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12.5% Biomass Effect / Chapter 8: Chapter 8 - Reactions Part 1 : Turians & Batarians

Bab 8: Chapter 8 - Reactions Part 1 : Turians & Batarians

In the days following Blacklight's introduction into the Greater Galaxy, it became increasingly apparent that views were rather mixed in the worst of ways. While initially no one treated Blacklight as anything but another alien race, albeit an unusual one. That all changed when the 'leaked' footage of the demise of the 23rd fleet hit the Extranet. All of a sudden things began to change, and not necessarily for the better.

It happened initially at the Citadel itself, where Blacklight had landed. A rising panic set among many of the aliens. Doctors were swamped with patients who claimed to have been infected with Blacklight. Nothing came of it, many had relatively benign illnesses, and those who claimed to hear voices that they believed was the hive mind of Blacklight and that it was proof of infection were later diagnosed with various mental illnesses.

The event which would later be known as 'The Blacklight Scare' would lead to many deaths of patients who really did need medical treatment. In the end several dozen various terminally ill species on the Citadel died while the panicked masses took too much attention away from the doctors. This would later lead to rising chaos among the Citadel.

The families of those who died cried in outrage only to find that their cries fell on deaf ears. The council had no part in it, as they could not restrict the civilians from achieving medical attention without forming unfair rules and regulations that could potentially make the situation worse. The main problem was no one truly understood exactly how the Blacklight Virus works, and in their panic and ignorance people died.

Eventually the chaos died down with the completion of the Viral scanners. Once they were available to the public the 'Blacklight Scare' died down as people flocked to the scanners where it was revealed no one was infected. This however only lead to more strife. Many began to distrust the accuracy of these scanners, especially considering it was a Blacklight creation.

Seven weeks after the introduction of Blacklight, two important things happened to the Turian culture. It had turned out that the Turians absorbed into Blacklight were able to contact their families in private. To many it was a surreal thing to speak to their loved ones thought dead. Some accepted this, which lead to the first problem. A vast majority of the Turians whose families now existed as Blacklight had begun a political movement.

In their grief and pain they looked to Blacklight, and asked for something that shook many of the worlds to their core. They asked to be consumed into the Many so they could be with their loved ones forever. The fear from the Blacklight Scare had not fully died down yet. The council itself was lost over what was to be done about this unexpected development.

Before they could really do anything, the second change to the Turian culture happened, this one was far more dangerous. A terrorist organization known simply as The Cure had come and blew up many of the Viral scanners in a coordinated terrorist attack. Seeing as it was an invention of Blacklight, and in their minds could not be trusted. The Cure believed Turians consumed into Blacklight were poisoning the grieving, believing that they were doing a gambit to consume more into their mass without direct action.

The events of those riots however did not last long.

James Heller was a Blacklight Individual who was cleared by the Council to stay on the Citadel. He and six others were the only Individuals, besides Mercer and Elizabeth, to be on the Citadel at this time. Long before the Rampancy Heller was a soldier, more specifically a sergeant in the Marines Corps. When Blacklight was consuming all life, he was a part of a team at the front lines who at the time were working alongside Blackwatch to contain the spread. Even with the best weaponry available and enough men to take out a small country, they eventually fell to the creeping mass that was Blacklight.

He remembered the feeling of millions of screaming minds who were lost in their own insanity and though he fought hard to keep his own mind, eventually he to fell when he found his daughter, Amaya and his wife, Collette among the insane masses, screaming in their own madness. In his sorrow he joined the madness, and existed like that for months on end, until the First Mind, Alex Mercer had constructed the Hive Mind into what it was.

Now he walked calmly through the streets observing the surrounding aliens. Thanks to the nearby bioship, he could feel Amaya's awe at it all. He smiled as he made his way through the crowds who gave him more than enough space.

'So that's an Asari huh. They are pretty.'

'Not as pretty as you baby girl.'

All things considered, it was a good life. Amaya was still his little girl, even if she was over a hundred years old and, like everyone else were able too see and know the collective memories of all humans. Both the Good and the Bad. But there were enough decent people to allow all to come to terms with that, and even understand it.

Heller stopped smiling when he heard the explosion in the distance, and like an animal he charged for it. His body shifting and changing to allow him to run at excessive speeds. He ignored the screams of the surrounding aliens and the gunshots being fired. Heller stopped when he saw the retreating Turians running away from C-sec guards. He could recognize there weapons as heavy military hardware that the Turians favored to use. Heller leapt up as his arms changed into thick claws. Trillions of electrocytes were formed from modified muscle tissues throughout his body, and as a result electricity danced across the metal like surface of each bladed digit. A leftover of the species known as an electric eel.

Electricity was somewhat of a double edged sword for Blacklight, while it could not truly hurt them, it did prevent further shape-shifting of biomass so long as it went through their biomass, but it would not get rid of any weapons they already had out, and a high enough voltage could slow them down for a few seconds. However it never truly hurt them, it only limited them.

Heller jumped in front of the retreating Turians who saw him, and dove into a hallway. There were only two of them, and they were firing at him with assault rifles. The C-sec guards almost stopped when they saw Heller chase after them, but they quickened their pace instead.

Orlan ran quickly as he fired shot after shot at the thing that chased him. He felt pure rage at the face of one of those Blacklight individuals. he ones who turned his own flesh and blood son into one of those monsters. However while he was an old Turian, Orlan was far from stupid enough to take one of the Blacklight on at close range, even in his enraged state.

Even still he fired each and every shot with marked precision while running from the charging monster behind him. The image of those claws cloaked in electricity sickened him as he fired another shot right between the things eyes. It had no effect.

"Use the cryo rounds!", screamed his partner Konti.

Orlan nodded as he turned back, leaping expertly over fallen debris and through the panicked masses as he switched over to the freezing rounds. He memorized the obstacles ahead as he turned around and began firing at the rampaging monster. Even as his old bones, tired from the running screamed in protest he continued his assault.

Heller felt a bit sluggish as the freezing ice grew from each point the bullet hit. However even as frostbite took over, rupturing his cells as the water within them expanded, he did not slow down. Within him, small heat producing organs grew. His flesh rapidly shivered as anti-freeze proteins were added to the cells that made him up, quickly melting the ice away while also preventing them from freezing further. It cost him some mobility but he was still gaining quickly. Had it not been for the crowds he would have already caught up with the Turians, but Heller knew if he ran straight at them, anyone in his way would be violently thrown back from the force of his charge, enough to seriously injure them.

He could hear the other Blacklight Individuals on the Citadel as they made their way towards each point. Apparently there were several groups of Turians who had destroyed a few of the Viral scanners. Why, Heller didn't Know, not yet anyway.

Then he felt one of the others attempt to consume one of the others, only for the Turians to leap over a tall ledge, and blow his brains out on the way down. It became increasingly apparent that the Turians knew they were not going to survive this, and that they were excessively fanatical.

Heller, rather than continue forward, jumped up, and with his shifting claws he grabbed onto the ceilings above and crawled at a quickened pace along the walls like an insect, this time with no innocents in his way to slow him down, he quickly was closing the distance.

He saw the Turian, Konti he believed his name was if the memories within him were anything to go by, look up and turn around to fire with remarkable precision at Heller. It had no effect as Heller lunged himself towards the Turian. Only to see the Turian quickly turn his own gun on himself and die right there. Heller landed on the corpse and absorbed the Turian into himself. Most of the brain was destroyed by the gunshot, and there were almost no relevant memories to take.

This event happened in less than a moment, and as soon as Heller landed he lunged towards the other Turian. Only this time Heller's claws had shifted into a long whip like tendril that sliced the gun the turian was about to turn on himself. Though the Turian was shocked, he still acted fast and rolled out of the way. Of course the Turian was an old one and his reflexes had dulled with age. The bladed tendril impaled him in his left shoulder before he could even get to his feet.

The Turian glared at Heller as if he were the devil himself, before he was dissolved and consumed. Heller felt the rush of memories as a new consciousness was added to the collective.

Orlan had seen many things in his long life and experienced much. He fought pirates and small wars, he outlived his son and watched him return as a lump of infested flesh. Only now as he experienced the countless voices of millions, not just voices, but thoughts and memories. In the countless minds he found his son. Only now did he understand that this in fact was his son. Not some demon wearing the skin of his son, his son as he truly was.

Orlan was truly happy, and as he learned the combined thoughts of billions, they learned about him, and all that his group, the Cure was planning.

Panic did not stop with the death of a few members of the Cure, and their actions, despite their failure had lasting consequences throughout the galaxy. The council found themselves busy as they tried to do all they could to prevent a similar assault done by the Cure.

During the Cure's terrorist attack it became known that it's members would rather die, than be consumed into Blacklight. Only one of their members was consumed, and as a consequence Blacklight learned much about the Organization. Blacklight informed the Council, and the Cure was taken down, fast, unbelievably fast.

Only two days after the Cure made itself known were most of it's members found and captured. Never before in history had any organization fallen so fast, and people began to notice. The consumption ability of Blacklight was known by the aliens, it was only now they realized exactly what it entailed. Only one member of the Cure was consumed by Blacklight, and in the process that person had turned against his group, and provided the information Blacklight needed to end the Cure almost as soon as it began.

While the group itself was hardly popular, new ideas began to pop up. Many began to wonder exactly what happened when one was consumed by Blacklight, and if those could even be considered the same person. The Fanatic Turian Orlan, who was consumed into the hive had spoken for himself, apologizing for his action and urging others not to take action against Blacklight, saying they were honest. His words had the opposite effect.

People began to fear Blacklight, and the race was spoken of only in hushed whispers. Not many more acts were taken against Blacklight, none knew how to deal with such a being. Another issue was the grieving families who asked to be consumed into Blacklight. The Council, for the most part had no idea exactly what was to be done about it.

When the council brought the issue to Blacklight itself, they found a solution. While the solution proved unpopular with some, it worked all the same. Accordingly, anyone could willingly join Blacklight under several specific conditions. First was that depending on the species, the individual must be of adult age according to that species laws. Second, any who held a high ranking position within any military or government were unable to apply for consumption. Finally, that person must not have a mental illness, not for Blacklight's safety, but rather because the mentally ill could hardly be expected to make such a decision knowing the consequences.

Additionally those who wanted to join Blacklight must first provide a reason why they should, then they would be educated into exactly what such an action entails. The process was somewhat long, but in the end it proved to be he best way to go about it. However the decision still proved unpopular with the untrusting majority.

This chaos however was not limited to the Citadel.

Selin Na'kyr was a loyal member of the Batarian Hegemony. His world held a lot of power among the masses below him. Selin sat as he looked over a mountain of files and videos. All of them on their new neighbors, the species known only as Blacklight.

"When we say you are already dead, we were not speaking figuratively or metaphorically. We knew you were coming to this planet. We knew where you would land. We adapted accordingly. You are infected."

"Infected? Infected with what?"

"Infected with us."

The imagery of rapidly mutating Turians sprouting lashing tendrils was disturbing to see. Selin however showed no reaction. He paused the video as he looked over the next files. These ones were on the council laws regarding Blacklight. While Blacklight had much of the space his people rightfully deserved, their own biology made it a non-issue. After all, they could survive on worlds where life should be impossible. So most of their systems were those without garden worlds. Systems that were otherwise just taking up space. What made this interesting however, was Blacklight was in close proximity to Batarian controlled worlds.

Selin was no fool, one did not get into his position as a political advisor by acting foolish. He put away the files as he activated his omni-tool. As he saved various files he stood, before leaving the room. Selin made his way through the towers, towards the top, where a large group of high Ranking Batarians sat among themselves. Selin sat as he listened to them bicker among themselves on the issue of today's topic. Blacklight.

He didn't have to wait long until an elderly Batarian walked slowly in, taking his seat at the front of the room.

"This meeting has been called to order over the issues of the plague Blacklight. After this discussion we will decide how we are to act against this foe. Before we begin, Advisor Selin, if I am to understand it you have looked into the issues involving Blacklight. Tell me, do they pose a threat to our destiny of gaining the Skyllian Verge."

Selin stood.

"Blacklight is beyond dangerous. However they do not pose a threat to any short term plans.", said Selin.

"Explain your reasoning."

"Blacklight as it stands is pining after systems in the Verge, however they are not after the systems we are. Council law dictates they cannot take a system which has a garden world upon it, due to their ability to survive on any planet regardless of it's atmosphere. At this moment, they only possess a singular Garden World, which they gained before encountering the council and is already infested. As such we do not have reason to do anything about them quite yet. Right now all we really want are those Garden Worlds, they only need dead planets.", said Selin.

"And long term."

"Once we acquire those Garden worlds, the next order of business would be achieving mining rights to systems rich with Element Zero. Thus far, Blacklight is pining after these worlds as well, going after Eezo rich dead worlds to better understand Biotic abilities and how they form. However I must advise against attacking them."

The surrounding crowds spoke loudly among themselves at that, before the Elderly Batarian raised his hand. The murmurs died down.

"Explain your reasoning Selin."

"Blacklight, as it is, is impossible to capture and enslave by us. Even their bodies are but avatars to be used and disposed of at will. In addition each one is to be treated as a weapon of mass destruction capable of near instant biological attacks on a massive scale. Their defeat of the heavily armed 23rd Turian fleet, and the now dead organization known as the Cure shows us that Blacklight can deal with problems very quickly and efficiently. It is both impractical and impossible to capture one of them. Even if that were not the case, to capture even one would alert the entire species. I have looked at the data over and over again, and I can find no practical way to deal with Blacklight. Even if we could capture one, it would put those who would purchase one as a slave at risk of their consumption ability, and therefore give away much information that individual may have.", said Selin.

"Then we cannot truly deal with them?"

"Not necessarily. They are collectively immortal, however one of their Evolved or infected can be dealt with using traditional methods, though they can take much more damage than even a Krogan before falling. It would not kill them, but sufficient damage to their avatar body would send them back to their hive. It is known that their biomass is somewhat vulnerable to electricity, but not in anyway that truly harms them. It seems electricity merely limits what they could do while being electrified by it, hard to say. Fire may prove better at dealing with an Evolved by burning away their biomass. But this is merely speculation."

"So more powerful than a Krogan with greater adaptability than a Vorcha and weapons that could be formed from themselves at will. I am beginning to suspect if such a virus could really evolve naturally."

"Speculation would get us nowhere, we need viable information on this species if we are to deal with them. They are much too close to our worlds for my comfort."

"Now that everything is out in the open, how do we deal with Blacklight."

"At the moment there is nothing we can do, as more information is learned about Blacklight we can prepare for them. Until then there is not much we can do. Bio-weapons is the suggested avenue to take should we need to, though in the end anything we use, they would adapt to. Until we have a weapon they cannot eventually adapt to we can do nothing."

"I despise a wait and see approach to such a dangerous race. But we have little choice. I will not risk my people over something that we would gain so little from."

"Then it is decided, we will see where the future brings us, let us pray we have not made the wrong decision"

Selin stood at this moment.

"There is another issue. Our most recent Garden World, Eden Prime is right next to a dead system that they have claimed. It was learned that this system is rich in Element Zero, more so than most of our systems."

"We cannot bring this issue to the council. Colonization rights hold greater sway for the council compared to mining rights. I will not have us act as fools for those beneath us, we cannot do anything against it now, not legally."

"However." said Selin. "We could meet with Blacklight. They are much to dangerous to directly attack, but if we can exclusively set up trading routes with them, it would prove useful."

The Elderly batarian stroked his chin.

"An interesting thought, Blacklight does not use Eezo as we do. The codex on them mentions they use Eezo to study biotic development, they do not use Eezo itself. As such they do not have a use for a large amount of it, not really."

"Blacklight is unusual to trade with, they only want genetic samples in exchange for information or supplies. Making it a win win situation where neither side truly loses anything. The Asari, Turians, and Salarians are already sending mass samples to Blacklight, with the Volus, Hanar, and Elcor sending smaller samples. We however are unique to the galaxy. Despite not being a member of a Council seat, we have more worlds than most, giving us a larger selection of wildlife to exploit in a trade agreement. "

"While it seems as if we lose nothing in such an agreement, the fact remains that giving Blacklight too many samples only makes them stronger, making it that much more difficult when we have to fight against them."

"A necessary evil. The council greatly fears Blacklight, it is why they are giving them so many Eezo rich systems. However Blacklight does not truly need such a high amount. We can turn this into our advantage. The Council only wants the information Blacklight has on relays, not their Eezo. We could propose a similar deal, only for Eezo. Anything the council learns from Blacklight would eventually be learned by us anyway, making such a deal pointless. If we act quickly, we could have a monopoly on Eezo trade between us and Blacklight."

"Such a thing would be temporary, until we are at sufficient power to deal with them."

"Then we are decided, send the nearest fleet to a Blacklight system. We will trade for now, until we can take what we need by force."

In the dark recesses of space, a single Batarian fleet waited. Leading this fleet was a Batarian known as Ka'hairal Balak, who sat as the message came in from his people. He was to meet and discuss a trade agreement with Blacklight. He did not like the idea at all, but he would do as they commanded him to do. Even if he did have to speak to a giant sentient cancer in the process.

So as they made their way towards the nearest Blacklight system, Balak mentally prepared for dealing with Blacklight. Balak had seen the footage of the demise of the 23rd fleet. Balak hardly cared about the Turians, but even he would not wish their fate on any other life-form. It was horrible to watch. Men being dissolved and sucked up into what could only be described as hunger incarnate.

At the moment however, Blacklight had very little in the way of technology, but they were starting to construct towers to enable communication between them and passing ships, at least until they could evolve a biological equivalent, which they said would happen eventually. It was disturbing to think that such a race could exist at all, and Balak could not tell if they were serious or not, but considering the other seemingly impossible things Blacklight did using only their own body he did not dismiss it as a possibility.

By the time Balak was fully prepared, he had already arrived and his ship was being hailed by Blacklight. Balak waited before the image of an alien popped up on screen. He was about to say something when the Blacklight individual did the strangest thing. It grew a second pair of eyes. Balak was about to say something, when the creature spoke.

"We understand your kind takes offence to those who know not which eyes of yours to focus on. We wish for any communication between us to go smoothly. Tell us, why are you here."

Balak was a bit taken aback at that. The image of the four eyed Asari looking thing on the screen was disturbing to see, and at the same time somewhat thoughtful in some sick and twisted way he could scarcely describe. It struck him as odd. Balak began to wonder if Blacklight often shifted themselves to better communicate with other species using their own customs. He briefly entertained the though of one speaking with an Elcor using the same methods Elcor used when in private. He smashed away the thought before he spoke.

"I am Ka'hairal Balak, my people have given me glorious purpose in seeking you out. We wish to make a deal with you.", said Balak.

The four eyes of the Blacklight individual blinked in unison, before it did something else surprising. It tilted it's head to the left. For most species it was a simple gesture, but for a Batarian, it was a symbol of admiration and respect between equals. Balak did not know if it was coincidence, but he doubted it.

"We are listening."

Desolas sat still at the bar. He had been given the time off until more politicians could be amassed for even more questions. Even after the weeks passed he was still getting debriefed. He looked at his table at every single glass of various alcoholic substances. He stared at the many filled glasses as fellow Turians eyed him oddly. Desolas paid them no mind.

It was at this point that Saren had arrived. Where he saw Desolas wallowing in his own guilt and grief. Desolas had been spending a large amount of time recluse lately. Saren looked at the glasses along the table. There were a lot, so many in fact that Desolas had several tables moved for each and every one to fit. Saren said Nothing as Desolas finished counting.

"2,432 glasses. One for each fallen Turian under my command.", said Desolas absently.

"I don't think is the healthy way to let your grief out brother.", said Saren.

"Not a drop of alcohol has touched my palate. I am stronger than that Saren, only the weak drown their sorrows.", said Desolas.

Saren sat next to his brother as he looked over the glasses. Many of the surrounding Turians were looking at them oddly, though Saren cared little for it.

"How are you taking all this.", asked Saren.

"Poorly. I memorized the names of every fallen Turian in my fleet. The 23rd will not be forgotten, and their spirits will remain with the fleet so long as it stands. I even looked into the favorite drink of all of them. It cost me a third of my savings to buy each one.", said Desolas.

Saren looked at the relatively small bar around him, before turning to the myriad of glasses.

"I wasn't aware they stored that much alcohol here", said Saren.

"They don't, why do you think It cost so much. I specifically ordered it before we made it back. It arrived today.", said Desolas.

Saren looked over the drinks one last time before tuning back to his brother.

"I have been given a mission recently. I have been assigned as a guard for Salarian scientists who are going to research Blacklight. We are going to Shanxi.", said Saren.

"Why tell me this.", asked Desolas.

"Because as a newly initiated Specter, I am able to get a hold of all information they find out about Blacklight. Including any weaknesses they may possess.", said Saren.

Desolas stared at his brother for a long moment before nodding.

"I see. Be careful brother.", said Desolas.

Saren nodded before standing. He took one last look to the amassed glasses around Desolas before walking away.

"Oh, and Saren."

Saren froze before turning around to look at Desolas, who lifted one of the glasses.

"Congratulations on making the Specters.", said Desolas.

Saren nodded as he continued out the door. Desolas looked back to the glass in his hand, and observed it. It was Commander Tyvus favorite drink. A hard liquor. Desolas lifted the glass in the air.

"For the fallen.", he said before standing up and placing the still full glass back on the table.

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