes wide she screamed an orgasm, her whole body seizing as it took me by surprise and pulled my load from my balls. I collapsed onto her as her sweaty, wet, lekku brushed against my shoulder. She lay limp on the bed as Seis pulled the lekku from her mouth and dropped it callously onto the bed.

The door suddenly hissed open and closed as Nike walked in. before I could say anything her suit was already off and she was naked. Pushing me off Killa and between the two women she climbed on top of me. I gazed lovingly but pleadingly up at her smiling face as she slowly slipped my limp cock into her pussy. "Please Nike… I can't go again…" I whimpered with a soft, hopeful laugh. She leaned over me, close to my ear…

And Purred…

She cooed satisfyingly as my cock hardened in response inside her. She smiled lovingly down at me, and gave me a quick kiss on the lips, as he wide hips and soft ass shook on top of me. "Don't worry Roland…" squeezing her breasts with her hands and practically dancing on me like the skilled stripper she was, her beautiful body already finishing the task her purr had started. "I'll take care of everything…"

And she did… the whole way to Luna IV.

End of Chapter


I snapped the fallen jedi's arm as easily as breathing as I tossed him screaming like a babe onto the floor. Snorting blood from my nose as I wiped it on my left hand. I snarled at the little bitch as his com began to ring in his coat as he cradled his arm. I snatched it and activated it.

An older human woman with rapidly greying red hair stood imposingly in her large 'royal' furred robe. She sighed sadly, "…I apologize for my…" she shook her head, trying to find just the right word. "Minion." She spat with cold stoicism as Alecinder flinched at her words. And most likely pain.

"Fools will be fools." I snarled, glaring at said fool as I shook out the kink in my arm.

"Regardless your talents are indispensable Vargoss and I will not lie when I say I need you. So. As a further apology, I'll increase your pay by a third of our agreed sum." In the background a drunken, rather muffled and slurred Huttese voice shouted over the woman but she seemed undisturbed.

I snorted, the money was no consequence. The thrill of the hunt. The success of a kill. My reputation was more important. "Fine." I noted annoyed with Alecinder. "I'll find the boy… I smelled his father on him."

"…Kill them both. Bring me their heads." She said, her usual façade snapping and revealing a grotesque angry snarl as she turned off the com. I tossed it onto the whimpering, and furious Alecinder as I left the bar…

Following the scent…

End of Bonus

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