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40% GOHAN THE LEGACY / Chapter 16: Activating dragon ball and Cell's end

Bab 16: Activating dragon ball and Cell's end

For power stones, if I get 20 power stones, Then I will publish 500 more words. If I get 100 power stones, I will post two 1,500-word chapters a day.

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[I recieved aound 30 power stone so i am giving 3000 words (500 are bonus)]


[i am using Mr= San in jamanese]

"Mr. Popo, please help me in the future."

Dende really didn't know how it worked, so he sought Mr. Popo's guidance.

"Gohan, please wait here for a moment," Mr. Popo said.

"Okay," Gohan and the others nodded.

After that, Mr. Popo took Dende into the inner hall to pass on the responsibility of Earth Guardian.

Only Gohan, Bulma, and Trunks were left in the Temple of Heaven.

Gohan asked about Cell, "Have you found Dr. Gero's research lab or anything about the androids?"

Hearing this, Trunks, who was about to touch Gohan's tail, also stopped.

Bulma replied, "We haven't found it yet. Dr. Gero is good at hiding himself. His methods are very advanced, even for me."

"I researched a lot about the Red Ribbon Army and Dr. Gero and guessed many possible locations for the lab, but I couldn't find it."

"I even offered a reward for clues, but not many people came."

Gohan asked, "Is there any useful information?"

Bulma said, "Yes, I have a few clues, and I'm checking them one by one now."

"Let's check these clues first. If we can't find it, we can ask Shenron for help," Gohan said.

"Yeah," Bulma agreed.

Trunks, curious, asked, "Gohan, is Shenron really that magical and powerful? Did Shenron help your arm grow back?"

Trunks often heard stories about Shenron but had never seen the Dragon Balls or Shenron, and his curiosity was at its peak.

Gohan said, "No, Porunga did help fix my arm. Shenron can grant most wishes within its power."

Trunks continued, "What are Shenron's limits?"

Gohan looked at Trunks carefully and felt he had the potential to ask many questions.

Gohan said, "It's hard to explain, but try not to make weird or impossible wishes."

"Is that so, Mom?" Trunks asked Bulma.

"Yeah, that's right," Bulma nodded.

The three of them talked for about ten minutes.

Mr. Popo came out with Dende from the inner hall.

Dende was wearing a white cloak and seemed more confident.

"Is the inheritance complete?" Gohan asked.

Mr. Popo replied, "Yes, it's a simple ceremony. Dende is very talented."

Gohan said with a smile, "See, Dende, you are perfect for this responsibility."

Dende scratched his head, a bit embarrassed.

Gohan continued, "So, Dende, when can you start activating the Dragon Balls?"

"Now is fine," Dende said.

Then he looked at Mr. Popo and said, "Mr. Popo, can you get a model of the dragon? I need it to activate the Dragon Balls."

Mr. Popo said, "Sure. I carved a dragon model when I was bored. It's in the inner hall. I'll get it."

He returned with a wooden dragon sculpture.

"Dande is this okay?" Mr. Popo asked, showing the sculpture to Dende.

The sculpture was lifelike, modeled after an Eastern Dragon.

"Yes, Mr. Popo, please put it on the ground," Dende instructed.

"Ok," Mr. Popo nodded and placed the sculpture on the ground.

Dende approached the dragon and squatted down.

Everyone, including Gohan, watched curiously.

Dende covered the sculpture with his hands, chanting in a strange language.

His hands began to glow with a faint golden light, which grew brighter until it enveloped the dragon model.

A bright light burst forth like sun rays, and everyone squinted their eyes.

A thick golden light shot into the sky, then turned into seven meteors.

Everyone watched until the light disappeared and the dragon sculpture was gone.

Dende wiped sweat from his forehead and said, "Okay, the Dragon Balls are activated. We just need to collect seven Dragon Balls to make a wish."

"How many wishes can we make?" Gohan asked.

Dende replied, "We can make three wishes, but they're a bit weaker than the ones from Namek."

Gohan laughed and patted Dende on the shoulder, "That's still amazing. Thank you, Dende."

"You're welcome," Dende said, happy that he was useful to his friends.

After a while, Gohan and the others said goodbye and returned to West City.

At Bulma's house, she was fixing the Dragon Ball Radar.

It hadn't been used for over ten years and needed some repairs.

Gohan and Trunks watched from the side.

Trunks stared at the radar, excited and curious.

Seeing Trunks' expression, Gohan teased, "Trunks, do you need to use the bathroom? Don't hold it in, it's not good."

Trunks blushed, "No, I'm fine. Gohan, can I collect the Dragon Balls? Please don't take them from me."

"Okay, I won't," Gohan agreed.

"Promise?" Trunks asked, raising his hand for a high-five.

Gohan clapped his hand, "It's a deal."

"Finally fixed it," Bulma said, holding up the radar.

"Here you go, Trunks," she said, handing it to him.

Trunks took the radar, shivering with excitement.

"I'm off," he said, breathing quickly.

"Go on, come back soon," Bulma smiled.

"Yeah," Trunks nodded and sped off.

Gohan watched him leave, thinking about Trunks' curiosity.

Bulma said, "Gohan, come here. I want to show you some clues I found."

"Okay, I'm coming," Gohan replied, noticing the seriousness in Bulma's words.

"See this on the screen," Bulma said.

On October 3, 769, I spotted a robot in the Yunz Highlands. The robot was fast and seemed very powerful. I suspect it was made by the Red Ribbon Army.

On March 28, 776, something unusual happened in Penguin Village. Parts of a mysterious machine fell from the sky.

On the morning of August 15, 778, a strange energy wave, not sure if it was ki or not, came from the Gobi Desert, 300 kilometers north.

On July 7, 777, a group of people claiming to be members of the Red Ribbon Army came to Pasley Town.

Bulma reviewed 13 pieces of information provided by government officials. The Earth's population is not large, and most humans lived in the mountains and forests before the death of Androids 17 and 18, so news was scarce. It was surprising to find so many reports because the government does not want anything like this to happen again.

Yunz Highlands, Penguin Village, Gobi Desert, Pasley Town, Papaya Island, etc...

Gohan and Bulma carefully considered and finally chose three places with the most suspicion: Yunz Highlands, Gobi Desert, and Dani Desert.

On the first day, Gohan and Bulma went to the Yunz Highlands to search. After searching all day, they found nothing. Yunz Highlands got removed from their list.

When they returned in the evening, Trunks had collected seven Dragon Balls and placed them on the table. They could summon the dragon to make a wish at any time. The Dragon Balls on Earth are much smaller than those on Namek. The Dragon Balls on Namek are as big as basketballs. The Dragon Balls on Earth are only the size of fists.

The seven Dragon Balls were neatly arranged in front of Trunks. Trunks held his chin with both hands, thinking about what wish to make. Seeing Gohan and Bulma coming back, Trunks stood up with a joyful expression and said excitedly, "Gohan, Mom, I have collected all the Dragon Balls. When can we summon the dragon to make a wish? I can't wait."

Gohan said, "Don't worry, let's wait a few more days until we check the clues we have selected."

"Oh, okay then," Trunks replied, lowering his head in disappointment.

Seeing this, Bulma asked curiously, "Trunks, do you want to make a wish?"

"Yes, that's right," Trunks replied.

"Don't waste the wish. Tell me, what kind of wish do you want to make?" Bulma asked.

"Will it not work if I say it out loud?" Trunks asked, a little worried.

Bulma chuckled, "No, this is not a birthday wish. It's a wish to the dragon. Even if you say it in advance, it doesn't matter if others know it."

"Well, I want to wish that the three of us can live happily together forever," Trunks said.

What a wish!


Bulma and Gohan were silent. They didn't expect Trunks' wish to be like this. Thinking of how excited he was the whole day, rushing to find the Dragon Balls, their hearts were touched. The look in their eyes softened as they gazed at Trunks.

There was a blush on Bulma's face while looking at Gohan.

Gohan rubbed Trunks' hair and smiled, "Trunks, you don't need to make this wish because we will definitely be together forever."

"Really?" the 13-year-old boy asked.

"Of course," Gohan nodded. "I thought you were going to wish for world peace."

"I'm afraid even the dragon can't grant that wish, haha," Bulma said.

The next day, Bulma was working on the time machine at home. Gohan and Trunks flew to the north side of the Gobi Desert. The Gobi Desert is located 300 kilometers from North City and covers an area of more than 10 million square kilometers. It is vast. The vegetation here is scarce, mostly desert and weathered rocks. Although there are oases, they are few and far between. Some weathered rocks have bushes growing tenaciously, showing their resilience.

Under the scorching sun, waves of heat rose from the Gobi Desert, making it hard to breathe. But Gohan and Trunks are not ordinary people. After experiencing the extremes of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, this heat was nothing to them.

They flew over the Gobi Desert. Gohan said, "Trunks, let's split up. You go this way, and I'll go that way. If we find something, we'll signal each other by increasing our ki. Got it?"

"Got it, Gohan," Trunks nodded.

They each held a circular detector and started searching.

Half a day passed quickly. Gohan was fully focused, flying in the air, carefully observing the ground. After a while, a weathered stone forest appeared in front of him. This forest stretched for miles with no end in sight.

Gohan frowned, holding the detector in his hand, and flew into the stone forest. About ten kilometers in, the detector in Gohan's hand suddenly vibrated and made a sound as if something had been detected.

"Huh?" Gohan raised the detector to his eyes in surprise. There was a red dot on the screen, flashing with a warning sign.

This gadget, kinda like the Dragon Ball tracker, got a tweak by Bulma. She changed it up from the combat power detector used by Frieza's army. Now, it spots weird energy changes and computer stuff.

Gohan's gadget looked for computer signals nearby. In this empty desert, it found computer signals. That's weird.

Gohan held the gadget and glanced around. After a bit, he landed and saw a cave. It was well hidden with bushes all around. You'd never find it without the gadget.

Gohan use low powered ki blast lit up the bushes with a flame, burning them away. Now, he could see the cave's hole. He waved away the dust and jumped in.

After walking a bit, he found a heavy steel door. It had a logo on it—a red background with white edges and two big R's. That was the Red Ribbon Army's logo.

Gohan was happy. He found Dr. Gero's lab. He boosted his energy a bit and told Trunks. Trunks felt Gohan's ki got up and flew over.

Trunks got there and asked, "Gohan, did you find it?"

Gohan pointed at the door. "Yeah, it's behind this door."

Trunks checked the door. "Wow, this thing's thick and strong. What now?"

"We'll have to open it by hand. Trunks, you do it, but be gentle so you don't break anything inside," Gohan said.

"Okay," Trunks nodded.

Gohan stepped back. Trunks pushed his hand against the door, and while using ki. With a loud bang, the door shook, and bits of rock fell. The thick steel door broke from Trunks' push.

"Oops, I think I used too much force," Trunks said sheepishly.

"It's okay, let's go," Gohan said, clearing the dust. They went inside, with Trunks following.

Inside, the lab was lit up by glowing stones on the ceiling. Dr. Gero dug into the mountain to make this place. It was filled with wires, big black computers, and papers.

In the main room, there were three capsules. Two were open, and one was closed, with energy pipes in it. Nearby lay Dr. Gero's skeleton. He got killed by Android 17 after trying to control him with a remote.

Gohan squatted by Dr. Gero's body and took a pen. He kicked the skeleton away and told Trunks to gather useful stuff.

Trunks nodded and put everything in a storage capsule. Gohan went to the capsules. He put the open ones away and checked the last one. It had a number: 16.

Through the glass, Gohan saw a tall android with short red hair and green armor. It was Android 16, based on Dr. Gero's son.

Gohan decided to wake up Android 16. He had good strength and was peaceful. Even if he went wild, Gohan could handle him. Trunks could too.

Gohan found the start button and pressed it. The lid creaked open. Trunks, who finished gathering, came over.

"Gohan, what are you doing?" Trunks asked, noticing Android 16 waking up.

Trunks suddenly stopped and stared at Android 16, who had just come out of the hibernation capsule.

"Gohan, is this the android you said is Dangerous than 17 and 18?"

Trunks didn't sense any danger from 16, but he was still cautious. After all, 17 and 18 looked harmless too, but they turned out to be monsters. This one could be the same.

"Gohan, let me handle him."

Trunks' energy flared up, causing a strong wind that made everyone's clothes flutter and almost blew the roof off.

"Trunks, hold on!" Gohan hurriedly stopped him. If he had been a second late, Trunks would have attacked.

Though Trunks didn't understand why, but he stopped and calm down.

Android 16 stood still, watching Trunks with wary, then looked at Gohan.

After a few seconds of silence, he said in a low voice, "Are you Son Gohan?"

"Yes, I am," Gohan nodded, looking curious.

After another short pause, 16 continued, "You're different from what's in the data."

Gohan replied, "Of course I am. I'm in my 20s now. When Dr. Gero died, I was only 9. Your data probably only has my childhood info."

Hearing about Dr. Gero's death, 16's pupils shrank, but he quickly regained his composure. "So, the Doctor is dead. That's a shame."

He looked at Trunks. "Who is he?"

Gohan said, "He's Trunks, Vegeta's son."

Then Gohan asked, "16, now that Dr. Gero is dead, do you still want to fight us? What are your plans?"

16 shook his head. "No, I don't like fighting." He thought for a moment, then continued, "I don't know what I want to do. Maybe I'll wander and live in the mountains to protect animals."

Gohan nodded. "That's good. I know you love peace and nature. If there's a crisis on Earth in the future and you can help, please protect our home, okay?"

16 looked at Gohan seriously and replied, "Yes."

His expression was still cold, and he spoke very little.

"Can I leave now?" 16 asked.

Gohan stepped aside and said, "Sure, but 16, you have a powerful bomb in you. If you want it defused, come to me or Trunks. We'll take you to Bulma, and she can help."

"Okay, I got it," 16 agreed, then strode out of the lab.

Watching him leave, Trunks was puzzled. "Gohan, what's going on?"

Gohan explained, "He's not the target we're looking for. Even though 16 is powerful, he's not aggressive and won't harm the Earth. It's good to keep him around we can get a fighter which can help in need ."

"Oh," Trunks responded, still half-confused. "But Gohan, how do you know 16 isn't aggressive? 17 and 18 didn't look dangerous either, but they're monsters."

Gohan said, "I can't explain it fully, but if something does happen, I'll destroy him myself."

"Okay. By the way, we searched the lab, but didn't find any computer making androids like you said."

Gohan pointed to the floor with a smile. "Who said we searched the whole lab? There's a secret base down there."

"Ah!" Trunks was shocked.

"Watch closely." Gohan stepped down with his right foot with force.

Boom! Crack, crack!

The floor exploded, revealing a huge big black hole.

"There's really something down there," Trunks said in amazement.

"Let's check it out," Gohan said, jumping into the dark hole. Trunks followed closely behind.

In just two seconds, they were in the basement. It was dim, and the environment was unclear.

Trunks fumbled and found the light switch. "Click," he turned on the light. The basement became bright.

Compared to the spacious lab, the basement was much smaller and simpler. In the middle stood a huge intelligent computer, still running, and next to it was a machine with a cylindrical glass container filled with green nutrient solution. In the center of the solution was an ugly embryo—Cell.

Trunks pressed his palm on the glass. Cell's eyelids twitched as if it could wake up any time.

"Gohan, is this the thing?" Trunks asked.

Gohan nodded. "Yes, that's it."

Trunks said, "Why does it feel familiar?"

Gohan explained, "Maybe because this guy has my cells."

"How come?"

"Dr. Gero used robot bees to collect cells from many strong fighters and combined them to create this monster. It has cells from me, my dad, and your dad, even Frieza and King Cold."

"That's really a monster..no..no ..its abomination," Trunks said, surprised.

Gohan said, "Trunks, move aside. I'll destroy it."

"i want remove this thing as soon as possible not like those isekai Mc who make oponent reach their final form and defeat them while not caring about people life"thought Gohan

"Okay," Trunks responded and stepped aside.

Gohan raised his hand, spread his fingers, and a blast of energy blew up the glass container.

Boom! The nutrient solution splashed everywhere.

The Cell embryo rolled on the ground, trembling and making squeaky sounds.

Gohan mercilessly stepped on it, turning it into a pool of mush. Then he threw another energy blast, leaving only a charred mark on the ground.

The Cell embryo or egg whatever that was reduced to ashes.

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