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85.05% Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker / Chapter 160: Chapter 156: Hurt house

Bab 160: Chapter 156: Hurt house

Chapter 156: Hurt house

Their intimate moment was interrupted by a soft knock on the door. "Master," a voice called out, slightly muffled. It was Hana, one of Malik's loyal servants. "There's an urgent matter that requires your attention. It seems there's been a breach in security."

Malik reluctantly pulled away from Shisui, his heart heavy with the dread of what lay ahead. The warmth of their shared moment dissipated, replaced by the cold reality of responsibility. He sighed, trying to mask his frustration as he responded, "Thank you, Hana. We'll be there in a moment."

Shisui, still lying beside him, echoed his sentiment with a resigned sigh. Her eyes, usually so fierce, softened in a moment of shared understanding. "Duty calls," she whispered, her hand lingering on Malik's chest, reluctant to let go of the peace they had briefly found together.

Malik nodded, placing his hand over hers for a fleeting second before they both began to rise from the bed. The weight of their duties hung heavy in the air, pressing down on them as they quickly dressed. The urgency of the situation gripped Malik's heart, and as he adjusted his clothes, a sinking feeling settled deep in his stomach.

As they prepared to leave the room, Malik could feel something gnawing at the edge of his awareness—a connection that was more than physical, more than mental. It was something deeper, something tied to the essence of his very being. He knew instinctively that whatever was happening, it was far more serious than a simple breach in security.

Stepping out of the room, Malik was met by Hana's concerned gaze. But before she could speak, Malik's attention was drawn to the walls of his mansion. A deep, jagged crack ran along the length of the hallway, marring the smooth surface of the wall. It was as if the house itself had been wounded.

The realization struck him like a physical blow. When he had made the deal with the mysterious leader of the Akatsuki, he had given away a piece of his soul—a literal, tangible part of his essence. And now, he was seeing the consequences. His two true magical items, his house, and his phone, had been affected. The house, a living entity connected to him, bore the physical manifestation of the damage done to his soul.

Malik's hand instinctively reached out, his fingers brushing against the cracked wall. He could feel the house's pain, a deep, aching sorrow that resonated through his very core. The house was more than just a place; it was a part of him, and it was hurting.

Still, in his pajamas, Malik closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he centered himself. The connection between him and his house was strong, but it had been weakened by the deal he had made. He knew that the only way to mend it was to give up more of his energy—his life force—to heal the wound.

Shisui watched him with concern, understanding the gravity of what he was about to do. "Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked softly, her hand resting on his shoulder. "You've already given so much."

Malik opened his eyes, meeting her gaze with a determined look. "I have to. This house is a part of me, just like you and everyone else here. I can't let it suffer."

With that, Malik placed both hands on the cracked wall, closing his eyes once more. He focused inward, drawing on his reserves of energy, feeling it pulse through his veins like a river of light. Slowly, he began to channel that energy into the house, willing it to heal.

The process was agonizingly slow. Malik could feel the drain on his strength, the weariness creeping into his bones. But he pressed on, determined to restore the house to its former state. The crack in the wall began to glow faintly, the light intensifying as Malik poured more of himself into the healing process.

Hana and Shisui watched in silence, their concern evident on their faces. They knew what this house meant to Malik, and they could feel the intensity of his connection to it. The air around them buzzed with energy, a palpable reminder of the sacrifice Malik was making.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the crack began to close. The jagged edges smoothed out, the wall mending itself as Malik's energy flowed into it. The house sighed—a deep, resonant sound that echoed through the hallways—as if it was thanking him for his sacrifice.

Malik stumbled back, his strength nearly spent. Shisui was there in an instant, catching him before he could fall. She guided him to a nearby chair, her touch gentle but firm.

"You did it," she whispered, her voice filled with relief and admiration. "The house is whole again."

Malik nodded, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "But at what cost? I hope I haven't developed any complexes because I feel like shit right now," he murmured, the weight of his actions pressing down on him. He could feel the void where that piece of his soul had been, a reminder of the price he had paid.

Hana knelt beside him, her eyes full of concern. "You're stronger than this, Master. "

Malik managed a weak smile, touched by their loyalty and support. "Thank you," he whispered. "But for now, I need to rest."

Shisui and Hana exchanged a glance, both of them silently agreeing to keep watch over him while he recovered. 

Malik's voice, weak but firm, echoed in the quiet hallway. "Take me into the basement and put me into the pool down there." His eyes fluttered shut as exhaustion overwhelmed him. He could barely keep his head up, the recent events taking a heavy toll on his already drained body.

Hana Kimura and Shisui exchanged worried glances, but they didn't hesitate. Malik wasn't a small man by any means—short, yes, but solidly built, a testament to his lifestyle and habits. Yet, both women had no trouble lifting him. Shisui, with her honed physical strength, and Hana, with her fiery determination, each supported him with ease. It was as though the weight of his body was nothing compared to the burden he carried within.

As they moved through the mansion, Malik's head lolled against Hana's shoulder, his breaths shallow but steady. The mansion's staff, loyal and attentive, noticed immediately and hurried to the hallways. Faces filled with worry, fear, and concern lined their path. Whispers followed them—murmurs of what had happened, of the strange magic Malik had performed, and of the crack that had appeared in the very walls of their sanctuary.

Shisui's expression remained stoic, but inside, a storm of emotions brewed. She could feel the weight of their eyes, the unspoken questions, the silent prayers for Malik's safety. Hana, walking beside her, wore a determined look, her fiery spirit burning just beneath the surface. They would see Malik healed, no matter the cost.

The journey down to the basement felt longer than it actually was. The air grew cooler, the walls narrowing as they descended deeper into the heart of the mansion. The basement, unlike the rest of the house, was a place of profound magic—a sacred space where Malik's connection to his powers was strongest.

Finally, they reached the large, circular chamber at the basement's core. In the center of the room lay the pool, its waters shimmering with an otherworldly light, a mixture of golds and pinks swirling together in a mesmerizing dance. The pool was no ordinary body of water; it was infused with the essence of Malik's magic, a place of healing and rejuvenation.

Gently, Hana and Shisui lowered Malik into the water, his body floating effortlessly on the surface. The moment his skin touched the liquid, ripples spread out, the colors intensifying around him, as if welcoming him back into their embrace. Malik's face relaxed, the tension in his body easing as the pool's magic began to work on him.

Shisui took a deep breath, her usual calm demeanor slipping for just a moment as she stared down at Malik's floating form. "Hana," she said softly, her voice tinged with a rare note of uncertainty. "Stay here with him. I'll go upstairs and handle the staff. Make sure no one disturbs him."

Hana nodded, her green eyes never leaving Malik's face. "I will. He'll be safe with me."

With one last look at Malik, Shisui turned and made her way back upstairs. As she ascended, she could feel the weight of the situation pressing down on her. Malik had given up a part of himself for something—something important. But now, he was vulnerable, and it was her duty to protect him.

Upstairs, the atmosphere was tense. The staff, though trained to remain calm, couldn't hide their concern. As Shisui entered the main hall, she was met by Tsunade and Shizune. Tsunade's sharp eyes immediately focused on her, a silent question in their depths.

"How is he?" Tsunade asked, her voice steady but laced with worry.

Shisui shook her head slightly. "He's in the pool. Hana is with him. But it's going to take time. The house was hurt too. We're doing everything we can."

Shizune, standing beside Tsunade, clenched her hands together. The worry etched on her face was almost unbearable. "I should go to him," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "I should be there."

Tsunade placed a hand on Shizune's shoulder, her touch firm and grounding. "No, Shizune. He's in the best place for healing right now. Hana and Shisui will watch over him. Your place is here, helping with the village's needs. You're a healer, and there are others who need you too."

Shizune hesitated, torn between her duty and her heart. But Tsunade's words, backed by her years of wisdom and experience, resonated with her. "You're right," Shizune finally whispered, though her heart ached to be by Malik's side. "But I can't help feeling that I should be with him."

Shisui, seeing Shizune's inner struggle, stepped forward. "Shizune, you're needed here. I know it's hard, but Malik wouldn't want you to neglect your duties for his sake. He's always said that your work is just as important as his. And you know how much he respects you for it."

Tsunade nodded in agreement. "Shizune, we need you at your best. The village needs you. We all do. Let the others take care of him for now. You'll see him soon enough."

Mikoto Uchiha and Kushina Uzumaki, who had been standing nearby in the main room along with the larger group of workers, also approached. Mikoto placed a gentle hand on Shizune's arm. "He's strong, Shizune. And he has all of us here to support him. You focus on what you need to do."

Kushina added with a soft smile, "He'll be back to his old self before you know it. And when he is, he'll need you to be strong for him too."

Shizune looked at the women surrounding her, their words slowly sinking in. She took a deep breath, letting the tension ease just a bit. "Thank you," she said, her voice steadier now. "I'll do what I need to. But please… keep me informed."

Shisui nodded, her respect for Shizune growing even more. "You have my word."

With a final glance towards the basement door, Shizune turned and followed Tsunade out of the mansion. She had her duties to attend to, and Malik would need her at her best when he recovered.

As Shisui was about to return to the basement, she was joined by Rei Harada, Rei moved with her usual grace, her presence almost unnoticed until she was right beside Hana, who had remained by Malik's side.

The room falls silent as Rei, a graceful and composed woman, steps forward to speak. Her deep green eyes hold Shisui's gaze with an intensity that speaks of long-held loyalty and love. "Shisui," she begins, her voice soft but firm, "you know how much Malik means to us, to all of us. But he's not just ours. He's also yours, in a way that goes beyond words. You trust us to care for him, to protect him with our lives. And we do."

Shisui, with her piercing black eyes reflecting the weight of responsibility and affection, looks away, her gaze resting on the floor. "I know," she whispers, her voice tinged with sadness and longing. "But this world is dangerous, and I worry about him constantly." The room's atmosphere grows heavy with unspoken emotions. Rei, sensing Shisui's internal struggle, gently places a hand on her shoulder. "He is strong, Shisui. Stronger than you think. And we are here to support him, to be his family."

Shisui's eyes flicker back to Rei, her words resonating with a truth she can't deny. She inhales deeply, the scent of lavender and incense filling her nostrils. "You're right," she concedes, her voice stronger now. "I trust all of you with my life, with his. But it doesn't make it any easier to let go."

 Standing silently beside Rei, steps forward, her eyes shimmering with unspoken empathy. "We understand, Shisui. But we must trust each other."

The room, bright from the morning rising sun, feels almost sacred as the words hang in the air. Shisui's gaze softens as she looks at the younger woman, absorbing her words of reassurance. She knows they are right, but letting go is never easy, especially when it comes to those we hold most dear.

Rei takes another step forward. "Shisui, you've always been a leader, a protector. But sometimes, the best way to protect someone is to let them find their own strength."

Shisui nods slowly, the tension in her shoulders beginning to ease. She looks around at the faces of those who have become her family and she feels a profound sense of gratitude. Shisui's gaze sweeps the room, taking in the faces of her loved ones. Each one carries a story.

Her eyes linger on Rei, whose unwavering loyalty has been a source of strength recently. She then shifts her focus to the basement stairs.

"Thank you," Shisui finally says, her voice steady, carrying the weight of her sincerity. "I know you're right. It's just… hard to let go. Malik is just so fragile, the worst part is he doesn't even understand that."

Rei steps closer, her hand on her shoulder. "We know, Shisui. But we're here for you. And for him." 

Rei then nods in agreement as if confirming something to herself, her expression resolute. "We'll always be here for both of you." The room feels like a sanctuary, a place where the weight of the world seems to momentarily lift. Shisui's shoulders relax a bit more, and she inhales deeply, absorbing the support and love that surrounds her.

Rei's words hang in the air, a reminder of the strength and resilience that have always been at the core of this group.

Shisui's eyes meet hers again, and there is a silent understanding passing between them, a promise that they will face whatever comes next together. "You have my word," Shisui says, her voice firm but laced with emotion. "I will trust in you all, just as you trust in me." Rei smiles, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. Rei's smile broadens, a mixture of relief and joy crossing her face. "Thank you, Shisui. We won't let you down."

Shisui notes this is the first time she has ever seen Rei smile, The room continues to glow warmly, the new sun casting a serene light over everyone present. "Alright."

And with that Shisui made her way out of the house an Rei made her way down deeper into the house.

Together, the two women watched over Malik as he floated in the shimmering water. The pool glowed softly, a mixture of golds and pinks swirling around his still form, reflecting the delicate balance between life, magic, and the soul.

Hana glanced at Rei, appreciating the silent support. "He'll be okay," she said quietly, more to reassure herself than anything.

Rei nodded, her sharp eyes fixed on Malik. "He will. But it's going to take time. We'll stay here as long as it takes."

And so, in the quiet of the basement, Hana and Rei stood vigil over Malik, the air filled with the soft hum of magic as the pool continued its work. The start of the day stretched on, the mansion outside settling into a hushed stillness, as if it too was waiting for its master to heal.

Malik found himself once again in the dream world, surrounded by the familiar yet intoxicating presence of the Twin Goddesses of Love and Lust, Amora and Erosia. The world around him shimmered with hues of deep pink and red, a stark contrast to the usual calm blues and greens that marked his typical dreamscape. This time, the atmosphere was charged, the usual playful energy replaced by something far more serious.

Amora, was the first to speak, her voice soft yet tinged with disappointment. "Malik, you've always been bold, but what were you thinking? Making a deal with forces you barely understand?"

Erosia, stood beside her sister, her usual seductive smile replaced with a frown. "We sent you to this world for a reason—to play, sure, to grow, maybe, to spread love and passion in a way that only you can, yes. But this? This was reckless."

Malik, standing before them, felt the weight of their words but didn't flinch. He knew they were right, but he also knew why he had done it. "I know it was dumb," he admitted, his voice steady despite the goddesses' displeasure. "But if the power works—if it can help me heal others in ways I couldn't before—then it was worth it."

The goddesses exchanged a glance, their expressions softening slightly, but their concern remained. "You speak of self-sacrifice, something we, as goddesses, struggle to fully comprehend," Amora said, her tone contemplative. "We are beings of desires and fulfillment, not sacrifice."

Erosia nodded in agreement, her violet eyes narrowing as she studied Malik. "We understand the concept, but we don't live it. Our nature is to take, to experience, to revel in what the world has to offer. But you, Malik, you've chosen a path that requires giving up parts of yourself. It's something we admire, but also something we fear might lead you down a dangerous road. Especially when you've come so far."

Malik sighed, feeling the tension between them. He appreciated their concern, but he wasn't in the mood for a lecture. "Look, I know you're both worried in your own "special" way, but I had to make a choice. I couldn't just sit around and do nothing. If this power can save lives, if it can help me protect the people I care about, then I'll deal with the consequences."

Amora's gaze softened, but there was still a trace of sadness in her eyes. "We sent you to the world of Naruto for more "personal" reasons, to guide you toward a path where you could make a difference if needed. But we never wanted you to lose yourself in the process. It is one of the reasons we are slowly feeding you your powers."

Erosia reached out, her hand brushing against Malik's cheek. "We don't want to see you hurt, Malik. You're precious to us, in ways you may not fully understand."

"I thought you said, I was easily replaceable?" He answered.

"Don't be a child Malik, if we really didn't like you, you would know by now," Erosia answered back.

But Malik, feeling the pressure of their expectations and his own guilt, couldn't handle their concern right now. He needed to focus, to regain his strength. Without a word, he began to push himself out of the dream world they shared, retreating back into the depths of his subconscious.

"Malik, don't!" Amora's voice echoed in his mind, tinged with desperation. "Don't shut us out!"

But it was too late. Malik forced himself out of the shared dream space, leaving the goddesses behind, their frustration and worry palpable even as the dream faded.

Back in the real world, Malik floated in the healing pool, his body suspended in the warm, magical waters. He was half-awake, half-asleep, his mind drifting in a state of semi-consciousness. He could feel the pool working its magic, mending the physical and spiritual damage he had sustained. But his thoughts were restless, churning with the events of the past few hours.

He knew he couldn't afford to be reckless again. But he also knew he couldn't slow down. There was too much to do, too many people depending on him. The thought of dying or succumbing to sickness was unacceptable—at least, not now. Not when there was still so much left to accomplish.

As he lay there, suspended between wakefulness and sleep, Malik resolved to push forward, no matter the cost. He would heal, he would grow stronger, and he would find a way to balance the power he had gained with the responsibility it required.

He just hoped that when the time came, he would be ready.

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