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11.66% - BORUTO and NARUTO: What We Will Be Someday / Chapter 7: PART 3.

Bab 7: PART 3.

A slight prick in her heart tore her from her sleep. He opened his eyes in instant surprise, and then he got used to the darkness of the night. His mind was active like a factory running 24 hours a day, working at a fast pace, with his instincts alert.

However, Mirai did not consider this to be a good thing. For a ninja, it had always been an obligation to watch his back and be prepared for possible enemy attacks. But now, everything was different. Literally, his world was no longer the same.

She had woken up from a light sleep, one of those in which she barely realized she was sleeping until some external sound roused her from it.

Mirai was sitting on a thick, solid branch of a tree. He reckoned it was late in the morning, and the vast forest was completely silent and cold. Even the insects seemed to have refused to emit their usual nightly song, for some unknown reason.

They had been on the move for about ten hours since they left the surviving chunin behind. Despite taking small breaks, they always ended up running to avoid temptations such as inns with food, drink and comfortable beds. None complained, but all longed for the well-deserved rest promised.

At first, they resisted sleeping soundly. Even when they did, they were often easily awakened by any noise or danger signal.

Mirai watched them from the branch, her expression neutral. He had taken off his distinctive yellow robe to give to Doushu for the night, so that he could sleep more comfortably.

The chestnut fever had fluctuated throughout the day, and his two companions slept on either side of him, with Mirai covering him with her own clothes for the cold.

Mirai gazed at the clear sky, now devoid of stars, as the shadows of the night gradually faded. They were in a precarious situation: without medicines, with food rationing and the need to ensure the supply of water before entering the deserts.

These arid lands were unfamiliar territory for her, more accustomed to forests than sand. He always avoided deserts, remembering the disgust his teacher used to express when crossing them.

"We will tread those lands leaving a lot behind." She reflected to herself, aware of the challenges that awaited them.

With the first light of day about to appear, he decided to wake the children, hesitating about how to deal with the uncertainty that awaited them on their journey to the deserts. 

She leapt nimbly to the ground, landing with the characteristic smoothness of a trained ninja. Careful not to disturb the rest of the others, he approached the bundles covered by the cloaks. She had been heard, as indicated by the movements and moans that came from them.

"Dawn is near." He announced in a low voice, aware of the need to conserve energy and supplies. "Soon we will approach the deserts. We must move forward to economize our forces and resources, but we do not know how long it will take us to get there."

Soon, some of the children began to wake up and settle in. They used their cloaks as makeshift blankets and grouped together to keep warm. However, he noted with regret the lack of organization in the group, with some staying out of their assigned teams.

Mirai watched them carefully before heading towards Doushu. Tsuru, the team's medical ninja, had woken up to the Chunin's words and was preparing to tend to her friend.

"How are you?" Mirai asked, leaning towards the boy.

"The fever has dropped considerably since yesterday." Enko, the brown haired genin, replied, rubbing her eye with the knuckles of her gloves. 

At Mirai's excited smile, Enko smiled as well.

"That's good news!" Mirai exclaimed with a wide smile. 

Doushu groaned as he woke up, and when he opened his eyes he met Mirai's worried gaze.

"Good morning, Doushu-kun." He greeted him gently. "How do you feel? Is there anything that bothers you or do you need something?"

The warmth in Mirai's words encouraged Doushu's two companions to lean out and smile silently.

"I feel... Not bad." He answered, getting used to talking. 

"Are you sure?"


"Can you walk?"

"I think so." He said, although his voice denoted a certain insecurity. "I can walk... But the world turns a little."


Mirai stripped him of the blankets and adjusted them around his own shoulders. A reassuring smile was drawn on her lips as she spoke to him.

"Eat something before you get up and, if you feel weak, don't hesitate to tell me, okay?"

Doushu's eyes widened a little wider at the warmth of his words. As Mirai put on the clothes he had used as a sheet, a sense of relief invaded his chest, dispelling the cloudiness he had been feeling.

His heartbeat was more audible due to the lingering fever, but with the tranquility that Mirai conveyed to him, Doushu felt comforted.

Now, Doushu could look his companions straight in the eye, without fear of being judged. Among the group, he was the center of attention, mainly because he was considered the man destined to inherit Ibiki's talents. To the Chunin, it was more than just a legend; they saw him as a close figure.

He let his companions adjust his cloak and help him to his feet. With a resigned sigh, he closed his eyes.

"Where are we headed?" He asked in a low voice. 

When Mirai noticed Doushu's curious expression, a voice broke the silence.

It was Mitsuki, who was sitting on a branch.

"You don't know where we're going, do you?"

Mirai pursed her lips, and then shrugged her shoulders resignedly. He didn't answer the question, he just looked away bitterly.

He didn't feel any resentment towards Mitsuki. In this situation, where all lives were equally valuable, thinking about such things seemed absurd. While everyone was busy waking up and regaining their balance, Mirai reached into her pocket.

They were heading for the deserts. But in that place, it would be the compass that would guide their path, and only the compass they would obey.

She was uncomfortable having to rely on that tool when she was a full-fledged ninja.

"Don't worry about that." The snake genin leapt down and stood in front of Mirai with swift steps. 

She shuddered imperceptibly and inadvertently instinctively protected her pocket.


"Yes." The genin replied with a slight smile. "I've heard great things about you. Both Boruto and Sarada. Regardless of who your parents are, you are truly amazing, Mirai-san."

She was speechless. He tried to answer, but only managed to make a strange sound. She was surprised by the gesture, especially coming from Mitsuki.

The last time they had spoken, he always showed an imperturbable smile on his face, even a certain terrifying innocence. Now, he seemed to have matured in that aspect, showing a sensitivity that he had not shown before.

Mitsuki was the first to notice her concerns, beyond the pressure of being responsible for that trip.

Mirai immediately stopped grimacing, and her expression became expressionless.

He swallowed hard, feeling the dryness in his throat. She wasn't sure why she felt the need to open up to Orochimaru's son, to share more of his thoughts, worries, and desires. He could have waited to talk to Shikadai about the subject, especially since he was Chunin.

However, his mouth began to tremble. His mind wanted to hold back, but his instinct moved on its own.

Looking once more at the yellow eyes of the Genin, he noticed something that the others lacked.

He showed decision and maturity in his eyes. He watched her piercingly, even if she smiled discreetly at him.

That revelation was like a light that illuminated her perception, and Mirai looked past the children who had already woken up.

They were all devastated by the loss of many loved ones and their home. They had nowhere to return to, and they came from different families, with different teachings and attitudes.

Mitsuki... He came from a different family. She wasn't even sure if he had anything to hold on to, other than her father.

What everyone lacked, he saw in Mitsuki's eyes.

"Really... Do you believe that?" She asked in a trembling voice. 

The Genin seemed surprised by the question.

"Of course." He answered. "You know how to win the hearts of others, making them feel comfortable. Haven't you noticed?"

She didn't answer. He straightened up with a saddened expression that reflected his inner doubts.

"You just did it with Doushu." The light blue haired man said, lowering his tone a little. "We have all been cut off from the adults in the village. However, Doushu and his team have not had it easy."

"What do you mean?"

"Ibiki-san..." Mitsuki said in a whisper, almost as if he was inviting her to remember. "Your job is complicated in itself. And with the problems that apparently kept adults busy for months... Doushu had no less problems. The training sessions were getting stronger and stronger, and they never managed to hold an extensive conversation with their teacher."

The Sarutobi unconsciously squeezed her right hand, feeling identified with that revelation.

"To top it off, it seems that many of us were harassed." Mitsuki said with a bitter expression. "Boruto, Sarada, Metal, Namida... We were all constantly chased over the last month for things related to the adults who watch our workouts."

"What do you say...?" The one with the red eyes petrified. "So... That was everywhere?"

Mitsuki nodded.

With his gaze behind her back, Mirai followed the thread of her gaze. He watched with his eyes wide open as the children Genin and Chunin yawned standing and organized the few things they had. Again, the prick in her chest returned, but this time with an intensity that overwhelmed her.

With slow movements so as not to attract attention, he brought a hand to his chest, feeling how the yellow fabric wrinkled under his grip. Sweat beaded his forehead and his heart beat wildly. She sought to control her breathing so as not to alarm those around her.

"What is it... What's wrong with me?" He wondered, swallowing hard with difficulty. "I have felt very bad when I think about... that."

A strong, painful throbbing rumbled in her chest, making her shudder.

"Will I have a fever?" He wondered, remembering the hours he had been carrying Doushu on his back. "I've been carrying Doushu on my back for many hours..."

The puncture intensified, spreading to his stomach and extremities. Mirai felt nervous and bewildered by what was happening to her.

Her limbs threatened to disobey her if the discomfort persisted.

Her voice did not come out, and the feeling of uneasiness invaded her completely.

Until a hand landed on his shoulder. He blinked quickly, and with watery eyes, all the discomfort stopped.

She remained static, fearing that at any moment the pain would return.

"Just because you're the oldest, doesn't mean those things don't affect you." Mitsuki's voice attracted his auditory attention. She was grateful that the Genin wasn't looking her in the eye. "You have your own problems, and now you have to take care of us. The reason I questioned you was not to question your abilities, but to confirm what I thought."

She let out a murmur without looking at him, sinking between his shoulders to hide the tremor in her voice.

"What did you want to confirm?" He asked. 

The weight on his shoulder disappeared.

"That you don't know what to do either." Mitsuki said calmly. Mirai looked over her shoulder at him, intrigued. "You're scared, and I know it. But, even so, you go where you were told because you seek to protect us. What you did in the woods... for everyone to vent, which you did with Doushu. It's all proof that the reason you're in this group is to lead. The seventh wanted you to end up being our captain."

The Sarutobi froze.

What he had discovered in Mitsuki was defined in an instant when a warmth welled up in his heart, dispelling the discomfort he had felt before.

What she lacked was clarity. A spark that would illuminate her ideas and help her move forward. Since there was no one around her who could help her in these circumstances, she began to lock herself in a dungeon of destructive thoughts.

With surprising calmness, he looked Mitsuki in the eye.

Even someone younger than her could have an extensive understanding of the world around him. Mitsuki, despite being hurt by what happened, acted like a true Ninja.

He let himself be carried away by his feelings, taking them into account along with those of his friends, but being intelligent and considering all perspectives to achieve a favorable result.

To have someone so serene show her that was comforting to Mirai. But even more meaningful was hearing that title resonate in his mind.


Captain, Captain, Captain.

"Squadron captain..." he muttered without blinking. I was absorbed by the revelation of reality. "It's true... I'm the captain, and this is a squad."

Mitsuki was silent, as if he had planned every step from the moment, he noticed the eldest's mood. When Mirai thanked him for his words and addressed the larger group to discuss food distribution, he smiled.

Mirai was starting to find her new place, without realizing it.


A scream echoed from the Hokage's office, shaking the Chunin as they hurriedly walked through the halls of the residence.

Inside, a young woman was holding a small pig in her arms, while with her other hand she examined a wooden board with an air of horror. In front of her, the owner of the seat and desk had risen abruptly at the sound of the rumble, her hands resting on the wooden surface, staring at her adviser in exasperation.

"Are the figures accurate?" The blonde asked, her trembling voice barely perceptible. 

The jet-haired woman nodded in fear.

"In total, there are about a hundred deceased people who have been taken to hospital." He reported, leafing through the documents cautiously. "None of them appear to be registered, and some are even unrecognizable, making it difficult to confirm their identities."

"Are all the deceased those who succumbed in the incident?" The Hokage asked gravely. 

"That's right, Tsunade-sama." Shizune confirmed, his gaze reflecting deep concern. "Recently, this morning, certain things were discovered on the outskirts of Konoha."

Tsunade straightened up determinedly, her brown eyes taking on a hardness that reflected the seriousness of the situation. He clenched his fists to keep his thoughts in order, while Shizune, understanding the tense silence, spoke without waiting for permission.

"Remains of clothing, garbage and some charred objects have been found." He reported, approaching with the pig in his arms and handing the information table to the Hokage. 

As Tsunade soaked up the contents, Shizune hugged the animal with a worried expression and offered his personal analysis.

"It seems that the events occurred not only within the boundaries of Konoha, but also in the surrounding areas. He explained. — The swirls in the earth and the damage to trees suggest that the incidents were not limited to the interior of the village.

"Have you sent search teams?" Tsunade asked urgently. —

"Yes, Hatake Kakashi leads one of them." Shizune replied. "We'll be kept informed of any finds, though traces of damage seem to stop near the doors."

"What a disaster..." Tsunade muttered, dropping the board with a thud on the desk. 

Frustrated by the sudden complexity of the situation, Tsunade put her hands to her hips, biting her lower lip in a mixture of worry and determination.

Just yesterday, the village was mourning the loss of their loved ones. It was already a hard enough blow for Konoha, but now he found himself facing an unknown phenomenon that had left everyone perplexed and full of unease.

High-ranking criminals roamed freely, while inside the village, no one was safe from this new danger.

What was the cause of this mysterious phenomenon? All indications pointed to a space-time Jutsu, but who had caused it? How had it happened? And why had Konoha been the target of this seemingly random attack?

Even the people who appeared as victims were enveloped in an aura of tragedy, all of them charred in some way, with expressions of pain marked on their faces.

Tsunade looked at Shizune with her head bowed, searching for answers that seemed to dodge her.

"Haven't there been more incidents like this?" He asked in a deep voice. 

"No, Tsunade-sama. Yesterday was the only recorded sighting." Shizune replied with a note of hesitation in his voice, his gaze seeking refuge in the corners of the room. "What should we do now?"

"That's the million-dollar question." Tsunade murmured, deep in thought as she went back through the sheets of the tablet in front of her. 

However, he found little comfort in the lack of meaningful responses. The hospital was overcrowded, with few autopsies authorized on bodies in better condition, and the hope of finding any clues was increasingly dim.

The damage caused by the phenomenon was obvious to any ninja, but the key to solving this mystery kept eluding them.

The medical reports revealed a bleak picture: Chakra wear, damaged organs, burned bodies. It was as if the world itself had collapsed on those people, only to land on the grounds of Konoha.

"What did the witnesses say?" Tsunade asked in a firm voice, interrupting the tense silence that filled the room. 

Shizune looked up grimly as he heard his Hokage's voice.

"They all say the same thing. A swirl of air appeared above the ground just before the victims emerged from it." He replied with a hint of fear in his voice. "Tsunade-sama, if this is an attack by Akatsuki..."

The blonde let out a low grunt, closing her eyes in frustration.

The problem was much more than just a threat; It was a mystery shrouded in enigmas. Why would Akatsuki be involved in making people appear already lifeless? Even more puzzling, none of the victims appeared to be from Konoha.

Biting her thumbnail, Tsunade pondered intensely.

What was the motive behind these strange events? Why did they happen? And who was behind all this?

A feeling of unease gripped her stomach, as she faced uncertainty. With no suspects, no clear motives, and no clues to follow, the reason behind the victims' appearance remained an unsolved enigma.

"This is too big... we don't even have any reference." Tsunade muttered with a look of frustration evident on her face. 

"Isn't he thinking...?" Shizune began, but was interrupted by the restless walk of the Hokage. 

The blonde circled the desk with determination, with Shizune following her with a look full of intrigue. It would have been helpful to have some clue as to who may be responsible for this phenomenon.

However, they weren't even sure if anyone from Akatsuki was involved or if it was the work of some contractor.

The memory of Asuma's death still weighed on Tsunade. The man was a giant in his work, respected both by his students and by all of Konoha, including herself. Her loss had been an injustice that Tsunade had sworn to avenge, though she knew that determination belonged to an earlier version of herself.

The Tsunade who vividly remembered his master.

However, there was no time for self-pity now. Mourning had to yield to the responsibilities of the position. The people in the village couldn't afford to wait for Tsunade to sort out their emotions. She had to act, even if it meant facing the situation with doubts and fears.

Tsunade's heels echoed in the hallways as she walked determinedly, clenching her fists tightly. His arms swayed rhythmically, a need to keep his body occupied while his mind worked feverishly for answers.

"Jiraiya is investigating Akatsuki right now." Tsunade announced as she walked, hearing Shizune's hurried footsteps following close behind. "Send them a message explaining the situation. Only he can confirm whether it is Akatsuki or not."

"Hai!" Shizune replied energetically before stopping suddenly and running in the opposite direction, heading towards the coded message department. 

Tsunade continued on her way with determination, reflecting on the uncertainty surrounding the situation. If Jiraiya had no information about the incident, he would find himself at a dead end.

He mentally prepared himself to order searches and send warnings to neighboring villages, making sure that this was not a coordinated attack on the great nations.

His thoughts were plagued with worry as he neared the end of the hall. The recent tragedy with Asuma and now this new mystery tested his determination and his luck.

Suddenly, she was surprised by the presence of someone smaller than her crossing the hallway. Instinctively, Tsunade turned on her heels to avoid a collision. The encounter briefly took her out of her concentration, but she couldn't help but have a bitter expression reflect on her face.

The figure that had almost collided with her was a girl, barely Konohamaru's age. She seemed as surprised as Tsunade by the chance encounter, and she hesitated on her feet. Tsunade was about to continue on her way when she noticed the number of papers the girl was carrying in her hands.

The girl's gaze filled her with uneasiness. With Konoha's headband on her head, she looked nervous and trembling.

As Tsunade watched the girl in front of her, a fleeting thought flashed through her mind. The girl's apparent age, combined with Konoha's headband and the stack of documents she was carrying, suggested that she was a Genin. However, something did not quite add up.

He frowned slightly when he realized that he did not recognize the girl. Although Konoha had numerous Genin, the young woman's striking hair would have left a lasting impression on Tsunade's mind.

Before he could investigate further, the Genin interrupted his thoughts as he handed out the mountain of documents, trembling. He explained about the injured people and confirmed injuries, as well as the testimonies collected.

Tsunade, maintaining a neutral expression, replied simply:

"I'm busy."

The girl's reaction was instantaneous. His eyes widened, though Tsunade couldn't see him as he had turned around. For a brief instant, a flash of something flashed through his gaze, before his friendly expression hardened.

"Busy...?" The girl hesitated, then cleared her voice. "Then to whom should I give this, Tsunade-sama?"

The silence that followed the question left the young woman sweating, while Tsunade remained unmoved, stopping her movements and keeping her attention on the mysterious Genin.

With a titanic effort, young Genin struggled to stand her ground, despite the trembling in her legs. He leaned his weight on them and strove to project an image of professionalism while holding the documents tightly, hoping to gain approval from the Hokage.

Tsunade, like an imposing figure who had barely noticed her, turned briefly to her.

"If those documents contain testimonies and identification documents, give them to Shizune." He ordered firmly. "She'll take care of everything while she's gone."

Young Genin, with violet hair standing out in the room, showed a flash of excitement in her drooping eyes.


Receiving no further response, the Hokage quickly walked away in the direction indicated, leaving the violet-haired Genin behind.


On the outskirts of Konoha, the Chunin gathered in a compact group, exchanging their theories and speculations about the mysterious incident that had rocked the village. They had diligently explored the surroundings, but so far, they had not found any conclusive clues.

"Perhaps the culprit activated the Jutsu from the sky, out of range of our protective barrier." One of the Cunin suggested, trying to find a logical explanation. 

"Unlikely. Guards keeping an eye on airstrikes would have noticed any suspicious activity. Only the most skilled ninjas could perform an attack from above." Another objected, pointing to the apparent safety of the village.

"So, could it be someone inside Konoha?" He proposed another Chunin, defying the idea that the culprit might be an outsider. 

"It doesn't make sense. If it was someone from the village, we would have figured it out. Moreover, it would be virtually impossible to summon such a large number of people in multiple locations in such a short time." Replied another, ruling out the possibility. 

The debate continued in circles, with each idea being refuted or challenged by another. Meanwhile, one Chunin in particular paced the grounds with a nonchalant expression. His hands were in his pockets and his white hair glistened in the sun, marking him as a distinctive figure in the midst of Chunin's group.

With the curious gaze of some of his companions, Kakashi scanned the terrain with an enigmatic expression behind his mask. When one of the Chunin called out to him, he received only a murmur in response, indicating that he had been heard.

The Jōnin turned away from the main group and headed for a secluded corner, where his sharp gaze detected something in the bushes. With his hands in his pockets, he bent down to examine what he had found with an interest hidden beneath his apparent indifference.

What happened was a senseless catastrophe, a disturbance in the peace of Konoha that required an immediate response. Kakashi knew that if left unsolved, it could only be the prelude to even greater danger.

With a deep, analytical expression, he lifted the piece of wood that lay in the bushes, inspecting it carefully for any clues that might shed light on the mystery. Around him, there were other similar objects scattered about, all caught up in the same inexplicable event that had shaken the village.

"Inside, it was people who fell. However, outside, mostly waste and animal remains were found." Kakashi observed, looking away at the garbage accumulation with a frown. "That this happens after an encounter with Akatsuki... It cannot be a simple coincidence."

The group of ninjas looked insignificant in the distance, watched by a third party.

On the walls of Konoha, two masked Anbu watched undetected every move of the ninjas on the outskirts of the village.

A tall, stocky man, wearing a monkey mask.

And a smaller, slender woman, wearing a cat mask.

They were the shadows of a man determined to protect the villagers who now walked on that soil.

"It's just beginning..." Commented the one in the monkey mask, feeling the freshness of the breeze with a sense of calm. 

"Hm." The answer was cold and brief. The man looked at his companion, recognizing in her an indomitable spirit. Although she would obey the orders of her superiors, she would not hesitate to defend herself if she ever felt challenged. 

For that very reason, he felt worried.


"Don't call me that." She replied sharply, her gaze fixed on the Chunin outside. "We'll use our code names for this mission. We run more risks if we are caught talking like this."

"I understands." He nodded. "But... You won't be thinking about something inappropriate, right?"

Looking away from Chunin's squad, the girl behind the cat mask watched him. The mere fact of being watched by that mask when the young woman was not speaking sent shivers down his spine, for he knew that Hinoko had a strong temper.

Especially in recent times.

"Something inappropriate like what?"

"You know what I mean. He said to her, with a tone more sad than accusatory." The two had a close relationship. "You disagreed with Shikamaru-san on some issues. However, we must meet our goal without exception. There will be no second chances."

The young woman was silent, sighed and placed her hands on her hips, looking at her companion with an expression of irritation that was barely noticeable behind the mask. Although his disgust was evident, he knew that there was something deeper hidden behind his attitude.

"Just because I don't agree, doesn't mean I won't obey." Replied the chestnut. "Like it or not, I must fulfill my missions. Also, this was the best option. Many children... they were saved."

"So?" He asked, lowering his voice as he watched the Chunin gathering, just in case someone watched them and suspected them. "What bothers you so much? It's strange to see you so affected when it comes to... you know, from him."

The wind blew hard, causing her hair to dance in the air.

Meanwhile, the village went on its course, experiencing a crisis of confusion, but ultimately continuing its existence.

Although they appeared to enjoy a modified freedom, both Anbu were unhappy. To them, the motive for their actions was clear: for the seventh, for Konoha, for the children, for Shikamaru. Many faces were engraved in their memories, but they did not share something that many enjoyed: a family.

"Do you think he's right?" She asked, deep in thought as she let the breeze blow her hair. "That girl's thing. He said he would make it. But he lost his mother and now faces a past in which his father has just passed away. It doesn't matter how many times I repeated to her that she should lead, so as not to trust the girl with the scolded puppy eyes."

Hinoko paused, calming down to focus on protecting the few remaining children in Konoha.

"That old man... he always trusted her, to the point of leaving her own son in his care." She declared with apparent indifference, although she felt deeply hurt. "In the girl Sarutobi. The old man from Shikamaru... he always trusted her. Even above my decisions..."

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