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57.14% As A Symbiote In Harry Potter / Chapter 4: CH-4 - SHIT WENT FROM WORSE TO....GOOD?



"____" are used for text

*____* are used for either background noise or time-skips

[____] are used to switch between POVs

'____' are used for thoughts




I 'upload' all of His memories with his parents, their friends, his grandparents, all of it. From his birth, to his current conversation with me, all of it, subconscious and all. His brain takes a lot of memories all at once, almost overwhelming it, but me.. I ain't letting that happen, I let him experience 'everything' without the side effects.

A couple of minutes go by, I stay silent with him going through his memories, and...he starts tearing up without himself knowing. He finally 'snaps' from the trip down memory lane, and utters a single sentence.

"My Parents are...Alive?"

Harry James Potter was the son of James Fleamont Potter and Lily James Potter nee Evans, and the Grandson of Fleamont and Euphemia Potter.He has a twin brother, Henry Evans Potter, named after James's Grandfather.

The family was happy, the grandparents survived a case of Severe Dragon pox, a wizarding version of Chicken Pox. But Disaster struck the family when one day in 1980, a prophecy was said, about a boy born who will defeat the Dark lord. Unfortunately, the specific Dark lord came to know about this information, and decided to act on it, targeting the Potters, since the Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort, decided that it would be one of the twins who is prophesied to end him.

With a betrayal from the family's closest friend, which they never expected, the dark lord came to where the Potters were living, the godric Hollow. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the parents of the twins weren't there at that time, but their Grandparents were. The Dark Lord barged in their House and Killed the Elderly Couple, even after much resistance. When He went to kill the boys, using The Killing Curse, Avada Kedavra, a Spell so powerful that it harms the Soul and kills it, The spell Rebounded, Hitting Him back, and Splitting his body and his soul into 2 pieces.

The body was disintegrated, while the Soul Went to the nearest Person, a wounded Kid, that Being Harry.

The reason why the Spell was rebounded was not known, But... The World didn't Care. they Celebrated the Demise of The Dark Lord, Not knowing that He was still Not dead. The people started calling the twins, the Twins Who lived. A title given to them for surviving The Killing Curse.

When the Parents came back, They were horrified by the scene they found their children in. Henry, who had a bleeding scar traveling through his Chest, a scar showing Lightning traveling the body, was in his Cradle, which had a hole blown through the edges.. and Harry, who was across the Room, Showing an aligning shaped Cut on his forehead.

The family mourned The loss of their elders, but knowing from Someone they trusted, Albus Dumbledore, They Knew That The reign of The Dark Lord has only stopped, not ended, since According to Dumbledore, The Dark Lord, Voldemort Was Still alive, they had no other choice but to Seek shelter and Treat their Injured Kids in St Mungos Hospital.

Another Disaster Struck, when some of The Followers Of The Dark Lord, barged in the Hospital to find out the whereabouts of their Master. and a Fight broke through the hospital, where... Harry and Henry was hit by the Cruciatus Curse, a Curse so powerful that it makes a wizard or Witch, whether young or Old, feel pain so much that it made them want to end themselfs, just so they could stop the pain.

Poor Harry was affected, but Not His Twin, His Twin, through Methods unknown at the time, released a magic blast so powerful that it was something similar to Lightning falling down, destroying the Roof of the Hospital and Hitting The one who used Crucio, Bellatrix Lestrange, Vaporizing Her to her bones.

With the damage sustained by the twins, Harry was in the worst shape. his nerves were fired... And he died.. Harry James Potter, Died.. but was revived back by the medical team of The hospital.. With this incident, Harry was left in a coma for a couple of days.. until Albus Dumbledore himself used His Magic, Specifically Alchemy Magic, to heal The nerves of young Harry and bring him to the land of consciousness.

This incident, along with the death of their family members, James and Lily were Scared, Scared for their Little Boys. Dumbledore Calmed them down, and proclaimed that Henry Evans Potter, is the one who is destined to Defeat the dark lord. While the Potters did not want anything to do with The Dark Lord anymore, Raising Henry and Harry was a task they could not do.

Harry had constant panic attacks, a trauma was induced in the boy, and Henry, who unlocked His Magic Circuits at a tender age of 18 months, Released Magic similar to the lightning.

The Potter family had no other choice but to go back to Dumbledore, for his Guidance. And Guidance he gave.. He vowed to Train Little Henry, Controlling his power, and making sure to prepare The kid for the future.

While For little Harry, Dumbledore took Him to his own Master, Nicolas Flemel, who diagnosed Harry having memories of the pain. And living with the potters is a constant reminder of Pain for the poor boy.. Heart broken by this, Dumbedore and Flamel consults the Family to do the worst thing a parent should do.

Obliviate The boy. obliviate the boy of the pain.. and let him be raised somewhere else.. until he is stabilized, which is estimated to Be when the boy will be 11.

With no other choice, feeling pain, regret and nothing else, Lily and James Potter Hold their Other Son, Henry and let Dumbledore do the Necessary work.

Dumbledore brings the Boy to the doorstep of the Dursleys, and explains the Situation to them, and then being who they are, do not want to do anything with the cursed kid. But Dumbledore brings in the favor Petunia owes Him, leaving them to begrudgingly take in little Harry.. after-


The last memory goes through Harry's Head, and he Gasps air.tears leaking out of his eyes.

"My Parents are....alive?"


"Yes...They are.." this kid...has suffered things no kid should ever suffer..

"...i-" he starts having a panic attack.. I immediately stopped it, and without saying a single word... I bring my tentacles out of the body, and in front of him... The tentacles connect to each other and expand, slowly creating a figure, made of black goo... The black goo goes inside the figure.. and-

"Hey...Harry." I smiled, showing myself to him, My 11 year old self actually.. no need to put more on his plate than necessary.

"...." He doesn't speak up. Even though I am 'in front' of him, this 'figure' is just a construct created by me with my Memory of when I was 11, I did this so that I could give him some companionship... I still know what his mind is going through, so many thoughts.. so many questions.. but an emotion is the strongest in his mind.


I put my hand on his shoulders.. and yank him in my embrace, hugging him.. he still doesn't speak, so I simply say a sentence.

"Let it out Harry." And it seems that my words were the key to open the dam, ( idk if you get what I am saying or not) but he hugs me back, grabbing onto me like a lifeline, and starts Bawling his eyes out.. trying to release his Sadness all through His crying..but it doesn't work.

Right before he 'snaps' out of the memory lane, I prepared a soundproof room, by using Quies, a superior version of the Silencing Charm, which temporarily removes all sound within the vicinity. Thanks to Voldemort's knowledge, I know how to do this, plus.. with Me imprinting Harry on myself, I copy his Magic Circuits.. Making me able to use this magic.. without the wand, since it is me who can consciously dictate the movement of Magic inside my 'body'.

I let Harry cry in my arms, Me Hugging him, whispering Encouraging words to him. Even me, a Symbiote, has his heart in pain due to what Harry suffered, even though I didn't let him 'feel' his past, he still remembers it.

Harry Brawls his sadness out, about his parents, about the Dursleys, about his entire life, he lets it all loose..

And this is where I promise myself.. I am.. gonna protect this kid.. with my life even. He deserves Happiness.. and I am gonna do everything, cross every line I need to, to give him Happiness.

Harry eventually Cries to sleep, and i slip back inside his body.. removing any negative thoughts in his brain and letting him get the best sleep of his life, while Canceling the Sound proof Spell.

The next day, Harry wakes up, fresh and full of energy, but remembering what happened yesterday, where his Life changed by A freaking alien of all things, where he got to know about his parents, his brother, and what truly happened that led to him being with the Dursleys. For a second, he thinks its all fake-

"A freaking alien? Seriously?" I snap him out of his thoughts with a sarcastic quippy response, wanting to make him feel better. And it does, for a single second, then he goes back into depression.

"...i-" i cut him off, knowing what he is thinking.. but not wanting him to say it.

"Don't. I told you I read your mind. I know what you are thinking... Just don't." Dumbass wants to do shit he is gonna regret., he still speaks up, wanting to continue his thought process.

"But.. i just-" i cut him off again, not willing to entertain this process of thought.

"Harry.. I promise you.. you WILL meet your Family. I will make sure of it. Now, stop thinking about it." The kid is thinking about confronting the Dursley's. Because he feels wronged, and he wants to release his emotions somewhere rather than bottle it up, so he wants to Blame the Dursleys and if possible... threaten them like before.

"You..." Oh c'mon bruh.. speak in the mind.

"Speak onwards. Not speaking out loud, you look crazy to other people." There are no other people here, but I successfully make him distracted long enough for him to start asking questions about what to do.

'What to do now?' I took out a tentacle and picked up something from the ground. Bringing it to his face, and he is surprised. He forgot about it actually.

'the letter.' exactly, now that I have successfully distracted him from Being depressed, it's time to talk about the letter.

'what is this?' he asks me, like I am supposed to know. Which I do, but.... I don't think I am gonna tell him that part..

"A letter.." my bland voice rings through his head, leading him to be pissed at my quip, but I continue talking, not giving him the opportunity to reply back.

"While you were sleeping, I looked into it..it's From Hogwarts-'' the piece of shit cuts me off, showing that he is indeed 11 years old.

'What is Hogwarts?....Dad...also mentioned it.. he mentioned it a lot.' Well, that's convenient ain't it. But, since I know his entire memory, I know what he is talking about-

"His eyes are just like you lily. I know for sure he is gonna be a lady killer when he reaches the age to go to Hogwarts." A tall, thin man with hazel eyes and untidy black hair that stuck up at the back talks to a beautiful woman with thick, dark red hair that fell to her shoulders, and almond-shaped, bright green eyes. These two were James and Lily Potter.

"You and Your Killings." Lily sighs, already over with James' attitude over himself, James Smirks, his grin showing his Handsome face.

"Well... I killed you enough for you to fall in love with me" the utter cringe line uttered by James Potter would give the "ick" to any normal woman, but for Lily, she just sighs, and slaps James's head.

"Don't infect both our Boy's heads with your Nonsense pick up lines. I still wonder how I fell for you." Her sigh deepens even more, but no one could deny her smile.

"it's a school that Does magic." The moment he hears it, he yanks The letter from my tentacles and rips it open, desperation coursing through him, he thinks that the letter might have some information about his parents whereabouts-

"It doesn't have Harry..it only has Lists on School Supplies." Harry pretends he doesn't hear me, and looks through the letter. And as I said, there is nothing there except-



(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress

He flips the next page, still having a teeny tiny hope that-



First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginners' Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble


wand cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

set glass or crystal phials

telescope set

brass scales

Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad


He is extremely disappointed.. his hope.. that something about his family would be here... It is not.. and he is-

"Told you." I ain't gonna let this go so easily.. but Harry becomes pissed. And tells me to shut up.. I do, not wanting to antagonize the poor kid....a lot.

'Now what.?' His desperation is easily felt.... and before I could answer.. a knock was heard. Both me and Harry look at the door, while I extend my 'senses.' feeling.... footsteps.. more than one, it's three... and-wait.. the wait for the footstep.. is lower than what i think.. it ain't dursleys.. then who-


the locked door opens... and i realize who... or who knocked the door.. before i could tell Harry to prepare himself... the door fully opens and in comes...

James Flamount Potter, Lily James Potter Nee Evans, and Henry Evans Potter.

Harry stops breathing... his brain stops... and-

"Hello...Harry." tears are seen in the eyes of James Potter, while beside him,Lily Potter has tears Flowing down her eyes, her hand in her mouth, trying and failing to stop crying.. and his twin, the one who is destined to end the Dark Lord, teary eyed.. but with the biggest Grin in his face, like he is the most happiest person in the world.

this finally makes harry breath, his mind restarts, and the only Thing he can think about is-

"yeah Harry... These are your Family." This confirmation sends Harry into tears, and seeing this, James runs to Harry, picking him up and hugging him..hard. Lily and Henry come over, with Lily Hugging James, essentially hugging Harry as well, while Henry hugs Harry's legs, which are off the ground. the entire family, including Harry, start Brawling their eyes out.. letting all their sadness go.

I.... just stay silent.. letting the family have this moment. Harry, who already cried the tears of sadness.. now cries the tears of happiness.. and the feeling is contagious to me, a symbiote. Thankfully, with me knowing Occulemacy, i Shield my mind to the feeling, and negate most of it. but.. I do feel genuine happiness. for all of them.

"D...Dad." this word sends james into another crying session... this time whispering .."yes..i am your dad." over and over again. Eventually, the Potter family stabilizes, stops crying.. after a whole whopping 30 minutes.

"we...we are sorry." Now, it is Lily's time to cry again.. starting another crying session.

"we....had no other choice Harry." James apologizes to Harry, while Lily is still crying. Henry still is hugging HArry, not letting go. Harry speaks up-

"i k-" I interrupted him.

"No Harry. do not tell them about me." Harry is confused, and James also sees this, leading him to explain the situation about why they had to do what they did.

"we were attacked by a bad person-" i zone Harry out of it, making him focus on the conversation 'we' are having.

'why?' he doesn't understand.. which makes sense.. but these people, (atleast James and Lily) are war veterans, meaning.. they would not be as flexible to accept that there is an alien creature inside their son. (that sounds so wrong.)

"Because... they will not be appreciating towards the fact that there is an alien Symbiote inside your body.. even if i am helping you.. they will not understand." he understand what i am saying.. but his childishness comes out... actually, he is kinda desperate for a family and he doesnt wanna lie to them.

' i can explain to them-' i don't wanna risk it bruh. just hide the truth.

"I do not want to risk it. it is better that you don't tell them about me." his desperation increases.... he really wants to tell them... and if he still doesn't listen.. I may have to do something.. that is low.

'but.... I do not want to lie to them.' I get it, I really do.. but still. I still need to survive, I CANNOT be on Dumbledore's rader. Especially this Early on.

"It isn't lying Harry. it's just hiding the truth-" he cuts me off, trying to make me see reason.. or atleast, his personal reasons. Harry is being quite selfish right now, and I cannot blame him, his entire life, he was lied to, and never had gotten what he wanted.. but now, he has the truth, and he has something that he always wants. A Family.

' I don't want to hide things from them.. especially you.' The kid likes me, I mean.. I did change his life, give him truths hev was searching for.. so he owes me.. and that is why I am calling in his favor.

"c'mon Kid. do it for me." his conflict suddenly stops, what i just did was call in the debt he owed, and he has no choice but to do what i say. even though he isn't okay with it.

'ok.' he finally zones in to what James was talking about. I sigh, mentally ofcourse.. since if i sigh in the real world, everyone would hear it. 

"- that is why, we had no choice but hand you over to Dumbledore." Harry missed whatever James said, but I didn't. So before Harry could ask me what James said, I just dumped the memory onto him. He easily received it, without even twitching.. the contents were the same as Harry's memory.. James explaining why they left Harry here.

"No problem dad.. all that matters is.. you guys are here now." Harry tears up, and this starts another round of crying.. damn, these people have a lot of pent-up emotions. and they are releasing all that, here and now. It is kinda annoying.

" We couldn't come to take you back home until now. your magic circuits were fried, and Dumbledore thought that you might have become a squib. so he wanted you to be here till the day you become 11, to let the alchemy magic Dumbledore used to heal you stabilize.. and make sure that no death eaters will hurt you ever again." Harry is confused about what James is talking about, but before he could ask them, I answer.

"Alchemy magic is a branch of magic. It is like magic with materials to invent healing items. like the Philosopher's stone which gives immortal life. Squibs are people who are born to magical people but do not have any magic themselves. the Death Eaters are the followers of the bastard who killed your grandparents and tried to kill you and Henry." If Harry was confused now, he is beyond confused. How the hell do I know this?

'How do you-' well, it is good that the kid has some kind of intellect to find the knowledge given to him confusing and him questioning about the knowledge, but now is not the time.

"not now.. I'll explain everything later." he 'mentally' nods. accepting my response, but making sure to remember asking me about it later.

"now that you have received the latter, it means that you are not a squib. and with all the 'Known' Death eaters in jail and the remaining ones 'Innocent.'. you are safe from those ugly bastards-

"James... Language." James Scratches his head, smiling sheepishly.. but he continues.

"and.. Dumbledore Confirming with his 'magical tools', that you are fully healed... we can...Finally take you Home... if you wanna come with us that is-

"Hell yeah. fuck the dursleys." a gasp sounds from Lily, who is astonished from Harry cussing.. James starts laughing his ass off, while Henry giggles, commenting.

"yeah, Fuck the Dursleys." Harry also starts laughing, but that's when he.. and Henry get their ear twisted by Lily, who screams... her eyes shining.


"OUCH" both Harry and Henry scream in pain, snapping Lily out of her mock anger.. her habit of doing this with James and Henry made her do this with Harry too. and about Harry, he almost relives his trauma at the hand of Dursleys.. Almost. with me there, i stop him from remembering his PTSD, and calming him to not show reactions. Lily apologizes for Hurting Harry, even though she tried not to do this.

"No.. it's just...it doesn't matter if you are the one doing this." Harry smiles at His Mother... and she tears up again... oh for fuk sakes, not this again.

"so...Are you ready to go to Diagon Alley?" For the first time, Henry speaks up.. and the similarities between Harry and him are uncanny. both have the same hairstyle, eyes.. Henry does not wear glasses, and Harry also stopped wearing glasses today.. not even realizing that he didn't wear them. He can see without glasses due to me fixing his bad eyesight. except for Harry having a scar in the forehead, both Henry and Harry look the same.

"Diagon Alley?" Harry is confused, so he tilts his head. I go to answer, but before I can, Henry excitedly answers the question.

"Diagon Alley is a place where We will buy stuff for Hogwarts. Like Books, And especially A Wand." Henry's excitement is contagious, infecting Harry and Making him Excited for the Alley too. But then he starts to think about wands, and I explain it to him.

"A wand is a stick used by a wizard or Witch to channel their magic from. It is a stick made out of Magical creatures, which could amplify the user's likeness towards a certain type of Magic." Harry gives me a mental thank you, and continues talking to His family.

"That's awesome.. let's go there then." He is eager to go to the Alley, and leave The Dursleys. The potters Nod, get up and Start walking to the exit of the house, but before they could open it, Petunia Comes out and starts Shouting about How Harry is not gonna go to That Freak-

She gets cut off by Lily Using a Silencing spell, aweing Harry at how easily His mother shut Petunia Up.Lily Grabs Harry's hand while James Grabs Henry's Hand and they leave this Horrendous place, never wanting to come back here again.

The Potter family goes to the back of the house, where they teach Harry about what's to Come.

"Hold on, You Might Be Dizzy by Side-Along Apparition To the Alley." Harry is Confused on what His mother is saying, while Henry Groans.. not wanting to Disapperate. But before he could receive an answer he-

His body stretches and pulls itself.. over and over.. like he being made Flexible enough to be forced through a very tight rubber tube.

He faintly hears a pop sound, not paying attention to it, he feels his feet touch the ground, and he slips... But he is suddenly erect in the position he landed on.

"Well... That was a feeling." Harry can hear the amusement in my tone. Though he is surprised by how he doesn't feel weird, which he was feeling a while ago. He realizes that I Helped him overcome the weirdness.

He hears a groan, and sees Henry on the ground, scratching his head. He gives Henry his hand, and Henry seeing it, takes it and pulls upwards, getting himself up.

Harry hears buzzing, and so he turns and-

People, Shops, Items everywhere.

"Welcome to the Magical World Harry." James spreads his hands, trying to make Harry excited, and it works, with the way Harry gets excited about the situation he is in.

The potters wait for Harry (and me) to look at all the Magical alley has to offer, and then they take us to Shop.

"How will we pay for this?" Harry suddenly stops and asks, confused and worried. While he has parents who can take care of him now, he is still iffy about them using their own money for him. The Dursley's really fucked up his Self confidence.

"Ohh that.. don't worry, your father is rich. We already took the necessary Golds needed from Gringotts before. You don't need to worry about that." James Ruffles Harry's Hair. Amused by Harry caring about money at the age of 11.

While Harry is still not convinced, he lets The parents do whatever they want to do.. while continuing to admire the Alley while Henry gives points here and there about the alley.

The family went to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, where they got various Dresses, while also meeting a Blond Fuck- I mean.. Draco Malfoy.. Harry and Henry immediately hate his ass. They then went to Flourish and Blotts where they bought books. They bought a Gold cauldron, high spec telescope, potion ingredients, whom Lily herself Selected.

"Mom was supposedly the best in Potions Before." Henry whispers to Harry while both of them See Lily haggling over the quality of the ingredients. Then went to Eeylops Owl Emporium, where James bought Both the twins Snowy White Owls for their Birthday present, even though it is still time for their Birthday. Harry names His owl Hedwig while Henry names his Brodwin.

They finally go to The wand store, where they meet Mr. Ollivander, who starts rambling about wands and stuff. Like "Ten and a quarter inches long, swishy, made of willow" for Lily and " a mahogany wand. Eleven inches & Pliable." To James. He decided to First Search Henry's Wand.

Henry didn't get his wand in his first try.. not his second try.. hell, not even his tenth try, the poor kid had to check wand after wand until he got the one he was destined for.

holly and phoenix feather, eleven inches.

his just proves that Henry is the boy who lived, the Person who Is destined to Fuck up Voldemort. I am very Curious, since according to the Memory, Henry was supposed to Train with Dumbledore to help his uncontrolled Magic, and about that-

"Now, you Mr Potter." Mr Ollivander starts the same tirade, wand after wand, one after the other...


"Curious...Maybe 'that'?" After testing EVERY single wand in the damn shop, waiting for more than 3 hours, Mr Ollivander goes back to the store.. taking something he never took out before.

"Well, isn't that ominous." James gets hit on the side by Lily, who tells him to shut up. All the family, including Harry, is Nervous about Harry not having a wand.

"A wand never created before. An 'Elder Wood with not one, but 3 Cores, the thunderbird tail feather, a Pheonix Feather and a Dragon Heartstring.' a supposed Strongest wand, other than the famed, BUT the mystical Elder wand." Mr Olivander comes with a box, its condition speaking for itself; it might have been created since the beginning of the Shop's opening.

"My ancestor created this wand, when wand making was at its Earliest. When Wand Making didn't have any Rules. This wand, made of the oldest wood, and the three powerful cores to ever exist., it's a miracle that it didn't explode during its creation." He places the wand on the desk, not daring to even touch it.. this makes everyone, including Olivander nervous.

"Jackpot." Harry is confused about what I am implying.

"Hold it Harry, this wand is Made for You." Harry starts panicking, voicing his objections.


"No buts Harry. Trust me, you can do this." Technically speaking, this Wand isn't made for anyone. I can sense just how powerful and volatile it is. Even with just the wrong touch, it will explode with immense Magical power. Harry would never be able to conquer the wand and make it his.

If he didn't have me that is.

The wand has a protection surrounding it, coming from the Feather of the Thunderbird, while it is empowered by The Phoenix Feather. The Phoenix Feather is connected to the Elder wood, is powered up by the Dragon Heartstring. Whoever made this was crazy, but A monster in wand making. I...can make it Submit.

"Just trust in me." If Harry was able to acquire this wand, then the power jump would be enormous, even I will get a power boost from it.. now, how will I Make it Submit.. it's simple.

I will Devour it.

"Maybe we could order a Custom wand-" Lily speaks up, trying to make Harry leave the Store, but Harry reaches for the wand.. and Holds it.

I immediately do my job, a blob of pure goo forms from the hand Harry is holding the wand, and covers all over the wand. The wand immediately releases a pulse of magic, which could have destroyed the store, but it doesn't affect me at all.

I sleep through the edges, devouring the elder wood and the protection granted by the Thunderbird Feather, And reach the place where all 3 Cores are joined. Another pulse is released, with the power of reducing the store to ash, but again, it doesn't affect me.

I cover all 3 Cores and... Start devouring it, devouring the entire wand in a single second and creating a new wand, with all the power that I gained from the Overpowered wand, but This time, Connected to Harry's magic circuits and With a Touch of...Me.

This wand, let's call it Symbiote Wand.. is similar looking to the devoured wand, but it is compatible with Harry, and Harry alone.

Mr Olivander's eyes go wide, seeing the 'wand' he Gave to the kid, not reacting. He wants Harry to Wave, and Wave Harry does with his new 'Wand'.

The table gets pushed back, Olivander just barely Jumping out of the way. Not just Harry, but the entire Family is surprised with the power of this wand.

Henry is the first one to snap out of it, and he is excited.

"You are just like me.. powerful.. I'll show you something when we get home." There is a little bit of arrogance there, but it doesn't really matter that much.. Harry asks the question.

'What happened?' he for a second doesn't believe I don't have a hand in this.

"I absorbed the wand, and remodeled the wand after your Mana Veins." He is surprised, but excited. Even though I am satisfied, by Absorbing the Power of the wand, I can replicate the 'Pulse' of Magic that it can do, and more.

The potters Quickly pay Olivander the money, the poor guy is still in shock and leaves, appearing again at Harry's new Home.

Godric's Hollow.

The house Harry was born in, the House where... his grandparents were killed, the house where he had his best and worst childhood memories. This...is his home.

The potters go inside for a second, before Henry drags Harry to the Garden, where he said that he will show Harry something.

"I couldn't control it all that well before..the wands I used before were Spare wands given to me by Dumbledote..but I just know with my Wand, I can properly do my 'magic'." Henry grins, and raises his wand to the Sky.

The clouds get darker, and it starts to...Crackle?

"What the?" Both me and Harry speak at the same time, not understanding what Henry is doing, but before we can question it-


Henry Yanks his wand downwards, and in the same moment, from the Sky, something also Drops-


A resounding Boom occurs, but that is not want me and Harry are focusing on.What we are focusing on is the effect that the *BOOM* had, a crater in the ground, around 5 feet deep and 8 feet wide.. but the *BOOM* Was caused by-







SpiritFest13 SpiritFest13


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