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94.66% House of the Rising Sun / Chapter 70: Crossing the Line… Again.

Bab 70: Crossing the Line… Again.

The great thing about being a vampire was no hangovers. Now, as a vampire, you almost expect to wake up next to a dead body after a bender. Light streamed into my room bringing my attention to the head of wavy auburn hair. 


'Oh fuck…'


The head of hair groaned, "Ouch, what the hell?" 


"Umm, hello…" 


She jumped out of my bed with a yelp not noticing her state of dress. Trying and failing to not ogle her impressive bust, I got out of bed painfully erect. Her blush was nuclear, she turned away before grabbing the blanket and beating me to the restroom. I sighed and sat back down on my bed. 


'I need to stay away from alcohol. I don't even remember her name.' 


The auburn haired woman jumped out of my restroom, panic clear in her eyes. She looked familiar to me, though I couldn't quite figure out why at the moment. 


She groaned again. "Oh, damn it! Of all the people… I had to hook up with you." 




"Never mind, where are my clothes?" She asked. 


I looked around the room and the mess of clothes scattered on the floor. 


"Feel free to dig through, I'm making breakfast. Do you want some?" 


She hesitated. "I- um, I need to go." 


"Suit yourself, I'm not going to force you to do anything." 


She looked incredulously at the clothes on the floor then back to me. She tucked the blanket around her chest before hurriedly picking up her clothes. I turned to leave, before I could step through the door I remembered that I hadn't asked for her name. Turning back I frowned at my now empty room. The window was still open, her faint scent lingered in the room. 


"So she was supernatural, and here I thought she just had amazing moves, no wonder she could keep up. I suppose that narrows down who she was." 


I quickly made breakfast and ate before taking a hot shower. Once I had a fresh suit on I checked my phone for messages and calls, seeing none I went back to my study to finalize my 'syllabus' for my class. I made a workout routine for the different species. As much as I wanted to include everyone in the same group it just wouldn't be fair to the normal students to lump them in with students that had superhuman stamina and strength. Had Freya been here I would have asked her to enchant weights so that they'd be heavier than normal for the stronger students. Having reminded myself that my girlfriends were stuck in another world I groaned out loud. 


'I hope I can find a way to get back soon. It's probably been years already on their end.'


I doubled my efforts in figuring out how to jump back to the other world. Coupled with my preparations for the school, my days melted away and soon I found myself standing in a gymnasium that was built into what was once the boarding house's greenhouse area. The students filed in and took stock of the college age supernaturals. It felt almost like high school all over again with several cliques making themselves obvious. Many students also chose to stick with their own species and I couldn't fault them for it. No matter how much time had passed students still had a hard time overcoming past prejudices. The werewolves steered clear of the vampires and the witches kept mostly to themselves though the witches were more open to being around the other races. 


Once the trickle of students stopped I began taking roll call, finally I reached the name I had been dreading, only she didn't get listed down as a Mikaelson. She had taken her mother's maiden name. I didn't really know why, I also thought better than to just out what was clearly supposed to be a secret. 


"Marshall, Hope." 


"Here." Called a familiar voice from the crowd. 


A weight settled in my stomach. I looked up and met pale blue eyes. Flashbacks of the wild night I had shared with the woman those eyes belonged to pushed their way to the forefront of my mind. She sent me a look that said that she wanted to talk to me after class, and not in a dirty way. I subtly nodded her way before assigning the class their workout routines after breaking them up into their groups. The day went by rather quickly, the werewolves were the most excited to get challenged by the new exercise program. The vampires were curious as to why I didn't burst into flames in the sun, and the witches were dumbfounded at my casual display of my powers. I would have laughed had I not remembered that I had already fucked one of my students. The daughter of a guy who antagonized no less. What made it worse was that I was technically dating her aunt who was currently sharing a body with my formerly dead girlfriend from my first world. They were trapped in another world with my other girlfriend who I had raised as my own daughter before things got a little wacky. 


I wrangled my thoughts back to making sure that no one got hurt by doing the exercises wrong. The day went by fast fueled by the anticipation of the conversation I would be having with Hope. Once the students filed out and I was left alone with Hope I took a calming breath and looked at her closely for the first time. I started noticing little things that made her parentage obvious. Her eyes were all her fathers, the rest of her was a combination of her aunts. The only real thing she got from her mother was her hair. 


"So… this is awkward." She started. 


"What were you even doing at the bar? Aren't you a little too young for drinking?" 


She raised an eyebrow at me. "I'm 18," she crossed her arms across her sizable chest. "And you weren't complaining when we ended up in your bed." 


"I didn't know you were younger than me at the time, nor did I expect you to be Hope Mikaelson." 


"You know?" 


"Of course I know, I foug- well technically beat the shit out of your father and uncles several times." 


"How? How do you know, did Alaric tell you?" 


"Doesn't matter, what matters is why you're keeping this a secret." 


"My dad had enemies. If any of them learned that I exist they'd stop at nothing to kill me." 


"Okay, now the real reason."


She tensed, shooting a glare at me she finally sighed and uncrossed her arms. 


"I'm not sure how my classmates will react to being around the daughter of 'The Great Evil'. All my life I've moved around, I actually want to settle down in one place for more than a year." 


"They really called Klaus 'The Great Evil'? That's funny, last I remember he was a love struck puppy wrapped around Aurora de Martel's pinky. Must have happened while I was gone. Anyways I'm getting sidetracked, you really shouldn't care what they think. You're literally one of a kind." 


"Are you saying that because we had sex?" 


"Not at all, I mean that there's no other being like you in existence. Vampire, werewolf, and witch. You have the potential to be the most powerful person in this world." 


"What about you?" 


"What about me? I'm just your PE teacher." 


"Shut up, I mean what about you? Aren't you also a vampire that can do magic?" 


"Is that common knowledge?" 


"Common to me… I can feel it. I'm sure the other witches can too. Not too sure about the wolves or vampires."


"Oh well, it's not like I'm hiding it anymore. To answer your question, yes. Yes I am powerful, but that came with age and experience. You on the other hand, are nearly as strong as I am and you're still a kid." 


"Oh fuck off. I'm not a kid." 


"To me you are." 


"Well what does that make you then?" 




"Yeah, what does that make you? If I'm a kid, then why did you take me home from the bar?" 


"Why did you come on to me at the bar?" 




"You came on to me, I was minding my own business when you came in, demanded shots, got absolutely plastered, then proceeded to try and count my teeth with your tongue." 


She blushed red, "I- I got frustrated." 


"Frustrated? You're in college, you're supposed to be frustrated." 


"Fine! I was horny as hell and I thought you looked hot." 


She growled out the last bit and I grinned at the blush still on her face. She huffed and turned around, her shoulders heaving. 


"Hope, you okay?" 




'Fuck maybe I went too far and pisssd her off.' 


"What's the matter?" 


She didn't reply for several moments, eventually she turned back to face me. Blush still on her face, though now there was a hungry look in her eyes that sent a shiver down my spine. 


"I'm really horny again." 




"The wolf is also in heat…" 




Without another word she leapt at me, her lips crashing onto mine. Her eyes were glowing golden, her breathing heavy. I could have fought back, hell I could have overpowered her and resisted. Unfortunately I was also rather sexually frustrated and having an attractive woman throw herself at me wiped all my inhibitions aside. She tore at my clothes in an attempt to get them off. We stumbled into my office where I locked the door before she shoved me over to my chair. As she stalked towards me she slowly slipped out of her shirt and leggings. With a growl she ripped my shirt open and began kissing my chest and neck. I silently thanked past me for having the foresight to bring spare clothes as I felt her tear at my pants. 

[Scene Break]

Even with my morality back to 100% I was shocked that I was still a horn dog. Hope lay sprawled across my chest, a light sheen of sweat covered the both of us as we lay in the afterglow of several rounds of heated sex. 


"You know, it's strange having fought most of your family and suddenly finding you naked in my arms." 


"Didn't stop you from fucking me senseless." 


"Have you seen yourself? Despite your less than stellar father you're still attractive as all hell."


"You really think I'm attractive?" 


"Stop fishing for compliments. We need to get dressed. I have another class in two hours." 


She sighed and reached down to grab my slowly hardening cock. She licked her lips and stared into my eyes. 


"How about one more round, I'll let you put it up my ass." 


I felt something stirring in my mind, I saw her eyes dilate when she made the suggestion and suddenly found myself agreeing with a nod before I shook off the compulsion. With a growl I picked her up and shoved her towards my desk before sweeping off everything on the top and bending her over. As I sheathed myself inside her I smiled. Whether she knew it or not, Hope had helped me move one step closer to returning to the other world. 


I watched her walk out of the gym with a slight limp as my last class for the day came in. I assigned them their groups and workouts before taking a step back to observe. There weren't that many students in the school, maybe a hundred, maybe less. All I knew was that I only had two groups of students per day, that gave me enough time to research why Hope was able to use compulsion on me when she wasn't even a vampire yet, and the fact that I'm normally immune to compulsions. I made a note to look into mind magics and returned to making sure that students didn't accidentally kill themselves or others. 


The end of the day came around and I was called into Alaric's office. Stepping into the somewhat cluttered space I spotted Hope sitting on a chair looking a bit guilty. Alaric noticed me and gestured towards a seat. 


"Thank you for joining us Seth, I'll make this quick. Hope here got into a fight with another student." 


"Okay? What does this have to do with me?" 


"She put the classmate through several walls. She's currently recovering in the medical ward." Alaric continued with a sigh. 


I glanced at Hope who didn't look like she regretted her actions, yet that aura of guilt still lingered around her. 


"Right, but like I said, what does this have to do with me?" 


"You're technically my guardian." 




"As she said, currently her aunt Rebekah and Uncle Kol are out of the country. They can't be here to oversee her punishment."




"That's what I said," Hope huffed. "The bitch was bad mouthing Mister Williamson I just lost my temper." 


"Wait what? Why would you care if someone badmouthed me?" 


"Beca- because you're family." She said, though it sounded like a question. She was hiding something. 


"Alright Alaric, what's her punishment?" 


The former vampire hunter sighed. "Normally suspension, but seeing that we're technically a boarding school I can't send her home. So I'll give her detention with you during her off period." 


'What kind of a porno plot is this? This is idly convenient, but I won't complain. She can help me get back to the other world.'


Hope looked at me with a bit of anticipation, I sighed before nodding my head. "Alright fine, she can help me with a project I'm working on." 


"What project?" "Project?" The two said at the same time. 


"It's an extracurricular project." I was being somewhat honest. After all, Alaric wouldn't be asking as many questions. 




"Yeah, trying to figure out how magic works." 


"Right, and you'll need her knowledge of witchcraft to help. Makes sense, just don't overdo it, our budget for the school is already suffering." 


"You know I could always donate money? I have a massive multibillion dollar fortune that's just sitting around."


Hope and Alaric spurted at the mention of my wealth. 


"Why the hell are you working here then?" 


"Boredom, mostly. And I wanted access to your library of books if I'm being honest. That and I've always wanted to take part in a magic school. Reminds me of Harry Potter." 


"So you just do jobs cause you're bored?" Hope asked.


"Well yeah, isn't that the point of doing anything at all? So that you have something to do instead of lazing around?" 


"Fair point." 


"Alright then, before this drags on for much longer. Thank you for notifying me of changes Alaric, I'll see you tomorrow Hope." 


I teleported out of the office and back to my home before any of them could say anything more. I slipped down into a chair and sighed. 


'One step closer, though now I have to see if I can get her to give me back the knowledge of how to get back.'


I began suspecting that my power wasn't the problem. I could teleport anywhere I've been before. I had been to another world. By all means I should have been able to teleport there but I wasn't. I concluded that Myrddin had fucked with my head and erased the memory of the other world. It was the only way that I wouldn't be able to teleport. The old bastard didn't take my powers after all. And I was still aware of the other world. That only left the conclusion that Myrddin had somehow sealed them away where I couldn't access them. With Hope's ability to compel me I may have a chance at unlocking those hidden memories. Thinking back to the aforementioned tribrid I remembered her acting strange in Alaric's office. At first I was worried that the former hunter had found out that I had slept with Hope. Thankfully he didn't, though Hope's reaction to the student talking shit about me was interesting. 


It wasn't a rash action, not temperamental. It felt more defensive, like she was fighting on my behalf. I could only think about one reason why and the very thought of it scared me. Then again, what's the worst that could happen?  

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