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77.41% Son of the Weaver / Chapter 24: Chapter 24

Bab 24: Chapter 24

Naruto came back from his bedroom and went to his desk to look over the orders again. He looked closer and found out the dates of when they want him to be there, within the next couple of days, and what his duties will be. At first, he wasn't worried, but he realized this would be the first time he would travel with a group. He familiarised himself with Japanese mythology, specify the monsters they would be facing. He thought it over and decided to brief his team once Bianca woke-up, but for now, the lunch horn sounded, telling everyone that lunch was ready. He got up from his desk but was surprised when he heard knocking on his door.

'As far as I know, Bianca is my only intern?' thought Naruto as he walked towards the door, "Hello?"

On the other side of the door was his sister, Alex, holding four to-go containers.

"Can I come in?" asked Alex.

"Sure," said Naruto as he let Alex, "How can I help you?"

"I need to ask you a favor," said Alex as she put the food down, "we need you to fight in tonight's game. You're our best chance for finally taking a victory from the Hunters."

"I can't disagree with you, but did you forget that I'm banned from participating," commented Naruto as he opened his food container.

"No, I haven't forgotten, but Chiron is willing to let you play if you promise to hold your powers back." said Alex, "So what do you think?"

"Fine, but just know I work alone, so don't include me in your plans," said Naruto after thinking for a few minutes.

"That's fine. Just remember to hold back," said Alex as she quickly left. Naruto had the suspicious it was because Rachnera walked into the room.

"What was that about?" asked Rachnera as she got a drink.

"Alex asked me to take place in the Capture the flag game tonight." answered Naruto,

"I'm their last resort for a win; also, it's probable for the best you stay in the cabin tonight. The Hunters my mistake you for an invading monster and kill you."

"Alright but try and not get hurt against those girls," said Rachnera with concern

"I'll be careful," said Naruto, "besides I don't think those hunters faced my kind of combat before."

Night had fallen, and everyone was getting ready for Capture the flag, but it was not a regular game as it wasn't camper against camper, it was against the Hunters of Artemis. The group of young maidens, although at times that image is broken, were personally trained by Artemis. They continuously trained to keep their skills sharp, but their training also gave some of them an inflated ego and turning them into hard-core feminists. The group also had an ongoing rivalry with Camp Half-Blood, and the Hunters were the cause for the destruction of several cabins and property damage. Camp Half-Blood hated the Hunters because of their arrogant attitude. In contrast, the Hunters hated the Camp because they kept young maidens from joining the Hunt. Naruto himself didn't have any personal feelings against the group, although being called a pervert who enjoys fornicating with scantily clad women was coming close.

The two groups separated and set up Camp on opposite sides of the forest, with Naruto resting on the tree line. Most of the campers grouped together and began to discuss what to do, Naruto, on the other hand, was looking around the forest spotting various places to set traps. This was Naruto's primary style of fighting. He lures his opponents into traps and ensnaring them in his threads. He also used phycological warfare to anger his opponent and messing with their mind. Naruto heard that he was going to act as the main distraction as the rest of the team went for the flag. Naruto peeked at the Hunters and noticed their figures; they were well-built, but only a few looked very agile. They probably didn't have a lot of experience dodging and disarming traps. After thinking for a bit, Naruto stopped leaning on the tree and walk to his position; he plans to show these Hunters why demi-gods were the deadliest prey.

Everyone was anxious to begin; for the Hunters, they couldn't wait to rack up another win while the Campers wanted to shut the Hunters up for good. Naruto melted into the background and waited for the horn to sound. Chiron blew the horn, and the two sides sped into the forest, prepping themselves for battle. Naruto split up from the leading group, disappearing into the darkened woods. Sitting in the canopy and spotted five hunters acting as a scouting party. Without disturbing the flora surrounding him, Naruto again vanished, a smirk on his face.

The Hunters formed a semi-tight V with bows and knives ready in their hands. The other four were looking around for any threats. Naruto made his move by ensnaring and dragging the fifth one into the bushes. Hearing the noise, they turned around and noticed the absents of one their own. Forming themselves into a protective circle and scanned for the threat.

"Well, it looks like Artemis's Hunters aren't as talented as they preached," said Naruto, echoing around the woods.

"Where are you?!" yelled one of the Huntresses, "Show yourself!"

"I rather not," replied Naruto as he managed to drag another huntress into the bush.

The remaining huntresses fired stun arrows into the bush but only heard the sound of arrow meeting wood.

"Oh, try again," said Naruto in a taunting voice

"Hiding and attacking from the shadows," shouted one of the other Huntresses, "a cowardly tactic!"

"What you see as cowardly, I see as effective." said Naruto dragging another huntress, "I remain unhurt while completing my objective while getting rid of you huntresses."

'The plan is hopefully working,' thought Naruto as he toyed with his prey, 'the other traps I have laid distracted the other Huntresses long enough for the others to get the flag.'

"You can't stay hidden forever! You will have to come out sometime!" yelled one of the Huntress

"I have you disagree with you there. I have home-field advantage," said Naruto, "if anything, you are just flies getting caught in my web."

"Stand strong," whispered one hunter to the others, "he can't keep with up."

Naruto snatched another hunter leaving only two left. Behind him lay the other huntresses cocooned in his webbing. His plan was going great as the huntress didn't know where he was or how to locate him. He stayed calm as he manipulated his strings to ensnared another huntress leaving only one left. Naruto observed as her movements started to become jumpier and irregular. Naruto continued to mess with her by moving his strings to disturb the leaves or make the tree limbs move. He ended her torment be trapping her ankle, pulling into the trees, wrapping her in a cocoon, and setting her down with the others. The sound of a horn sounded in the air, telling Naruto that the game was over.

"Looks like you girls will be going home soon." said as he snapped his fingers, unraveling the cocoons the hunters were in, "I can't wait to see who won this time."

"Obviously, we won," said one of the freed hunters, "we win this silly contest every visit."

"You never know, crazier things have happened," said Naruto as he walked out of the forest to meet the others

Naruto was right; crazier things have happened. The Hunters had lost, and the Camp celebrated their first victory against them, but the celebration was cut short as the prophet of Delphi, Pythia, came walking towards the group. The deceased Oracle stopped in front of Zoe.

"I am the spirit of Delphi, speaker of the prophecies of Phoebus Apollo, Slayer of the Mighty Python. Approach Seeker and ask your question." said the walking corpse.

Zoe approached the Oracle and asked, "How do I save my Mistress?"

The Oracle's jaw opened and enveloped the huntress in green fog. In the smoke, the image of Artemis holding something up appeared. Upon closer inspection, the Goddess didn't look too good.

Five shall go West to the Goddess in chains.

The bane of Olympus shall show the way.

Camper and Hunters combined prevail.

The Titan's curse must one withstand

One shall fall to a parent's hand.

And allies shall come from another land.

The Oracle's voice rang through the fog, spooking some of the campers. Once the prophecy was delivered, the mist formed into a snake and went back into the Pythia's body, also causing the prophet to stiffen and fall over.

"Let that was unexpected," said Naruto after witnessing Zoe's prophecy

"Percy, Grover, go and place the Oracle back into the attic," shouted Chiron, "Cabin leader meet me in the Main House, we have much to discuss."

"Well, while they go and talk about the upcoming quest, I better go and start packing," said Naruto as he walked towards his cabin.

"Where do you think you're going, male?" asked one of the hunters in an arrogant tone, "The trainer requested your presents in the Main House."

"No, he asked all of the cabin leaders to meet him there," answered Naruto, "I am not a leader; besides, a different party has summoned me."

"Whatever," was the hunter's reply as she and the rest of the party went to the Main House.

Having no idea how the meeting was going but Naruto had other matters to attend to, He reached his cabin and opened the door. He saw Rachnera was busy making her silk goods while Bianca was listening to Melinoe about her responsibilities.

"Rachnera, Bianca, pack your things," said Naruto, "we've been summoned for several on-site jobs. Unfortunately, Melinoe, you can't come as it's in a different pantheon."

"Which pantheon?" asked Melinoe

"Shinto." answered Naruto, "So, you girls should pack for a two-week trip. Anything you don't have; we can get in Japan."

The small meeting that Naruto was holding was interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Opening the door, he saw an irritated hunter looking standing outside his door.

"You have been summoned on the Quest to save our Matron from the clutches of Evil, we leave when her brother raises the sun so be ready." said the hunter not looking at him

"I can't. My services have summoned elsewhere, so I'll be unavailable." answered Naruto standing firm, "So you will have to choose someone else to fill my spot."

"What! You dare decline the offer to save our mistress and hopefully get in her good graces!" yelled the hunter in anger.

"As I said, my services have been summoned elsewhere, and it the kind where if I don't go could result in a war of supernatural proportions. I can only wish you good luck on the quest," said Naruto as he politely declined and closed the door.

"I imagine that could have gone better," said Melinoe in her secretary desk

"Yes, it could have gone a lot better," said Naruto

The packing could have also gone better as Bianca kicked him out of the room as she packed her clothing as other essentials. Naruto got the message as Bianca was a teenage girl and more than likely had a few embarrassing pieces of clothing or toiletries she would want Naruto to see.

The two parties were waiting in the same area for the vehicles that will pick them up. The atmosphere was tense was made worse as the Huntresses were glaring at Naruto for declining the position in the quest. In their eyes, Naruto was another pig-headed male that thought this his other head.

"Glaring at me won't change my mind," said Naruto

"You should have accepted the summons instead of galivanting around the world," remarked Zoe

"I told you I have business elsewhere and if I said no, then the consequences would be dire," said Naruto, "The people that summoned me first are powerful and influential. If things go well, I'll have more clients, and we may have powerful allies on our side."

"Excuses," said one of the other hunters, "you even prevented a young maiden from joining us."

"Think what you will, I don't care," said Naruto as his ride pulled up, "I wish you well and hope you have a safe journey and Bianca joined me by her own free will. If you have a problem with it, take it up with the King of the Sky."

Naruto's transportation was provided by the people that requested him. It was a small stretch limo with various drinks and snacks for the passenger's enjoyment. Bianca was astonished as this was the first time she experienced something like this, but for Naruto, it got old very quickly. The trip took a while, but Naruto didn't notice as he watched Bianca marvel at the sights of New York's countryside and amenities the limo offered. Bianca was from a person from the nineteenth-forties. She was unfamiliar with such luxuries, as she, her brother, and mother were hiding in the Italian countryside. The ride ended when they pulled up at an empty air-field. This confused Bianca, this couldn't be the right destination as Naruto told her they were flying to another location, so why weren't their airplanes to even other people.

"Come on, Bianca, grab your luggage," said Naruto as he and Rachnera got their things from the back, "we have a plane to catch."

"Oh, okay," replied Bianca as she broke out of her daze but not seeing the point.

The car that drove the trio to the 'deserted' airfield went on as it's way as Naruto, Rachnera, and Bianca stood on the curb.

"Let's make our way in and get the clearance for take-off," said Naruto as he walked forward and disappeared into the building.

Following Naruto's lead, the demi-human and demi-goddess also walked into the building. Once Bianca walked through the second set of doors and was greeted by the sight of a busy airport, but the people and staff weren't what she was expected. She saw people with snake tails, multiple eyes, tails, or even one eye;

"Don't be scared Bianca, this is normal," said Naruto as he guided his group through the terminal.

"But aren't these the creatures that try and eat our kind?" asked Bianca as she looked around the airport.

"Sort of, the monsters you're thinking of are pure Greek variants while the monsters here are mixed-blood or from other myths. This airport is a neutral ground, as some of them have families overseas," answered Naruto, "We also won't be eaten as these monsters eat a regular diet depending on their species."

"So, is that where it looked deserted at first?" asked Bianca

"Yes. It's another form of protection for these monsters. The main form of protection is an oath with the other gods to not harm the planes or building." said Naruto, "I know our king has tried to blast with place several times with the excuse of 'making sure no one takes his throne from him.' As you can tell, he failed as other gods control the sky and lightning that care about the oaths they make."

"So, the gods going back on their oaths are common?" asked Bianca

"No, just the Big Three," answered Naruto, "they're the reason why we're going to war with dark forces. I'll tell you more when we're on the plane."

"Okay," said Bianca as the trio stopped at the desk.

"Passport and I.D.?" asked the monoeye at the desk.

Naruto brought out his passport as did Rachnera and Bianca's;

"Hey Mark, how's life?" Asked Naruto

"Fine, where are you heading this time?" Asked Mark

"Japan. I've asked to do a few jobs there. I have the seal to prove it." Said Naruto

"Well, good luck then," said Mark," You do know this passport is expired by sixty years, right?"

"I am aware of that, but I was hoping you could overlook that." said Naruto, "We don't have time to renew it, and we're in a hurry. So, can you?"

"I'll overlook it this time but make sure you renew it asap, alright," said Mark as he handed the passports back

"We will and thank you," said Naruto as he put his passport away as lead his group elsewhere.

"That was a cyclops," said Bianca in disbelief, "we just talked to a cyclops."

"Yeah, that's Mark. He's been working at this airport for several years." said Naruto, "and they like to be called monoeyes. Mark wants to distance himself from the stereotype."

"But why didn't he try to eat us?" asked Bianca

"Believe it or not, Marks a vegetarian," answered Naruto, "That's the main difference between Greek Cyclopes and monoeyes. monoeyes have a more diverse palate and are quite intelligent, but they have no depth perception for obvious reasons. Some monoeyes are in the Japanese military as snipers due to their excellent eyesight."

"Really. I didn't know?" said Bianca as she looked around

"You get used to it," commented Rachnera to Bianca, "it took a while for me too."

Naruto led his good to a private lounge until Naruto's jet was ready for take-off. The staff members brought them various drinks and snacks to eat as they wait. It took Bianca awhile to get used to the supernatural world as the staff members were also demi-humans, consisting of lamias and catgirls. Rachnera was relaxing as she finally found a comfortable chair for her opisthosoma on. It turns out people in the outside world don't make furniture for people with spider bodies.

Naruto had some water, but his mind was elsewhere. He was worried about the questing group as this 'General' sounded powerful and dangerous. His thought process was interrupted by the pilot, telling them the jet was ready. The group of three grabbed their luggage and went towards the plane, Bianca was a bit nervous as this was her first time riding in an airplane. Naruto assured her that the ride was safe, and she had nothing to worry about.

The jet was renovated to accommodate for Rachnera or any other large-bodied species so that she would be comfortable for the long plane rides. Bianca was amazed as the chairs were quite comfortable, between the chairs was a table with a basket with an assortment of fruit in it. Rachnera chooses a laydown chair so she can relax with her thorax out, and her eight legs spread out. The pilot gave the group a few minutes to get comfortable. The flight attendant instructed them to buckle-up and made sure all their luggage was secured for the thirteen-hour flight to Tokyo, Japan.

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