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DxD: The Son Of Poseidon

Penulis: PoorManX

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Chapter 1

Unknown POV:

Unknown Location, USA:

"The boss is in his bedroom. There are 12 guards patrolling the yard, 20 guards at the windows and doors and the last 4 guards are stationed at the gate. The wife has now arrived and is laying beside him. Do I have permission to complete the mission?" I asked into the ear piece, looking through a pair of binoculars as I sat crouched on a tree branch, hidden away from sight by the numerous shrubbery around me. The mansion was isolated and hidden away in a mountain range, so there was no one for a few dozen kilometres. The perfect chance to finally finish this three-month long mission.

"Proceed with your main objectives, Trident. Kill Donoviento, his mate and all of the guards. Make sure the Donoviento Coven dies tonight and transfer all assets and funds of Donoviento Corporation to the Huntsmen Organization."

"Will do, Supreme Commander. For the Greed of the Huntsman is everlasting."

"And the blood of our quarry is ever-flowing." Taking off the ear piece, I placed it in a hidden pocket of my black bodysuit as I took a final breath, getting ready for the greatest kill I've had in a long time. It's not every day one gets to exterminate an entire vampire coven.

'Icicle Fantasia' Taking an entire canister of holy water out of my pocket dimension, I dumped it all out before grasping it with telekinesis as I slowly moved it into strategic positions. As I moved the water around the area, I also removed and compresses parts of it for each guard, forming the globs of holy water into thin ice needles.

"My conscience is non-existent. I hunger for this work - my missions. No disturbance…no waves. A monster becomes a victim. A predator becomes prey. I kill with quiet efficiency. No ordinary target for only the strong are my quarry. As I say this prayer, I send you off from this life and guide you to everlasting rest. Amen."

As soon as I finished my prayer, I raised my open hands before clenching them into fists. The needles shot forward, each one piercing a guard before I opened my hands again and the needles exploded inside the target, turning them into pincushions as spikes protruded from every angle.

"AhhhhhhH!" Both husband and wife screeched as soon as the holy water splashed on them, only to gasp and choke in pain as I transformed the water into daggers and sliced their heads off. Not wasting a moment, I rushed out of the tree and towards the room, cutting the head off of every guard with a blessed silver dagger before burning the rest of their bodies with a quick fireball.

You can never be sure with ghoul slaves.

"And now, time for a little hacking. Leo, you're up." I muttered as I picked up the vampires' heads before sealing the heads, along with the heads of the guards, into a piece of runic enchanted parchment, burning their bodies away with a fireball. Finally done, I took out a USB, inserting it into Donoviento's PC before watching the magic as the USB attached transparent light blue strings and began downloading everything on the PC while also transferring all the data, liquid money and assets of Donoviento Corporation to the Huntsmen Organization.

When Nikola Tesla makes a hacking device, he makes sure that it's the best in the business.

As soon as it finished and retracted its transparent strings, I took it out before hiding it inside my bodysuit. Taking the ear piece out, I turned it on and put it back on my ear as I stared at the carnage around me, waiting for the commander to answer.

"This is Supreme Commander, Trident."

"Supreme Commander, prey have been eliminated and trophies have been taken. The Donoviento coven, along with all its 214 branches, are officially exterminated."

"Good. Clean up and make sure to leave no trace. Trophies must be delivered to the branch office near you. Payment will be transferred upon trophies being received."

"Of course, Commander. Trident out." With that said, I jumped out the window before leaping high into the air, diving for the ground before slamming a hammer fist into the ground just outside the mansion. The earth around the mansion trembled. before the entire area began to sink into the ground, the house and walls crumbling into pieces. I let the ruins sink deep into the ground before I stopped the earthquake, closing the hole with even more dirt before leaving it to look like a small clearing.

"Sometimes, it's fun to be a demigod son of Poseidon." A sea-green crest appeared under me, a light blue kraken with Greek, Roman and Latin runes around it and a deep green trident on its forehead. Taking one last look at the previous place of the mansion, I grinned before teleporting away.

Unknown Location:

Arriving outside Johnny's Book Archives, I walked into the shop, the attendant at the desk looking pale as I smiled at him and they just nodded shakily.

"W-Welcome. The usual?" I nodded and they pressed a hidden button on the desk, the bookshelf behind them sliding open as I walked past them and through the new door, hearing it close behind me as I walked down a hallway. Opening the door at the end, I was greeted by a pure white door and opening it revealed a lab/ morgue combo.

"Ah, Tri! My favourite customer! I assume you have a few new…toys for me to play with?" The man dressed in a black lab coat asked and I just rolled my eyes as I handed him the parchment.

"You really need to calm yourself down with the morbid jokes, Jack." I said and he just giggled madly as he took the parchment, looking excited as he placed it on a table before sending a bit of magic into it and the heads rolled out onto it.

"I wouldn't be Jack the Ripper if I was the average madman, now would I?" I just chuckled as he pressed a few buttons on the computer and I felt the phone in my pocket vibrate, pulling it out and grinning as I saw the money in my account.

"And that's another job well done! You know, you have done over 10 000 missions for the Organization. I'm sure the boss is going to force you to take a break any day now just to get you out of his hair." I just shook my head as I put the phone away.

"Bye, Jack! And make sure to eat this time."

"No promises!" He exclaimed over his shoulder as he pushed the table of heads through a door and I chuckled as I walked back the path I came, nodding at the nervous attendant before walking out, walking into an alleyway before teleporting back home.

A Week Later, Mount Olympus:

"Boy! If you don't open this door in the next ten seconds, I'm going to vaporise you with my Master Bolt!" A familiar grumpy voice shouted from downstairs at my doorstep before I heard a whack and another familiar male voice speak.

"Brother! Stop threatening to vaporise the only nephew you like!" I just sighed as I stood up from my bed and just put on my boxers, ignoring the three naked nymphs lying in my bed.

Sometimes, I hate the fact that I inherited my father's libido along with his powers. The ADHD doesn't help either.

"Finally! Didn't you hear us shout your name the first few times?!" Uncle Zeus shouted as I opened the doors, his blonde hair shining in the sunlight as his electric blue eyes sparked slightly. Father just shook his head with a sigh, his black hair swaying in the wind as his sea-green eyes looking at me in affection. Uncle Hades just chuckled in the background as his red eyes glimmered with amusement and his silver hair shone in the light.

All three brothers were dressed the same and had the same body build. All three were over 6 foot tall, light caramel skinned, muscular men with an impressive jawline and dressed in a dark blue(Poseidon), bright blue(Zeus) and silver(Hades) suit.

They were 'Gigachads' as the modern society would call them. Thank the Gods I never got into the internet like the rest of those my age.

"Father, Lord Hades, King Zeus. Please, come in." I said with a grin and Zeus just grumbled as he walked past me, Father and Uncle Hades laughing as they greeted me before walking in and I lead them to the living room.

"How many this time?" Father asked with a knowing look as the three of them sat down on the sofas and I went to the kitchen before coming back with three glasses of nectar and a glass of orange juice, handing them the nectar.

"Just three. Much better than the 23 of last week."

"Well, considering you're your father's son along with my champion, it's no wonder you're struggling to keep your libido in check. In fact, I would dare say it's impressive that you can even function without sleeping with a random woman every day." Uncle Hades said after he took a sip from his glass and I chuckled before Uncle Zeus cleared his throat.

"Enough chit-chat. I assume since you were still sleeping, you have no current matters that require your immediate attention?"

"Not at all. The Commander forced me to take off work for the next year since I've just finished a big quest." Uncle Zeus' eyes lit up before he nodded.

"Wonderful! That's good because the Greco-Roman pantheon wants to hire you for an important quest." Instantly, the atmosphere of the room turned serious as both Father lost his usual carefree smirk and Uncle Hades his little amused grin.

"I assume it's to do with every God in Olympus frantically running for the past week as if the apocalypse is coming for us." Zeus gave a chuckle as he nodded.

"Indeed. This is not common news and only the 12 Olympians along with Elder Sister Hestia know of this, so I need you to promise that you will not reveal this news to anyone that doesn't know of it."

"I promise on the River Styx that I will not reveal the information I'm about to receive from Lord Zeus to any person who does not already know of it without his permission." Thunder boomed loudly outside and Zeus nodded before Father spoke.

"A week ago before you returned from your quest, the Shinto Pantheon and the Norse Pantheon visited the Olympian Gods privately in search of creating a three way trade and non-aggression alliance. However, just a day after that, Susano'o found out that two teenage Devils along with their peerages have been living in his territory for about a year. He was not able to detect them because of a barrier around the territory that hides them from his senses, but one of the Devils missed a magic blast and destroyed part of the barrier, allowing him to sense them." I frowned at that before I spoke.

"I assume he was not too pleased with that?" Uncle Hades chuckled as Father and Zeus just shook their heads.

"If by that, you mean storming to Kuoh Town whilst riding a massive hurricane and trying to kill the two Devils, then yes, he was not too pleased. Unfortunately, for him, the two Devils were Rias Gremory, the heir to the Devil Pillar House Gremory, and Sona Sitri, the heir to the Devil Pillar House Sitri." My frown turned to a grimace as I thought about who would be there to defend them.

"Let me guess. Their older siblings were already there to stop him by any means necessary?" All three nodded and I sighed.

Serafall Leviathan, formerly Sitri, and Sirzechs Lucifer, formerly Gremory. Two of the Four Satans of the Underworld and two former commanders of the Anti-Satan Faction in the Devil Civil War that happened five hundred years ago.

Serafall Leviathan AKA 'The Queen of the Frozen Tundra' and one of many S-Class threats as known in the Huntsmen Databooks, is not someone I'm too worried about. I, along with the nine other division captains and the Supreme Commander of the Organization, can deal with her easily if she does come after us.

Sirzechs Lucifer, however, is a man/ Devil feared by all beings, no matter if they're a demigod, a Titan, a Deva or a God. Known as 'The Crimson Prince of Destruction and Decay' or 'The True Devil', he was ranked FOS in the Databooks: Flee on Sight. He was also known by all the pantheons for being a MAJOR siscon and to even look at his litter sister the wrong way was to incur the wrath of a Demon God. The man's greatest feat was obliterating 100 000 assassins that the Old Satan Faction hired to try and kill her.

Even the Supreme Commander of the Organization, a man known for defeating and killing various Gods, is wary of facing the man in battle. He could survive a battle against Lucifer, but that meant the Commander would have to use his most powerful Treasures and from what I know of him, he doesn't like staining his precious blades with the blood of 'Tainted Mongrels' as he liked to call non-human entities.

"So, I assume Susano'o is dead?" Uncle Zeus shook his head before he spoke.

"Fortunately no. However, he has permanently lost his right leg, his left arm and the left side of his face has been destroyed beyond repair. Unfortunately, the Shinto Pantheon is now threatening to go to war with the Devil Faction and since we're in an alliance with them, the Greco-Roman and the Norse Pantheon are being asked to follow the alliance's rules and fight alongside them."

"Thankfully, Amaterasu managed to calm the Shinto Pantheon down and we've managed to come up with a way to help mend the damage between the Shinto Pantheon and the Devil Pantheon. That is where you come in." Father said before I spoke.

"I'm not marrying anyone." I said instantly and all three looked at each other before they laughed.

"Don't worry. We're not forcing you to marry anyone. In fact, this might be beneficial to you. The Greco-Norse-Shinto Alliance has decided to send three representatives, one from each Pantheon, to monitor and keep an eye on the Devils in Kuoh Town. You will also be asked to send back reports and any documented files you can make on the Devils and what they're doing. This is just a re-con mission, but if the town is attacked, you three will be asked to defend the two and make sure there are no casualties."

"A basic re-con and protection mission? That's easy. How long is it for?" I asked with a grin and Father chuckled before he spoke.

"For the year. Next year, you might be asked to stay again, but then you will be asked to take leave once more from your work."

"The Commander might not be happy…but as long as you're paying a nice price for it, I'm sure he can write it down as an official long term mission." I said with a cheerful grin and Father and Uncle Hades bursts out laughing as Uncle Zeus just grumbled.

"Fine. We'll contact Gilgamesh and finalize the mission plans." I nodded and the three smiled and nodded before they stood up.

"Get ready for leaving tomorrow. I'm taking you to Kuoh myself since the leader of the Pantheon needs to be there along with their representative." Uncle Zeus said and I nodded before he nodded and disappeared in a spark of blue lightning.

"As dramatic as ever. Well, I'll be leaving now, Brother. Nephew, remember that you're the Champion of Hades. So if you're facing anyone…"

"Make sure to beat their ass thoroughly and do not lose to any weaklings." I answered and he chuckled before nodding, walking to a shadow in the room before sinking into it, leaving just Father and me in the room.

"Your mother misses you. You don't come visit as often as you did." Father said with a grin and I rolled my eyes as we walked to the front door. One thing I know about Father is that when he teleports, water tends to splash everywhere, so he doesn't like to teleport indoors.

"I'm 28, Father. She knows I'm busy with work and I try to visit when I can." He just nodded.

"Also, your Grandmothers told me to tell you that if you don't come and visit in the next few weeks, they'll appear out of nowhere, put you over their knee and tan your behind." I just sighed with a grin as I opened the door and he chuckled as he walked to stand a bit away from the door.

"I'll see if I can. Send Mom and Aunt Amphitrite my love." He just smiled as he began to glow blue.

"You know she likes you using her nickname." I just chuckled and he smirked before waving goodbye and disappearing in a flash of dark blue, water splashing everywhere but not quite reaching the door. I sighed as I closed the door, going over the information I just received as I walked back upstairs.

Guess this Hunter is about to get back to work.

"Theseus~ Where are you~?" I heard a soft female voice travel down the stairs, hearing the moaning of two other soft, female voices in the same room as the first one.

'…Let me take care of that and then I'll get ready.' I thought as I sprinted back up the stairs as fast as I could.

A/N: It took us a year and a few months, but finally, Frost of Time is back as An Arctic Trident.

Yes, I know, the MC is supposed to be the grandson of Zeus, but there is a reason I changed his lineage. Ice is frozen water. Water is the domain of Poseidon. Poseidon is my second favourite Greek God(Hades being my favourite), so why not just make him the demigod son of Poseidon?

Just a few things. Theseus does not have Cocytus with him(I know…it was agonizing to remove him from the story.) However do not worry. He will still appear but later in the story as I have discovered a way to include him.

Also Theseus is not only the demigod son of Poseidon, but his mother is still alive and the demigod daughter of a certain Greek Ice Goddess. She will make an appearance .later, but know that his mother IS alive and she's living with Poseidon and his wife, Amphitrite, as his second wife in Atlantis.

Also, the story is starting a year before canon to make things more interesting and to allow me to add new arcs. Other than that, I don't have anything else to add, so with all that said and until next time… Ba-Bye~!


Advance Chapters available at my p atreon:


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