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70.58% Transmigration In Cursed Worlds / Chapter 11: Otomedori- 3

Bab 11: Otomedori- 3

In one night, the entire city of Tokyo—and indeed, the whole of Japan—was shaken by the swift and decisive actions of the police.

Multiple arrest warrants were issued, leading to the apprehension of hundreds of individuals, almost all of whom were elderly men who had once held positions of respect and authority in the country.

As the news spread, the media descended on police stations across Japan, eager to report on the unfolding scandal. However, they were met with a wall of silence.

No official statements were made, and no officers stepped forward to clarify the situation. Instead, the police were singularly focused on their task: to apprehend the criminals in a coordinated, nationwide operation.

The crimes that had come to light were so heinous that they had shocked even the most hardened officers. Videos and documents revealed acts of exploitation and abuse that were almost too grotesque to comprehend.

Many officers, upon viewing the evidence, were overcome with anger and disgust; some even vomited. Yet they channelled their rage into their duty, determined to ensure that these monstrous individuals would face justice.

Throughout the night, the police worked tirelessly, executing raids and making arrests. By morning, nearly every one of the accused had been captured.

The few who attempted to flee were met with an uncompromising response. The senior officer had issued a clear directive: if any of the perpetrators tried to escape, they were to be shot on sight. There was to be no mercy for such vile criminals.

The operation's success was a testament to the resolve and efficiency of the police force. They had acted with both precision and ferocity, ensuring that those who had perpetrated such abhorrent crimes would no longer pose a threat to society.

As dawn broke, a sense of grim satisfaction settled over the officers. Justice, they knew, was finally being served.

The morning sun cast a golden hue over Tokyo as reporters crowded outside the central police station, microphones and cameras at the ready. The air buzzed with anticipation as everyone awaited an official statement.

Finally, the doors swung open, and a senior officer, flanked by two other officers, stepped out to address the press.

The senior officer, a man in his late fifties with greying hair and a stern demeanour, approached the podium. He was Superintendent Takahashi, a highly respected figure in the police force.

"Good morning," Superintendent Takahashi began, his voice carrying the weight of the night's events. "Thank you all for coming. As many of you are aware, last night, we conducted a series of coordinated raids across Tokyo and other parts of Japan. Hundreds of individuals have been arrested in connection with serious crimes."

A reporter from NHK quickly raised her hand. "Superintendent Takahashi, can you elaborate on the nature of these crimes?"

Takahashi took a deep breath. "The crimes involve severe exploitation and abuse of innocent individuals, primarily children. These acts were perpetrated by men who once held positions of trust and authority in our society. The evidence we have gathered is both extensive and damning."

Another reporter, from Asahi Shimbun, leaned forward. "How did the police come by this evidence?"

Superintendent Takahashi paused, choosing his words carefully. "The evidence was brought to us by a brave young individual who risked his safety to expose these crimes. While I cannot divulge his identity for his protection, I can tell you that his actions have been instrumental in uncovering this network of criminals."

A murmur ran through the crowd. "What does this mean for the victims?" asked a reporter from The Japan Times.

Takahashi's expression softened slightly. "Our priority now is to ensure the safety and well-being of the victims. We are working with various agencies to provide them with the necessary support and protection. The crimes they endured are horrific, and they deserve our utmost care and assistance as we move forward."

The reporter from Yomiuri Shimbun spoke up. "Superintendent, there are rumours that some of the accused tried to flee. Is this true?"

Takahashi's eyes hardened. "Yes, some did attempt to escape justice. We had clear orders to prevent this at all costs, including the authorization to use lethal force if necessary. Our mission was to ensure that no one evaded accountability."

"Can you tell us what will happen next?" a young reporter from Tokyo MX inquired.

"The individuals we have arrested will be thoroughly investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law," Takahashi replied firmly. "We are also investigating potential accomplices and ensuring that every piece of evidence is meticulously examined. This will be a comprehensive and exhaustive process, but we are committed to seeing it through."

As the press conference continued, Superintendent Takahashi announced that the police had released small clips from the incriminating videos as evidence to the public. The media quickly picked up these clips, airing them during the live broadcast.

In homes, workplaces, and public spaces across Japan, people watched in stunned silence as the horrific footage played on their screens.

Although the clips were brief and edited to protect the identities of the victims, they were enough to convey the gravity of the crimes.

In a quiet neighbourhood in Tokyo, Mrs Tanaka sat frozen on her sofa as the clips were shown. The grainy footage of her daughter's tormentor filled her with a mix of rage and helplessness. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the screen, even as tears streamed down her face.

"No child should ever go through this," She whispered, clutching the photo of her daughter even tighter.

At Ayumi's apartment, the young woman watched the clips with a grim expression. Seeing the evidence broadcast for the world to see was both cathartic and deeply painful. She could feel the memories she had tried so hard to suppress bubbling up to the surface.

"Finally, everyone can see the truth," She murmured, wiping away her tears. "They can't hide behind their power anymore."

In the Nakamura household, the family watched in silence. Keiko's grip on her father's hand tightened as the clips played. Mrs. Nakamura's face was pale, her eyes wide with horror. Mr. Nakamura's jaw was set, his anger barely contained.

"Those bastards," he muttered under his breath. "They deserve everything that's coming to them."

At the community centre in Hokkaido, the support group watched the clips together. There was a collective gasp as the first video played, followed by a heavy silence. Many parents clutched each other for support, their faces etched with pain and determination.

Mr. Suzuki stood up once more, his voice filled with emotion. "This is just the beginning. We must ensure that justice is served for our children. We owe them that much."

In the coffee shop in Osaka, customers watched the clips on a large television screen. Conversations stopped abruptly as the footage played, replaced by shocked whispers and exclamations of disbelief.

"I can't believe this," one customer said, shaking his head in disgust. "Those men were supposed to be leaders in our society."

A young woman at the next table nodded, tears in her eyes. "It's horrifying. How could they do this to innocent children?"

At the park in Kyoto, the elderly couple watched the clips on their phone. The woman shook her head, her eyes filled with sorrow. "Our grandchildren need to be safe from such evil. We must do everything we can to protect them."

As the clips continued to air, social media exploded with reactions. People expressed their outrage, shared messages of support for the victims, and called for swift and severe justice.

The hashtags #JusticeForVictims and #ProtectOurChildren trended even more fiercely, with thousands of posts flooding in every minute.

Parents across the nation hugged their children a little tighter that day, feeling a mix of gratitude and fear. The thought that such horrors could be inflicted upon innocent children was almost too much to bear.

Amid this national reckoning, victims like Ayumi found a renewed sense of purpose. While the pain of their past could never be erased, the public acknowledgement of their suffering brought a glimmer of hope for healing and change.

The clips released by the police were more than just evidence; they were a stark reminder of the evil that had been allowed to flourish in the shadows.

But now, with the entire nation watching, there was a collective resolve to bring those responsible to justice and to ensure that such atrocities would never be repeated.

As Superintendent Takahashi concluded the press conference, he spoke directly to the camera, his voice steady and resolute. "To the victims and their families: we are committed to seeking justice for you. To the people of Japan: we will not rest until every one of these criminals is held accountable. Together, we will rebuild the trust that has been shattered and ensure a safer future for our children."


Oblivious to everything, the Okino siblings were busy preparing breakfast for themselves in the kitchen. Since today was Sunday, they decided to prepare something special. The aroma of pancakes and miso soup filled the air, creating a warm and comforting atmosphere.

Kazuki smiled as he watched his little sister expertly flipping pancakes. "You're getting good at this, Rinka-chan."

She grinned back at him, her eyes shining with happiness. "Thanks, Onii-chan. It's fun cooking together like this."

After he confronted her and she opened up to him, their relationship had returned to normal. The invisible wall that had seemed to separate them was gone, and they felt closer than ever.

Just as they were about to sit down and enjoy their breakfast, the doorbell rang. Rinka wiped her hands on a towel and glanced at Kazuki. "That must be Otome-chan. I'll go get it."

Kazuki nodded, taking a sip of his tea. "Alright, I'll set the table."

Rinka walked to the door, humming softly to herself. When she opened it, she was surprised to see Otome standing there, her face a mixture of concern and urgency.

"Good morning, Rinka-chan," Otome greeted her warmly, but her eyes held a hint of unease. "May I come in?"

Rinka stepped aside, her heart beginning to race as she sensed something was off. "Of course, please come in."

As Otome entered, Kazuki came out of the kitchen, his smile fading when he saw the serious expression on her face. "What's going on?"

Otome took a deep breath and looked at Kazuki with worry. "Kazuki-kun, have you seen the news this morning?"

Kazuki shook his head. "No, we were just making breakfast. Why? Something happened?"

Otome pulled out her phone and showed them the news. "There have been mass arrests all over the country, targeting high-profile individuals involved in heinous crimes. It's all over the news. They even released some clips as evidence."

Kazuki's eyes widened slightly as he didn't think the police would react so soon. He quickly glanced at Rinka, who looked stunned and anxious.

Otome continued, her voice softening. "The police have arrested many people, and the media is talking about some of the worst crimes imaginable. They said someone provided crucial evidence to the police."

Kazuki felt a mixture of relief and anxiety. He knew the investigation was inevitable, but he hadn't anticipated the public reaction to be so immediate and intense. "I see. This is good news, Otome-chan. Justice is finally being served."

"People like us can never feel the pain that those little girls had suffered..." Otome mumbled under her breath, her voice laced with pity.

"Onii-chan..." Rinka grabbed Kazuki's hand and looked at him with a worried expression. "Everything is going to be alright, right?"

She knew that the person who provided the evidence was her elder brother, but she didn't want to bring up the topic in front of Otome, especially when he himself hadn't disclosed it.

"Don't worry, everything will be alright," Kazuki said with a small smile, ruffling her hair and causing her to pout. "By the way, Otome-chan, did you have breakfast yet?"

"Yes, I had..." Otome replied with a smile, only to feel embarrassed as her stomach suddenly made a noise.


Hearing her stomach growling, the siblings glanced at each other before bursting into laughter, causing Otome to hide her face in embarrassment and shame.

"Come with us, Otome-chan. Let's have breakfast together." Kazuki grabbed her hand and gently pulled her toward the dining table.

Noticing his sister's dark expression, he grabbed her hand as well, and they all walked toward the dining table.

As they settled down, Kazuki tried to lighten the mood. "We've got pancakes, miso soup, and some freshly brewed tea. You can't say no to that, can you?"

Otome, still blushing slightly, managed a smile. "I suppose I can't. Thank you, Kazuki-kun."

Rinka, though still visibly worried, joined in the effort to keep things light. "We made a lot, so please eat as much as you like, Otome-chan."

The three of them sat down and began to eat. Despite the heavy news of the morning, the familiar routine of sharing a meal brought a sense of normalcy and comfort.

After breakfast, the trio decided to head to the nearest park to spend some time together and enjoy the beautiful Sunday morning. The air was crisp, and the sun shone brightly, casting a warm glow over everything.

"Let's go to the park!" Kazuki suggested enthusiastically. "We can get some fresh air and maybe even have some fun."

"Sounds like a great idea!" Otome agreed, her eyes lighting up.

Rinka nodded, her mood improving at the thought of spending a carefree day with her brother and friend. "Yeah, let's do that!"

They quickly cleaned up the dishes, and Kazuki packed a small bag with some snacks and drinks. The park was only a short walk away, and the trio set off, chatting and laughing as they went.

The park was lively, with families and children enjoying the day. The sight of kids playing and people relaxing on the grass brought a sense of peace and normalcy that they all desperately needed.

Kazuki spread out a blanket under a large cherry blossom tree that provided ample shade. They all settled down, enjoying the serene environment.

"Look at that couple over there," Rinka pointed out, giggling. "They're so cute."

Otome laughed. "Yeah, and those kids playing tag are so energetic. It's nice to see everyone so happy."

Kazuki leaned back, watching his sister and Otome interact. He was glad to see Rinka smiling again, even if just for a little while. He took a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief amidst all the chaos.

"Let's play some cards," he suggested, pulling out a deck from the bag. "It's been a while since we did that."

"Sure!" Rinka agreed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Let's see if you can beat me this time, Onii-chan."

Otome grinned. "Count me in! I'm ready to win."

While playing cards, Kazuki's phone suddenly rang, interrupting the laughter and banter. He checked the screen and saw an unknown number. Curiosity and concern mixed in his mind as he answered the call.

"Hello?" he said.

"Good morning, Kazuki. This is Officer Nakamura from the police station," a familiar voice said on the other end.

Kazuki's heart skipped a beat. "Good morning, Officer. Is everything alright?"

"I need you to come to the station urgently," Officer Nakamura said, his tone serious.

Kazuki nodded, even though the officer couldn't see him. "I'll be there as soon as I can."

He hung up the phone and turned to Rinka and Otome, who were both looking at him with curious expressions.

"I'm sorry, girls, but I have to leave. Something urgent came up," Kazuki said, trying to sound casual.

"Is everything okay, Onii-chan?" Rinka asked, worry evident in her eyes.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just need to take care of something quickly," Kazuki replied with a reassuring smile. "Enjoy the rest of the day here, and I'll join you later if I can."

Otome nodded, though she looked a bit puzzled. "Alright, Kazuki-kun. Be careful."

Kazuki quickly packed up his things and left the park, flagging down a taxi at the nearest street. As the taxi sped towards the police station, his mind raced with thoughts about what could have happened.

Back at the park, Otome turned to Rinka. "What do you think happened? He seemed serious."

Rinka watched the direction in which Kazuki had disappeared. "I don't know either..."

"I hope everything alright….." Otome mumbled worriedly.

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