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Bab 34: Chapter 34

Perhaps it spoke to the wild nature of the last few days, but no one really seemed to care about the massive influx of Fel energy poisoning the atmosphere, or the attack on Silvermoon. 

No, the damned smug Elves concerned themselves more with petty drama than danger to their race! 

Muttered condemnation, and some not so quiet slurs from the Blood Elves in the square were directed towards Jan'alai. 

This seemed to anger Kael to no end, prompting him to lash out. 

"We stand on the precipice of defeat, our Sunwell demolished, our people nearly extinguished, and you would shy away from the hand that would protect you?" Kael harshly said, voice thick with recrimination and incredulity. 

An awkward pause ensued, before a Blood Elf stood from the crowd. Varrus vaguely recognized her as one of the Heroes that fought against Kith'ix, so it wasn't like she was someone who didn't have any clout. In fact, she vaguely resembled one of the bosses from the Tempest Keep raid if Varrus wasn't mistaken. 

"Apologies, Your Majesty, I am High Astromancer Solarian, and I believe that that thing has no right to be in this city. Not after what they have done to us. We all know someone who was murdered, tortured, or worse, abducted. I think I speak for the people of Silvermoon when I say we don't need help if it comes from her kind." Solarian spat, and despite respectfully addressing Kael as her superior, spoke with heat and venom in her voice. 

Varrus noted a large number of Elves in the crowd were nodding along with the sentiment she had shared. 

Privately, Varrus had a negative view of Troll culture. The cannibalism, and live sacrifice were big turn offs, and that barely scratched the surface of how messed up Troll society was. There were a few tribes that just tried to get by like everyone else, and could be reasoned with, but on the whole, the Trolls were a bloodthirsty people. 

It was easy to write off every Troll as a bad apple, however, Varrus tried to judge people as individuals. True, he had some biases, but that didn't mean he couldn't accept a Troll in Quel'Thalas. Hell, the Blood Elves teamed up with Naga and demons at some point, so accepting a lone Troll as their ally shouldn't be that tough of a pill to swallow. As far as he was concerned, Jan'alai was a badass warrior who took out tons of their enemies. It didn't matter what she looked like. 

But the Elves had been largely isolated for the last thousands of years. When your society lived forever, had limitless energy, and could literally warp reality, it became easy to look down on every and any other society. 

Varrus dubbed them as the 'smug Elves' for a reason after all. 

Haughty, arrogant, conceited, and overbearing, most Blood Elves were quite frankly, assholes of the highest order. 

Kael was experiencing this first hand, as he looked like he was a second away from attacking his naysayer. 

Jan'alai placed her arm on Kael's shoulder, eliciting a hiss from the audience, then she turned around, seeming like she was about to transform and fly away. 

This couldn't go on. Varrus had to do something. Kael, despite his revenge driven mind, was still not firm enough in his rule. He was very wishy washy, and uncertain in his decision making. Canonically, Kael let Garithos walk all over him, and always played second fiddle, whether it be to the Naga, or even to Malfurion when he visited from across the sea. He wanted to get along with everyone-qualities Varrus admired in him-but that was not the mentality that a monarch should possess. To rule, one must step on some toes, and break some eggs in the process. 

Idly, Varrus wondered if his father and King Anastarian shared a similar tempo. With Anasterian maintaining the image of a beloved figure, while his father drew all the hate upon himself. Almost like they were playing good cop, bad cop, and putting on a show for the masses…bloody politics, it was just like how politicians were friends with one another despite shit talking one another when in front of cameras! 

The possibility that he could be reenacting the policy of the older generation stunned Varrus almost into inaction, but he had a mission to accomplish. 

What Varrus was about to do made him cringe, but someone had to throw down the gauntlet. Every great Hero needs his heel, and if Kael was to keep his beloved status, Varrus didn't mind aggro'ing some shade. With a name like Vandercross, what was a little more hate?

"Halt! Jan'alai! Halt and hear this decree!" Varrus strode forth, and gathered the people's attention. 

Some Elves were moderately clapping at the combative tone. 

Others spoke encouragingly, telling Varrus to cut off her head too. 

Varrus ignored them-as well as the burning gaze from his wife-and confidently approached Jan'alai. 

She tried smiling with her typical bodacious energy, but Varrus could see the pain in her eyes. 

Varrus gave her a small smile, then turned to face the thousands of people in the crowd. 

"People of Silvermoon, this Troll, this woman of Zul Aman was a slave. Fodder for the cruel tyrants, and experimented upon with dark voodoo magics. She is no friend of the Amani." Varrus spoke, gesturing at her. 

"Yes First Seat, that is a touching tale, however, barbarism has no place in our society. Should we allow her in our ranks, what next, shall we accept Half Elf bastards too-" 

"Silence." Varrus commanded, channeling all his presence into one word. 

Due to the perk under the Speech tree, Divine Wind, a fierce gale pressed forth, pushing the cat caller into the ground. 

Varrus knew he was a hypocrite acting like this, but the world was a savage place. If he wanted the freedom to act, he would have to play by its savage rules. 

All this time, he had spent demonstrating to the people why he was worthy of leadership. Be it his generosity at home or his ferocity on the battlefield. Perhaps they still looked down upon him and Kael for their past, and their youth. But that didn't mean he had to sit still and take it! 

Opening his mouth wide, Varrus began to lambast the Elf who had almost driven away a powerful Hero due to pride and prejudice. Sure she was a Hero, and probably a member of the wise, but that was all the more reason why Varrus had to put her in her place now, and in a public forum. If people got it in their heads that they could publicly challenge them, then they would eventually lose all respect. 

"You have spoken to this body, and to His Majesty with great disrespect. Perhaps the gathering of thousands has granted you courage, or perhaps you are too foolish to understand the magnitude of your error. 

Am I so weak, that you deign my words easily spoken over? 

Today was a day of remembrance, a day of mourning. One marred by a vicious attack upon our city. Whilst you contributed some minor skills towards our shared defense, you destroyed what, one, two Infernals at best? it was we who held the sky up. Your Prince defended you whilst you were at your most vulnerable, and you have the audacity to question who he associates with? 

This Troll betrayed her own people because she had seen the prosperity of ours. This young woman, Jan'alai, was willing to sacrifice her life for us, proving instrumental in winning yesterday's battle, and today's defense. 

Instead of instigating division, reflect upon your own failures. A Troll girl in her 20's is more powerful than you! 

If you, or any of the people of Silvermoon have a problem with this Troll, I invite you to duel her, and allow you a front row seat of her barbarity."

The Astromancer, Solarian looked like she was about to step forward, however, Varrus caught her eye, and savagely grinned. While he didn't have any dialogue option to intimidate, he flexed the large pool of mana within his body, and pressured her to stand down. 

Thanks to the Speech perk Speech Mastery, his intimidation attempts were four times as effective. The Elf Hero paused in her steps, and a slight sheen of sweat covered her forehead. Taking a gasp, she fell back a step, and retreated back within the crowd.

Varrus took note of her appearance, she was blonde and beautiful like most any other Elf, but distinct if one knew what to look for. 

He had plans to question her at a later date. Who knew if she was part of some cabal intent on undermining Kael? Furthermore, in the Burning Crusade expansion, Solarian was a powerful Void magic user. If she was undertaking that kind of research now, Varrus could benefit from taking a look at her notes. He had planned to explore most paths of magic, and was open to introducing alternate forms of power to Blood Elf society so long as the risks of corruption could be mitigated. 

Meanwhile, Solarian's lack of action seemed to wake the crowd up, and many of them looked at Varrus like he was some rabid animal that might bite their head off at a moment's notice. 

Varrus milked the silence a moment longer, then nodded his head like a sage dispensing great wisdom. 

"No? I thought not. Then as my first official announcement as the First Seat of the Convocation of Silvermoon, I name Jan'alai as a friend and ally of Quel'Thalas, welcomed within our walls forevermore. What say you, fellow councilman?" Varrus looked to the other 5 members (missing only Koren) with a dangerous look in his eye. 

Lor'Themar, Tae'thelon, and Telonicus all looked amused at Varrus' theatrics, and agreed on the spot, providing a majority ruling. 

"Your Majesty, will you ratify this decision?" Varrus questioned. 

Kael looked at him as if he was viewing an alien, before eventually he cleared his throat, and gave his ascent. 

"First Seat Varrus speaks truth. Jan'alai, I hereby declare you friend, and ally of Silvermoon. You may roam our streets as if they were your own." Kael said grandly. 

"It is settled then. I know that anger and helplessness have gripped the hearts of many at the tragedy that has befallen our people. I am not unsympathetic to those who have suffered, and His Majesty is a merciful ruler. None shall face punishment for speaking out of turn this time. Now return to your training so that our people may be avenged!" Varrus commanded imperiously, and shooed the interloper off. 

The danger, and sheer amount of mana coursing around him told every Blood Elf in the vicinity to piss off. Due to their magical sight, they all witnessed the vast difference between the average citizen, and Varrus. 

After some reluctance, the Blood Elves stopped paying attention to the Forest Troll standing next to their Prince, and resumed their training. 

"Thank you my friend, for standing up for me. I-I was at a loss of what to say. My mind is so focused on revenge, I failed to account for our people's hatred of Trollkind." Kael stepped forward, and placed a hand on Varrus' forearm to get his point across. 

"Haha, I am always ready to help my friends!" Varrus quickly withdrew his arm. 

At almost the same time, he felt Syra take ahold of his other arm, and drag him close. 

Kael frowned, but was quick to replace it with a smile. 

"The documentaries were true. Kind, gracious, and wise despite his youth. You see, Goldilocks, who could hate such an amazing public figure?

"I think quite a few people, judging by the glares coming this way." Kael muttered. 

"Thank you Vandercross, you are everything I knew you would be!" Jan'alai said, and wrapped her muscled arms around the back of Kael's neck like a vice grip. 

Leaning forward, Kael lost his breath, and looked up to Varrus for some assistance. 

The corner of Varrus' lips twitched at the sight. 

He then glanced down at Syra, and gave her a look that said 'see, you have no competition, there is nothing to worry about.' 

Syra, apparently, did not get the memo, as her sweet smile fell upon the duo, and Varrus felt her grip on him double in strength. 

"Ahem, Jan'alai you are most welcome. I would help any ally that was in trouble. It doesn't matter what a person looks like on the outside, so long as they are affable, they are friends in my book! Oh, by the way, this is my one and only wife, Syra. I planned on introducing her when the four of us went to lunch tomorrow, but, well, here we are, haha!" Varrus awkwardly rambled on in an attempt to save his bacon. 

Kael was looking at him with confusion, and Jan'alai took in his wife with a wide barbaric grin to match Syra's syrupy sweet smile. 

Varrus palmed his forehead with force. The sooner he could get the moody Prince and the extroverted Troll girl to hook up, the more reassured he would be. Both for his sanity, and the safety of his balls. 

"I did not agree to this luncheon, I have a war to plan!" Kael said in frustration as he broke free from Jan'alai's chokehold hug. 

"Anyway, we shall turn in for the night, I will see you tomorrow at noon, Kael, Jan'alai." Varrus nodded, then turned to the remaining council members. 

"Let us hold our first session in the evening. I shall inform Koren." Varrus said to the Convocation. 

After receiving their affirmative replies, Varrus turned to Rho'dan to give out one last set of orders. 

"Have everything packed up, and House Vandercross returned to their quarters. There are a few Undead roaming the city that require cleansing, and I want our guard to clear them out. Furthermore, reconstruction begins tomorrow. I shall be up early preparing the building materials myself." Varrus told Rho'dan. 

"And the Mana Stones, do you want us to carry out your plan?" Rho'dan questioned. 

"Thank you for reminding me." Varrus nodded in thanks. 

"Yes, begin transporting the larger Mana Stones towards major intersections, and allow the people to feed upon them. Require the citizenry to leave their name, and take a picture with a scrying orb. Hopefully we can get a census on the number of survivors this way, and keep track of the population." Varrus said, okaying the plan, as well as amending it. 

"It will be done, Highlord." Rho'dan bowed, then went to carry out his orders. 

Left to his own devices, Varrus walked silently with Syra down some side streets. 

He was hoping that his enemy in the shadows would take this opportunity to attempt an assassination, however, there was no such luck. Whoever it was that wanted him ruined or dead was patient. 

Coming across a fountain in a small, half ruined square, Varrus sat Syra down next to him, and admired her reflection. 

Pale moonlight spilled down from clear skies, bathing the pair with an effervescent glow. 

Stroking her hair, Varrus appreciated her silent nature. She was quiet, she was strong, she was his rock. 

"Your singing was beautiful today, it moved me to tears." Varrus complimented her, and began to rub her back, making tiny, circle-like movements with his thumbs. 

"One day, we shall sing together, my love." Syra said, closing her eyes as she let Varrus' hands do their work. 

Syra was a little huffy from earlier, but she soon melted like putty in his grasp. 

Massaging his old aunties at family functions back on Earth had paid off, and his hands didn't need to channel mana to be magical. 

Syra stretched like a cat, and leaned in to him. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep in his embrace. 

Varrus stroked her hair once more, and held her close. 

He was the luckiest man in all of Azeroth. 


Read 25 chapters ahead at: patreon.com/KarpQQ

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