Unduh Aplikasi
66.66% T.G.O.E: Kon / Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Bab 8: Chapter 8

*A Few Minutes Ago*

I was walking down the hall towards the cafeteria.

Honestly, I didn't want to end everything like this but because second-years were being targeted because of me… Maybe I should take some hits and let this all blow over.

I looked at the time on my smartphone. 1:01 pm…

I would reach the cafeteria in about four minutes. I was purposefully arriving late to make that bastard wait a bit longer.

"Ex-excuse me!"

I turned around.

A cute first-year student was behind me. She was panting heavily, clearly out of breath from running. I was sure I had never met her before.


"Your friends are fighting in the cafeteria!!*huff* Things were already looking bad when I left! Please, do something!"


… My eyes slowly widened. I turned around and dashed towards the cafeteria.


"W̴͎̤̫̙̿͋͜ȁ̵̞̗͒͘s̶̩̏̏̈ ̶̨̛̖͖͎̿̈t̶͙̎͜͝ȟ̷͓̦̪̇̈́̓a̵̟̻̐́̍́̊t̸̨̖̣͕̗̃̏̋ ̴̨̤̱͎͑̆̀́y̶̦̖͔̯̰̽̈́̓̕ó̵̟̮̥u̶̘̱̦͖͇̚r̸̝͇̰͉̐͌͘ ̵̞̣͈̀̎̈́̄͝d̷͚̂͐̅o̸͉̗̜̣̾i̷͖̅n̴͓̹̗̮̘̔̏ģ̵̤͔̥̙͊̓?̶̔̉͊̌͜͝"


About an year ago

"There will be a transfer student joining our class today," the teacher announced.

The class buzzed with excitement.

"A transfer student? At this time of the year?"

"Eh? Didn't you hear?! I heard it was Izo-kun's brother!"

"Wait, what?! He has a brother?!"

The girls were whispering fervently. The boys also seemed curious.

"You may enter now," the teacher called out.

As soon as the student entered, the excitement died.

"I am Hyoudou Issei," the boy introduced himself in a cold voice.

Many students made confused and disappointed faces. Some looked very surprised.

"He looks like a dead fish…"

"Is that really Izo-kun's brother…? He looks kind of..."

"Uh…" the teacher said with a sweatdrop, "Hyoudou-kun, anything more to add? Like your previous school or your hobbies? I'm sure everyone is curious about you."

Issei scanned the classroom slowly with his eyes. Many students who met his gaze averted their eyes.

"Nothing to add, sir."

"R-right… Your seat is near the window, next to Hibiki Matsuda."


Some people approached me despite my cold introduction. Over time, the crowd dwindled due to my clear disinterest in talking.

As days passed, I gained a bad reputation in school due to my anti-social behaviour. I was called to the staff room many times because of it.

… Honestly.

Leave me alone.


Days turned into months. Everyone had stopped bothering… except for these two guys called Shinya Motohama and Hibiki Matsuda. I even told them to stop bothering me to their faces, but these annoying creatures wouldn't leave me alone. They followed me everywhere; when I went to the cafeteria, they said it couldn't be helped since we all went to the same cafeteria. They always sat near me and said it couldn't be helped since all the chairs looked the same. They even ordered the same food as me and said it couldn't be helped because they also liked the same food… Should I just kill them?

Apart from that, there was also the fact that these two had a reputation as the perverted duo…

There was no way I wanted to be associated with that image. My bad reputation was already causing me trouble with the teachers; adding these two to the mix… nope, no way.

Fast forward a few weeks

It happened… They started calling us the perverted trio. These two managed to tarnish my already bad image even further.

I felt tired around these idiots… If words didn't work, I would just ignore them.

A few weeks later

People realized that I wasn't a pervert because I never joined their 'activities' (which only consisted of reading, watching, and talking about porn, and peeking at girls). But some suspicions remained, not that I cared.

But these two still hadn't given up… Maybe considering them as acquaintances wouldn't hurt. It would be useful if I ever needed to borrow notes or get information about any school event (Motohama was like a live news channel in human form).

They had already started to call me by my first name… I guess it wasn't bad to have them around.

Before I knew it, they had become a part of my daily life, and I had started calling them 'friends' in my mind.

About a week ago

I lost to Motohama… in a football match-winner prediction bet.

"Ask Rias Gremory-senpai out," said the glasses-wearing bastard, with an evil grin on his face, as punishment for losing the bet.


She was the most popular third-year student. I think most of the students in this academy had a crush on her or at least held a certain level of interest in her.

I had only seen her up close once. I must say this; she was the prettiest girl I had seen in my entire life.

She seemed to always be surrounded by her admirers.

Matsuda laughed out loud hearing the punishment. Motohama made a smug face, which I felt compelled to smash with my fists.

"I have never spoken to her," I said, "how can I just ask her out like that?"

Both of them laughed even harder at this.

"Do you think any of the guys who ask her out know her personally?" Motohama said, "I bet the majority of them might have never even spoken a word to her. Her fan base makes it insanely difficult to approach her and try to be friends first. Not to mention Hiro Satoru… Big salute to those who ask her out despite the presence of that psycho. I heard it is becoming hard even asking her out online recently due to him."

"Though he relentlessly asks her out almost every single day," Matsuda said with a sigh, "So you gonna proceed with the online route? Offline is too risky. I am sure you can find her number somewhere."

"But, if by chance..." I said, "I asked her out and she accepted, doesn't that lead to a problem because I… don't have feelings for her?"

""… … HAHAHAHAHA! AS IF!!!""

These bastards…

"Issei, that was… HAHAHA! I can't believe you just seriously said that!"

"Yeah as if she is even going to consider-"


"Yeah, sure," Rias said with a smile.

""" … … Eh?"""

I had proceeded with the offline route because it was too bothersome to find her number but…

After that, obviously, the duo and I were in this awkward phase, not only because the joke got out of hand but also because of how people started sending threats to me both online and offline.

Maybe they might have felt responsible for this situation.

The image of both of them lying on the floor unconscious came to my mind.

It's okay.

Kenji's bloody smirking face…

I gritted my teeth.

What are you smirking about? Do you think this is gonna do something to me? It's not like…

The whole student body in this cafeteria… did nothing as these two got beat up… including Rias's club and the student council…

It's not like… I actually saw them as my friends or something… Sure, I might have called them as such in my head…

So why?

My eyes once again focused on the duo.

Why am I…

My mind went blank.


I could hear the sounds of fire crackling all around me. I could make out a large hall that surrounded me. There were some signs and furniture that were on fire. Shadowy figures were dancing near the fires, echoing screams of pain, agony, and anger.

Motohama and Matsuda were lying at my feet. They suddenly morphed into a guy wearing a black martial arts uniform. The guy suddenly caught flames right before my eyes and joined the fires around me.

A tall shadowy figure loomed over me.


a small and distant echo of screaming

… I looked into the shadowy figure's glowing eyes.


screaming getting louder

The more I looked at this figure…

Heartbeats getting faster

the screaming was getting louder and louder

𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔦𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔰𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔢?






Issei was screaming at the top of his lungs.

"H-Hyoudou-kun…?" Kiba said in a concerned voice.

Everyone else looked too shocked for words. The last thing anyone expected was Mr. Quiet Guy to scream like that.

Issei dropped to his knees, clutching his neck, and started hyperventilating with tears flowing from his eyes.

"What is going on…?" Saji said.

"It's Trauma," Koneko said.

"Trauma…?" Rias asked.

"Izo, what is going on-" Sona started.


Sona's eyes went wide.

Izo was looking down, away from his brother, at his quivering lower body. Beads of cold sweat were rolling down his face.


"HOW DISAPPOINTING," Kenji said in a loud and bored voice, "Seems like you are nothing like these two idiots. Crying like a baby at this age… must be embarrassing to live at your level.

His friends laughed.

"Drag him here," Kenji commanded a nearby guy.

The third-year approached Issei with a grin and reached out to grab his collar.

"Kiba," Rias said, her eyes hidden in shadows.

"Yes, Buchou," he stepped forward—


Kiba froze in his steps.

Issei punched the third-year's arm away from his position below, causing him to stagger back a few steps.

"Oh, be careful~ He bites," Kenji said, making the third-years laugh again.

But the laughter quickly died as the third-year continued to stand still, stunned.

 "…What's the matter?" Kenji asked, narrowing his eyes. "Why aren't you moving?"

The third-year was staring at his half-raised arm, the one that had been punched away.



'What the…?' he thought, bewildered. 'How can a weak-looking punch from that position hurt this much?'

He tried to turn his wrist but—


"Ack!" He let out a small scream.

'SHIT! Is it fractured?!'

He moved his hand away from blocking his view and saw Issei staring at him with bulging eyes. The irises were blood red.


For a moment, he felt his heart stop. He stepped back instinctively—


Issei charged from the ground for a tackle.

'A tackle!'

The third-year braced his legs, ready to counter—

But Issei's hands hit the floor.

Before he could react—


Issei's leg arced from behind, smashing into the senior's head with a sickening force. The upperclassman crumpled, hitting the ground with a heavy thud, motionless.

The cafeteria fell silent.

"Scorpion…?" Saji said, breaking the silence.

"… kick?" Tsubasa, the rook, finished, wide-eyed.

The ORC and the student council mirrored each other's shock. Hardly anyone expected Issei to be a fighter. When he suddenly started screaming and crying, they thought what happened yesterday was a fluke.

Kiba stood frozen.

Hiro narrowed his eyes. Kenji's lips parted in shock.

Issei's eyes remained unblinking, bulged with intensity.


He charged forward.

The nearest third-year threw a kick, which Issei caught from below, swiftly sweeping his supporting leg, and making him fall. Without hesitation, Issei grabbed the fallen student's legs and hurled him towards a group rushing at him.

Two more surrounded Issei quickly. One in front and one behind. He performed a roundhouse kick motion, making the guy in front brace for impact. The kick missed on purpose, and Issei used the momentum to turn around.

The guy in the back, surprised by Issei's sudden turn, tried to attack but—


Too slow.

Using the momentum, Issei followed up with an inverted roundhouse kick.

Immediately planting his leg, he back-kicked the one who had moved a bit closer after being missed, with his other leg, hitting him squarely.

Two more charged from the direction where he had thrown the first guy. The first swung a wild punch, which Issei grabbed and pulled, following up with a shoulder strike to his face that sent him tumbling into the one behind.

"What are you guys doing?!" Kenji barked, "It's just one guy!"

Throughout this, Issei didn't blink once. His eyes were now focused on Kenji. The first and second years were at a loss for words, some gasping, others whispering in shock.


Tiny shadows were blocking my path to the towering shadowy figure. Its face had a creepy smile, like that of Venom's.

… I want to pummel that face into the ground so badly, right now.

But these imbeciles are blocking my way!

A small shadow is creeping up to me from the side…



Sidestepping a kick from another one, Issei landed a devastating punch to the liver.


The third-year crumpled, clutching his side.

"OUT OF MY WAY!" Issei roared.

 Ignoring the rest, he charged at Kenji.


"He's too reckless!" Kiba exclaimed.

Issei weaved through the crowd. Although his charge took the delinquents by surprise, their sheer numbers allowed them to catch his arms and pin him down. But with a sudden twist of his wrist and sheer strength, Issei broke free one arm. He immediately delivered a back elbow to the jaw of the one who was holding that arm, followed by a kick to the knee of the one still holding his other arm. Once free, he unleashed a powerful back-kick, seamlessly transitioning into a spinning roundhouse that cleared the immediate area around him, leaving chaos in his wake. Those hit directly by Issei's kicks didn't get up again.

Issei didn't seem to care about the other third-years except for Kenji.


He closed the gap between them.


Kenji stepped back and threw a jab, which Issei parried. Issei tried to grab the sleeve of Kenji's blazer, but Kenji shook him off.

Step, step

Kenji kept his distance, maintaining a conventional boxing guard.

Issei stepped into Kenji's range.


Kenji threw a lightning-fast jab. Issei slipped outside the arm, narrowly avoiding it, and threw his own jab inside. Kenji tried to block with his other arm but—


A devastating hook from Issei's other arm connected with Kenji's face. He staggered but held his ground.

"… YOU!"

If Kenji absolutely despised anything, it was when someone hit him in the face.

Kenji attempted an elbow, but Issei stopped him with an extended arm at his collarbone. Issei pulled back, hooking Kenji's arm down, breaking his guard.


Issei landed a follow-up hook to Kenji's jaw, causing him to stagger back, nose bleeding again.

Kenji's vision blurred, and in that moment of vulnerability, Issei followed up with a high kick, sending Kenji sprawling unconscious.

"N-no way, Isozaki-san too?!" the other delinquents exclaimed, seemingly losing their morale after seeing Kenji fall.


Issei was out of breath. He grabbed Kenji by his collar and raised his fist.



The fire was burning stronger than ever.


I am out of breath… But this thing…

The shadowy figure was smiling at him despite being on the floor. I gritted my teeth and raised my fist.





Blood splattered everywhere.




Issei was bashing Kenji's head over and over again with his fist.

Some students covered their mouths in shock, and many shivered witnessing the bloody scene.

"H-hey! Stop," a third-year said, stepping closer to yank Issei away from Kenji.


Issei stopped his thrashing and glared at him, panting. The third-year stood rooted in his place, scared to move forward or backward.

Issei resumed his bashing.



"… p… (inaudible) ing…"

He started mumbling.

"I-Issei…" Rias said in a shocked tone, her face pale.

"Hyoudou-kun, stop it!" Kiba rushed forward without waiting for Rias's orders.


"… stop… ing…" Issei mumbled, hitting Kenji again and again.




"I SAID STOP SMILING!" he roared, raising his fist higher for a killing blow.


Someone locked his arm from behind, preventing him from landing the blow.

"?!! MOVE!" Issei tried to elbow-strike the person who caught him—

"Stop it, Issei…"

It was Motohama.

The flames and the shadows suddenly dissipated.

"M-Motohama…" Issei stammered, wide-eyed. Motohama let go of his arm and helped him up to his feet.

"Holy shit… What a mess…" Motohama said, looking at the bloody scene around him.


Issei was thinking the same thing. His mind went blank seeing them unconscious on the floor. He himself felt horrified as he saw how bloodly Kenji was… If Motohama hadn't stopped him…

Motohama's face was swollen, and his nose was a bloody mess. There was a cut on his neck, which appeared to have clotted. His white uniform shirt was torn in several places and stained with blood. Issei looked down at Motohama's hands. Three fingernails on his right hand were broken, probably due to someone stomping on them.

"… Motohama, you…" Issei started but trailed off, unable to say anything.

What was he supposed to say?

'Why did you two fight these idiots?! This was supposed to be my fight!'

He couldn't say that after seeing Motohama's battered state…

Speaking of the two…

"Where is Matsuda?" Issei said, looking over Motohama's shoulder. Motohama's face turned grim. He too looked over his shoulder.

Issei clenched his teeth, seeing Matsuda still unconscious.

"Issei, let's leave…" Motohama said, "We need to… show Matsuda quickly to the school nurse… scratch that, a doctor."

Motohama himself was having trouble speaking. His glasses were cracked.

Issei exhaled.

"Yeah, let's—"

Issei's eyes went wide. He pushed Motohama to the side—


Issei barely blocked the flying kick, which sent him tumbling into the third-years behind him.

Hiro Satoru had entered the scene with a flying sidekick, looking extremely pissed off. He cracked his neck, his face bulging with veins.

"I-Issei!" Motohama called out weakly. Issei used the momentum of his fall to backroll to his feet and did a high kick on a guy who was trying to take advantage of his fall right now.

The third-years, who had enough of Issei cleared the way for both.

"… Motohama, sorry but can you somehow take Matsuda to the nurse's room?"

"…" Motohama looked at Issei first, then at the third-years who were down. "… Make sure not to go too far… like just now."

He slung Matsuda's arm over his shoulder while being careful with his head.

"Hey, you two," Issei addressed two third-years standing near him, "take him to the nurse's room. He is in the way."

Upon hearing those words, Motohama looked at Issei in surprise, but his face slowly broke into a small smile. He then slowly exited the cafeteria while Issei and Hiro had a staredown.

They both removed their blazers and threw them aside. Hiro cracked his knuckles and flexed his shoulders. Issei closed his eyes and took a deep breath.


I can still vividly see the raging flames. This time, there is a mirror in front of me. My reflection in the mirror is wearing the same black martial arts uniform from earlier.

It was simply standing in the mirror, doing nothing. I couldn't make out the eyes in the reflection.

I don't know who you are. But one day, I hopefully will.

I thought. As soon as those thoughts echoed in my mind, the mirror disappeared.

"… That's right," I turned in the opposite direction, facing an alley with a figure facing away from me.

The figure was grabbing a person by the hair. There were many unconscious at his feet. He turned his face in my direction as I stared at him. "

What I need right now isn't something unknown… let's go."

The place where the eyes were supposed to be on the figure glowed blue.


Issei opened his eyes, which transitioned from red to blue.

"His aura just…" Katase said, surprised.

"His aura completely changed," Koneko said.

Izo, who was quiet the entire time, let out a confused voice. The rest of the members of the two groups shared this same confusion.


Issei dodged a front kick from Hiro and parried his follow-up hook. Issei weaved his cross and blocked a kick with his leg.

Issei was suddenly playing defensive now.

"He almost feels like," Sona said, narrowing her eyes, "a different person."

Everyone in the cafeteria fixed their eyes on the two of them as they duked it out. Some had their mouths agape, and others whispered in awe.

"Hey, I thought Hiro was a boxer…" Saji said, "Was he a kickboxer?"

Many among the crowd were surprised by the same fact. Hiro was kickboxing, not simply boxing.

Issei dodged another sidekick, and Hiro stepped back, hopping lightly.

"What's wrong? Surprised to find out that I can do kicks too?" Hiro said, smirking. "I admit you caught me off guard yesterday. I picked up kickboxing a few months ago, and when I am facing you properly like this, you have no chance—"

"After all those months of training," I interrupted, "you still haven't learned to save your breath. Do you really have to yap this much?"

A vein bulged on Hiro's forehead, his face contorting with anger. He closed the distance in a flash and threw a powerful right hook, but Issei turned his body and did a back-kick, hitting him square in the liver.

Hiro staggered back, but Issei didn't follow up. He stood coolly, waiting for him to recover. Gritting his teeth, Hiro steadied himself.

He faked a front kick, stepped in, and threw a lightning-fast one-two of jab and cross. Issei weaved the jab and blocked the cross with his forearm.


'This guy…' Hiro thought, 'he's predicting my every move?'

Issei grabbed his hand, but Hiro yanked it away. Hiro stepped back to increase the distance once more.



Hiro's eyes went wide. Issei suddenly stepped on his front foot, preventing him from stepping back further. Hiro instinctively tried to front-kick him away using his other leg, but Issei used his free leg to kick down his knee before he could set his kick up. Issei parried Hiro's attempt to throw a straight and—


He punched his throat.


Hiro staggered backward, clutching his neck.

"… My god…"

"Even against Hiro Satoru?!"

Excited whispers filled the cafeteria. Some students started cheering for Issei. Issei approached Hiro slowly. Just when Hiro barely managed to steady himself, Issei threw a front kick.


The cheers died quickly; Hiro caught Issei's kick.

"Gotcha," he said, smirking.

Issei's eyes glowed. He jump-spun and—


Issei landed a spinning back kick mid-air at Hiro's jaw, using his other leg.


The cheers exploded as Hiro tumbled back into some tables and chairs.






The cafeteria was chanting Issei's name. People were clapping, the atmosphere electrified with excitement and tension.

Hiro was on all fours, struggling to get back to his feet.

Issei slowly circled Hiro until he was right in front of him.

As the cheers filled the air, Issei hovered his foot over Hiro's head, ready to stomp his head onto the ground and finish this once and for all. Hiro looked up at him from below, pure hatred in his eyes.

Issei brought his foot down rapidly, and Hiro closed his eyes, accepting his defeat.




The impact never came.

Hiro opened his eyes, confused.

The cheers for Issei turned into confused whispers.

Issei's foot had stopped just a millimeter away from Hiro's head.


A few moments ago




A ringing sound drowned the cheers in my head as I saw Hiro struggling at my feet. It's better to crush him right here, right now. Someone like him who makes others' lives miserable deserves to be crushed.

I raised my foot over his head to finish him. He glared at me with pure hatred.


Why is this idiot glaring at me like that? Doesn't he understand the wrongs he's committed?

… Whatever. Let's hurry up and end this.

I brought down my foot, aiming for his head.



One of the most important skills you need to have is foresight.



My foot froze right before hitting his head.



I felt like my eyes were burning.


I saw the silhouette of an old lady.

Foresight is necessary to see past temporary gains, pleasures, obstacles, quarrels, emotions, losses, and a lot more; to see the big picture past that...



Whose voice is that? It feels so familiar...


Suddenly, I saw Hiro walking down the hall, his head drooping. The students were giving him mocking glares. Some were trash-talking about him.

Is this the past…? No, this is our uniform…

The scene changed. Hiro Satoru was trying to talk to someone, who I assume is his father. The person gave him a cold shoulder.

Scenes like this were shown repeatedly. His friends, some of whom I just knocked out earlier, also turned their backs on him. Then I saw him turning to alcohol and drugs. He became more violent than I have seen so far. After school, he made a new crew of actual thugs and engaged in increasingly violent activities.

... Is this the future that awaits him?

Then I suddenly saw myself, surrounded by people. They were pestering me with their complaints.

'Hyoudou-Kun, those guys from Sakuraba High are bothering us again!'

'Ne Ne, Hyoudou-Kun, where did you learn to fight?'

'Hyoudou-Kun, my friend was having some trouble with two college guys-'







I see. So that's the future that awaits me.



The students were whispering confusedly as Issei hovered his foot in the air. Hiro slowly moved back from beneath his foot, looking confused as well.

"... Makes sense," Issei said.


The whisperings stopped, followed by many confused 'what's.

"You all just stood there watching as Motohama and Matsuda got beat up as you are doing right now in my case. Why in the world should I fight for such SPINELESS COWARDS?" Issei said in a loud voice, facing the bystanders. Hiro's gang of delinquents looked at each other puzzled. The bystanders, however, didn't take the words kindly.





Many shouted violent words at Issei.

"Why did he say that?" Sona said, looking at the students' reactions, "What is he trying to do?"

Issei closed his eyes.

"Is that so..."

Most of the bystanders here have been bullied by Hiro and his group for almost two years now. Issei's case yesterday just resulted in much more bullying from Hiro's gang. There was a similar situation last year. A second year had lost it and fought against Hiro's gang alone. It was not because he wanted to fight alone, but simply because nobody joined him. Everyone used to complain about how horrible Hiro's gang was, but when someone actually stepped in to do something about it… Everyone turned their eyes away. Suddenly it was not 'their' problem but 'his' problem. Since it was his problem, the second-year who caused the incident had to deal with it himself.


"HIRO SATORU," Issei said loudly, pointing at him, "I will join you."

The riot died down in an instant.

"Wha...?" Rias said in disbelief.

"Join him...?" Akeno said, caught off guard by the statement.

It was not just the ORC and Student Council. Everyone in the cafeteria shared the same reaction.

Even Hiro's group, and Hiro himself, looked shocked by Issei's words.

Without waiting for an answer, Issei continued.

"HEAR, HEAR, from now onwards, the money extorted from you will be doubled, under the order of the new number one of Kuoh Academy, yours truly. Bullying will be on the same level as yesterday from now on. Man, I should have done this earlier… WHY should I fight him, when I can do whatever I want with his family backing me up?"



"... H-hey… He is kidding, right?"

"... Double the money?" "

Y-you can't just decide-"



Nobody came forward.

Issei touched his nose, with his eyes closed.

"You gotta be kidding..." Issei said with a sigh. He then started to laugh, sending shivers down the students' spines. He ended the laugh with another sigh.

He then pointed at the remaining group of Hiro.

"... I will give you 30 seconds to start. Beat them up, without going too far. I don't care what you do, put them in submission, knock them out, whatever. If you don't, then what I just said will become a reality."


"Beat them up...?"

"He-he can't be serious!"

The first and second years started panicking.

Realization dawned on Sona's face.

"He is… going to make them fight?!" Kiba said to himself in disbelief.






"Your time starts…" Issei's face split into a smirk, "Now."


That's all for today. Did you like the chapter?

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