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100% Marvel: cripples Tech system / Chapter 11: Chapter 11

Bab 11: Chapter 11

Bastion having found out that Dr Halsey was on the run with Dr. Octavious was fairly happy.

Knowing that the Covenant was active in this world he hoped that Halsey would reproduce the Spartan project so that he would have some super soldier shock troopers.

Now the reason that he did not buy this technology was that he wanted to be able to save money as much as possible to be able to afford the more expensive things like the omni tool and the mass relay.

Hearing a knock on the door he called the visitors inside

"Hello Dr Halsey, Octavious and Rosalind, I am Bastion the founder of the SOL Network. I would like to recruit you into this organisation to aid in the fight against Alien threats to humanity."

"Why have I not heard of such an organisation working with the government?" asked Otto.

"You probably know that organizations like Hydra are everywhere, they would rather conquer the world by any means then to protect it from external threats if it meant aiding other humans." Stated Bastion.

"Now if you accept you have two options, first you could stay here on earth and utilise one of our labs but be in threat of discovery from outside sources, or secondly you could be taken to Bulwark a planet I have terraformed and colonized."

"Could we have a few days to deliberate our choices please?" asked Rosy

"Yes you can, your guide will lead you to your rooms and you will be given access to our public database so that you can learn more of us and what we face."


Now alone Charles began going over the changes that he has made to the Bastion suit.

Having improved the Nanites using ideas from different universes he was able to strengthen the undersuit so that he could now be protected from tank shots.

His helmet was altered to fully encase his face containing a rebreather for space flight and protection from gas attacks, the undersuit was completely sealed for space walks.

His back pack which contained the outer armour which added enough protection to theoretically protect from a few hulk smashes.

On his prosthetic he added metal from a dying star that was sharper then adamantium and could cut through Uru metal this was added to the T-1000 liquid claws.

Compressed Iron that laid in the center of Giant planets was used to create the skeleton, this Iron had intense heat and friction resistance allowing for stronger and longer energy attacks using his canon.

His canon could now fire shots with 4X the strength of a missile at the rate of 0.2 seconds.

Now to use all of these new upgrades Charles had to increase his hearts energy creation, so taking inspiration from his first accident he purchased energy technology from other universes such as Star wars, Mass Effect, Star Trek, and Warhammer

Laying in a tank of dozens of different energies his body absorbed it and began refining his hearts own process.

His heart could now produce 200 terajoules a second while his blood could now store in excess of 1000 terajoules.


Time skip 3 months

Bastion returning home after his weekly space patrols received a call from Tony Stark.

Tony- Hey Bastion are you on planet?

Bastion- Yeah, why?

Tony- I just got word from SHIELD that Loki of Asgard has stolen an energy source called the tesseract and aims to subjugate humanity. Should I join you to take this on or do you want me to join them?

Bastion- tag along with SHIELD, let me know if you need support, I will stay on the sideline until needed to see what other heroes are capable of.

Tony- sounds good chief, by the way do you have anymore gizmos I could study? That ship gave me great improvements for my suit.

Bastion- yeah, I can do so, I will send over an assorted crate of weapons that you might find useful.


After hanging up Charles called Nightwing to notify him of preparing for potential conflict with an alien army on Earth.

After doing so Charles made way for the Staceys. Once there he was greeted by Gwen to dropped down from the sealing.

Pulling George aside he told the two of Loki and that SOL was put onto Standby for further instructions.

Sitting down to dinner Charles thanked Helen for the exquisite looking rabbit.

At dinner Gwen began speaking of how she was quitting from Oscorp and applied at Woods medical so she hoped that by sleeping with the owner she could get a cushy job

Charles laughed and easily agreed happy that she was further away from Hydra and Norman.


Next day

Charles' mole in SHIELD also known as Ironman notified him of Thor coming down to capture his brother but will stay to aid in the recovery of the Tesseract.

Stark of course could not help but snoop around and found that SHIELD was developing weapons based off of the Tesseract and past weapons from HYDRA.

After this discovery Loki had his agents free him and killed Coulson along with a large portion of agents about 75 people were killed in that one attack.

This attack splintered the already frayed alliance

Knowing this Charles prepared some SOL first responders for civilian protection.



The next day

Waking up with Gwen in his arms he soon received a notice from Ironman that Loki was opening a portal in New York. Immediately the two got dressed in their suits and went out to prepare for the fight.


Under Bastions orders Ironman had JARVIS emit a city-wide evacuation notice

Unfortunately, this caused the streets to be littered with fleeing and panicked civilians.

Seeing this SOL sent soldiers along with robots armed with Vaporisers up and down the street so that they could vaporise falling debris and defend from attackers.

Heavily armed Mechsuits were dropped on top of store tops and apartments

As the portal opened and began spewing Chitauri, Bastion along with Megatrons squad took to the sky to reduce the aliens making it to the surface.

Ghost Spider, Nightwing and BatGirl were seen leading SOL troops to the major points that the Chitauri were landing.

Captain America seeing these new heroes and reinforcements was confused but happy that more civilians would now be saved


Bastion was flying through the air like Ironman unleashing his shoulder mounted plasma machine guns

Passing by Thor he threw a little wave at the Friendly warrior

Checking the SOL Comms, he saw that so far only 15% of New York has escaped the city

Currently 75% of Earth based SOL militant resources were deployed while the rest stood on stand by. Bastion did not want the fighters to be congested and receive friendly fire.

Bulwark and Mars fighters were not called on since Bastion did not want any covenant to sneak through without heavy losses.

Receiving a call for aid near the Queens subway tunnel he shot down to aid.

Flying over the lesser chitauri drones he rammed into a Worm carrier that flew over with more drones.

Bringing it down he turned to take care of the stragglers when he saw that Americas Ass has taken care of them

"Thank you for helping us out in this war, are the others your people? Who are you?" asked Captain America.

"You're welcome. I am Bastion founder of SOL which the others are apart of. We focus on protecting the earth from Aliens and other external threats. This Attack came as a slight surprise due to the portal."

Before more talking could be done Bastion had to shoot down a worm carrier.

The two decide to pause the chat until the end.


In a school you could see some young adults along with older ones surrounding a TV

"Professor, please the city needs people like us to defend them! Why will you not let us go and help?" asked a young mutant named Bobby who could control Ice.

"Young Bobby, you know that we do not want attention on us and fellow mutants, we already have enough. Plus, those soldiers and publicly known heroes are doing well they do not need our help." Spoke Charles Xavier

Rogue went to Argue but Scott halted any arguments.

"Enough the Professor has spoken, we shall not do anything to further harm our image, do not disobey the protector of mutant kind!" Scott spoke fervently.

Many grew solemn looks and walked off to their rooms

As Rogue was sitting in her room Kitty fazed in through the wall equipped with the X-men suit

"So dear friend, do you want to join a few of us and go help out the defenders of New York?"

"Should we? It might be too dangerous for us, maybe we should stay here?" asked rogue in a soft voice.

"Even if we can't help in the fighting we could help in the protection of those evacuating."

Agreeing Rogue took her suit from Kitty and joined the rest of the troop going.

Assembled at the top of the stare were Kurt/ Nightwalker, Pyotr, Bobby and Jean.

"Jean you are going? What about Scott?" asked Rogue

Jean frowned slightly "why does everyone keep thinking that Scott is my keeper? I will go help those people; we should promote mutants in a positive manner by helping the regular humans."

Sneaking to the garage the group stole Scott's car and drove off to new York.


A few hours into the attack

Bastion has learnt that 95% of civilians have now escaped all that remain are those in reporting business.

Strangely he also received word that a small group of mutants were patrolling the streets aiding in the fight

Based off of the description he could assume that these were students and not the Older X-men like Wolverine and Professor X

Soon he received a ding on his comms from Ironman

Ironman- Bastion, we have the key to shutdown the Portal, it is Lokis scepter! Black Widow and I will go confront Loki, can you call a few more reinforcements to fill in our gap?

Bastion- I read you, I am calling in 3 platoons of B2s and B1s, cut them off I am running low on juice.



In Africa

Having received news of the new York invasion the Covenant sent word to send stealth ships to hopefully land more troops on earth and to bring the rest of the invasion fleet

10 hours into the invasion and the earth covenant received 3 ships filled with 2500 warriors

At the 13th hour

They received word that the invasion fleet has split off at the planet Bulwark leaving 32 ships while the other 72 have continued making way for Earth.

Getting this information the earth-bound covenant began spreading out in Africa and conquering each city or town they passed heading in to South Africa


In New York

It has now been 13 hours since the beginning of the portal and still the key has not been retrieved within the last 2 hours.

Just as he was about to call for reinforcements from Mars, he received a message from Bulwark on the Emergency channel

Written in the message

Bulwark to Bastion

Covenant fleet of 72 ships heading towards Earth

32 covenant ships have been left to block aid from Bulwark, we shall destroy the blockade and make way to your aid.

May the saviours aim be true!

Reading this he could only curse and sent a copy of this message and a notice to prepare to the rest of SOL on Earth and the Mars base to prepare the fleet.

Calling Ironman he asked for coordinates on the key and to warn the rest of the SHIELD heroes of the new incoming invasion.


At the same time in SOL

SOL Administrators were calling all Politicians and higher ups that were attached to the Organization to prepare armies all around the world for the incoming covenant threat.


Speeding in Loki's direction Bastion prepared a super condensed plasma shot meant just for the spoilt god.

Seeing the same god standing near the window he tackled and punched him.

Holding Loki down he aimed the canon at the face and fired.

After the blast he saw that the God was still alive but unconscious.

Releasing a few nanites to handcuff the invader he then took the scepter to shutdown the portal.


As of 13hours and 45 minutes after the beginning the Chitauri threat was now finished.


After shutting down the portal Bastion received a message from his system

Congratulations User

You have obtained 2 infinity stones (Mind and Space)

Please find a safe place to rest, the Stones and Energy will be merged into Body

Body will be enhanced due to overflowing energy please be prepared for discomfort

Process would be 1 hour but due to imminent invasion

Process will now be 10 minutes but pain will be increased

Seeing this Bastion urgently ordered his Nanites to consume the Portal projector and to form a defensive shell around him.


10 minutes later

Congratulations user

Mind and Space stone have been absorbed

They can now only be extracted on users' death

User body has now been made 4X stronger than peak human

Heart Energy Production has been altered

User can now unleash energy that either effects minds or space

Heart now produces 2000 terajoules Blood contains 5000 terajoules

For user to kill immortals such as gods the Soul stone will need to be claimed.

Users stones can now only be located by another stone holder


Seeing this Charles now felt like a heavy hitter, now he was physically stronger than Captain America but weaker than true supers like spiderman and Hulk.

Retracting the Nanite shell he saw that the Avengers were surrounding him

"What were you doing buddy?" asked Ironman

"I had to recharge, that last shot drained me slightly." Fibbed Bastion

"Alright, has Ironman notified the rest of you on the imminent invasion from the covenant?"

"Why are they invading now?" asked Captain America

"The SOL Network has been fending off their potential invasion for the last three years, they must have thought we were distracted and sent a fleet in hopes to catch us with our pants down. The covenant has left a portion to attack another planet that I have colonised with SOL members, so unfortunately, we can't rely on their aid for the next little while." Said Bastion

"I have spoken to a few allies around the world to prepare their defences" spoke Stark.

Hearing a buzz the group turned to Spiderman who was on his phone.

"Yo, Bastion, are these the aliens?" saying this Spiderman showed the phone to Bastion.

Looking at the picture he saw hundreds of grunts and warriors in a dessert.

"Where did you get this?" exclaimed Bastion in a panic

"These are pictures from south Africa apparently they are invading towns and cities killing most and taking a few away in cages." Spoke Spiderman.

"Fuck this is not good, they are like rats the moment they land on a planet they are hard to remove, Captain America, could you take a troop of Heroes and SOL soldiers out to Africa and eliminate them?"

"I can do that but currently we are lacking a plane."

"I can do you one better" saying this Bastion ordered a spaceship with troops to land on the roof top.

Seeing this all of the Avengers including Ironman hopped on and flew off.

Jumping off the roof and flying off to meet the young mutants Bastion ordered WALLES and Construction bots to come and repair the city since with all of the damage it should be a minimum of 3 days to restore.

Landing in front of them he sees Jean Grey, Rogue, Bobby, Kitty, and Kurt

"Greetings young mutants, I thank you for your aid during this invasion."

"you're welcome, but why can't I read your mind?" asked Jean

"I have a special power like you that protects my mind" saying this Charles was pleased that the mind stone seemed to protect him passively.

"I have another request could you contact any other mutants you know and head towards Africa? Currently we are undergoing a second invasion and I will be going into space to take command of the fleet." Asked Bastion

Hearing the word space the mutants were excited and asked to join him up there.

Preferring not to send these youth into the grinder that this invasion would be he easily agreed.


Taking a shuttle to the command ship they were just in time as the Covenant were just exciting slip space.

Ordering cannons to be charged the defensive fleet began firing

With-holding their smaller fighters and bombers Bastion had the smaller turrets lessen the flood of covenant ships.


During the 4 hours of bombardment between the two fleets, Bastion was constantly receiving updates from the ground troops

Everything was going well

That is until it wasn't

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