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Ding, ding, ding

[Congratulations on completing the mission: Become the King of the School! Defeat Cheo Gunner and end his reign of tyranny within the school. You have 10 additional points.]

[Accumulated additional points: 11]

Robert was lazily sitting at his desk, indifferently looking at the screen of his system.

Mentally, our protagonist distributed those accumulated points among his stats.

HP: 100 MP: 90 

Strength: 50 Agility: 45 Vitality: 450 Intelligence: 30 Perception: 30 Fatigue: 0 

'Once again, my HP and MP increased... now I'm sure that happens after each completed mission... as for my vitality... I'm still not sure why the hell it escapes the scale.'

Robert closed his system's screen, turned his head to the left, and looked out the classroom window as he reflected on everything that had happened yesterday and today.

After the lecture from Lieutenant Kang, he began investigating certain things regarding everything that could potentially affect him.

Starting with Hee-jin and Ki-soo's father, he investigated all the dirty secrets he had accumulated over the years. This information was relatively easy to obtain thanks, once again, to a girl in the investigation office who our protagonist had left a very, very good impression on (wink, wink).

With this, he could partially resolve the issue with this family. However, there was another matter he needed to handle very delicately right now.

And that was the matter with the Sunshine group.

By investigating the gangster group led by a man named Cha Dusik, who worked with Congressman Kim, he found out that they were indeed a separate, but still dependent, unit of the Sunshine conglomerate.

This would be interesting information, but it shouldn't affect him at all since he hadn't done anything to that criminal group, so the big shots at Sunshine wouldn't have any reason to interfere, right?

Well, the thing is, for the past two days, since he first went to the café where the woman named Anna Jin uses as a front, he noticed there were a couple of extra eyes constantly watching him.

Since he was allowed to live in the city, he always knew that members of the army investigation office and NIS agents were monitoring his steps.

That old General Kim had him followed was no surprise, as it was part of the deal for him to live freely. That the old NIS director did the same also didn't surprise him since he still wanted to have him in custody.

Now, these new eyes watching him were very likely from the Sunshine group. But why would they do that? He hadn't shown any signs of wanting to interfere in their lives.

He had even decided to stay out of those people's way, which is why at first he wanted Ijin to be the one to fight to see the consequences.

However, it seemed that the group had moved quickly, and the person who had ordered this was most likely Anna Jin herself.

Robert leaned towards this thought because yesterday, while having breakfast at that café, he could feel a slight sense of caution coming from that woman.

Why would someone as powerful as her be cautious of someone like Robert, who was just a simple student? The answer was possibly Kang Seth, the current heir to the Sunshine group.

Our protagonist would also be on alert if, on his son's first day of school, a stranger showed up out of nowhere and started trying to make conversation. Even more so if his son was the heir to a multimillion-dollar group.

Today, the place was closed, but the presence of several tire marks in front of the café's door indicated that a large group had possibly been there since last night or early this morning.

Is it a coincidence that this happens a day after their fight? No,

'This could get... complicated.'

While Robert was thinking about all these things, he completely ignored the comments and whispers of his classmates, who hadn't taken their eyes off him since he arrived.

"Damn... if I hadn't had to attend the sports club yesterday, I would have seen how they beat the crap out of that bastard Gunner" - a boy whispered.

"When I saw Gunner fall to the ground for the second time, I felt like all the times they took money from me had been repaid" - another boy whispered.

"It must have been a hard blow to Gunner's ego to have lost completely like he did yesterday, not to attend classes today" - a girl said to her friend.

So, everyone was whispering about how the fight went and the possible consequences it would bring to the entire school, as this signaled the end of the redhead's tyranny. And in the worst case, a change in administration and the birth of a new bully.

"Damn bitches… Now that Gunner's not here, they start talking behind his back"v-vSophie muttered through gritted teeth as she listened to the students' whispers.

However, what bothered her the most was that since Gunner woke up after a few minutes of unconsciousness, he hadn't said a word to her and disappeared without a known destination.

Not even his mother knew where he had spent the night, as he didn't come home to sleep. And no matter how much she called or messaged him on LINE, there was no response, not even a read receipt.

That's why she was about to explode with fury listening to all these hypocrites talking behind Gunner's back.

"Hey Sophie, you don't look very well today."

Suddenly, Eunice started speaking with an sarcastic tone as she approached where Sophie and her friend Anna were sitting.

"Eunice, I'm not in the mood for your nonsense… I swear if you say one more thing, I'll break your face"

"Sophie… the teacher is about to arrive"

Sophie glared furiously at the newcomer, while Anna held her arm as if trying to restrain her.

"Wow, but I haven't even said anything, I just want to know why you look so miserable today"

Eunice said with a slight smile, speaking hypocritically.

"Eunice, stop messing around and get lost already" - David, who was sitting near Sophie, spoke in an annoyed tone, as he wasn't in the mood to put up with the newcomer's nonsense either.

"And if I don't, what will you do, David? Will you, Darryl, and Kyu try to hit me?" - Eunice walked towards her seat, looking mockingly at the mentioned boys - "No, you won't, because you don't have the guts… now that Gunner's not here, you don't dare to bully others."

David just gritted his teeth in anger but did nothing. He glanced sideways at the transferred student, who seemed deep in thought, not paying attention to this exchange of words.

Although he hated to admit it, he was a little afraid of doing something that might anger the guy who had practically defeated Gunner without any effort!

"Damn bitch, I've had enough of you!" - Unable to stand Eunice's words any longer, Sophie quickly stood up - "I don't need Gunner to break your face!"

Eunice, who had been smiling until recently, began to feel anxious because while David and his friends wouldn't touch her, Sophie was a different story. That bitch was crazy!

"D-Stop, bitch!"


"Shut up, you fucking whore!"


"Shit, help!"


"Oh! Girl fight!"

"Who do you think will win? I think Sophie will!"

"Damn, these days are getting intense!"

As Sophie pounced on Eunice, both falling to the ground hitting and pulling each other's hair, everyone began to move desks aside and form a circle to watch the new spectacle. Some even started placing bets on who would be the winner!

'What the hell is wrong with these kids? Are they addicted to fights? And how the hell do they gather around so quickly?'

Robert was snapped out of his thoughts by the commotion that had started. He wasn't interested in what was happening right now, but when he saw some kids starting to take out their smartphones to record or take photos, he decided to intervene.

'If another video comes out where my name is even mentioned, I'll have the lieutenant nagging me all the time'

"If anyone takes a photo or makes a video, I promise you'll end up like Gunner, got it?" - Robert spoke in a simple tone, but it was enough for everyone in the classroom to hear - "And you two, stop causing a scene, because I do have the balls to put you in your place."


As soon as everyone heard our protagonist's words, they immediately put away their phones and quickly dispersed!

"She was the one who started hitting me!" - Eunice, who had slight bruises on her face and messy hair, started yelling.

"You started messing around, you damn bitch!" - Sophie was in almost the same condition as Eunice, only she had suffered less damage.

"Do I look like an idiot? Everyone knows who started and who took the bait, so stop messing around and clean up your mess because the class is about to start" - Robert responded nonchalantly.

"And why should I listen to you? Just because you won a fight against Gunner? That doesn't mean anything!" - Suddenly, Sophie spoke furiously.


Anna, who had been trying to separate her friend from the fight all this time, now had a visibly anxious face.

Everyone stayed still when they heard Sophie respond like that!

Robert looked at the blonde girl for a moment, then stood up and slowly walked towards where she was standing.

"S-Sophie… I-I think we should go" - Anna, who looked almost tearful, didn't know where to hide at that moment!

When our protagonist reached Sophie, he saw that her shoulders were trembling slightly, as if she was about to cry. However, her face was defiant, as if she didn't care what might happen next.

"Anything I say won't help you right now, and it's not like I want to, I'm not a good Samaritan, that's Ijin's role" - Robert said - "However, you need to understand that everything has its time and place. If you want to break Eunice's face, go ahead, I don't care, but don't be so stupid as to fall for her provocations, and stop causing a scene in school."

"Hey! What do you mean she can break my face?"

Eunice, who had been listening to everything Robert said, complained about our protagonist's words. However, she didn't say anything more after that.

Sophie, who had been holding back tears the entire time, thought she would now receive a beating from the transferred student for speaking so rudely to him.

However, she didn't receive any blow, just some strange words that were initially hard to understand but gradually made sense to her.

'Ah, I am stupid… I'm still impulsive.'

"Let's go, Anna… I need to go to the bathroom"

"B-But class is about to… okay, I'll go with you"

The two friends left the classroom one after the other, leaving the room quiet, with only some whispers heard.

"Hey, I know I started all this, but you don't have to say those things; she might take them seriously, haha…"

Eunice stammered in a comical tone as if wanting Robert to say it was all a joke. However, the bored look from our protagonist made her fall completely silent.

"Ah… hey, everyone, listen up, I'll only say this once" - Robert spoke, letting out a sigh - "I don't know what Gunner used to do, but I don't have time to waste bothering other students. I have my matters, and that's all I care about. As long as you don't disturb my peace, you can do whatever you want. I'm not a brute who will hit you for looking at me the wrong way, I'm not that stupid"

After saying these words, our protagonist went back to his desk and sat down relaxedly, closing his eyes as if he were resting and nothing had happened.

"Ah… no way would I become a school teacher, I have little patience for these things."

The students who heard this started looking at each other and began to tidy up the classroom, which had been disordered by the fight.

Even Eunice knew not to say anything and did her part.

However, at this precise moment, someone stood up and looked directly at Robert. She walked towards his place and stood, scrutinizing him.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at this person. Even Sophie and Anna, who had just returned from the bathroom, wondered what the hell this girl was doing next to Robert.

Our protagonist, who noticed this person standing beside him, said nothing and just waited to see what she wanted. However, not getting a response, he opened one eye and looked at her.

"Starting today… you and I will be a couple"



Everyone in the classroom, who had been paying attention to this girl, was left with their mouths open upon hearing her words!

"If you have other girls, you'll break up with them… and you must always respect me… If you promise to fulfill these two conditions, I'll be your girlfriend"

What the hell?!

Everyone felt those words resonate in their heads like a bell!

And it was no wonder since the girl saying these words was none other than Mia Woo, one of the most beautiful and popular girls in the school!

"No thanks, I'm not interested in that deal" - Robert responded calmly and closed his eyes again.


What the hell did he just say?!

Did my ears hear correctly? Did that guy just say no to Mia Woo's confession?!

Oh my God! Mia Woo has just been rejected!

In the next instant, everyone almost fell out of their seats upon hearing our protagonist's response, with a ton of questions swirling in their minds!

He had rejected one of the most beautiful, intelligent, charismatic, and best-bodied girls in the whole school!

"Can I know why you don't want me to be your girlfriend?"- Mia, slightly surprised, asked - "Am I not good enough for you?"

"Honey, don't get confused. I didn't reject you, but those stupid conditions"

Robert opened his eyes, stood up, and looked directly into Mia's eyes. The girl felt intimidated by this action but didn't take a step back.

"What's so strange? Isn't it supposed that if you're with someone, you should respect that person and not have other partners?"

"Ha, let's see, where do I start?" - Robert sighed -"First, I don't know you, and you don't know me. I'd only be guided by your appearance to seek sex, nothing more. Second, am I supposed to leave other girls for just one? You sure have a lot of confidence in yourself. Third, and most importantly, you wouldn't live long enough to monopolize me because before you could, you'd die from the ecstasy and pleasure I'd give you"



Everyone's minds seemed about to break at this moment!

If Mia's words at the beginning were really surprising, what Robert had just said was extreme madness!

'H-How can he dare say such things in public?!' - a female student blushed upon hearing those words.

'C-Could what he says to be true? If he had the strength to defeat Gunner, maybe he does have the stamina for that,' another student, slightly less prudish, began to imagine herself in the strong arms of Robert. 

'Damn! This guy is arrogant!' - one male student began to imagine our protagonist surrounded by several women - 'Damn, how I envy him!'

Mia, who hadn't expected this type of response, began to feel anxious and humiliated by this situation.

Humiliated by the vulgar way she was rejected and by the words the transferred student said, and anxious because she had bet that, using her beauty, she could make this guy accept so she wouldn't have to worry about the issue that had been weighing on her for a long time.

If she insisted on having a relationship, she would look desperate, and if she left, she wouldn't have a way to face the bullying she was receiving at school!

At this moment, she didn't know what to do or say!

Robert, who noticed the emotional duality this girl was experiencing, opened his system and began to analyze her story.

[Woo Mia – Human Race: She is a main character in the manhwa 'Silent War' and the love interest of the protagonist. She lives in a poor area of Seoul with her mother, father, and uncle, who has mental issues. Her father is frustrated for not being able to enter law school and became an alcoholic. In her third year of high school, her drunk father physically assaulted Eunice. In revenge, Eunice started bullying her at school. In the canon, she asks Gunner to be her boyfriend so Eunice would stop bothering her.]

[Age: 19; MP: 00; HP: 10; STR: 08; AGI: 08; VIT: 10; INT: 15; PER: 15]

'Wow, did she go this far because of that issue? It seems teenagers do stupid things'

Our protagonist, who had read the system screen out of the corner of his eye, looked back at Mia's embarrassed face.

Then he quickly glanced at Eunice, who seemed to have a satisfied look due to Mia's rejection.

'So that's why… she's already making her life impossible… Hmm, I think I can use this to my advantage'

"Mia Woo, I think we need to talk in private. I'm not stupid; I don't believe you're saying this because you fell in love with me at first sight. Let's talk honestly so you can tell me your real motives. How about during break time, okay?"

Robert whispered into Mia's ear quietly enough that only she could hear.

Mia opened her eyes wide with surprise, not expecting that this guy, who seemed to only be good at fighting, could read the situation and see through her plans!

However, she understood the meaning of those words.

'He realized I wanted to deceive him… and he still wants to listen to me.'

"Okay… agreed"

With this response, Mia quickly returned to her seat under the attentive gaze of her classmates, believing that Robert wasn't a bad person and that he might understand her.

What Mia didn't know was that, no matter what she believed now or later, she had fallen into a honey trap... one she would never be able to, and wouldn't want to, escape from.

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