"Hello, student, are you here for an internship?"
"Come this way."
Tang Shu followed the nurse into the expert's office and realized that there were already three people waiting.
Two male students and one female, all unfamiliar faces.
If her memory hadn't failed her, she was certain that these three weren't from her class.
However, even though Tang Shu didn't know the other three, her renowned status at Medical University had drawn their continuous scrutiny.
In their gazes, there was both examination and a sense of understanding.
After nodding and exchanging greetings with the three others, Tang Shu quietly stood to one side with her notebook, waiting.
Before long, the door to the expert's office was pushed open, and a man of about fifty entered, his name displayed on the name tag of his white coat.
Zhang Qi.
After surveying each of the four, he took his seat.
"I assume you have already learned 'The Four Diagnose Skills' at school?"
"Yes, Teacher Zhang."