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16.66% Superman in mha / Chapter 3: chapter 3: awakening (part 2)

Bab 3: chapter 3: awakening (part 2)

The living room was silent, except for the sound of the TV. Four-year-old Midoriya Izuku sat on the floor, his eyes glued to the screen. Next to him, Bakugo Katsuki, also four, watched with a disdainful expression. The simple but cozy living room was decorated with scattered toys and colorful drawings taped to the walls.

"Good afternoon, Japan! We have exciting news from the Musutafu amusement park. The young hero, son of none other than All Might, showed an incredible act of heroism today that saved many lives."

The screen showed a beautiful blonde woman dressed in an elegant blue suit. She was in the middle of the amusement park, which now looked like a battlefield. The ground was sunken in several places, and in the background, mountains of rubble rose. Dark smoke rose to the sky, forming a frightening mushroom-shaped shadow, reminiscent of an explosion.

"When he realized his Quirk might go out of control, young Clark acted quickly, running away from the crowds and minimizing damage. Thanks to him, no one was seriously injured."

The presenter, with a serious and professional expression, continued her report as the camera showed images of the destroyed park. Rescue teams searched through the rubble, heroes worked tirelessly. The presenter, despite the chaos around her, maintained a firm and confident posture, delivering the information clearly and precisely.

"We are now witnessing the relentless search through the rubble to find Clark, who has been missing since the incident. His Quirk, which is already being considered the strongest in the world, surpassing even his father's, is proof of the heroic legacy he carries not only in spirit but also in genetics."

Izuku barely blinked, each word from the presenter seeming to fuel his determination. He clutched the teddy bear in his arms tightly, his eyes shining with the hope and inspiration he felt seeing Clark in action.

Wow... He's amazing! Even being so young, he's already saving people. I want to be like that... I want to be a hero like him!, thought Izuku, his eyes full of admiration and a dreamy smile on his face.

Katsuki crossed his arms and frowned, clearly annoyed. He looked at Izuku with a mixture of disdain and frustration.

Everyone talks so much about this Clark guy. He's All Might's son, of course he's going to be strong! But when my Quirk awakened, only a few sparks came out... That doesn't mean anything. I'll prove I'm the best, no matter what., Katsuki reflected, resentful and determined.

Suddenly, Katsuki stood up, interrupting Izuku's thoughts. He lightly kicked Izuku's teddy bear to get his attention.

"Deku, stop daydreaming. There's no point in admiring these TV idiots. They're strong because they were born that way. I'll show everyone that it doesn't matter where you come from, what matters is being the strongest!" said Katsuki, his voice laden with arrogance.

Izuku looked at Katsuki, surprised by the vehemence in his words, but the determination in his eyes didn't diminish. He slowly stood up, still holding his teddy bear, and looked at his friend seriously.

"I know it won't be easy, Kacchan. But I believe anyone can be a hero if they really want to. I'll work hard, I'll train hard, and one day I'll be a hero too!" Izuku replied, with surprising firmness for such a young boy.

Katsuki gave a confident, almost disdainful smile. He gave a short laugh and shook his head.

"We'll see, Deku. We'll see..." said Katsuki, turning and leaving the room with a determined attitude.

Izuku watched as Katsuki left, feeling a mix of emotions. He admired Katsuki's confidence, but at the same time knew that his own determination was equally strong. He hugged the teddy bear to his chest and looked at the TV again, where rescue teams were still searching through the rubble.

Clark... I'll become a hero like you. I promise. thought Izuku, his eyes shining with determination.

Meanwhile, on the TV screen, the images changed to a press conference with All Might, who looked visibly worried.

"All Might, do you have any information about your son's whereabouts?"

All Might: "We're doing everything we can to find him. Clark is a strong and brave boy. I'm sure he's okay and that we'll find him soon. I thank everyone for their support and prayers."

The press conference continued, but Izuku barely heard it. He was lost in his own thoughts, imagining himself alongside Clark, fighting villains and saving people.

Kacchan might not believe in me now, but I'll prove him wrong. I'll be a hero, no matter what. thought Izuku, feeling a new wave of determination.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Izuku's mother, Inko, was preparing dinner. She peeked through the door and saw the two boys so focused on the TV. She smiled to herself, knowing how much Izuku dreamed of being a hero.

"Dinner time, boys!" called Inko, breaking the silence.

Izuku and Katsuki looked at each other and, for a moment, forgot their differences. They ran to the kitchen, ready to devour the dinner prepared with so much care by Inko.

"I'll eat faster than you, Deku!" challenged Katsuki, with a competitive smile.

"We'll see, Kacchan!" replied Izuku, laughing as they sat at the table.

The TV continued to broadcast the news, but for now, the two boys were focused on something else: a friendly competition and a delicious dinner.

The transition from the children's laughter to the devastating scene at Musutafu amusement park was abrupt and impactful. The park, once full of life and laughter, was now unrecognizable. Among mountains of rubble and the smoke that still lingered in the air, heroes and rescue teams worked tirelessly to find young Clark.

In the midst of all this desolation, two legendary heroes stood out: All Might and Gran Torino. All Might, normally the imposing and unshakeable figure of justice, was visibly shaken, his eyes full of concern. Beside him, Gran Torino, although worried, maintained a calmer and more experienced expression.

"Calm down, Toshinori. We're getting close to the epicenter of the explosion," said Gran Torino, trying to calm his former student. "The situation is complicated, but we're making progress."

All Might nodded, although anxiety was still evident on his face. "I just... I just want to find my son, sensei. I can't lose him."

Gran Torino placed a reassuring hand on All Might's shoulder. "He's strong, Toshinori. Strong like you. If anyone can survive this, it's him."

They continued walking towards the center of destruction, where the impact had been most severe. As they approached, the vision became increasingly surreal. The hole created by the explosion was gigantic and seemed to have no end. Down there, dense smoke rose, mixed with hot water vapor.

"This is worse than we imagined," commented Gran Torino, his tone initially sarcastic, but soon turning serious. "The hole must be about 5 km deep. And it's leaking hot water. Looks like your son created a hot spring."

All Might tried to sketch a smile at the comment, but concern still dominated his features. Gran Torino, realizing the seriousness of the situation, continued: "But we need to get him out of there. If he survived the explosion, he's at risk of drowning."

Without wasting any more time, the two heroes started running, joining others who were descending into the enormous crater. The tension in the air was palpable, and every step seemed like a challenge. All Might's fear for his son's well-being was visible, but he struggled to maintain his composure.

As they descended, they passed other heroes who were digging and removing debris. The atmosphere was one of urgency, but also of silent camaraderie. Everyone was there with a single goal: to find Clark and ensure he was safe.

The depth of the crater was impressive. The heat increased as they descended, and daylight seemed increasingly distant. Gran Torino led the way, his experience in crisis situations helping to keep calm.

"Stay alert," he instructed the heroes around. "The terrain here is unstable, and we don't know how long we have until the water starts to fill this place up."

All Might, despite his concern, helped move debris with his incredible strength, his mind focused on only one thing: saving his son. He could feel the weight of responsibility on his shoulders, but also the hope that Clark was okay.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Gran Torino stopped abruptly. He raised his hand, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

"Listen," he said in a whisper.

Everyone fell silent, and for a moment, the silence was absolute. Then, a faint, almost imperceptible sound reached their ears. It was a sound of heavy breathing, mixed with a weak moan.

"He's here," said Gran Torino, with renewed determination. "Come on, all together. We need to remove this debris."

With a new wave of energy and determination, the heroes began to work even faster. The tension was almost unbearable, but they couldn't stop. Each stone, each piece of concrete they removed brought them closer to Clark.

Finally, after an exhausting collective effort, they found a small space between the debris. There, covered in dust and visibly exhausted, was Clark. His eyes were half-closed, but he was conscious.

"Clark!" exclaimed All Might, his voice breaking with relief and emotion.

Gran Torino quickly approached, checking Clark's condition. "He's alive. He's hurt, but alive."

The other heroes joined in to help carefully remove Clark from the rubble. All Might fell to his knees beside his son, holding his hand with a mixture of gentleness and desperation.

"I'm here, my son. I'm here," whispered All Might, tears finally streaming down his face.

Clark tried to smile, although he was clearly exhausted. "Dad... I... I tried... to save everyone..."

"You did an incredible job, Clark," replied Gran Torino, placing his hand on the young hero's shoulder. "Now rest. We're going to take you to a safe place."

Carefully, they lifted Clark and began to climb the crater. The way back seemed less steep, as if the weight of concern that weighed on them was relieved. Clark's determination and courage had saved many lives, and now, the heroes worked together to ensure he could continue to be a symbol of hope for everyone.

All Might, with his son in his arms, felt a new wave of pride and gratitude. Clark was more than just his son; he was a hero in training, destined for great things. And, with the help and support of his friends and mentors, he was on the right path to becoming the greatest hero the world had ever known.

As they climbed, All Might looked at Gran Torino and gave a small smile. "Thank you, Master Torino. For everything."

Gran Torino just nodded, knowing that the true gratitude was in Clark's safety and the bright future he had ahead. Together, they continued the climb, determined to protect the future and hope that Clark represented.

Clark slowly woke up, feeling the soft sunlight filtering through the half-open blinds. The distinctive hospital smell - a mixture of disinfectant and medication - filled the air. His head throbbed slightly, and every muscle in his body seemed to protest against any movement.

As he fully opened his eyes, the first thing he noticed was the immaculate white ceiling. Turning his head carefully, he saw a young nurse with bright blonde hair adjusting some medical equipment next to his bed. Her gentle smile contrasted with the seriousness in her eyes, which seemed to constantly assess his condition.

"Ah, you're awake! Good morning, little hero," said the nurse, with a gleam in her eyes. "You gave us quite a scare, you know?"

Clark tried to sit up, but a sharp pain made him recoil. He groaned softly, frustrated with his own weakness.

"Where am I?" he asked, his voice coming out hoarse and weak, almost unrecognizable to his own ears.

"You're in Musutafu Hospital. You were brought here after the incident at the amusement park. Don't worry, you'll be fine. You just need to rest a bit more," replied the nurse, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

Clark gave a slight smile, feeling grateful for the kindness. "Thank you... and, sorry for the extra work."

The nurse laughed softly, the sound echoing pleasantly in the quiet room. "Don't worry about that. It's our job to take care of heroes like you. And between us, we're all very proud of what you did out there."

Clark blushed a little, not used to this kind of attention. A mixture of pride and embarrassment washed over him. "I just did what anyone would do."

"Don't be modest, Clark. You saved many lives. That's something to be proud of," said the nurse, winking at him before leaving the room to make space for other doctors and nurses.

Clark looked around, absorbing the calm environment of the hospital room. The walls were a soft shade of blue, designed to soothe patients. A small vase with fresh flowers was on the bedside table, bringing a touch of life to the sterile environment.

Then, he turned his head and saw a sight that made him chuckle softly, despite the pain: his father, All Might, was sleeping in a chair next to his bed, his head hanging back and his mouth open, snoring softly. His blonde hair was disheveled, and his wrinkled clothes indicated that he probably hadn't left the hospital since Clark was admitted.

Even the number one hero has his funny moments, Clark thought, smiling fondly at his father. He must be exhausted.

Suddenly, without warning, the world around Clark exploded into sound. It was as if someone had turned on a thousand radios at once, all at maximum volume. He could hear every conversation in the hospital, every heartbeat, every drop of serum dripping into IVs.

"... need more morphine in room 302..."

"Doctor, the heart surgery patient is stable..."

"Mom, when can I go home? I'm tired of being here..."

"Nurse, can you bring me more water, please?"

The voices overlapped, creating a deafening cacophony. Clark pressed his hands against his ears, but it did nothing to block the sound. His heart began to beat frantically, and he felt panic growing in his chest.

"Make it stop... please, make it stop," he muttered, his voice trembling.

But the sounds didn't stop. On the contrary, they seemed to intensify. Now he could hear beyond the hospital walls. The street traffic, pedestrian conversations, the flapping of birds' wings - everything invaded his senses mercilessly.

"... did you see the news? That boy, All Might's son..."

"They say he opened a new hot spring with his power..."

"Will he be okay? The hospital isn't releasing any information..."

Clark felt tears of pain and frustration running down his face. He curled up in bed, desperately trying to block out the outside world. His breathing became labored, and he started to break out in a cold sweat.

The nurse, alerted by the monitors showing Clark's increased heart rate, rushed back into the room.

"Clark! What's happening?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.

"It's... it's all so loud," Clark managed to say between gasps. "I can hear everything... everyone... it's too much!"

The nurse, realizing it was a manifestation of powers, tried to calm him down. "Clark, listen to my voice. Focus only on me. Take a deep breath and try to focus on one sound at a time."

Clark clung to her voice as if it were a lifeline in a turbulent sea of sounds. Slowly, with great effort, he began to filter the sounds, focusing first on the nurse's breathing, then on her heartbeat.

It took several agonizing minutes, but gradually Clark managed to control his hearing. The external sounds diminished until they became a background murmur, still present but no longer oppressive.

Exhausted by the effort, Clark, still with his eyes closed but finally relaxed, said, "Thank you."

When he opened his eyes, what he saw left him disoriented: a pair of the nurse's bare breasts, she was completely naked.

"You were very brave," she replied with a gentle smile. "It seems your powers are manifesting in new ways. It will take time to adjust, but you'll get used to it."

Clark didn't have time to pay attention to what she said, as he blinked while rubbing his eyes, thinking he was dreaming. But when he looked again, he saw the nurse in black lingerie looking at him with a smile. Clark was still in shock from those breasts being so close to his face.

It was the first time he had experienced this; after all, he was just an otaku, a comic book fan, and wasn't very popular with girls.

Clark nodded weakly, still processing what had happened. When he finally felt calmer, he noticed something strange. His vision began to change, as if he was looking through a powerful microscope.

He could see through the hospital walls, observe patients in other rooms, doctors in surgery several floors below. Looking out the window, he saw a fly hovering in the air hundreds of meters away, each beat of its wings perfectly visible.

Clark closed his eyes tightly, feeling overwhelmed once again. When he opened them, his vision had returned to normal.

He took a deep breath, trying to process everything that was happening. Super hearing, x-ray vision, microscopic vision... these were powers he knew well from his favorite Superman stories. But having them in real life was something completely different.

A mixture of fear and excitement washed over him. What else would he be capable of? How could he control these powers? And more importantly, how would he use them to help people?

Clark looked at his father, still asleep in the chair, oblivious to the whirlwind of emotions his son was experiencing. He felt a wave of love and gratitude, mixed with renewed determination.

I'll learn to control this, Dad, he silently promised. I'll become a hero worthy of your legacy.

With that thought, Clark leaned back on the pillows, exhausted but determined. He knew the path ahead would be difficult, but he was ready to face it. After all, he was All Might's son, and he had a world to protect.

Meanwhile, the nurse looked at him with admiration and affection, feeling lucky to be present at the beginning of a great hero's journey. She knew Clark had a bright path ahead and was eager to see all the wonders he would accomplish.

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