Henry's lips trembled in anger. "Shut up! You keep accusing my mother of being deceitful and manipulative, but where's your proof?"
"Proof? How about the fact that over a decade ago, she was in bed with James, driving my mom to jump off a building to her death!" Eric spat.
"That's your mom's problem! Just because men cheat, does every woman have to jump off a building?" Henry retorted, trying to control his breathing. Despite his anger, his heart ached. Grace's dark past was something that would never be erased.
"No matter how you twist it, you always defend her, Henry! Since you don't believe me, let's make a bet. If you win, I'll treat your mother with respect from now on and won't target her again. But if you lose…" Eric paused, a cruel smirk curling at his lips, "all I ask is that you stay away from my woman."
Eric stared coldly at Henry. "So, Henry, do you dare take this bet?"
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