"This...looks...sooooo...GOOD!" Replied Pinkie pie.
"Alright, the Fall Formal is back on", said Principal Celestia.
The students cheer.
"So, you better get out of here and get ready", said Principal Celestia. "Oh and don't forget your final vote for Fall Formal".
"You got my vote", said a male person.
"Mine too", said A female person.
"Mine too", said another person.
"Mine too", said another person.
The screen switches to us back at Rarity's boutique.
"I can't believe we did that", said Fluttershy.
"I can, we are awesome", said Rainbow Dash.
"Enough talk, girls, it's time to get ready", said Rarity.
This is our big night
(Fluttershy is looking at her dress in the mirror)
We're getting ready
And we're doing it up right
(Pinkie pie changes into a bunch of different outfits)
This is our big night
(Applejack is wearing a long dress)
Friendship survived
(Rarity is fixing the dress)
Now we'll start it out right
(Pinkie pie trying different hairstyles)
The time's right, gonna make it last 'cause it's the first night
That we're ever gonna start to just have fun together
(Fluttershy has animals help her with her hair)
We're so glad, so happy we could never be mad
(Spike is trying on different mustaches),
Did it right now, this is our big night now
Six friends on the way up now
(Rarity trying on makeup)
Six friends here to show you how
(Rarity shows her accessory kit)
This is our big night
We're getting ready
(Pinkie pie puts on an earring)
And we're doing it up right
(Rarity puts on a necklace)
This is our big night
(Rainbow Dash puts on her boots)
We made it happen
(The main 5 is shown with their party dresses on)
Now let's party all night
(I'm wearing an orange dress with red stripes and books on it)
This is our big night
(Rarity puts Twilight in the dressing room with her dress)
This is our big night
(Twilight poses with her new dress)
This is our big night
(Everybody gathers around Twilight.
This is our big night
[limo pulls up]
(The main 5, Twilight, Spike, and I get out of the limousine)
[girls laughing]
(Flash's car pulls up)
"Hi, Twilight", said Flash.
I smiled.
"You got this", I said to Twilight, then walked inside.
The screen switches to Flash and Twilight walking through the hallway to the gym.
Everybody is dancing.
"Has anybody seen Sunset Shimmer?" asked Twilight.
"Maybe she was too embarrassed to show, she got to know you open by a landslide", Rainbow Dash guessed.
"Maybe", said Twilight.
"It'll be fine", I said.
The music stops.
"First off, I wanna say how wonderful everything looks tonight. You all did a magnificent job pulling things together after the unfortunate events of earlier. And now, without further ado, I'd like to announce the winner of this year's Fall Formal crown. The Princess of this year's Fall Formal is... Twilight Sparkle!" Principal Celestia announces.
[students cheering]
(The crown is put on Twilight
"Congratulations, Twilight", said Principal Celestia.
The main 5 and me are shown smiling.
"Twilight! Kanisha! Help!" called Spike.
"Spike", said Twilight.
I turned around to see Spike being taken by Snips and Snails.
"They got Spike!" replied Twilight, then she jumps off the stage and runs out of the gym with me following her.
The screen switches to the hallway.
Twilight, the main 5, and I run to the entrance, passing Trixie.
We go out of the entrance and head to the portal/statue.
"That's close enough", said Sunset Shimmer, holding a hammer.
"Twilight, Kanisha", said Spike.
"Don't hurt him", said Twilight and I.
"Oh, I wouldn't dream it, I'm not a monster, let him go", said Sunset Shimmer.
Snips and Snails lets go of Spike.
Twilight and I hug Spike.
"You don't belong here, give me the crown and you can go home tonight or keep it and never go home", said Sunset Shimmer.
Twilight gasps.
"Tik Tok, Twilight we haven't got all night. The portal will close itself in less than an hour, so what's your answer?" said Sunset Shimmer, still holding the hammer.
"No", said Twilight, holding her crown.
"What?!" gasped Sunset Shimmer. "Your friends lost you forever, don't see what I'm about to do to the portal".
"Yes, but Kanisha and I have been able to see without magic, Equestria will find a way to survive without my element of harmony, this world might not, if I allow it to fall in your hands. So, go ahead destroy the portal, you are not getting this crown", Twilight says, confidently.
"Fine, you win", said Sunset Shimmer, then dropped her hammer to the ground.
The hammer nearly misses Snips and Snails' feet.
"Wise words, Twilight", I said.
"I can't believe you were going to do that for us", said Applejack.
"It's no wonder that you are a real life princess", said Rarity.
"Oh yes, she's so very special", said Sunset Shimmer, then tries to take the crown from Twilight.
Spike takes the crown and heads to the door, then he is surrounded by Sunset and Snips and Snails behind her.
"Spike! Spike!" called Rainbow Dash.
Spike throws the crown to Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow Dash catches it.
Snips and Snails tried to get the crown, but Rainbow Dash held them off.
Rainbow Dash throws the crown to Fluttershy.
Snips, Snails, and Sunset Shimmer try to come after Fluttershy.
Applejack tries to rope Fluttershy to get the crown, but it lands in Snail's hands.
I took the crown, then they tried to gather around me, so I threw it to Pinkie Pie.
Pinkie pie throws it to Rarity.
Rarity throws it to Applejack.
Applejack throws it to Twilight.
Twilight accidentally throws it to Sunset Shimmer.
Everybody gasps.
"At last, more power than I could ever manage", said Sunset Shimmer, as she throws a crown on her head.
The crown turns dark and a huge light lifts Sunset Shimmer.
Sunset Shimmer's eyes glow, and she starts to transform.
Sunset Shimmer turns into a she-demon.
Sunset Shimmer looks at her new form and smiles, then she blasts Snips and Snails.
Snips and Snails turn into demons too.
"This is going to be so cool", said Snips.
I knocked out Snips with my purse and I acted like it was an accident.
The students see Sunset.
"I had to jump some many hoops just to get my hands on my crown and it should've been mine along, so let's begone, begone, I am your princess and you will be loyal to me", said Sunset Shimmer.
Sunset Shimmer mind controls all the teens in the school.
"Snips! Snails!" called Sunset, then she sees them knocked.
"Too bad, I hit them hard", I said.
"Nevermind, they are still under my control and I will lead them to the portal, so I can use this teenage army to get Equestria", Sunset Shimmer revealed her plan.
"No, you won't", said Twilight and I.
"Please, what exactly are you going to stop me? I have magic and you have nothing", said Sunset Shimmer.
"That's a lie, we have friends, and friendship is strong", I said.
"You're right, Kanisha, everybody hold hands", said Twilight.
All our friends hold hands, Sunset Shimmer tried to attack Twilight and I.
"What?!" gasped Sunset.
"Told you friendship is strong", I said.
"The magic contained in my element was able to unite with those who helped create it", Said Twilight.
The magic from the crown shines around us.
Applejack gets pony ears, and a longer ponytail.
"Honesty!" Echoed Twilight.
Fluttershy gets pony ears, longer ponytail, and wings.
"Kindness!" echoed Fluttershy.
Pinkie pie gets pony ears, and longer ponytail.
"Laughter!" Twilight echoed.
Rarity gets pony ears and a longer ponytail.
"Generosity!" Twilight echoed.
I got pony ears and a longer ponytail.
"Creativity!" Twilight echoed.
Rainbow Dash gets pony ears, longer ponytail, and wings.
"Loyalty!" Twilight echoed.
Twilight gets pony ears, longer ponytail, a nearly visible horn, and wings.
"Magic!" Twilight echoed.
"Together, we have magic that bonds us together", I said.
"You may have the crown on your head, but you do not wield it because you don't possess the most powerful magic of all", said Twilight.
"The magic of friendship!" Twilight and I said.
We all started to glow, summoning a rainbow, the rainbow surrounds Sunset, Snips and Snails, and turns the students back to normal.
We all shined.
Twilight and I opened our eyes, we hugged Spike.
We all saw the big hole in the middle of the ground.
"You will never rule in Equestria, any control you had in this world is gone, tonight you showed everybody who truly are, you showed them what is in your heart", Twilight gives the speech.
Sunset Shimmer has tears.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, I didn't know there was another way", Sunset Shimmer cried.
"The magic of friendship doesn't just exist in Equestria, it's everywhere, you can seek out or you can forgive being alone, the choice is yours", said Twilight.
"But, all I've done since I've been here is drive everybody apart. I don't know the first thing about friendship", Sunset Shimmer cried.
I helped Sunset Shimmer up.
"I bet they could help you", I said.
"Those are my girls! Woohoo!" Spike cheered.
"Did that dog just talk? Whoa! Weird", replied a teenage boy.
"Seriously a talking dog is the weird thing about this", said Spike.
"I agree", I said.
Rarity scratches Spike behind his ear.
Principal Celestia hands it to me.
"I think this belongs to you", I said, holding a crown.
I put the crown on Twilight's head.
"A Princess is someone who doesn't force everyone to do what she says, but inspires others to follow them and show good leadership", said Principal Celestia. "I hope you understand that too, Princess Twilight".
"I do", said Twilight.
"Would now be a completely awkward time to ask for that dance?" asked Flash, while holding his hand out.
Twilight takes Flash's hand.
(Reprise of this is our big night)
We all dance again.
I dance in a conga line with Pinkie and Applejack with others.
Rainbow Dash flies and takes Sweetie Belle.
Twilight is dancing pony style and Flash joins them.
Vinyl does dj.
Photofinsh take a picture of the mane 5, Twilight, Spike, and I.
The mane 5 hugs us.
"You'll look out for her?" asked Twilight, referring to Sunset.
"Of course, we will, although I want an apology for last spring's debacle", said Rarity.
"I'm sure, she's going to be handing a lot of apologies", said Twilight.
"We should go", said Spike.
"I know, I only known for a short time, but I'm going to miss all of you so much", said Twilight.
"I will too", I said.
Twilight, Spike, and I go through the portal.
The screen switches to Canterlot in pony world.
Twilight and I came out of the portal.
"Twilight! Kanisha!" exclaimed Everybody.
Spike came out of the portal.
"You're back", said Rainbow Dash.
"You got your crown", said Rarity.
"Knew you could do it", said Pinkie pie.
"Oh, we were so worried", said Applejack.
"Sunset Shimmer is alright?" asked Princess Celestia.
"She'll be fine", I said.
"Yeah, I left her in good hands", said Twilight.
"What are hands?" asked Rainbow Dash.
The screen switches to the ponies walking.
"Where did you stay?" asked Rarity.
"What did you eat?" asked Applejack.
"Did you have fun?" asked Pinkie pie.
"Would you say it was just as awesome as me?" asked Rainbow Dash.
"It was fantastic, we ate plenty of food: fruits, vegetables, but no hay, oats, etc", I said.
"Really?!" questioned the ponies.
"You sensed how tired I was from all of the dancing?" asked Twilight.
"Yup, I kinda am too", I said
Twilight bumped into a royal guard.
"We got to stop bumping into each other like this", said Flash.
Flash helps Twilight up and walks away.
"Who was that?" asked Twilight.
"He's a new member of the castle guards, Flash Sentry, I think, why do you know him?" asked Cadance.
"Not exactly", said Twilight.
I giggled.
"Somepony has a crush on the new guy", said Applejack.
"No. No I don't", Twilight denied.
"Oh she does, she absolutely does", Rarity insists, as she sees Twilight blush.
"Don't be ridiculous, I don't even know him, he just…" said Twilight.
"Totally reminds you of the guy from the other world, that plays guitar and tried to prove you didn't destroy decoration for the big dance, so you could still run as princess of the big dance, and ask you out for that dance", Pinkie pie guessed.
"How did you know that?" asked Twilight.
"Just a hunch", said Pinkie pie, then smile and bounce away.
Twilight hugs Spike and me.
The screen zooms out of the castle and goes to credits.
My watch glows and I reenter my regular human world seeing Mariah.
"That was totally awesome and I got it on camera, I had to take a few breaks, but I still got this all on camera", Mariah smiled.
"That was crazy! I'm glad everything went well", I said.
"You were really making me think you were truly a new mlp character, it was perfect, can I get one pic?" Mariah cheers me up.
"Sure", I blushed.
Mariah takes a picture with me.
The story ends.
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