An awkward silence descended among all the people present as everyone stared speechlessly at the girl who had just rudely barged into the room. After a few seconds passed, it was Riku who finally broke the silence with his casual comment.
"Not wasting time to ask how he is and going straight to the point? Wow, a real dick move, Sugawara-senpai. A real dick move, indeed."
Yes, the girl was Arina Sugawara, the third-year princess student whom Yuki had just befriended in the last few weeks. Yuki was curious, though. Based on what Riku had just said, it seemed they were no strangers to each other. However, aside from the meeting with the volleyball club, he couldn't recall those two interacting openly like this.
'Maybe it's a popular student thing,' he thought.
"A D-D-Di-Di-!" Arina Sugawara stuttered, her face flushed from Riku's crude choice of words. Poor girl; she didn't even know how to repeat it properly—too pure to be tainted by Riku's crudeness.
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