In less than thirty seconds, a thirty-story skyscraper completely disappeared. The fused tornado continued its rampage, mercilessly shattering and swallowing everything in its path.
Yao Ran had never seen twin tornadoes in her two lifetimes, nor had she witnessed how twin tornadoes merged and destroyed buildings in just a few seconds. A twin tornado is twice as damaging as a regular tornado but lasts only half as long.
Yao Ran didn't even blink as she watched the giant tornado destroy half of Juncheng City before disappearing.
After the tornado disappeared, Yao Ran still couldn't calm down. This time, it was really a close call.
The two tornadoes not only swallowed up and destroyed skyscrapers but also wreaked havoc on the surrounding areas. They destroyed half of Juncheng City's commercial and residential areas and the most densely populated area in the city center.
With how strong the tornado was, would those people still be able to survive?