After hearing Eric's words, Ella was taken aback for a moment. He was absolutely right.
The people insulting her were probably just hired trolls. Meanwhile, the influential figures were coming forward to support and encourage her.
"Don't be upset anymore. Eat a bit more, okay?" Eric said with a gentle smile. Ella nodded half-heartedly, sullenly picking at her breakfast.
But it wasn't long before Chloe called, excitedly telling her that all the hateful messages on Twitter had disappeared, leaving only the supportive comments from celebrities and public figures.
Ella turned to look at Eric, suddenly understanding what he had meant.
"Alright, this time, I'll forgive you!" Ella said with a smile. After all, it was just one tweet from Eric—not everyone was going to believe it completely.
At most, people might think Eric was just teasing her.
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