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65.11% This DCverse is Maddening / Chapter 28: Chapter 27: Can’t Catch a Break

Bab 28: Chapter 27: Can’t Catch a Break

"You can't stay here anymore."

She broke the silence like a hammer to glass, shattering his composure completely. Snapping his head in her directions, mind whirling and grasping for any kind of explanation.

'I haven't even touched any drugs, nor any weapons. The police shouldn't come looking for me anywa-' Rage billowed into Albert's mind, a person already coming to mind,' Is Barbara the cause of this? Did she or her father send police to try and shake me down?!'

If she had, then any form of civil cooperation was immediately off the table. Now and in the future. Especially if this was some sort of ploy to make him desperate enough for the Bat family to swoop down and 'save' him… Lets just say they'll be in for a rather harsh surprise..

"Calm down kid," The matron exhaled a thick plume of pungent smoke, easily seeing his distress. He almost thought he could sense a twinge of pity before it got swallowed up completely by years of hard living.

He knew flying into a rage wouldn't help him in the situation, nor would begging. This was a woman of her word, if she said he was out then nothing would ever change her mind.

"Can you tell me why?"

While he couldn't change the matron's decision, information would always be welcomed.

"Some men came looking for you." She tighten her eyes together and only then did he recognize her shaking fingers as they clutched desperately on the fiery lifeline. Looking closer, Albert saw more. Hunched shoulders, slightly paled skin, fidgeting body and eyes darting around the empty street.

'Fear..' His own anger sloshing off him, like melt snow. He knew the woman didn't fear the cops. At all. She saw them as nothing more than incompetent and lazy fools. Not worth her tax dollars. So with that, the possibility of this being caused by either a nosy red head or her father faded in the background.


He was almost afraid to ask, especially if it shook someone like the smoking woman so much.

"They said they work for Black Mask.." She whispered, her fingers shaking further. Sweat pooling down her temple. Taking another desperate pull from the cancer stick. Albert's own heart began to beat loudly in his chest, the memory of the man casual disregard for human life not even an hour into his new life surfaced to the forefront of his mind.


A pop. Pool of red. Crying. Screaming.

Details came unbidden. The man clad in cruelty and a white suit. A face so mangled and scarred. Beady, cold brown eyes looking down on them as if they were mere ants. Garlic on his breathe. Red splattered across his clothing.

The smell of iron and gunpowder filling his nose.

"W-What did they want?"

Albert croaked, equally as shaken in the moment. He could be all blase about it all when the man was behind bars and half a city away, but now when faced with that same razor like danger all over again filled him with that same sense of dread. It was as though the man was standing over him, exuding an aura of menace that weighed down heavily on his psyche. Reminding him of one very simple fact.

'I am not safe..'

"They wanted to pass on a letter.." She gulped audibly before reaching into her pocket and pulling out a single folded up piece of paper. Taking the note with equally distraught fingers, he unfolded the letter before reading it. Cold sweat drenched his back.

'I hate rats the most.'

[SAN: 37/45]

It was like he could hear the gunshot that followed those five short words. Death. A relieved expression laid on the employees face even after half his head was blown off.

It took every bit of strength Albert could muster not to just collapse on the cold concrete, to curl up into a whimpering ball of terror. His eyes just kept taking into those five syllables. Twenty characters that made him feel the burning hot stock of that gun sear his flesh.

Ragged breathes, struggling to intake much needed air. Chest tightening, muscles twitching. Stomach churned and nausea filled the teen. Burning hot bile threatened to erupt from the depths of his throat. Completely erasing any form of hunger he might've felt.

"I don't know what kind trouble you got yourself in.." The matron trembling voice slipped in through his near panic attack," But leave. Not just here, but Gotham all together. Go somewhere, anywhere else. The further the better."

'I would if I could..'

That's exactly what he wanted to do, flee out of this cursed city. Away from these monsters waltzing around in human skin. It would solve all of his problems too, Black Mask's influence only extends to maybe a few cities outside of Gotham. And if he was quick about it, no one would ever know he had existed. He could start a new life anywhere, preferably somewhere with no superhero activity. But if that wasn't possible, then Metropolis or Central City. Where one of protected by a godlike boy scout and a speedster that uses quip as a primary weapon.


Like Albert thought before, he didn't trust the system to not just count that Major Case as forfeited the moment he stepped foot out of the city. And while a crime lord was scary, acquiring another talent would significantly increase his own survival chance. Call it greed or foolishness, it still didn't change the power a new talent would give him. Resourceful had already more than enough proved the point.

'Why was he coming after me now?!'

He couldn't wrap his mind around that fact. The man was already in prison and wouldn't getting out anytime soon, what was the point of threatening some kid? Because that's exactly what those words actually were. A menacing promise barely concealed by the veneer of an innocent sentence. The why wasn't important to him in that moment.

"You can stay here for the night." She spoke in a trembling voice, fingers no longer having enough strength to keep the cigarette aloft," But that's it. I want you gone by the morning. I refuse to allow this shelter get dragged down by that man's ilk. Please do not come back."

"I'm sorry." Albert whispered, sorrow and terror strangling him. Head drooped in defeat as he read that sentence again and again. Mind short circuiting, not really hearing her words but getting the meaning well enough. He didn't think it would've been a problem, especially since he was such a small fry. Completely inconsequential in grand scheme of things. But it seems whatever was going on behind the scenes, had made this point moot.

The fading footsteps and door closing shut were the only response to his useless apology, leaving him to lean against the cold brick. He use to believe sun sets were beautiful in Gotham, the way the orange light pierced through the gloomy city had given it the appearance of a paradise in the rough. That no matter how dark and despairing it was, it could slowly change and become something great.

But now, it felt as though those same sky reaching building were like the teeth of a great beast slowly inching its jaws close to consume him wholly.1


"What are we going to do Bruce?"

A dark haired teen asked his mentor, green gloved hands creaking audibly as they tightened into fist. His eyes narrowed under that black domino mask as they both looked down on the slumped youth from so high up.


The large man grunted, cowl mask still locked on their target. Black as night cape whipping ominously in the breeze, making him look like some kind of midnight specter.

Those words were like judge hit their gavel, final in all ways. As though to sentence the despondent youth. Robin's head snapped in the caped crusaders directions, eyes easily showing his disbelief. Mouth turning down in a scowl, the teen got ready to try and argue with the stubborn man.

"For now."

The Batman continued, ending the coming debate before it even began. Grumbling inaudible words, Robin crossed his arms over that iconic bright yellow 'R'. Discontentment emanating from that sign of defiance weighed heavily on the dilapidated rooftop they had found themselves.

Dick knew why Bruce dragged them here, as some kind of dis from their normal vigil. He knew that some of Black Mask's people had tracked down Albert's living quarters and left a cryptic note written in the crime boss's hand. And wanted to see the teen's reaction in person.

He honestly thought it was some kind of unique, short hand code. Like if the two were working together, it could be new orders to be carried out. Maybe it even had something to do with that bo-


Robin chided himself for that distractions, pushing aside that little bit of curiosity before it could take root. Ever since that tome had came out empty, he had spent more time and effort into decoding the pictures Bruce had captured. Without any tangible results, other than a pounding headache and a more irritable disposition. He couldn't risk being distracted on these rooftops, having no idea when some goon would come out of nowhere and try to pepper them with bullets. No such thoughts would be strictly reserved for when he was safely sequestered in the bunker-like mansion.


He asked after taking a few deep, calming breathes. This little habit of his had quickly taken root after all those sleepless nights, especially after inadvertently snapping at a concerned Alfred. Hell had frozen over and couldn't apologize faster to the butler. He was still eating steamed broccoli to this day…

The sidekick had no idea had wriggled itself into Bruce's head to just let things stay as they are. Any chance of Albert working with or for Black Mask went out the window the moment they witnessed the teen collapse in on himself at the note left behind. Pity had sprouted up from his chest as even he could see that familiar terror on the boy's face. And honestly, he had expected that they would have went after the men responsible. After all, it was a rare opportunity to cut off the hands from the crime boss in prison. Him having less loyal people on the outside was good for everyone.

But that hadn't happened, instead the man hadn't even budged from his spot. Still staring down at the despondent boy, as though to memorize every little detail from him.

"We'll step in if they do anything further." Batman grunted, words having an edge of finality," With Black Mask in Blackgate, he'll be desperate to silence any witnesses that could be weaponized to extend his sentence. If his first set of men are taken out, then he'll turtle himself up and preserve the people he has on the outside."

'You just want Black Mask to expose more of his hidden cards..'

Robin could barely stop himself from rolling his eyes at the preferable chess game his mentor was playing with one of Gotham's most notorious crime boss. The man was incredibly adept at keeping loyal people in his pocket, and with their boss gone they had scattered like rats. Making it incredibly difficult to catch most of the bigger fish. So he would admit to the veracity of the caped crusader's plan, just not the morals of it.

It wouldn't be the first Bruce had used an unwitting person as bait and certainly not the last.


He asked, knowing full well nothing the Batman thought of would ever be so simple. The man was like an onion in that way. Layers upon layers and if the proper instrument weren't worn, could cause tears.

It was a few beats of silence before Bruce decided to deign that question an answer, knowing the boy would bug him endlessly otherwise.

"It'll put Nelson in a desperate state."

"Forcing him to be more proactive and possibly make mistakes.."

Robin nodded in agreement, seeing the logic evident. Normal people would be clumsy when responded to such a threat, frantically packing their things and fleeing the city was one such response. But he had the feeling that this teen wouldn't be fleeing into the night, nor would Bruce let him.

"How did they even find him?"

The sidekick mused aloud, it was a real head scratcher. None of the people who specialize in such things would want anything to do with Black Mask's ilk, the likelihood of getting dragged up in their mess was too high at the moment. And with the teen far outside of the crime bosses territory, it would be incredibly difficult for any remain members to stumble upon his location.

"I left a tip."

Snapping his head in the man's directions, disbelief filled him. Stomach churning at the callous methods, sometimes he honestly believed this city truly was cursed. It twisted people into grim mockeries of themselves, numbs them to basic human decency. Makes monsters out of men it did.

'Would Superman do such a thing?'

Maybe it wasn't fair to compare the two. One was a literal god among men. Bullet proof, flight, super strength, heat vision and 'frost' breathe. He could afford to use less merciless tactics. But Batman? He was just a normal guy...okay not normal, dirty rich. But still just human at the end of the day.

A stray bullet could still leave him a bleeding mess somewhere.

Even then, Dick felt the man had gone to far in this instant. To actively give information to a criminal organization just to achieve some goal…

'It's wrong.'

"Black Mask's organization needs to completely destroyed." Batman growled, easily seeing right through his wards expression," So much so that even if he gets out, there will be nothing left to rebuild. Plus this will put pressure on Nelson, Barbara is already prepared to offer him asylum."

"Barbara knew?!" This night left like he had taken multiple blows to the head, revelations hammering into his being. He thought he knew the redhead well. She was a stalwart protector, more than willing to sacrifice more and more of herself to those in need. Letting any injustice slide simply wasn't in her 'MO' (Modus Operand), but for her to even agree to this kind of shifty plan…


The man's bland response irked him, he was sure the cape crusader didn't see anything wrong with this little scheme. Not only could they begin to dismantle Black Mask's hold over the city, but also keep a closer eye on their quarry with it being suspicious. It could even engender a sense of gratitude in Albert strong enough where he'll just spill out his secrets. He could see how this would most certainly work.


Dick Grayson didn't want to be like that. He didn't want to play these mind games when there was a different option on the table. One where he didn't need to tip off criminal elements just to kick them into gear. His parents taught him to be better than that..

"What if Albert finds out?"

After watching the teen actions, he knew there was a pretty high possibility of him finding out that all this was fabricated. That inquisitive spirit would lead him right to their doorstep. Maybe not in few hours, days, weeks, months or even years. But eventually it would happen. And simply put, the fall out will be...rather explosive.

'Is this how he turns into a villain?'

"It doesn't matter."

Bruce's dismissive attitude wasn't unfounded. What could a sixteen year old do? He didn't possess powers, wealth, nor support. Even if he did some claw himself to the upper echelon of society, there would still be no recourse. And simply put, it wouldn't go well if the teen decided to get violent with the Bat Family. They had fought more dangerous foes in the past and vengeful teenager simply couldn't match up.

"It might not matter now." Dick began to pace from end of the rooftop to the other, mind whirling," But what about in the future?"

"The future is the future." The man intoned, not sounding in the least bit concerned," All we can do is prepare for the possibility."


"Enough." Bruce growled, losing patients under the bird-themed cape barrage of questions," What's done is done. Nothing can be done to undo anything. If Nelson grows into a threat because of this, then we'll be prepared for the worst."

"But you didn't even try to do anything to curtail that possibility!" Dick, now visibly fuming, retorted. Looking as though he might just try something that'll leave him broken and bruised on the ground. Not something ideal to say the least.

Glaring up, venom dripping from the teens lips, he felt that burning pit of anger starting to rise up in his chest.

"This isn't even the first time! How many times have your own machinations brought nothing but trouble to the world at large!" Anger flared its tattered wings, preparing to jump off the precipice,"If I didn't know any better I'd say you wanted him to come after you!"

"I do."

Those simple words shocked Robin to such a degree that it took every bit of wind out of his sails. Confusion warred with wrath internally.


He croaked, slumping himself against the edge of the rooftop. But it seems that was the end of the conversation as the man didn't event release a grunt or even react to his question. After a few minute, the teen stood up and skulked away. Feeling completely fed up with the gargoyle.

"I'm done for the night Bruce."

The teen sighed in defeat as he allowed gravity to pull him off the building. Memories came flood back as the air tousled his dark locks. The crowd cheering, warm air, his parents leaping and falling like fairies through the air. Tears threatened to escape from his eyes.

'Would you be proud of me now Mom? Dad?'

EldritchFictor EldritchFictor

1. I was struggling a lot trying to walk through a slog. It felt as though I was forcing myself to continue writing. And honestly, the story was lagging behind so I decided to add some much need kindling to this waning flame.

If you guys are enjoying the fic, wish to support me and/or want to read ahead the public, I do have a patreon: EldritchFictionFan! There you will have early access to my fanfics and EXTRA early access to my original! Thank you all for reading!

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