A distant voice called out, persistent and urgent. "Hey! Hey!! Are you awake? Please wake up!" The voice was masculine and unfamiliar, its insistence breaking through the haze of unconsciousness.
Dan slowly opened his eyes, squinting against the bright light that enveloped him. His surroundings were a stark, endless expanse of white. There was no discernible ground, sky, or walls—just a vast, ethereal void. Despite the surreal situation, an inexplicable sense of calm settled over him.
"Are you listening?" the voice spoke again, drawing his attention back.
As Dan's vision cleared, he focused on the figure before him. The man had shoulder-length dark hair, piercing dark blue eyes, and a refined jawline. His expression was calm and friendly, devoid of hostility.
"It took you long enough. Long time no see," the man said with a hint of amusement.
Dan blinked, his mind struggling to catch up. "Who are you?" he asked, scrutinising the man from head to toe.
"Are you serious? You don't remember me?" The man sighed, disappointment evident in his voice. "I am Gaius."
The name struck a chord, and Dan's eyes widened in recognition. "Gaius!" he exclaimed, instinctively floating backward into a defensive stance. "What did you do to me? I thought you were dead! Where is this place?"
"Calm down," Gaius replied, his tone soothing. "I am not the Gaius you remember, although I will not entirely deny the connection."
"Then who are you?" Dan demanded, his skepticism palpable.
"Compared to Gaius400, I am more like the source code," Gaius explained.
"Gaius400? Source code? What do you mean? Are you the original?" Dan's frustration grew with each cryptic answer.
Gaius chuckled softly. "As I said, there is no original yet, only codes and variables. But I am impressed by your adaptability though."
"Impressed? By what?" Dan's curiosity was piqued despite himself.
"The way you adapted to your surroundings. It was remarkable, though I doubt you've realised it yourself," Gaius replied.
"What do you mean?" Dan asked, his mind racing.
"Have you not considered how you can understand and speak our language perfectly?" Gaius inquired.
Dan paused, realising the truth in Gaius's words. "Now that you mention it, it's true."
"Even more impressive is your eyesight. My theory is that your ability to sense energy has been greatly enhanced due to the high energy concentration in these realms," Gaius continued.
Dan nodded slowly. "That might be true."
"But …that does not mean your eyes sight have been. Well commendable as it is, that is not why I summoned you here. I need your help–no Durakon needs your help," Gaius said, his tone turning serious.
"After you almost killed me, now you ask for my help?" Dan said, relaxing slightly but still wary.
"I understand your hesitation, but you must trust me," Gaius urged.
"Why should I trust you?" Dan's skepticism remained.
"Because I was the one who summoned you here," Gaius replied, shocking Dan into silence.
"What do you mean?" Dan asked, struggling to process the revelation.
"You felt something calling you, didn't you?" Gaius explained.
Dan clutched his chest, the memory of that feeling surfacing. "So that feeling..."
"Yes, it was my doing, and I deeply apologize for it," Gaius said, bowing his head. "From the moment you came into contact with the gates through Master Belaf, I accessed your codes and called you here, trusting that you would come."
"Will I be able to go back?" Dan asked, the question burning in his mind.
"You will. Once you retrieve the amulet, you can return to your world," Gaius reassured him.
Dan sighed in relief as there was a way back home. "That's good to hear. So, what's the problem with this place?"
Gaius cleared his throat before beginning. "Durakon is composed of ten compartments. Nameless is the last, and Eden is the first, home to the Seven. While it may seem normal, the nine compartments apart from Eden are on the verge of destruction. The situation is troublesome."
"Troublesome?!" Dan echoed.
"Indeed. I believe someone is orchestrating the whole thing. It all began five years ago with the disappearance of one of the chips kept in Eden," Gaius explained.
"A chip?" Dan's curiosity was piqued.
"Yes. There were two chips in Eden: one granting eternal youth and the other abundant knowledge of all things that exist. The chip that disappeared was the one granting knowledge. The Seven should have taken measures to apprehend the culprit, but they believed it would not affect them and decided to let it be. Knowledge is power but too much knowledge can lead to an inevitable demise," Gaius elaborated.
"Why am I the one chosen to stop this?" Dan asked, a sense of dread creeping in.
"I apologise for my selfish request," Gaius bowed his head. "But you are the only one capable of performing this task. For some reason, I am programmed not to interfere with the activities in Durakon or contact anyone from the ten compartments."
"Is there any hint, like a facial identity or something?" Dan asked, determined to complete the task and leave.
"I'm sorry, but there isn't," Gaius replied.
"What? How am I supposed to stop this person or thing?" Dan exclaimed.
Gaius remained silent for a moment before speaking. "The person is of high status."
"How do you know that if you don't know their face?" Dan asked, frustration evident.
"Humans in the realms are like codes and variables to me. They don't possess facial identities, hair colours, or genders as you perceive them. But I am certain of the culprit's status because five years ago, a meeting was held between the Seven and the Chiefs. That was the same day the chip went missing. Most likely, one of the chiefs stole it because no escorts or bodyguards were permitted," Gaius explained.
"This will be tough. It's a shame I won't get anything in return," Dan sighed.
"You will get something in return. You just have to cherish and protect it by all means," Gaius said with a smile.
"Really? What is it?" Dan asked, his interest piqued.
"I can't tell you. You have to wake up first; it is currently waiting for you," Gaius replied.
"How do I leave this place?" Dan asked, looking around empty space.
"Wait! Before you leave, I have one more request," Gaius said, hovering close to Dan. "This will probably be the last time we meet, so I need to tell you. When you eventually head back, tell Master I am very sorry. If only I had obeyed her commands, she would not be in so much pain now. I have always wanted to apologise to her but in my current state, I can't," Gaius said as he began to fade.
"Master? What do you mean, who exactly are you?" Dan asked, confusion mixing with curiosity.
As he faded away, Gaius said, "I guess my time is up. I wish I could fight you in my complete form—become strong, Dan. If we ever meet again, a country will not be enough for us to fight in." He laughed as he disappeared.
Dan stared at the vanishing figure, wondering what he meant by "Master." "Did Master Valerie teach him too?" he wondered as he began to lose consciousness and slowly disappeared.
Dan's eyes felt heavy as he struggled to open them. He gazed at the ceiling, realising it was not that of the prison's or that of the champion's chamber. This place was more luxurious, with an aroma of sweet fragrance filling the air.
Lifting his upper body from the bed, he felt a sharp pain in his head and chest. "Ouch," he hissed. Feeling a weight pressing down on his leg, he looked down to see Naya sleeping soundly on his leg. "Oh, it's you," he said softly.
Suddenly, he remembered the reward Gaius had promised. He scanned the room, which was well-kept and opulent, but saw nothing worth calling a gift. "Tsk, I was scammed by that good-looking bastard," Dan muttered.
"Dan?" Naya's voice called out.
"Oh, h–hey," Dan stuttered.
"You're awake! You finally woke up!" Naya exclaimed, jumping on Dan despite his injuries. Dan decided to endure the pain.
"I thought…I thought you were dead," Naya cried.
"Yup, I'm not dead, but I will be if you continue to press on me," Dan finally said.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Naya hurriedly moved and sat on her chair, her face bright red as she cleaned off her tears. "I'm really glad you're okay. Welcome back, Dan."
Dan smiled, feeling a sense of warmth and relief. "Thanks, Naya. It's good to be back"