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Chapter 3: The Beginning of the Ninja Path

**Three Years Later**

The sun was setting over the village, bathing the rooftops and streets in a warm golden glow. The day's activity was winding down, and the quiet sounds of the night were beginning to take over. In the Uchiha household, Sakura was busy preparing dinner while Sarada and Ryuu played in the garden.

Sarada, now six years old, had become a lively and determined young girl. She possessed her mother's intelligence and her father's focus. Ryuu, her twin brother, though physically similar, showed a maturity and introspection that were uncommon in a child his age. His eyes reflected a wisdom and experience beyond his years, reminiscent of his past life as Alex.

"Ryuu, look at this!" Sarada exclaimed, holding a kunai in her small hands. She threw it with precision, hitting the center of the target. Ryuu clapped, a broad smile on his face.

"That was amazing, Sarada. You're getting much better," Ryuu said, his voice surprisingly calm and serene for his age. "Practice is really paying off."

"Thanks, Ryuu! Now it's your turn," Sarada replied, passing him a kunai.

Ryuu took the kunai and threw it, hitting the target with near-perfect precision. Sarada looked at him with admiration and a bit of surprise. Although they trained together, Ryuu seemed to have an innate skill and discipline that always impressed her.

"You did it! That was awesome!" Sarada exclaimed, hugging her brother.

"Thanks, Sarada. There's always room for improvement, but I'm happy with the progress we're making," Ryuu replied, showing a maturity that often left Sarada and their mother pondering his introspective nature.

As they continued practicing, Sakura called them inside. "Sarada, Ryuu, it's time for dinner!"

The twins ran inside, their faces flushed with excitement. Sakura smiled as she watched them, feeling a deep sense of pride and love for her children. Despite the challenges of raising them alone for the past three years, she had managed to create a stable and loving environment for them.

During dinner, the conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and stories of the day's adventures. Sakura listened attentively as Sarada and Ryuu recounted their training and games, their bond evident in every word and gesture.

After dinner, as the children were getting ready for bed, Sakura sat with them for their nightly storytelling ritual. However, tonight, the story she chose was different.

"Tonight, I want to tell you about your father," she began, her voice soft but firm. The children's eyes widened with curiosity and anticipation.

"You know that your father, Sasuke, is a very important ninja. He is on a mission to protect our village and the world from a great threat," Sakura explained, choosing her words carefully. "He had to leave three years ago to investigate something very dangerous, something that could harm us all if not stopped."

Sarada and Ryuu listened intently, their young minds absorbing every word. They had always known that their father was a hero, but hearing about his mission made it even more real.

"Will he come back soon?" Ryuu asked, his voice surprisingly calm and mature for his age.

Sakura smiled gently, though there was a hint of sadness in her eyes. "We don't know when, but we have to trust that he is doing everything he can to come back to us. And while he is away, we need to be strong and support each other."

The children nodded, understanding the weight of her words. They hugged their mother tightly, finding comfort in her embrace.

**Meanwhile, Far from Home**

Sasuke moved silently through the dense forest, his senses heightened as he searched for clues about the Otsutsuki. He had followed numerous leads, each one bringing him closer to understanding their plans. His mind often wandered to his family, especially during quiet moments like this. He missed them deeply, but he knew his mission was crucial for their safety.

As he approached a clearing, Sasuke noticed something unusual: strange markings on the ground, unlike anything he had seen before. He knelt to examine them, activating his Sharingan to capture every detail. These markings were a sign, a clue that he was on the right path.

Determined to uncover the truth, Sasuke continued his journey, his resolve unwavering. He knew that each step brought him closer to protecting his family and the world from the looming threat.

**Back at Home**

The days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months. Sarada and Ryuu continued their training, guided by their mother's wisdom and the stories of their father's bravery. They often practiced together, pushing each other to improve and become stronger.

One day, while training in the garden, Sarada stopped and looked at Ryuu. "Do you ever think about what Dad is doing right now?"

Ryuu nodded, his expression serious and thoughtful. "All the time. I want to be as strong as him someday."

"We will be," Sarada said confidently. "We'll make him proud."

Their bond grew stronger with each passing day, their determination fueled by the desire to honor their father's legacy. And though they were still young, they began to understand the importance of their roles in the world.

Sakura watched them from the porch, feeling a sense of inner peace. Despite the uncertainty and challenges, she knew her children were destined for greatness. And she was determined to support them every step of the way, until the day Sasuke returned and their family was whole once more.

**The Shelter of the Night**

That night, as everyone slept in the Uchiha house, Ryuu found himself awake, staring at the ceiling of his room. He couldn't help but think about his father, Sasuke, and the dangerous missions he undertook to protect them.

He got up quietly and walked to the window, where he could see the full moon shining in the sky. His thoughts drifted to his past life, to his time as Alex. He remembered the nights in the army, staying awake thinking about his comrades and the missions that awaited them. In those moments, he felt alone, without a real family waiting for him at home.

But now, in this new world, he had something different. He had a family that loved and supported him. He felt a deep gratitude for his mother, Sakura, and for his sister, Sarada. They were his refuge, his reason to keep going.

**Flashback: Past Life**

Before, on Earth, Alex had grown up in orphanages and foster homes. He had never known the warmth of a real family. His life had been a series of challenges and hardships, where he had learned to be strong and rely on himself. But deep down, he had always longed for a family, a place where he truly belonged.

He remembered how, in the darkest moments, he found solace in the anime Naruto and Boruto. He admired their bravery and determination, and those values guided him in his life as a soldier. But now, in this new world, he had the chance to live those ideals in a real family.

**Reflections in the Night**

Ryuu returned to his bed, feeling a mix of nostalgia and hope. He knew his father was out there, facing unknown dangers to protect them. And while he missed him, he also understood the importance of his mission.

He promised himself that he would honor Sasuke's legacy. He would be strong and brave, not just for himself, but for his family. This second chance at life was a gift, and he was determined to make the most of it.

"I'm going to be strong, Dad. And when you come back, I'll show you how much I've learned," Ryuu whispered before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep, knowing that his family was his greatest treasure and that he would do anything to protect them.

**The First Day at the Ninja Academy**

The days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months. Finally, the day that Sarada and Ryuu had been waiting for arrived: their first day at the Ninja Academy. Excitement filled the Uchiha house as they prepared for this important event.

Sakura, filled with pride and excitement, helped the children dress in their new uniforms. Sarada, with her characteristic determination, was eager to start her formal training. Ryuu, though sharing his sister's excitement, displayed a calmness and maturity that always set him apart.

"Are you ready for your big day?" Sakura asked with a smile as she adjusted Sarada's forehead protector.

"Yes, Mom! I can't wait to start," Sarada replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"I'm ready," Ryuu said with a seriousness that contrasted with his age. "I'm going to do my best."

Sakura hugged them both tightly. "I'm so proud of you. I know you're going to do great things at the Academy."

The three of them left the house, walking together through the quiet streets of the village. The fresh morning air and the sound of birds singing gave them a sense of a new beginning. The Ninja Academy was located in the center of the village, and as they approached, they could see other children and their parents heading in the same direction.

Sarada and Ryuu exchanged looks of complicity. They had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and now it was finally here. As they walked, Ryuu couldn't help but reflect on the life he had left behind. On Earth, he had been a soldier, a man who had known sacrifice and loneliness. Now, he had a new opportunity, a new family, and a new purpose.

**Ryuu's Thoughts**

As they walked, Ryuu thought about his father. He knew Sasuke was out there, facing unknown dangers to protect them. He admired his father and wanted to be as strong and brave as him someday. But beyond admiration, he felt a deep connection to his family in this world.

 A connection he had never felt in his past life.

"This time, I'm not alone," Ryuu thought as he looked at his mother and sister. "I have a family, and I'll do everything I can to protect them and make them proud."

They arrived at the entrance to the Ninja Academy, where a large group of children and their parents had gathered. The building was impressive, with its traditional architecture and atmosphere of history and knowledge.

Sakura knelt down to be at eye level with her children. "Remember, this is just the beginning. The Academy will be a challenge, but I know you are both ready. Trust in yourselves and your abilities."

Sarada and Ryuu nodded, their hearts filled with determination. Together, they entered the Academy, ready to face the future and the adventures that awaited them.

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