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29.03% Fanfiction Smut Collection / Chapter 8: Harry Potter and the Lust Genie

Bab 8: Harry Potter and the Lust Genie

Tags : #Smut

Author: PotterSmut12

Words: 920,288


Harry Potter is on the outs with his house and sleeps in the Room of Requirement where he finds an ancient bottle that belongs to a sexy genie named Desiree {from Danny Phantom}. She wants to grant his every sexual fantasy. How will Harry handle complete sexual power? Will be an epic length. Starts during the Goblet of Fire. 

Link: archiveofourown.org/works/31646594/chapters/78317414

Personal Review: 

Harry Potter is selected for the Triwizard Tournament, and the world spits in his face. He finds a magical lamp with the genie Desirée (from the Danny Phantom series). Plot twist: she can only grant sexual wishes. Use your imagination to complete the rest of the plot. The harem includes Hermione, Narcissa, Rita, Amelia, etc., and many more. This work contains 95% pornography and 5% plot.


Chapter 1: 


Harry Potter was in trouble. When his name came out of the goblet of fire his life had fallen apart within seconds. Once again the whole school thought he was a villain so they whispered behind his back or the braver kids said the mean comment to his face. Even his own house didn't spare him. Every time he walked into the common room people would stop talking and treat him like he had Dragon Pox. The whispers of "Cheater" or "Attention seeking prat" were getting on his last nerves.

The first task was a couple days away and Harry didn't know what to do. Hagrid had shown him the dragons and for the first time Harry felt hopeless. How could he take down a fully grown dragon. This tournament was mental and was going to get someone killed. The cold feeling that it might be him took its toll on Harry.

On this night he was getting ready for bed when all of his dorm mates minus Neville ganged up on him hurling hurtful words and accusations at him before telling him he wasn't welcome there. Not being able to take anymore so he took his cloak and wand and looked for another place to sleep tonight.

As he searched the castle he couldn't find an empty classroom that wasn't too filthy to sleep in. The big problem was cobwebs and the idea spiders were going to be possibly crawling on him as he slept. Ever since second year and his run in with the Acromantula Harry was a little squeamish about magical spiders. After wandering around the castle for over an hour Harry was getting more and more tired. In a moment of desperation he called out, "Dobby!"

Said house elf popped into existence a meter away from Harry saying, "What does the great Harry Potter need?" He was over eager to help the wizard who saved him from his abusive first family.

Harry rubbed his eyes, "I need a place to sleep tonight and maybe the foreseeable future. Do you know anywhere that isn't a mess?" Since Dobby worked for Hogwarts he must know something of a secret bedroom or cleaner rooms that would suit his needs.

Dobby nodded as he listened to the question from Harry. "I know a place where you can sleep or and practice. Follow me." Dobby eagerly started to make his way towards the seventh floor. When they finally arrived Dobby extended his hands towards the wall in a ta-da gesture.

Harry wasn't in the mood for games and he was staring at a blank wall. "Does the room not have a door?" Harry was tired and being a sarcastic ass to his friend.

Dobby shook his head so hard his ears flopped, "The room has a door. You need to walk back and forth in front of the door three times as you think of what the room should look like." Dobby looked at Harry with a look of "did I do good?"

Harry didn't respond to that only in action by doing as the elf said. After three passes in front of the door a giant doorway slowly started to take shape. In astonishment he looked down at Dobby, "Thank you so much Dobby." Dobby just bowed his head before popping back to the kitchens.

Harry walked into the room to find a windowless room that was head to toe mirrors with a bed in the middle of the room. Out loud Harry said, "Beggars can't be choosers." In truth Harry had slept in much worse places than this but he was missing the warm comforts of his dorm. This was almost a jail cell with how clinical and cold it was.

As Harry sat on the edge of the bed he just rubbed his eyes before undressing down to his boxers. It was at that moment he noticed a black and green bottle on the end table where he planned to set his wand for the night. Seeing the bottle Harry's mouth felt dry so he grabbed the bottle and popped the cork off the top hoping it was water.

"Hahaha I am free!" A woman's voice almost screamed as green smoke started pouring out of the bottle. The green smoke quickly took the form of a buxom woman waist up. Her bottom was a ghostly tail. The next thing Harry noticed was her attire or lack thereof. Other than a tube top and the waistband of some silk pants she was wearing nothing else. He got an eye full of her skin which was tinted green which looked almost exotic. He snapped out of these thoughts when all the smoke was out of the bottle. The bottle then turned to black smoke before being sucked into Harry's skin.

"Ahh!" Harry screamed as the black smoke forced itself into Harry's forearm like a tattoo. The tattoo was a replica of the bottle that looked to be permanent. Harry rubbed at the tattoo not paying a second thought to the voice that came out of the bottle.

"Hello master." The voice was that of a sexy older woman who was openly ogling her new master. She might have been sealed away for a hundred years. It felt good to stretch out, not confined to her cramped bottle. Her new master looked young which was good for her. The longer she was bonded to a person the longer she got to be free from the confines of her bottle.

Harry's eyes went from his tattoo to the floating ghost in the room calling him master. "Hello?" His voice was meek as he was not sure of himself. He couldn't tell if this was real or not. Could this have been a figment of his imagination. 'The pain felt real and I still feel awake. What is that thing?' Harry wanted to choose his words carefully in case this thing was dangerous. It did look corporal and not as harmless as ghosts. No, this was something else.

"I am Desiree and I am a genie meant to grant you everything you have ever wanted." The boy looked to be pretty young so she imagined she was going to get a work out from all his wishes.

Harry didn't hesitate before blurting out his wish, "I wish Voldemort was dead forever." This was too good to be true. This was the answer to all of his prayers. Since summer he had been having nightmares that Voldemort had a body and was planning something.

Desiree put her hands up, "Whoa slow down there. I am not that kind of genie. I don't kill people. If you want that you would have to find a djinn and I don't know where one is." It unnerved her that her new master's first wish was to kill someone. What teenage boy would think that. She expected the usual wishes of money, girl, and eternal life. 'Maybe I should have been more specific. I thought the first wish would have been sexual after his eyes locked on to my tits.'

"Bring my parents back to life." Harry blurted out again hoping this genie would finally work.

Desiree just sighed and conjured a blackboard, "Again not that kind of genie." As she was talking she was writing all the things she could do. "I am a love genie so all my wishes have to be love related or in the pursuit of sex. So you can wish to be rich because women will want to have sex with you for your money. Also if there is a girl you like or just want to fuck I am your girl. All of the other stuff I can't do." For some reason the boy didn't seem as thrilled as some of her other masters. It was almost like he was a virgin. In all of her years of being a genie she has never had a virgin master. 'This is going to be fun.'

Harry was deflated hearing how everything he wanted was once again put beyond grasp. "Then I don't need you." Harry just laid down on the bed and acted like he was about to go to sleep.

Desiree couldn't believe her new master said that. Floating in front of Harry's eye line above his bed she said, "Really there is nothing you want? Men usually can't wait to make their first wish. There is no girl that you want on her knees choking on your cock?"

Harry had to admit his genie was attractive and the way she was hovering over him her breasts were nearly in his face. "I am fine. I have bigger things to worry about." With the tournament he couldn't be worrying about sex.

Desiree was happy to see that he was unable to hide his attraction to her. She saw a modest tent start to form in his boxers. It wasn't small exactly but she preferred it doubled. "Oh I don't think that is true. You seem to really like my breasts. Is that what you like, a nice big pair of breasts?"

Harry groaned knowing she saw his erection. "I am a teenage boy of course I love them, sorry I couldn't help it." He shouldn't have been so turned on but the more she talked in her sultry voice about sexual things he could feel his heart pump harder.

Desiree said, "Nothing to be sorry about but I think I can tell you how to spend your first wish. Why don't you wish for a bigger cock no offense but yours is just average. Women like a little more than that. I can give you the most perfect cock you have ever seen that will make any girl drop to her knees to worship it." As his personal genie she would be able to see all of his sexual escapades and see him break a woman's mind with pleasure.

Harry knew he wasn't going to get to sleep easy tonight, "So all I have to do is spend my three wishes now and it's over with?" If it meant getting out of this he could spend a couple wishes tonight.

Desiree laughed in her sultry voice, "Three wishes? No we are stuck together forever…what was your name again?" Her new master was quite rude for not introducing himself.

Once again Harry opened his eyes and got an eyeful of Desiree's chest, "My name is Harry Potter and what do you mean forever?" Harry's life was complicated enough without having to add a horned up genie to the mix. 'Why must fate torment me at every turn?'

Desiree liked the name and the boy it was attached to. He already had a nice athletic build with decent looks so she didn't have to do a lot of work fixing his body. She hated getting the fatter masters who needed a hundred wishes to fix a lifetime of laziness and bad habits. "We are bonded. When you opened my bottle I bound my bottle to you so I will be in your mind and beck and call until you are dead." She had never had a master this young before. Usually warlords or adult tomb robbers would find her bottle. Over time she could tell that men seemed to evolve and not be the beasts they used to be. Harry seemed to be a good boy unlike her master in 300 A.D who turned her human and threw her in the center of his camp and let his entire army of five hundred have their way with her.

Harry wanted to pull his hair out at yet another snitch thrown at him. "Great, just great we are stuck together forever. Can my life get any worse?"

Desiree narrowed her eyes as she started to take this personally. "Okay that is it I am demanding you make a wish now." She was hoping that if he made a wish he would loosen up and realize that she wasn't a burden. 'If I didn't see his erection I would be convinced he was a homosexual. Hopefully isn't a complete weirdo like my one master who was into feet.'

Harry just wished for the first thing that came to his mind, "I wish for the perfect cock. There. Happy now?" If one wish would get this to end so he could get to sleep he would take it.

Desiree waved her hands, "So you have wished it, so it shall be." Since he didn't mention size she took some liberties and gave him her ideal cock size that was around ten inches along with a girth that would stretch any woman to her limits. Nine inches simply just didn't hit as hard as he and as much as she wanted to make it eleven inches she thought about the fact that he was going to be fucking girls his own age. If it was up to her she would have made him eleven but she could ask him to adjust his size just for her later. With ten it would hit the cervix just right and make you feel his power. Her arousal was now pumping thinking about her master's new cock hitting her baby gate. For the icing on too she also increased the size of his balls. So the proportions were just right and he didn't have a massive cock with tiny balls. With bigger balls they were the perfect size that would make any girl want to pop one in her mouth. She also took another liberty by wishing away the hair. Girls liked to suck on a nice smooth cock without getting pubic hair caught in your teeth.

Harry felt his boxers get tighter as he felt something growing. It felt weird, almost like his first memory of getting an erection. When he was six and didn't know what was going on with his body. When he felt done growing his modest five inches was double that now. Sitting up he reached into the band of his boxers he felt his new cock and it even felt thicker in addition to length. "Wow this feels pretty good." There was a heft to his new cock that felt like a beater's bat.

Desiree was happy he was starting to come around a little. "See I am not a curse." Floating around his back she put her hands on his shoulders before whispering in his ear, "I can make all your dreams come true." Now she was hoping he would just wish for her to start blowing him. She wanted to feel her new master's cock hitting her throat as he fucked her face.

Her words sent a shiver down his spine along with a lightning bolt to his cock. "I take it I can't wish for you." In Harry's mind he hadn't thought about what girl would be his first. He has had sexual fantasies but never thought about it happening for real. Desiree was tempting him and right now he wanted to shag his genie so hard right now. She flaunted her skin and with her tits barely being covered by her tube top at the very least he was hoping she would wrap them around his new cock.

Desiree laughed as her hands went down his arms, "You can but you have to wish for me in human form unless you want a cold cock and as an added bonus you can choose my body. Is there a girl in your class that you have a crush on?" She didn't mind changing her body into another but deep down she was hoping he would just want her. If he wanted she could blow him in her genie form but it would make her mouth cold instead of warm. It bothered some masters but even she preferred to be in a human body for sex.

Harry couldn't help himself, "I wish for you to have a human body in your original image." Part of him wanted her with green skin but if he was going to have sex he wanted it to be as normal as possible. Her Arabian looks with hourglass contours never made Harry second guess his choice. While he could have chosen someone like Hermione it just didn't feel right. There was a small part of Harry that was romantic and he wanted to be with her and not treat her like a toy. She showed that she cared about him and he wanted to return the favor.

Desiree floated back into his eye line and said the magic words, "So you have wished it, so it shall be." Her green skin was disappearing and she was being replaced by a caramel complexion. Her beautiful breasts didn't change other than the fact that the Arabian strapless tube top was now gone and for the first time Harry saw a set of naked breasts. Her ghostly tail was now replaced with human legs which was almost unnatural since she has been in her ghost form for over a hundred years. As she became more real she was now sitting in her master's lap.

Harry groaned as he felt her weight settle on his lap and he could feel her pussy rub the underside of his clothed cock. Sadly his boxers were still on. "I wish I was naked." Even through his boxers he could feel the warmth of her pussy radiating through the layer of cloth. 'I can't wait to feel what a real pussy feels like.'

Instead of saying her famous words she kissed Harry instead. He wasn't the best kisser but it was clear this was his first time. 'Oh I can make this master into a god.' As they made out Harry got more bold and put his hand on her chest with his fingers finding her nipple. Breaking the kiss she said, "That's it Harry claim my breasts for yourself." Desiree got off on being claimed and dominated. She came from a time where men had harems and weren't shy in their lusts and desires. If she was honest with herself she would have preferred it if Harry just threw her face down on the bed and claimed her in the roughest manner he could think of.

Harry was now face to face with the first pair of breasts he had ever seen. 'I always wondered what this was going to be like.' All the boys his age were obsessed by breasts but if he had to take a guess Desiree had the best pair in the school right now. 'Susan Bones has nothing on these.' Harry thought as his hands roughly groped both of her breasts. This had to be his favorite thing he has ever touched. The squishy almost spongy feeling made Harry's cock throb.

Desiree felt Harry hesitate for a second and she had to ask, "Does my old body make you uncomfortable? You can wish me younger if you want. Believe me when I say I wasn't an ugly duckling when I was young." She saw a million thoughts and emotions flicker through Harry's face and eyes. In her last she had been given as a gift to younger men by their fathers and some boys had problems being with a woman that looks as old or older than their own mother.

Harry shook his head, "No I like you the way you are I just don't know what to do next." Harry's inexperience was shining bright right now. He had heard other guys talk about sexual things but as far as he knew no boy in his dorm had gotten this far. He didn't know if he should slide his fingers down into her pussy or he should try to penetrate her with his new cock.

Desiree liked her new master's hesitance and willingness to learn. She has had plenty of masters who just wish for sex and pin her down and pounding her as hard as they can. Not to say that didn't feel good but when you didn't know what you were doing it wasn't enough to get off. While she could take it she did have feelings and being seen as just a hole to fuck wore on her. She wanted to have more of an attachment before a master would do something like that. Harry was different and the kind of master she always wanted. 'I am going to enjoy teaching him how to please a woman before I watch him take what he learns and uses it on them.' That was one of her favorite activities. When she was alive and in a harem she was the member that pushed the sultan to his limits. She would let him do things to her that he had never seen before and tried to replicate with other harem members. When she introduced him to anal she enjoyed watching all the other harem members struggle before the sultan threw them aside and came back for her.

Harry was waiting for instructions on what to do next but instead of being told he just felt her hand push his head down until his mouth was on her nipple. Harry knew enough to know that she wanted his mouth there. So he brought her caramel nipple into his mouth and swirled his tongue around it as he sucked. If he wasn't hard before he was now. Just as he thought about his cock he felt her start to grind her wet pussy against the underside of him. 'Holy fuck that feels so hot.' He wasn't expecting a girl's pussy to emit that much heat or for it to be that wet. The combination of the two must have felt amazing. As much as he wanted to just grab her ass and lift her onto his cock he didn't want to go too far. Instead he just kept swiping his tongue over her hard nipple even taking it between his teeth and giving it a light nip which made her hips jerk against his cock along with a long moan coming out of her open mouth.

Desiree was enjoying her new master's mouth. If she didn't know any better she would have thought he did this before. His actions were making her pussy so wet she knew he could feel it. After a few minutes she made him switch breasts as her hand went down in between them and touched his cock which was also starting to get wet from his precum leaking down the shaft. "Soon master. Soon you will feel your first pussy wrapped around you and you will understand the new power you hold. With me by your side I can make any woman submit to your wonderful cock."

Harry was now gritting his teeth as he brought his hands from her breasts down to her ass trying to grind against her harder. It didn't help him get relief but the more he did it the more Desiree moaned. Letting the nipple go with a pop he asked, "Does this feel good?" Part of him was clueless about how this felt good for her but hoped he could keep making her moan. It was a wonderful sound that he wanted to hear for the rest of his life. The hands on her ass were rough trying to keep pulling her against his cock as he kneaded her big backside. While her breasts might be softer her ass felt just as good to squeeze and play with.

Desiree nodded before grabbing his right hand off her ass and bringing it to her clit. "When you rub this it gives a woman a lot of pleasure so be sure to never neglect it." He was already taking the words to heart because his fingers weren't still as they rubbed her wet pearl.

Harry latched his mouth to her neck doing his best to please the genie. The way her hips jerked every time he pressed down on her clit gave him an indication she was close to cumming. "Merlin, you are perfect." He wanted more as good as this lesson was. His cock was raging and was ready to be buried in her perfect cunt.

Desiree never got tired of compliments especially from men. "I can't wait anymore." Without warning she pushed him back on the bed before moving his cock into position. Looking down she was pleased to see that she made such a piece of art. This cock was going to make her scream and cum all night long. Slowly she dropped her hips until the head of his cock was resting at the entrance to her magical pussy. Thanks to magic and mens wishes she was literal perfection when it came to sex. Everyone of her holes were made to fuck and bring the man the maximum amount of pleasure. Inch by inch his veiny and girthy cock started to slowly stretch her as it reached deeper and deeper. Halfway through she could feel master's hands rest on her hips and she was secretly hoping he would have the courage to just slam the rest of his length in her cunt.

Harry didn't have the courage and was happy letting Desiree do the work. That way he didn't mess anything up because if it was up to him he would be fucking her as fast as he possibly could until he made a mess out of her pussy. "Fuck you feel so good." Being fully sheathed inside of a warm and wet pussy made Harry forget about all the other pain in his life. Now he was just focusing on sex and his beautiful partner. In addition to her bouncing breasts his eyes found her brown eyes and they shared eye contact as she started to maneuver more cock inside her.

Desiree dropped her body the rest of the way and let out a small gasp as she felt his cock trying to bust through her cervix and into her womb. 'Doesn't matter what year it is, I will always be a big whore for cock.' Once he was fully inside her she started to ride him with all of the energy she could muster. It might have been a hundred years but she could never forget how to ride cock.

Harry was mesmerized watching her breasts jump up and down the harder she rode his cock. That wasn't to take away what he was feeling which was the best thing he had ever felt. Harry knew he was fucked because if he had unlimited sexual wishes there was no doubt he was going to have an addiction to this. Even though this was his first time he could see everyday finding time to sneak away and have sex with his genie. "Where do you want my hands?" He didn't care where they were, he just wanted a handful of something.

Desiree was moaning as she felt him brush her G spot before slamming against the back of her pussy. "Put them on my ass. I don't care if you smack it, squeeze it or even slip a finger in it." As she talked she put her hands on her master's chest as she pushed out her ass.

Harry had already felt it before but now his hands were a little rougher. It wasn't the timid little touches now it was him feeling his fingers sinking into her flesh. Harry didn't get a clear view of her ass when they started but it filled Harry's head with ideas. Besides spanking it he wondered what it would be like if he buried his face in it. If her breasts were anything to go by he would like it a lot. To try and comply with her wishes Harry brought his right hand back before bringing it down hard on her butt cheek.

The single spank had triggered her first orgasm in more than a hundred years and it turned her brain into mush. All the words escaped out of her brain and all she could do was just moan like the wanton whore she was. 'He's the perfect master and so young. He will be fucking me for the next hundred years every day if I have my way.' Her mind never dwelled on the fact that he was being hunted by someone who wanted to kill him. Luckily magical beings lived longer than regular humans. Her last master lived to be a hundred and five.

Harry felt her pussy have his cock in a vise as Desiree came on his cock. While he didn't know much he knew she just came. Knowing he was able to please another woman all he could think about was cumming. With a loud grunt he felt his balls tighten up before spilling two months of cum into her pussy. There was no where he had privacy in this school so he couldn't properly relieve himself. When the floodgates opened and two months of built up cum left his body. Harry had never felt so good in his life. Nine of his previous wanks felt this good if this is what sex felt like then he was going to get it as often as possible.

Desiree wanted to laugh, feeling the torrent of hot fluid that was rushing into her right now. It had been a while since she had a virgin but this had to be the biggest natural loads one of her holes had ever felt. "Congratulations on making me cum without a wish. That was an amazing first time master. With more work you should be able to make any woman yours without my help at all. Although I don't mind helping you if they need a little convincing." Laying down on his chest she didn't move to get off of him letting his cock stay inside her for the moment. She meant what she said about helping him find other girls to shag. Since this was a school this would be the perfect hunting grounds for her master. 'I hope there are some girls that he wants to get back at.' Revenge fucks were some of Desiree's favorites to watch. The anger and passion in her master's movements as they begged for forgiveness when they came.

Harry felt all of his energy leave his body after his orgasm. It was a struggle to keep his eyes open now that the exhaustion had finally won out. As his vision got dark he heard Desiree try to speak to him.

Desiree saw her master's consciousness fade away despite her pleas for him to stay awake. "I will have to make sure he wishes for unlimited stamina. I still wanted a couple more rounds." She had gone without sex or the feeling of a body for so long she hated that she would have to wait until the morning before she got some more. 'I was hoping to have one more go before I let him have my ass.'

After a few minutes of him passing out she felt his cock start to lose its hardness. While she was in human form she might as well experience some of the benefits. In this form she could sleep and feel his warm skin on her's. She enjoyed the warmth for a change instead of the cold of being a ghost. Being stuck as a genie was a curse but one she had come to get used to. Being with her new master she felt something more. She wished that she could be a real woman again to be with him. There was an attraction there that she hadn't felt until her first lover, the sultan. All of her previous masters saw her as a tool but with Harry it's like he saw her for her. For the first time in over two millennia.

All the men that she had the displeasure of working for before were almost always brutes and used her powers for the worst. Sadly she had no choice but this time was different. Harry was different she could tell that from the restraint he showed by not just fucking her anyway he wanted. He was also young enough she could mold him into the perfect lover. 'He has good instincts and doesn't get off on causing women pain like some men do. He was eager to please and if I asked him to lick my pussy he would have not hesitated.'

Desiree kept thinking as she stared at Harry's face before she fell asleep. Sleep felt so good after being awake for over a hundred years bored almost making you wish for the sweet release of death.

The next morning

Harry didn't know why but when he felt like he was coming out of a deep sleep he felt something wet on his groin. He just hoped it wasn't another wet dream. Slowly opening his eyes he saw long black hair covering someone's face as they bobbed up and down his cock. "Who are you?" Harry shakily asked.

Desiree let his cock fall from her mouth before sitting up on the bed. "You don't remember me master." It was honestly hurtful he didn't remember.

The night before came flooding back to Harry because he was convinced it was another teenage boy dream. "That was all real?" Out of all the weirdest things about magic this one took the cake. Looking to his forearm he saw the bottle tattoo that he remembered hurting him. Thankfully it didn't hurt the next day like a real tattoo.

Desiree didn't know if he wished it was a dream instead of reality or if he was elated that he lost his virginity to the sexiest genie ever. "Oh yes Harry it was all real. Now do you want me to get back to sucking your cock or do you want to talk about it?"

Harry couldn't stop the words coming out of his mouth, "Go back to sucking my cock please." This was his first time with a mouth on his cock and it felt fantastic. Even though he was asleep for most of it his body enjoyed it. His cock was inches away from her mouth and it took everything he had not to push her mouth back down.

Desiree wanted to laugh at the word please. She was bound to him and he could do what he wished to her but his use of please was a good sign. The power hadn't gone to his head yet but she imagined it slowly would especially if there were hot girls around. It's too much temptation to not use all of your skill and power to not get girls in your bed.

Harry groaned as he felt her lips kiss the tip before fully engulfing his cock into her mouth. What really surprised him was how she managed to fit all of him in her mouth. The deeper he went he could feel his cock lodged in her throat before she started bobbing up and down. "Shit I don't know a mouth could feel this good." He never even knew this was an option with sex. Since coming to Hogwarts they only gave them the minimal sex education possible. Penis goes into vagina and if you aren't careful kids will come out. That is it.

Desiree said to herself, 'You haven't seen anything yet.' For a little added pleasure she started to hum sending vibrations throughout his cock all the way up to the brain. The longer it went on the more his hips started to buck off the bed. Her hands quickly found his hands before she brought them to her head. She wanted him to take control; he was never going to have a harem if he kept from taking what he wanted. If a man was to have a harem he needed the girls to know at any moment he could take them and they would be begging for it a minute in.

Harry got the hints she was giving out and threaded his fingers through her silky black hair. Before using a little pressure to push her head down further. It was a little sudden so he heard her make a wet noise in the back of her throat. "Fuck Desiree I don't know how I am going to live with you knowing every moment of the day I want my cock in you." His words triggered something inside of her because she felt a warm feeling in her chest at these words. 'Oh master, even if you have a harem of twenty women your cock is mine at least once a day.'

The blowjob went on for about three minutes longer before Harry started to push Desiree's head down harder on the way down. He was a hair away from blowing his load and the thing that made him lose it was her light brown eyes looking back up at him. "Fuck." Was all Harry could say as he felt his balls pulse before shooting ropes upon ropes of cum into her waiting mouth.

Desiree had been waiting for this since she started and she wasn't disappointed. As she swallowed his seed she let out a muffled moan like this was her favorite part. She has swallowed plenty of cum in her long life but there was something even sweeter about doing it from a virgin. Even though she had sex with him last night this was just first blowjob which counted in her eyes.

It took Harry a minute to lose all hardness in his cock and for her to let it out of her mouth after she was sure she sucked everything out of him. Harry was gasping for air trying to recover from another amazing orgasm. "I think I love you." Harry blurted it out as he was on this euphoric sex high.

Desiree giggled, "I love you too master. I think you have a promising future in the art of sex and seduction." After the blowjob she crawled back up on the bed and wrapped her arms around Harry. "I forgot to ask last night but what is this room?" The full mirrored room was almost like a jail cell.

Harry couldn't help himself as he started to stroke Desiree's black silky hair, "It was a safe place to sleep. The whole school is mad at me right now."

Desiree let out a laugh in disbelief. How could anyone hate Harry? In her limited time here she could tell he had a good heart and wasn't a typical asshole like other kids his age. "Why? You don't seem like a bad kid."

Harry rubbed his hand over his face before he started his explanation. "There is a tournament being held at the school and it was supposed to be impossible for a kid my age to enter. Someone entered my name in an effort to kill me and no one believes that I didn't put my own name in. And to top it all off I have to fight dragons in a couple days which will fry me like bacon."

Desiree felt for the boy and she was thinking of any way she could help. Even if her wishes could only be sexual in nature there was a little wiggle room for loopholes. Thinking back she remembered a viking warlord who wished to be the best warrior in his village because in turn all the women in the village would want to be with him. It was a long shot but maybe that would work here. "Okay Harry I can only grant sexual wishes but there is a little wiggle room if you can justify your wish."

Harry was willing to try anything, "I think I get what you are saying so I just have to bring it back to sex." Desiree nodded with hope in her eyes that he would use this information correctly. Harry continued, "I wish I was the most dangerous wizard in the world. I have heard girls like bad boys which mean that girls would like me and want to sleep with me right?." If this works Harry would do whatever it takes to make it up to her.

Desiree felt her magic build in her hands, "So you wished it, so it shall be." She smiled as she felt the spell working. The red mist coming from her hands engulfed Harry and she could feel his magical aura get stronger. 'I can't believe this worked.' Harry thought as he felt his magical core triple along with new spells being added to his memory.

Harry had an equally wide smile as he felt a massive increase in his magical power. 'Maybe having a genie will be even better than I thought.' When the red mist faded Harry reached over to the bedside table and picked up his wand without his left arm leaving Desiree. With a twirl he threw a simple bombarda at the wall and heard the south wall of mirrors shatter into a million pieces. Looking at his wand in amazement he couldn't believe that he was responsible for that. Hugging his genie tighter he said, "Oh Desiree you have no idea how much this is going to help me." With this power he was going to be able to take on everything that came his way.

Desiree rubbed her body on him as she felt him now shaking with excitement. Her pussy was rubbing his thigh, "This is just the beginning Harry. This is only your second wish, just wait until you start getting more adventurous."

Harry brought his face to hers and gave her a big kiss before whispering, "Like what?" He wanted to hear what else she could do for him or vice versa. He wasn't a selfish person and would gladly help her in any way he could.

Desiree kissed his jaw which was smooth as a baby's bottom and had yet to see a single hair. "Anything you want. I have granted wishes for men who wanted two cocks, or sometimes a horse cock. One master even wished for me to have a cock and fuck him but that was towards the end of his life after he had done everything there was to do."

The horse cock was the part that made Harry's eyes widen, "A horse cock why?"

Desiree could see that Harry was completely clueless about the animal's anatomy. "Well it's because horses are very well endowed. I admit he used that wish on his wife and myself and I think I liked it more." She could feel her cheeks get hot at that admission feeling a little embarrassed.

Harry could feel his cock getting hard again, "Maybe someday we can do that." He wouldn't be opposed to trying that in the future. The part of having Desiree fucking him was one that didn't make his aroused at all. "Why did your old master wish to have two cocks?"

Desiree laughed at his boyish Innocence. She dragged her hand that was on his face down to his cock that was now standing tall at ten inches. "Because women have two great holes to fuck. With two cocks you can fuck a woman's pussy and ass at the same time." As she said that she felt his cock jump in her hand. "Oh you like that? You like the thought of fucking my ass? Is that your biggest fantasy right now? Me on all fours spreading my ass for you?"

Harry's mouth was dry at the mention of possibly fucking her ass. "I didn't know that it was an option." All of her holes so far felt like heaven so if her ass felt half as good as those he would love it.

Desiree slid out of bed and turned away from Harry giving him the first look at her nice and big round ass. "My apologies master for not showing you my whole body. Let me give you a proper look at everything my body has to offer." Bending over she spread her ass open and said, "Anytime you wish master my ass is yours. It is always ready for a cock. Would you like to try it now?" Looking over her shoulder she saw Harry nod before rising up like the dead and almost prowling towards her. She stayed still waiting for him to strike.

Harry was struck by her cute little brown crinkled hole that taunted him. He wanted to know how tight it was and what it was like to fuck it. When Harry finally got close enough he put his hands on her hips before pushing her towards the west wall and making her brace herself against the mirror.

Her hands went from spreading her ass to pushing back against the wall as she felt Harry's body press against her. A previous master had made the wish that whenever she was in human form her asshole had to be lubed and ready to take cock at a moment's notice. Before Harry that had been her favorite master. "Do it Harry, claim my last hole. If you are to be my master you need to try out everything my body has to offer."

Pressing forward he felt his cock press against her warm asshole. There was a small amount of resistance and Harry was worried about hurting her but when he started to push in that fear was misplaced. Her ass swallowed everything he could give. Desiree's tightness was on another level and something he could definitely get used to. "Shit Desiree, why didn't you tell me about this earlier."

Desiree laughed as she flipped her hair out of her face, "You can't just focus on a girl's ass Harry. You need to love everything else too." Her words had gasps in the middle of them as Harry started to thrust in and out after bottoming out inside of her. She could feel her arousal start to trickle down her legs. She hadn't had anal in over a hundred years and just like regular sex she missed it dearly.

Harry understood how Desiree was trying to help him and steer him in the right direction. "I promise to not neglect the rest of your body ever again. If you need your pussy fucked I will do it anytime you need and I promise not to focus on just your perfect ass." Harry was just trying to please the genie like he always did with anyone who had shown him the slightest attention. It was the damage of growing up neglected and unloved.

Desiree was fine if he wanted nothing but anal for the rest of his life because she was built for it but not all girls were. If he planned to take other lovers he would have to adapt. Of course he could use a wish on them but she was going to try and discourage that as much as possible. One of her master's in the 300's had made every woman he wanted into the image of his childhood love. Part of being a good lover was accepting a woman the way she was. "That's good Harry. Keep going, you are doing great." He was doing a great job of fucking her ass. It wasn't too hard and with every deep thrust she felt her toes curl. "Fuck Harry you are going to make me cum quick."

Harry responded to that by increasing his speed and power until her face was resting against the cold glass as the sound of their skin slapping echoed around the room. Harry couldn't stop looking down and seeing her caramel skin rippling from his thrusts. It made Harry feel powerful that he was able to do this. If he didn't just cum from an amazing blowjob he would have been done by now but this time he could hold on a little longer.

Desiree felt his cock twitching inside of her but he was holding back his climax until she had hers. 'Smart boy. He is going to be the best master I have ever had.' Desiree's voice reached a fever pitch as she cried out, "I'm cumming. You are making me cum Harry." Her orgasm came so quick if she didn't know better she would have thought he made a wish to make it happen so easily.

The pride that swelled in Harry's chest was similar to the first time Sirius told him he reminded him of his father. The tighter her asshole got around him the more he couldn't hold back and Harry buried himself to the hilt before firing off his load. He let out a loud groan but no words came out.

"Fuck I didn't know how much I missed having a man creampie my ass." As good as the first creampie felt, this one felt deeper and hotter which prolonged her orgasm. Desiree didn't expect this hard and fast anal fuck to take this much out of her as she leaned back and used Harry to keep her up. "Take us to bed Harry, my legs aren't working right now."

Harry grunted as he lifted the woman up, finding she was very light, almost deceivingly so. When they were once again back in bed Harry was panting, "I can't believe how good that felt. I never knew that was possible." While his mind was here with his genie his mind was also flashing images of him fucking other girls in the castle.

Desiree knew there was a lot she was going to have to teach him. "Yes but not all women are like that. It takes a while for a woman to get used to that. I have seen plenty of women not like that and bad men who force them anyway. While I cannot stop you, I hope you aren't that kind of man." Desiree had high hopes Harry would be the perfect lover for every girl he met.

Harry shook his head, "No I would never do that I promise." There was an awkward silence that happened after that little agreement neither knowing what to say. After a few minutes Harry realized he had to get to breakfast. "I have to head out, what are you going to do?"

"Well I am going to go back into my genie form and follow you around or you can summon me to the bottle on your arm. When I am in my genie form no one else will be able to see me. You can communicate with me with your mind. Now let's go. I want to get out of here." She had been in this school before. Her last master was Phineas Nigellus Black and he was so puritan he didn't use her in the last twenty years of his life. He only succumbed to her charms once but mostly stayed faithful to his wife. While her time with him was boring it was better than being trapped in her bottle for what felt like an eternity.

Harry was a little worried how this was going to work. He didn't want to seem distracted or act like a nutter looking at things that weren't there. "Okay but please just be normal and not work me up in public. I can't be getting erections all day."

Desiree smirked, "Sorry no promises." Desiree hoped there was a chance she could join Harry with another girl. Desiree did enjoy the female form and it had been over a hundred years since she has had the pleasure.

Harry groaned, feeling that he was going to regret opening that bottle by the end of the day.

Great hall

In stepping through the door to the great hall he had Desiree floating beside him green skin and all. It also didn't help that she was wearing her sexy genie outfit that he remembered tearing off last night. 'Okay it's just breakfast Harry just act normal.' The entire great hall was still decorated with the visiting schools regalia along with some decorations from Hogwarts like the different house banners.

Through the connection Desiree said, 'Act all you want but we both know the truth don't we.'

Harry ignored her and found an open spot at the Gryffindor table and piled some food on a plate. He needed the energy. Sex had wore him out more than he thought. Just as he was about to finish loading his plate he heard Desiree's voice come through their link, 'Eat some fruit believe me girls will thank you for it.' Harry rolled his eyes and grabbed two apples, one for breakfast and one for later.

Just as he was about to tuck in he heard her through the connection again, 'Fuck look at her.' Harry looked up and saw Desiree pointing towards the staff tables. She was pointing at Septima Vector, who was a professor he didn't have. 'I don't have her class Desiree and I don't think she would want to sleep with me.'

Desiree disagreed, 'I bet there is a way into her robes. Even if there isn't, I can take over her body and let you have her body anyway.' While Desiree would prefer to watch she didn't mind overshadowing a woman for her master. There was a small difference between bodies and the small things that each body liked. She had overshadowed girls who don't like pain or who lack the thrill from rough sex. If she had a choice though she wanted to see Harry shag her for real. 'I will make him wish for her soon enough. She looks like she hadn't had a proper fuck in ages. How can she be in a school of young hot studs and still look miserable. If I was a teacher here I would have a line of students out the door for me.'

Harry nearly spit out the mouthful of eggs he had, 'Stop that. And I thought you can just change into whoever I want.' He would be lying if he said that didn't interest him. She was the most attractive professor by far and now that he wasn't a virgin anymore he wanted to know what she felt like. While she didn't have Desiree's chest she was thinner and had a younger face.

'I can but it doesn't beat the real thing or so I have been told. I am just throwing it out there in case you have a thing for older women. And you don't have that many options here. Because no offense, the others aren't on your level.' Desire said through their link.

Harry just kept his eyes down and kept eating until he felt a poke on his shoulder. Looking over he saw that Hermione was sitting next to him. "Harry, where have you been? I waited for you in the common room but no one would tell me where you were."

"Sorry Hermione but the dorm kicked me out. They think I'm lying about putting my name in the cup. I slept somewhere else." He could feel his cock starting to get hard in his trousers as his eyes flicked from her face to her budding breasts that would be even bigger by the end of the year.

'Master you probably could have slipped into her bed and she would have let you stay the night.' To her it was clear the girl had some affection towards her master and she didn't sense any malice or dishonesty from her.

'Boys aren't allowed into the girl's dorm and we are just friends.' Harry thought as quickly as he could so he didn't miss anything Hermione said.

"Ronald didn't stick up for you?" Despite their first year Hermione liked to think they were all best friends.

"Ron led the charge. The only one who wasn't coming at me was Neville and he was afraid of what the others would do to him. I just left peacefully even though I wanted to hex them." Now with the power coursing through his veins Harry was looking for a chance to try it out.

Hermione sighed as she wished Ron wasn't this stupid. It was clear Harry didn't enter his name; she saw the look on his face when his name was picked. "We will get through this, Harry." To emphasize her point she covered his hand with hers and she could feel her fingers tingle as their skin met.

Harry was about to say something before Desiree came in first with, 'I think you two are going to have some fun later. I don't need to look into her mind to know that she wants you to fuck her. You could probably throw her on the table right now and have your way with her and she would thank you for it.'

Harry nearly screamed through his link, 'We are just friends.' Now images of lifting Hermione on the table and hiking up her skirt before fucking her filled his mind.

'If you believe that, wish to see her sexual fantasy.' It was an open bet for Harry to call. She had been around long enough to know a smitten girl when she saw one.

Harry was so sure of himself he wished to see Hermione's sexual fantasy just to shut Desiree up. As she granted his wish the next time he made eye contact he saw her biggest sexual fantasy. It was her bent over a library table being fucked hard by an exact copy of him. 'Desiree was right. Holy shit Hermione wants to fuck me.' Now his trousers were getting impossibly tight. With his new cock it was going to be painfully obvious if he had an erection.

Desiree saw what Harry saw and thought it was a pretty kinky fantasy for a girl so young. For her to be taken like an animal bent over a table in public was pretty out there when normal girls wished for their first time to be in a rose petal covered bed. She was just joking when she said that she wanted to be fucked in front of the entire great hall but she wasn't too far off. 'Why don't you focus on the tournament now and she can be your reward afterwards?'

'I thought you were going to be my reward.' Harry said. Harry was a simple boy who would have just been happy with Desiree but she was pushing him out of his comfort zone.

'Oh master I am yours for you to use anytime and in any way you wish. For a reward you want someone special. If you make it out alive during the first challenge I will make it so you will have sex with this girl.'

Harry didn't hesitate before agreeing to her terms, 'Deal.' Now he was wound up for Hermione and if he could get his rocks off with her he was going to jump at the chance.

"Harry, are you listening to me?" Hermione asked a spaced out Harry.

"Sorry Hermione. I have a lot on my mind." In his mind was nothing but images of him fucking Hermione in every way imaginable.

Hermione felt bad for getting mad about being ignored and said, "No no no Harry I'm sorry. I know the first task is coming up. How are your preparations coming?" She was worried for her best friend and hoped he was going to survive this. Every year his life was in danger but this year felt the worst in particular.

Harry finished up what was on his plate, "I plan to take a head on approach and have been training that way." It wasn't a lie that with his new power he could probably kill the Dragon in two seconds if he could hit the dragon's eye and send a spell through the brain.

"Be careful Harry. I don't want to lose you." She squeezed his hand tighter and held back tears thinking of the possibility of him dying in the first task. Champions had a habit of ending up dead in this tournament and it was barbaric of them to bring it back.

Desiree saw Hermione's body language and floated around the girl, 'You might not need my help after all Master.' She liked it when her master's used their own skill in the past and didn't rely completely on her magic.


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