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CH : 3 Hunting, Third Feast and System

I pretended to be ferocious and said the rational gradually awake. Emilia and Hannah looked at the ferocious me, their eyes immediately showed a trace of fear and dread. 

Their Big Brother is so scary, more than a vicious dragon. The two little fledgling Dragons hurriedly nodded their heads, their heads lying on the ground, to honestly submit to me. 

After this lesson, The two Dragonnesses Emilia and Hannah, would rather eat dirt, and probably wouldn't dare to spy on my prey anymore. 

Seeing the colour of fear in the eyes of my dragon sisters, I finally nodded with satisfaction. 

It seems that the lesson this time was impressive enough, and this time there will finally be no more worries.

I no longer looked at my miserable dragon 

sisters, these many weren't a big deal for a dragon and I sure this could even motivate them to grow stronger, I turned my body around and with big steps, I walked out towards the outside of the lair.


Ever since the incident of the twin dragon electric fan, I have been going out early and returning late everyday, preserving the prey I haunted with acid spit and sinking into the mud puddle. 

I was accumulating reserves for the third feast. While exploring this dark forest. And during these weeks my mother got even lazier. I didn't think it was possible but it did happen somewho. During these times Dragon sisters Emilia and Hannah were very well behaved and due to my mother's generosity were somehow surviving by eating literal dirt or whatever my dragon mother threw at us if she was feeling particularly please but it's a BIG 'IF'


Omni POV

It was another dark and windy night in the black forest, a black shadow flash through the dense jungle, and in the clearing of the woods, a Sword Wind Wolf, with a huge wound on his leg and stomach let out a low roar towards the surrounding dense jungle, with a fearful expression. 

This nearby wind wolf magic creature encountered an unprecedented crisis at this moment, a black dragon fledgling stared at him, had just sneak attacked him with its claw and wounded his back leg to upper stomach and large area of skin and flesh torn off, white bone exposed, and then like an experience hunter, hiding into the dense jungle, patiently waiting for his physical strength to be lost. 

Wind Wolf is familiar with this tactic because he himself used it against so many of his prey. 

As in cases of bleeding wounds, physical strength tends to be rapidly lost. And in the end, even if one survives it is even more difficult to escape death.

The wind wolf paces around anxiously, The light green wind element in his mouth condenses and does not dissipate, at all times, He can burst out with an overwhelming blow. 

It is by relying on this card that he made that black dragon fledgling scornful, and did not directly pounce on him. 

Secretly converging my breath to hide. I am indifferent, steering in the Sword wind wolf demonic creature, I licked the corners of my mouth of the filament of the blood which comes from the wind wolf itself.

The taste is very good, killing this sword wind wolf, One's third feast progress is definitely enough. 

Adult wind wolf is a third level magic creature whose strength is not weak. A hand of talent class spell sharp edge killing power is enough to cut a person waist thick tree. 

Although I don't think that the sharp edge issueed by this adult wind wolf magic creature can kill myself, After all, my body has been strengthened by two feasts, and the main direction of the second feast is to strengthen the dragon scales, coupled with the fact that the dragon scales of a giant dragon are not weak in terms of spell /Magic resistance itself. 

Even if it's just a fledgling dragon, its dragon scales have this certain amount of spell resistance and it's very popular with low and middle level spell masters. 

However, even with heavy protection, I do not want to eat an adult sword wind wolf demo dying to send out the wind blade. 

As they say, a bloody protagonist is more dangerous than an overly confident overpowered protagonist. 

As a dying thing, always think of taking his enemy with him and won't care about his injuries. 

In the face of the enemy, you can't be soft, your genes are deteriorating, your will is weakened, and you can eat away at every step.

And just waiting here wasn't a big deal. Stalemate for a few moments, the wind wolf's sanity with the loss of blood and strength finally broke out. 


Tyrannical low roar, red eyes scanning the surrounding, robust wolf body, a leap of seven or eight feet away, a few silhouettes disappeared in the dase forest. 

'Want to escape?'

Hidden in the surrounding dense forest, I sneered, no longer cover the figure, more than 3 metres long robust dragon body instantly turned into a Shadow, chasing up. 

However, my finger just appears the next moment sharp claws are towards my head directly, it seems that this guy is luring myself. 

"Want to fight to the death ah."

I saw the situation a little serious and got serious a little bit. 

My eyes stared at that half metre long, thin as cicada of the egg white harp edge. As for the incoming wolf claws, I directly chose to ignore them, this is the conference in my own dragon scale defense. 

In the next instance, I put up two sharp dragon claws and ruthlessly plunged them into the pair of eyes of the Sword Wind Wolf.. 

The sharp dragon claws were like two metal pencils, completely messing into the wind wolf's eyes, penetrating through the brain and killing it in seconds!

The wind wolf that received such a fatal injury, its hue body slightly stiffened, his muscles relaxed, and he fell heavily to the ground, turning into a warm corpse. 

The battle ended, I touched my jaw that was attacked by the wind wolf's claws, and touched the stuttering sensation brought by the silky cracks on the dragon scales, as well as the faint dragon's blood, I let out a sigh of emotions in my heart. 

'This is what it feels like to be injured?' That's right, these days, I have not been injured once in my daily late night and early morning hunts. 

Of course, it's not that I'm strong enough to ignore so many demon monsters in the Dark Forest, but I've been cautious not to step out of the Black Dragon lady's territory. 

Within the Black Dragon lady's territory, like this freshly dead third level demonic creature Sword Wind Wolf under my feet is already the most powerful group of wild monsters. 

The sound of footsteps resounded again at the Black Dragon's next passageway, Emilia and Hannah who were eating dirt and bones, habitat ally turned their big heads, and then saw that I was dragging a huge wolf with fur white as egg. 

Emilia and Hannah's two little Dragons' expressions gradually froze after recognizing the identity of the giant wolf, adult sword wind wolves, a Level Three Order Magical creatures, existence that are enough to easily abuse both of them, how could this Order of magical creatures be hunted by Big Blackie? 

During these days Emilia and Hannah could see me dragging back some prey from outside of Dragon's Nest every day. 

The weak ones are just some beasts that are not weak in strength, and the strong ones are also One or Two Order magical creatures, but these are still within the tolerance range of Emilia and Hannah, after all, I can easily defeat both of them, so having the strength to hunt Second Order creatures is not too much. 

'But hunting third order magical creatures would be too much of a stretch, wouldn't it?'

'Obviously, everyone is just a small fledgling dragon that was born not long ago, how come you are the only one whose strength is so exaggerated?'

After being shocked, the two little Dragons looked at me, and the color of awe in their gazes became more and more intense. 

Evil dragons had always feared and respected the strong, and even humans, who were regarded as ants and food by the evil dragons. 

Could generally be recognized by the evil dragons once they advanced to the Legend and became Legendary beings. 

"Big brother Blackie!"

The Dragon sisters greeted me respectfully. As I returned. I glanced at two little Dragonesses and nodded slightly before stopping talking, dragging the wind wolf corpse to the edge of the mud pool. 

Laying down on my back, I began to rest with my eyes closed, after an hour passed, the rested me opened my eyes, I rubbed my injured Jaws with my coarse dragon fingers, there was no surprise, the Dragon scales had already recovered, leaving behind only three insignificant faint white marks. 

With this level of recovery, it wouldn't be much different from a five or six year old back dragon cub. 

At this moment, I was only Born two months ago, and during these 14 days, the black Dragon mother did not give us any food, and I usually just ate some ordinary beasts to satiate my stomach. While sharing some with sisters. 

After all, hunting good quality prey, we're used as a feast to open the reserve food to store up. 

"Emilia and Hannah you two salvage all the Big 

Brother's reserves."

I said nonchalantly. Forced by the majesty of big brother, the two little Dragons didn't dare to resist, and capriciously began to work, as they clearly remember the last beating their brother gave them. 

The two little Dragonesses stood at the edge of the mud pool and Emilia jumped into it with a flutter. 

Not long after, the food within the mud pool was all salvaged, like a small mountain in front of me. 

All kinds of prey were various and diverse. At this moment, I had quite a sense of accomplishment in my heart. This was the food I had saved after nearly 25 days of hard hunting. 

'Hunting is really too tiring, in the future, I must get a batch of dependents, specialising in finding various, diverse, and strong food for me.'

I also secretly resolved in my heart, otherwise according to my own increasingly exuberant appetite, the stronger my strength, the more I eat, then in the future I will either be on the way to find food or on the way to fight, this is not the life I want as a mother fucking evil dragon, not to mention all the mining and forging I had to do to get those rare minerals. 

"All right you guys back off, big brother is going to start eating"

I casually waved my head, the two little Dragons obediently backed off to the side, and then drooled while eyeballing me tearing and devouring the blood and flesh. 

'So hungry, So eager to eat'

Emilia and Hannah looked on and stared at me tearing and devouring the blood and flesh,the hunger and temptations almost made them about to lose their minds. 

But the deep memories of the past surfaced in the minds of the little Dragonesses when they couldn't hold back. After glancing at marks left on scales from last beating they sigh together. 

"No, if we eat it, big brother will kill us."

Emilia and Hannah's eyes instantly regained clarity, they looked towards their big brother who had already started his feast at this moment. 

Crazily devouring the blood and flesh of beasts and demons, and felt a wave of fear in their hearts, the big brother present was so terrifying. 

The two little Dragons suspected that at this moment, if they dared to go forward and provoke, it was estimated that even they would be eaten by big brother. 

The state of me when the fest is activated would indeed terrify the little Dragons. 

As if a bottomless pit of stomach sacs it crazily devoured all the flesh and blood that could be seen in front of it. 

The corpses piled up into a small mountain were rapidly diminishing!

Soon only seven prey corpses remained on the ground, and the rest of the prey corpses were all devoured. As the blue screen pooped in front of me. 

[The Feast Progress : 100%]

With the front surfacing, my sanity finally returned to reality. He entered that Pitch black space for the third time. 

Within the pitch back space he watched the rapid changes in his flesh as spector. The scales, muscles, bones, internal organs, blood, cells, and every fibre of my body were insanely elevated and strengthened! 

A day passed in the outside world. I, who was lying on the ground, slowly opened my eyes. 

On the other side, Emilia and Hannah, I who had been fearfully sleepless, simultaneously met my eyes and at this moment, it was as if they were being stared at by a more superior creature. 

Their scales trembled in fear, and they were terrified inwardly. 

Luckily, the aura was only flash, and Hannah and Emilia breathed a sigh of relief, gasping around and looking at their big brother in awe. 

I didn't bother to look at his chicken like dragon sisters when he first looked at the blue panel. 



Name : Babatos Caesar Volaric."

Race : True Dragon 

Biological Order : 3rd

Occupation Level : None 

Body Length : 3.06 → 3. 63M

Vitality (VIT) : changed from 4.24 to 4.92

Current Feast Tier : 3

Feast Cool down Time : 30 Days


Dragon Scales (LV 3), True Dragon Breath (LV 2), Draconic Vitality (LV 4), Draconic Might (LV 1), Draconic Magic (LV 1), Fly (LV 1), Dragon Eyes (LV 1), Bite (LV 2), (Claw LV3)


The body length reached over three metres six, a full 32 centimetres higher compared to before the feast was opened. 

With a 0.68 increase in vitality, my vitality is now on the verge of breaking through to level five. 

Which grade this level was located in, I couldn't describe it specifically. After all, this attribute of [Vitality] was not introduced in the Dragon's inheritance. 

But anyway, right now I am very strong. Before the third feast, I was able to easily hunt down third order demonic creature Sword Wind Wolf, and now? 

I felt that I could touch the base with an early fourth order demonic creature. Even if his creature level has not reached fourth Order yet. 

"The change in my appearance isn't small either."

I twisted my short, thick neck full of muscles, a pair of dragon wings with an even bigger wingspan behind me, as well as even thicker more powerful limbs. 

If one were to say that the body ratio of an ordinary giant dragon was 1:1:1, belonging to the category of slender bodies. 

Now, the proportion of my body was getting bigger and bigger as my slender neck shortened. 

The visual sensation caused by this was that under the same body length, it was more oppressive than an ordinary giant dragon, and its volume was also much larger. 

After reviewing the changes in my body, I, who was in a happy mood, took a look at Hannah and Emilia, who were cowering beside me. 

Another glanced at the several prey and bones on the ground that had yet to be eaten. 

"These prey will be rewarded to you guys, keep up the good behaviour for a while." 

"Reward for us?"


Emilia and Hannah couldn't help but be a little sceptical after hearing my words, and tangled even repeated the inquiry. 

I looked at the young Dragonesses who were successfully trained by me initially, my heart was full of gratification, and I smiled amiabky and spoke. 

"Of course, good children are naturally rewarded."

Emilia and Hannah looked strange, why does this sound strange. 

Hoveraver, with the blood and meat food to eat, the two little fledgling Dragons that had eaten dirt and bones for half a month didn't care about much, even the usually more proud Emilia rushed to the prey with rush, tearing and swallowing the blood and meat with a big mouthful. 

As they ate, tears of emotion flowed down from the corner of their mouths. 

"Brother Babatos is really a good dragon ah!"

On the side, Babatos naturally didn't know that his younger siblings were so moved. 

He just looked at his own dragon sisters's body, which is too thin and weak, and the two of them stood in a piece, completely with two small children standing in front of their own adults. 

At least, as proud Dragon Babatos Caesar Volaric and old brother, the younger sisters surely can't be too weak, otherwise he would have no face in the future. 


Moreover, I had my own thoughts, for the most evil dragons, they would generally raise their heirs to the juvenile dragon stage before driving them out of the nest to fend for themselves. Just like most born proud and strong species. 

However, some of the more indifferent, proud, powerful and heartless evil dragons would drive the young dragons  that had just passed the fledgling stage directly out of their nests. 

GodOfGreedAs GodOfGreedAs

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